Ship Missing ( Open)
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 02:21
Fellow Space Nations.
We Need Your Help.
Our BattleShip the ECF Galaxy was lost today.
We lost all contact with the Ships.
Telemetry shows that it was operating Fine when it lost contact. Warp Drive Was Stable,Fusion Generators Operating at Half Power.
The Ship Was Heading Out Of The Sol System at Warp 9.8 and 4.5 LightYears Later we lost contact.
Our Screach Ships cannot find it.
Any Help Would Be Greatly needed.
It is a Gold Colored Galaxy Class StarShip With Upgraded Weapons to compete with more advanced Races.
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 02:37
03-08-2004, 02:46
The Markacian International Affairs Committee notices that East Coast Federation gives their citizens little Political Freedom. We therefore suggest that the crew of your ship may have dedfected.
If you wish we may aid you in the search for your ship. However if the ships crew has defected and the crew are looking for a nation where greater political freedom is granted, we will give them refuge here until we hear their case. The ships location its self will be made know to you if we happen to detect it before your nation does.
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 02:54
I highly disagree with you.
The Citizens are very proud of there civil rights. Most do not care about there Political Rights.
But we are working towards giving them more. ( OCC: It's only been like that for a few days I'm trying to change it back because Poltical Rights are very important to me)
The Only thing The Said Is That They are heading for a Ship that was sending a distress Call.
OCC: Drop this whole Defecting thing,lets not make it end that fast
03-08-2004, 03:00
During the Markacian Governments emerncy parliamentery meeting it has been decided that the information supplied by East Coast Confederation makes it highly unlikely that deefection is an issue. With a ditress call made the Emergency Aid Commision of The Democratic Republic of Markacia has announced its intention to commit any Space Programme technology and unlimited ships to be under the control of East Coast Confederation as of immediate effect.
*hides several wrecked Galaxies under a big rug*
<_< >_> <_< >_>
... The Shivans did it... ^_^
-Message One-
"Oh boo hoo. You lost your stupid Saucerhead."
"Maybe if you had an ounce of engineering sense when you made them, they wouldn't keep blowing up all the time!"
EG63 Prime, Chief Engineer of Mekanta's Starship Development
Lieutenant to T3K
-Message Two-
"We will assist you in looking for your Saucerhead, and return the bodies of your crew if we find it has been destroyed."
"... But EG63 has a point... Saucerheads?"
M1K3, Captain of the MIGS Rogumer
Terminator Class Strikeship
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 03:11
OCC: It's Federation, Confedetion sounds Evil.
Please Please don't waste your ships on us.
We have a Task Force Heading there at Warp 9 and it should be here in 2 days.
The Galaxy did detect several moving disturbances.
We think they were cloacked enemy ships.
So any military aid you could provide would be nice.
OCC: I'll say it again. Star Trek Tech is the MIDDLE not the LOWER.
03-08-2004, 03:17
OCC: It's Federation, Confedetion sounds Evil.
Please Please don't waste your ships on us.
We have a Task Force Heading there at Warp 9 and it should be here in 2 days.
The Galaxy did detect several moving disturbances.
We think they were cloacked enemy ships.
So any military aid you could provide would be nice.
OCC: I'll say it again. Star Trek Tech is the MIDDLE not the LOWER.
Our Emergency Aid Agency will be delighted to offer you up to 100% of our military to assist you in finding your ship. However being a pasafist nation most of our ships are for Minister transportation use only. Our police force take on the duty of the military where if greater assistance is need we will negotiate before asking for military assistancec from other nations.
It's not the technology. It's the design. I think ST Federation Tech, given a bit of tweaking, would be fine on a ship with a different design. The Defiant is the only decent Federation design. Period.
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 03:20
OCC: I will have to agree with you there.
But The Prommie is very good to. Can Seperate Into 3 ships.
The only thing I hate is how the Warp Core is so exposed and how the Nacells on most ships are exposed and are on flimy pylons.
FINALLY!! Finally an ST tech nation REALIZES THAT!!
You've just gained a few points in the percieved intelligence department.
You could always abandon ST designs and just use the tech.
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 03:30
I think the Ships Look GREAT.
But they don't look very BattleReady if you know what I mean.
I would use Regular Ships Like the Galaxy for Light combat.
Take the Sovergin if you would add some more plyons to the nachells it might look more battleready.
I plan to use Defiants,Akria's,Galaxys,And a New Titan Conspcet.
But I will build alot of Defintas and Prommies.
All I'm really saying is how I dont like how the Nachells are only on ONE! Plyon.
If they had 3 or 4 that might be better for Combat.
We only plan to have about 120 of the so called sucaerhead desings.
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 04:23
pump the bump
East Coast Federation
03-08-2004, 14:32
uber bump
Orange state
03-08-2004, 16:13
We arent as advanced as you but we will send a few of our ships out round our system to look. We live in a system near the galactic core and most other races though us destroyed hundreds of years ago, though we are infact alive and well. ANyway, we will keep our sensors ticking over for such objects. And if we spot it, we will try to destroy its engines if it is out of control. If it is undamaged we will offer them docking and supplies (maybe in exchange for some nice shiny tech for sensors, better sheilds or engines, we do weapons pretty nicely) and will tell you about them.
10 R class corvettes and a single S class destroyer (corvettes each carry one light fighter) have been dispatched to search.
We have a single overlord battleship and escorts ready if it need miltiary aid or wishes us to disable it's engines.
(OOC: if my nations sees fit, if we see them as dangerous and trying to escape they will be unreported as well would be unwilling to fight unless necessary) Otherwise we will help you return them home.
We wont be able to reach it if it strays too far. Our ships only reach 0.09 light at the fastest if cruising, though we can increase this thrirty times if we power up our high speed engines. This doesnt seem to much of an issue as even geneboosted humans with advanced sensor arrays cant fight at higher speeds anyway... Its too fast to respond!
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 01:31
The Galaxy has sent us a Message when they were a safe distance away.
They have reported there is a secret base with ships using Bio Tech and seem to be bent on destoying the Human Race!
Any Help Would Be Needed. There Are 100 Enemy BioShips and this appeared to be there homeworld.
1 on 1 with one of there ships is suicide. The Galaxy almost Lost a Nachcell finding that out.
We are Sending a 400 Ship Task Force Made Mostly Up of Prommies and Defiants and several Sovgrin(SP) Class Ships.
We are going to wipe them out.
We will need any military help you can give us before they try and destroy anyone!
OCC; is anyone going to play the other Race?
04-08-2004, 01:33
"Ignore our Mekantan 'brothers'. They will assist you only to serve thier own means. We are prepared to dispatch the 17th wing of the Worldfleet to assist you, should you wish our help. Say the word, and we will be en route..."
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 01:39
We Will Need your help. But not Mekanta
These ships are Beyond anything any of us have.
The Fleet Will Meet 2 Lightyears away from the system.
Then using whatever high speed travel you have we will warp Into The System and wipe out anyting and anything in orbit,
I am Increasing the Fleet 125 Prometheus
,300 Akria's,30 Sovergins(SP)
And 30 SteamRunner Classes For Sstationm Bombardment.
Thats all we can spare for now.
Germanische Zustande
04-08-2004, 01:46
We are currently engaged in other, much more important matters, however, I believe that a science ship with destroyer escort could be deployed to assist in searching for you Galaxy class vessel. We have advanced sensor technology, and would be able to search with a great preciseness. We await your response...
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 01:50
The Galaxy Narrowly Escaped Being Blown up and is Limping back to Port at Warp 4
Imperial Klingons
04-08-2004, 01:51
The IKS Vor'cha intercepted unusual transmissions while on patrol in sector 21. They were too garbled for them to make out what was going on though. They probably came from a distance, and communications were partially jammed. Anyway, whatever it is, take the file. We do not know what to do with it, if it helps, so be it. Otherwise, delete it.
Good luck finding your missing ship.
<<<Connecting to Imperial Klingon Database>>>
<<<Connection Established>>>
"search file intercep11891a_"
<<<Audio File Located>>>
<<<Download Complete>>>
<<<Translating to appropriate frequencies>>>
"....eapons...line, ready shie.."
" .h.ip on an co.rse... f..ring!"
"...ields do..n... .2%! Com... another pa..s.."
"...amage re..t!"
"...eapons to..."
"We are .......g... urrender you... hip..."
<<<Elapsed Time: 20.1 seconds>>>
<<<File Ends>>>
<<<Replay, Seach, End?>>>
<<<Connection Terminated>>>
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 01:54
That would be them.
The Galaxy is one of our larger ships.
But If you could help us in annilating these ultra Advanced Physcos that would be Great.
Germanische Zustande
04-08-2004, 01:54
In that case, the UFGZ is willing to dispatch a the FSS Hammer of Justice and the FSS Honorable, battlecruisers with destroyer escorts, to aid in your search for the enemy... We suspect it may be Shivans...
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 01:57
I'ev only been RPing for about a month
Imperial Klingons
04-08-2004, 02:00
Help in conquest? Hmmm...
Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!
The IKS Vor'cha herself, and two K'Vort escorts, shall be on standby to help you. More Birds of Prey can be diverted if necessary, though civil war makes this undesirable.
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 02:04
Sort of Like conquest but more like utter annilation.
They said they would kill the "infeiror beings(SP)"
We Will Fight to the Death.
Our Fleet is just out of there sensor range. Cloack your ships and meet us at 454562.5235. Outside there Solar System.
They have 4 Planets all heavly defended.
I am sending more ships.
This brings our total to 500.
Germanische Zustande
04-08-2004, 02:18
ECF, I believe that my ships are more advanced than yours, and we await reply as to our assistance.
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 02:23
Yes we will need your Help.
We want as littlebloodshed on our part as possible. We neeed numbers!
Any Help is needed These ships are almost 20 times more advanced so we need a 5-1 advantage.
OCC;anyone going to be the enemy?
I may not be able to post for a bit but keep on posting
04-08-2004, 02:25
"You should be honored.
A humanoid holographic figure made of swirling numbers materializes on a communications monitor, smirking. It speaks with the Omnivoice of the Unification, the Voice of Neo-Mekanta.
"The Great Will of Neo-Mekanta has seen fit to send its Daughter against your foes. The Destroyer, Minagoroshi, has been dispatched with the 17th wing in reserve. We have yet to see any who have a way of defending against Minagoroshi's awesome power..."
"Only those specifically identified as friendly will be safe from Minagoroshi's rampage. Beware..."
Germanische Zustande
04-08-2004, 02:38
ECF, if Neo-Menkata is to be present, we withdraw our battlegroup.
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 03:02
We really do need as much help as possible because they will become a threat to all our races unless we stop it now!
If you have any isseues than bring them to us.
Germanische Zustande
04-08-2004, 03:11
In the interest of helping you, our freinds, we will send the battlegroup.
04-08-2004, 03:21
"It is nice to see you are not so immature so as to deny help to one you would claim as a friend because of a disagreement... We were worried a moment. It seemed you weren't as loyal as you would make yourself out to be..."
"Just do not get in our way..."
"Minagoroshi is en route..."
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 03:22
Alright That Means we have a proected Fleet of 700 ships.
700 vs 400 that are 3 times more advanced,
As Captain of Our BattleGroup
Take These wonderful and insperatinol Words
OCC: still need someone to play the Bio Ship Race.
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 03:51
I'm sending more ships to bring our Number to 750.
But thats all I can divert.
How Big are your battlegroups and how advanced.
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 04:23
If you can find the Fleet is Ok.
They Are Phased Cloacked ( yes I use Fed ST Ships )
They wil Decloack when you all Have Arrived.
Germanische Zustande
04-08-2004, 05:18
We are sending a battle group of three battle cruisers, six destroyers, twelve frigates, and 24 picket ships. We will lend them to you as long as needed. Should a ship(s) be destroyed, we will ask only for the data surrounding the destruction. May God be with you.
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 05:37
Alright We Attack Tomarrow!
OCC: I got stuff to take care off tomarrow so someone claim to be the invaders,
I'll be back in the afternoon!
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 15:18
pump the bump
Germanische Zustande
04-08-2004, 15:26
Our ships will be equipped with our new phase-shielding...
East Coast Federation
04-08-2004, 16:06
OCC: As Soon as Someone wants to be Enemy, Or we'll just count our losses by ourselves.
This Ships are still much more advanced.
But we have the advantage in Shear Numbers.
If we can get 5 Ships per one alien ship and concentrate our fire on one we can over whlem them.
We should divde out ships into squads with one of your more advanced ships leading each one.
The EnterPrise E will lead the battlefleet.
East Coast Federation
05-08-2004, 01:31
We are going to attack.
OCC: I won't move the fleet until you guys are ready/
05-08-2004, 01:42
"We refuse to operate in conjuction with those... THINGS..."
"After all... We cannot guarentee the safety of the Germanishe Zustande armada, as we are now in a state of war."
"You yourselves are fouled, now that you seek to align yourselves with ESUS. We hope your deaths at the hands of your enemy will be swift and painless."
East Coast Federation
05-08-2004, 01:48
Thats Ok,
We will be able to Defeat Them anyway.
East Coast Federation
05-08-2004, 03:15
pump bump
East Coast Federation
05-08-2004, 14:26
OCC: I"m going to use this to see If I can really get a good RP battle in for once!
11-11-2004, 18:29
It's not the technology. It's the design. I think ST Federation Tech, given a bit of tweaking, would be fine on a ship with a different design. The Defiant is the only decent Federation design. Period.
OCC: Out of curiousity what technology do you like? I agree ST needs some
tweaking.... I have been considering redesigning the defiant into a larger
more powerful class ship.