03-08-2004, 08:45
For the first time, Chardonay has decided to release some of her surface warships on the common market... All of these warships are produced by DCA
Chardonay, in memory of Admiral Lafitte who recently perished in the battle between Doujin's BBCNs and IDF SDs, is announcing the development of the Admiral Lafitte class Dreadnaught.
Compared to other dreadnaughts, the Admiral Lafitte seems underweight, but she is a pure line of battleship, with none of the bastardized carrier systems of ships like the Doujin.
Length, 320.0 m
Beam, 60.0 m
Depth, 12.0 m
132407 tonnes normal displacement (120933 tonnes standard)
Weapon Systems:
Main battery: 9 x 46.0-cm grouped in three turrets... two in the bow, and one in the stern.
Secondary battery: 20 x 15.5-cm grouped in turrets of two guns each, with 5 arranged along each broadside
AA battery: 20 x 3.0-cm point defence cannon
Light battery: 10 x 7.5-cm quick firing supercavitating cannon.
20 trebuchet missile tubes.
100 VLS tubes with 2 reloads each.
5 octuple arbalist missile launchers.
5 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 2 Wrong Whale type decoy dirigibles.
Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 4 Priest BCDS, 2 Director BCDS
Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang integrated surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array
Aircraft: 2 helicopters and 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones
Structure: 120cm of Improved Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves.
Main belt, 122.0 cm; bow and stern, 100.0 cm
Upper belt, 100.0 cm
Torpedo bulkhead, 30.0 cm
Armor deck, average 40.0 cm
Conning tower, 40.0 cm
Battery armor:
Main, 122.0 cm / secondary, 70.0 cm
AA, 20 cm cupolas/ light guns, 20 cm cupolas
(Chardonayan Improved Armor is half the mass of steel, hence the very thick armor, and is approximately 3 tmes as effective at stopping both kinetic energy projectiles and HE projectiles)
4 Pebble bed reactors delivering 150 MW each
Propulsion: 8 waterjets, propelling the ship along at a maximum speed of 45 knots, and cruising speed of 40knots in Sea State 7. Cruising range is 15000nm.
Compliment: 1500
Krasny Rasvet (Red Dawn) class BCGN
Displacement: 31608 tons standard, 30 000 fully loaded
Dimensions: 190m x 30m x 10m
Powerplant: 3 pebblebed reactors developing 75MW of power each
Propulsion: 8 waterjets
Maximum Speed: 46 knots
Range: 15 000 miles at 46 knots (limited by consumables)
Compliment: 750
20 tubes for Trebuchet SSMs
1 chardonayan VLS system for Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs, and Speargun ASROCs (10 10 cell launcher systems)
6 quad launchers for Arbalest SAMs (3 reloads)
2 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
6 155mm Flak Cannon
4 30mm Point Defense Cannon
2 75mm Quickfiring Cannon with supercavitating shells
4 hull mounted 533mm torpedo tubes behind shutters, two bow, two stern
Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 1 Wrong Whale dirigible decoy.
Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 4 Priest BCDS, 2 Director BCDS
Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array
Aircraft: 2 helicopters and 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones
Structure: 30 cm of Improved Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves have been placed for and aft in armored cupolas. The 155mm cannon are placed in a double turret in the bow, and a double in the stern with a single on either side slightly aft of amidships. On either side of the single turrets are the tubes for the Trebuchet Missiles, angled 45 degrees up. The sextuple Arbalest launchers are mounted on the second level of the superstructure, with one facing fore and aft, and two more amidships. The VLS tubes for the Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs are spread out, with 4 in the bow and 6 in the stern.
Operation: Over-the-horizon sighting for the Trebuchet missiles can be provided by helicopter or drone or satellite. Cat Eye optical sensors can detect the launch of missiles over the horizon, and if necessary can handle tracking and acquisition of air and surface targets, but usually hand over the tracking to Mouse and Tiger radar systems. The combination of optical (from IR to UV wavelengths) and standard millimeter band radar make for an extremely accurate system, even against sheathed aircraft. The Krasny Rasvet’s powerful combat computers and communications hardware mean that, though it is perfectly capable of fending for itself, it never goes anywhere without a supporting battle group. However effective it may be alone, it’s strength is multiplied many times over with the addition of additional radar and SAM platforms, and it is a waste not to use her as a command ship. As well, though a capable ASW platform, she should have protection from submarines; the 75mm cannons are only a weapon of last resort against incoming torpedoes, and the 4 torpedo tubes only fire anti-submarine torpedoes. A favorite tactic of commanders is to keep one standard and one supercavitating torpedo in the bow and stern tubes. When attacked by torpedo, the Krasny Rasvet would flush both torpedoes at her attacker causing it to break off the attack immediately to avoid the supercavitating torpedo, and stay away to avoid the second one. In the mean time, the Krasny Rasvet would be steaming away at 46 knots, launching 5 Deerfly Drones to find and kill the miscreant.
$2 billion
Admiral Suvorov class CAGN
In memory of then-Captain Suvorov who engaged and captured a convoy going to resupply a Tequilan army laying siege to Ivangrad. The convoy was guarded by two frigates and a sloop, but Suvarov attacked with the 5th rate frigate Norka. Captain Suvorov was hit by roundshot near the end of the battle, and continued shouting orders even as the surgeon's mate amputated both his legs. He did not survive his injuries. Because of his efforts, the siege was broken. Suvarov was promoted to Admiral posthumously, and Norka has been added to the Chardonayan Honor List.
Displacement: 19 000 tons standard
Dimensions: 195m x 25m x 8.5m
Powerplant: 3 pebblebed reactors developing 50 mw each
Propulsion: 6 waterjets
Maximum Speed: 47 knots
Range: 15 000 miles
Compliment: 400
1 chardonayan VLS system for Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs, and Speargun ASROCs (10x10 cell launchers)
2 sextuple launchers for Arbalest SAMs (4 reloads)
2 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
2 155mm Flak Cannon
4 88mm Flak Cannon
4 30mm Point Defense Cannon
2 75mm Quickfiring Cannon with supercavitating shells
4 hull mounted 533mm torpedo tubes behind shutters, two bow, two stern.
Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 1 Wrong Whale dirigible decoy.
Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 2 Director BCDS
Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array
Aircraft: 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones
Structure: 30cm of Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves have been placed for and aft in armored cupolas. Aditionally, every possible effort has been made to reduce the Admiral Suvorov’s radar signature, and though it doesn’t count quite as stealthy, it appears closer to the size of a frigate on radar. The 155mm cannon are placed in a double turret in the bow, and the 88mms two a side. The sextuple Arbalest launchers are mounted on the second level of the superstructure, with one facing fore and aft each. The VLS tubes for the Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs are spread out, with 5 running along each side, and 5 in the stern.
Operation: The Admiral Suvorov heavy cruiser is designed for extended raiding cruises. That is the sole reason for the nuclear reactors, which are a rather gaudy and inefficient method of powering a ship this size. It’s expenciv and wasteful, but allows the Suvorov to operate independently for some time. Its low observable hull allows it to get close enough to targets to launch massive volleys of SSMs, and has enough air defence to fend off a small airforce. Gnat drones, with their phenomenal range are used to scout out enemy formations, whereupon the Admiral Suvorov proceeds to shadow and destroy them. Submarines it can run from easily as it’s drones blow it out of the water. Unfortunately, the Suvurov adds almost nothing to a battlegroup. It’s a scaled down version of a Krasny Rasvet, and one of the sacrifices was the massive CIC and C3I systems that made the Krasny Rasvet a success in fleet actions. The Suvurov is one of the few Chardonayan ships without any kind of inter-ship datalink; which isn’t a problem… Suvurov captains prefer to operate alone anyway.
$1 billion
Chardonay, in memory of Admiral Lafitte who recently perished in the battle between Doujin's BBCNs and IDF SDs, is announcing the development of the Admiral Lafitte class Dreadnaught.
Compared to other dreadnaughts, the Admiral Lafitte seems underweight, but she is a pure line of battleship, with none of the bastardized carrier systems of ships like the Doujin.
Length, 320.0 m
Beam, 60.0 m
Depth, 12.0 m
132407 tonnes normal displacement (120933 tonnes standard)
Weapon Systems:
Main battery: 9 x 46.0-cm grouped in three turrets... two in the bow, and one in the stern.
Secondary battery: 20 x 15.5-cm grouped in turrets of two guns each, with 5 arranged along each broadside
AA battery: 20 x 3.0-cm point defence cannon
Light battery: 10 x 7.5-cm quick firing supercavitating cannon.
20 trebuchet missile tubes.
100 VLS tubes with 2 reloads each.
5 octuple arbalist missile launchers.
5 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 2 Wrong Whale type decoy dirigibles.
Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 4 Priest BCDS, 2 Director BCDS
Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang integrated surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array
Aircraft: 2 helicopters and 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones
Structure: 120cm of Improved Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves.
Main belt, 122.0 cm; bow and stern, 100.0 cm
Upper belt, 100.0 cm
Torpedo bulkhead, 30.0 cm
Armor deck, average 40.0 cm
Conning tower, 40.0 cm
Battery armor:
Main, 122.0 cm / secondary, 70.0 cm
AA, 20 cm cupolas/ light guns, 20 cm cupolas
(Chardonayan Improved Armor is half the mass of steel, hence the very thick armor, and is approximately 3 tmes as effective at stopping both kinetic energy projectiles and HE projectiles)
4 Pebble bed reactors delivering 150 MW each
Propulsion: 8 waterjets, propelling the ship along at a maximum speed of 45 knots, and cruising speed of 40knots in Sea State 7. Cruising range is 15000nm.
Compliment: 1500
Krasny Rasvet (Red Dawn) class BCGN
Displacement: 31608 tons standard, 30 000 fully loaded
Dimensions: 190m x 30m x 10m
Powerplant: 3 pebblebed reactors developing 75MW of power each
Propulsion: 8 waterjets
Maximum Speed: 46 knots
Range: 15 000 miles at 46 knots (limited by consumables)
Compliment: 750
20 tubes for Trebuchet SSMs
1 chardonayan VLS system for Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs, and Speargun ASROCs (10 10 cell launcher systems)
6 quad launchers for Arbalest SAMs (3 reloads)
2 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
6 155mm Flak Cannon
4 30mm Point Defense Cannon
2 75mm Quickfiring Cannon with supercavitating shells
4 hull mounted 533mm torpedo tubes behind shutters, two bow, two stern
Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 1 Wrong Whale dirigible decoy.
Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 4 Priest BCDS, 2 Director BCDS
Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array
Aircraft: 2 helicopters and 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones
Structure: 30 cm of Improved Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves have been placed for and aft in armored cupolas. The 155mm cannon are placed in a double turret in the bow, and a double in the stern with a single on either side slightly aft of amidships. On either side of the single turrets are the tubes for the Trebuchet Missiles, angled 45 degrees up. The sextuple Arbalest launchers are mounted on the second level of the superstructure, with one facing fore and aft, and two more amidships. The VLS tubes for the Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs are spread out, with 4 in the bow and 6 in the stern.
Operation: Over-the-horizon sighting for the Trebuchet missiles can be provided by helicopter or drone or satellite. Cat Eye optical sensors can detect the launch of missiles over the horizon, and if necessary can handle tracking and acquisition of air and surface targets, but usually hand over the tracking to Mouse and Tiger radar systems. The combination of optical (from IR to UV wavelengths) and standard millimeter band radar make for an extremely accurate system, even against sheathed aircraft. The Krasny Rasvet’s powerful combat computers and communications hardware mean that, though it is perfectly capable of fending for itself, it never goes anywhere without a supporting battle group. However effective it may be alone, it’s strength is multiplied many times over with the addition of additional radar and SAM platforms, and it is a waste not to use her as a command ship. As well, though a capable ASW platform, she should have protection from submarines; the 75mm cannons are only a weapon of last resort against incoming torpedoes, and the 4 torpedo tubes only fire anti-submarine torpedoes. A favorite tactic of commanders is to keep one standard and one supercavitating torpedo in the bow and stern tubes. When attacked by torpedo, the Krasny Rasvet would flush both torpedoes at her attacker causing it to break off the attack immediately to avoid the supercavitating torpedo, and stay away to avoid the second one. In the mean time, the Krasny Rasvet would be steaming away at 46 knots, launching 5 Deerfly Drones to find and kill the miscreant.
$2 billion
Admiral Suvorov class CAGN
In memory of then-Captain Suvorov who engaged and captured a convoy going to resupply a Tequilan army laying siege to Ivangrad. The convoy was guarded by two frigates and a sloop, but Suvarov attacked with the 5th rate frigate Norka. Captain Suvorov was hit by roundshot near the end of the battle, and continued shouting orders even as the surgeon's mate amputated both his legs. He did not survive his injuries. Because of his efforts, the siege was broken. Suvarov was promoted to Admiral posthumously, and Norka has been added to the Chardonayan Honor List.
Displacement: 19 000 tons standard
Dimensions: 195m x 25m x 8.5m
Powerplant: 3 pebblebed reactors developing 50 mw each
Propulsion: 6 waterjets
Maximum Speed: 47 knots
Range: 15 000 miles
Compliment: 400
1 chardonayan VLS system for Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs, and Speargun ASROCs (10x10 cell launchers)
2 sextuple launchers for Arbalest SAMs (4 reloads)
2 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
2 155mm Flak Cannon
4 88mm Flak Cannon
4 30mm Point Defense Cannon
2 75mm Quickfiring Cannon with supercavitating shells
4 hull mounted 533mm torpedo tubes behind shutters, two bow, two stern.
Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 1 Wrong Whale dirigible decoy.
Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 2 Director BCDS
Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array
Aircraft: 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones
Structure: 30cm of Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves have been placed for and aft in armored cupolas. Aditionally, every possible effort has been made to reduce the Admiral Suvorov’s radar signature, and though it doesn’t count quite as stealthy, it appears closer to the size of a frigate on radar. The 155mm cannon are placed in a double turret in the bow, and the 88mms two a side. The sextuple Arbalest launchers are mounted on the second level of the superstructure, with one facing fore and aft each. The VLS tubes for the Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs are spread out, with 5 running along each side, and 5 in the stern.
Operation: The Admiral Suvorov heavy cruiser is designed for extended raiding cruises. That is the sole reason for the nuclear reactors, which are a rather gaudy and inefficient method of powering a ship this size. It’s expenciv and wasteful, but allows the Suvorov to operate independently for some time. Its low observable hull allows it to get close enough to targets to launch massive volleys of SSMs, and has enough air defence to fend off a small airforce. Gnat drones, with their phenomenal range are used to scout out enemy formations, whereupon the Admiral Suvorov proceeds to shadow and destroy them. Submarines it can run from easily as it’s drones blow it out of the water. Unfortunately, the Suvurov adds almost nothing to a battlegroup. It’s a scaled down version of a Krasny Rasvet, and one of the sacrifices was the massive CIC and C3I systems that made the Krasny Rasvet a success in fleet actions. The Suvurov is one of the few Chardonayan ships without any kind of inter-ship datalink; which isn’t a problem… Suvurov captains prefer to operate alone anyway.
$1 billion