Pure Evil tests 3 new super weapons
Pure Evil
04-08-2004, 10:42
The nation of Pure Evil has sucessfully tested 3 new weapons each at the front line of design in there respective fields. While the exact specifications are TOP SECRET questions will be answed to a resonable degree.
1: IBI-23 is a new multiple warhead ICBM with a range of 12,000NM. Not only provide a large range the IBI-23 is designed to defeat even the most advanced missile defense system, the warheads used in the IBI-23 are advanced to say the least. Careful shaping of each warheads lowers radar signatures, individual liquid nitrogen cooling system lower the IR signature of the warheads and to top it off each warhead as 4 booster rockets that allow them to manuver simply "side stepping" incoming defenses.
2: PEAB-13 a high altitude, high speed strategic bomber. Able to cruise at over MACH 2 at 70,000ft for 13,000km with a bomb load of upto 24 heavy bombs (2,000lb+). Using modern design the PEAB-13 is invisible to both radar and IR sources.
3: PEA-14 a not yet fully finalised design of a gorund attack aircraft.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
04-08-2004, 10:45
We congratulate the nation of Pure Evil on these developments, and wonder when the PEA-14 will be completed, and when these designs with be for sale, if ever.
Pure Evil
04-08-2004, 10:55
We estimate that PEA-14 will be finished within 2 RL days.
These actually systems will never go on sale but slightly downrated version of the PEA-14 (PEA-15 for export) and PEAB-13 (PEAB-13b for export) should go on sale shortly.
04-08-2004, 10:55
How do you cool the rocket plumes of the manouvering ICBM, and how do you make an aircraft moving at mach 2 invisible on IR? Aditionally, nothing can ever be invisible on radar... it just becomes very small and is filtered out.
Pure Evil
04-08-2004, 11:05
How do you cool the rocket plumes of the manouvering ICBM, and how do you make an aircraft moving at mach 2 invisible on IR? Aditionally, nothing can ever be invisible on radar... it just becomes very small and is filtered out.
The rockets that are used to manouver the warheads are very small and unless you are already looking at the warhead through IR equipment they will not be identified.
The terms "invisible" are used lightly, we know very well the limitations of a stealth aircraft. The skin of the PEAB-13 is cooled, that massivly reduced the IR signature. While they can be picked up it is just about as close as you can get to being invisible.
04-08-2004, 11:51
IR sensors don't go after the aircraft it'self, usualy. They go after the hot plume of exhaust. it would be a good idea to bleed off the liquid nitrogen too, otherwise the containers will explode.
04-08-2004, 12:01
Actually CAPTOR, the IRST device from the EF typhoon is stated as actively looking a tthe IR signature generated by the friction on the aircrafts skin.
04-08-2004, 12:05
I didn't say ALL, I said they don't usually look for that. The exhaust plume is harder to hide... also, you'll need to bring an awful lot of nitrogen with you
Pure Evil
04-08-2004, 12:42
I didn't say ALL, I said they don't usually look for that. The exhaust plume is harder to hide... also, you'll need to bring an awful lot of nitrogen with you
You keep cooling the nitrogen. While some it lost you don't need to bring a too large amount of it. An oxygen generation system will easily compensate for any extra weight the system will bring.
The reason the fuselage is cooled is to both confus ground defense and missiles. If an IR missile is launched at the plane it will start to track the exhuast of the plane and not the actual aircraft.
04-08-2004, 12:59
ah... there's a common misconception. when you cool something, you draw the head out of it. But you still need to put that heat somewhere... have you noticed that the tops and backs of fridges are always extremely hot? Heat is energy, and energy can not be created or destroyed. If you carried a LOT of nitrogen, then you could spill the nitrogen at ambiant temperature. If you only bring a little, and keep most of it, the plane will heat up normally.
Pure Evil
05-08-2004, 08:37
The heat from the plane is bleed off through the exhuast fumes. Using high power peltiers the nitrogen is cooled with all heat being expeled via the exhaust. While this does produce extra heat in the exhuast it will confuse just about all IR missiles. A system that simply vented the nitrogen does not provide enough cooling at high speeds while a highly pressurised closed system does. Pop off valves makes sure that if the nitrogen starts to boil it will not cause an explosion.
We have experimented with the OBIGGS (on-board inert gas generating system) of extra nitrogen but this is still in development. Until such times this system will have to do the job.
Der Angst
05-08-2004, 08:42
You know, not being an aeroengineer and still trying to use techbabble might result in problems...
05-08-2004, 09:52
the system you describe will actually create more heat than it dissapates... and you don't want your exhaust to be hot. That's an extremely bad thing, a lot of thermodynamicists work long hours to try and figure out how to keep the exhaust cool.
The usual practice to reduce IR signature on aircraft is to use paint that releases heat in a different spectrum that doesn't transmit through air as well.
Pure Evil
05-08-2004, 10:29
the system you describe will actually create more heat than it dissapates... and you don't want your exhaust to be hot. That's an extremely bad thing, a lot of thermodynamicists work long hours to try and figure out how to keep the exhaust cool.
The system is designed to keep the BODY of the aircraft cool. Yes, peltier do create heat but the heat is transmitted into the exhausts, I could even add an extra exhuast justs for the pelteirs. Exhausts are engineered to work well in the conditions they are used for, it's not simply the cooler the better as each case is different.
The cooling of the body has several advanatages: It will confuse IR missiles and most will target the exhaust and miss the aircraft, It stops thermal expansion of the body increasing the amount of time the aircraft can stay supersonic for longer and not require extensive used of exotic metals lowering weight.
Any more questions?
05-08-2004, 10:32
Sorry =) I get carried away. As long as you know what's happening.
Pure Evil
05-08-2004, 10:36
Sorry =) I get carried away. As long as you know what's happening.
Doesn't matter. I enough the ocasional discussion about topics im interested in. Ill take some out your sugestions into consideration and the final design may be very different.