Slavery was abolished in Broche et Minete.
Broche et Minete
05-08-2004, 03:03
The Nation rebuil their economy.
We don't need the money of salvery.
We will destroy our black market and will create a new business.
Slavery was abolished? Why isn't it still?
Also, that was a very bad post. You should really describe what happened to abolish slavery and all that stuff more. Also, use a dictionary.
Santo Nunca
05-08-2004, 03:23
The Nation rebuil their economy.
We don't need the money of salvery.
We will destroy our black market and will create a new business.
Broche et Minete
05-08-2004, 13:24
Slavery was abolished? Why isn't it still?
Also, that was a very bad post. You should really describe what happened to abolish slavery and all that stuff more. Also, use a dictionary.
Financial Report of Broche et Minete
In the last year some nations had revealed uneasy with the existing slavery in our nation leading our Minister of the Foreign affairses to ask for financial and económics aid. It started to have in the corridors of the power a will to change the relative politica to the slavery. The esclavagist party was very weak after the natural death of the Minister of the Finances Ricardo Cardoso. Since this height the Government was being each anti-esclavagista time starting some reforms important in the economic and financial program. One of the reforms most radical was to finish with the regulation and the taxes on the traders and the companies. Ahead of these reforms economic-financiers a report was made that it related in an improvement of the substantial economy. In a meeting of ministers the resolution was voted that abolished the slavery in our nation. The Minister of the Finances and the Minister of the Foreign affairses had disclosed its arguments while the Minister of the Work specified that the Nation total was turned for the slavery. The resolution was the votes and 87% voted favor and 13% against.
And thus finished the slavery in Broche et Minete.
05-08-2004, 13:35
The Government of Falastur applauds the actions of Broche et Minete in abolishing slavery, and offers them support and economic aid (if needed) to help them recover from losing their primary trade.
English is not your first language, is it?
05-08-2004, 13:38
English is not your first language, is it?
OOC: His nation name is French. What do you think?
Well, I dunno. I've met plenty of foriegn people who speak good English.
(Were they (the foreigners) Canadian/Australian/South African... heh, sorry, carry on. Dra-pol would comment on the slavery issue, but until someone makes enemies of the People's Republic we tend not to care even a little bit.)
05-08-2004, 14:10
Well, I dunno. I've met plenty of foriegn people who speak good English.
Yeah, it's just the name kinda gives it away, you know....
Broche et Minete
05-08-2004, 22:23
English is not your first language, is it?
Não. Não é.
Se o inglês é péssimo a culpa é do tradutor do Altavista.
Alexzandrian Military
05-08-2004, 22:34
The government of Alexzandria applauds the actions of Broche et Minete and hopes that soon other nations that still retain slavery will soon abolish it.
Communist Mississippi
05-08-2004, 22:41
Não. Não é.
Se o inglês é péssimo a culpa é do tradutor do Altavista.
He is Portuguese. He is using a translation program I believe.
São de Portugal corrige? Isso é muito interessante. Portugal tem uma história rica. Sou particularmente um ventilador do Salazar velho de Antonio de líder.