Trade with us and Vexia, looking for new diplomatic relations.
04-08-2004, 11:42
Come and join in the RP and work on some diplomatic relations.
Ourselves, Tobittstan (toe-bit-stan), are a large nation, however a relatively new nation. We are situated in the United Nation States, and are most friendly with the nation of Vexia. I would also hope that any other nations would like to become friendly with us, and Vexia also.
Vexia wishes to make it clear that we have no relation beyond that of trade and neutrality with the Tobittstanians.
The Imperium of Vexia is not and will not associate itself as part of or as a father nation of Tobittstan.
Tobittstan is an independent Nation with friendly relations to us. the Imperium does not accept responsibility, nor will it aid or hinder any diplomatic relations or millitary incursions to or with Tobittstan.
Thank you.
04-08-2004, 15:47
Did we say otherwise? We merely wish to befriend some like minded nations, and Vexia and ourselves have a strong friendship.
04-08-2004, 19:52
I would now like to point out that ourselves (Tobittstan) have come to an agreement and are now allied with Vexia. I will post the agreement terms below so i have witnesses to this alliance, and so Tobittstan is not bummed out by Vexia.
1. Vexia have no less than 2 Millitary bases of 3 square km each in Tobittstan, for their complete and discreet use.
2. Vexia use Tobittstan's Factories to help design and produce a Missile Tank, which Tobittstan may also use and produce for themselves.
3.Tobittstan allows Vexia full use of its ports for repairs to our Carrier Groups.
4. Vexia must not use these bases or ports to launch an invasion against Tobittstan or any of it's present/future allies, providing those allies have not declared war on Vexia, in which case Tobittstan will set it's stance with these nations to neutral and help Vexia with aid, but not on the fighting front.