NationStates Jolt Archive

The Ocelot Tank Destroyer, now for sale!

Huzen Hagen
02-08-2004, 21:28
The Empire is pround to release our latest creation for sale to the wider world. The HT-109 Ocelot is a dedicated tank destroyer. Not so much a tank as an assault gun it is designed to be used as a defensive weapon and to be used in abushes.

The Ocelot is extreamly heavy and much of this is accounted for by its armour but performance is not hindered due to the size of the tracks and the engine. The Ocelot is bigger then most MBT's in order to increase the size of the tracks, this means that the tank will have more traction then it knows what to do with and this allows it to have a higher off-road speed compared to its onroad speed then most tanks in existance and off-road is where the ocelot is designed to fight.

All though the tank is long and wide it is 2.3 meters high giving it an extroadinarily low profile. The two machine guns can be folded in and tucked away to assist in camofladge when the tank is in a prepared position. Here it can become almost invisible and snipe at enemy tanks with its lethal 140mm gun. The gun is complimented with a sophisticated sighting system incorporating night vision, infa-red and daylight optics which allow the ocelot to operate at anytime in almost every condition. Its sophisticated electronics suite even allows, to a limited extent, co-ordinates to be transmitted to the tank and they used to attack if visibility is particularly poor.

The engine for this vehicle is a masterpeice of engineering and designed to maximise the ocelots prowess, it has been specially designed in order to maximise fuel efficiancy (minimising the ocelots effect on the logistical chain) and to be quiet giving the ocelots nickname of the "stealth tank". Noise reduction allows the ocelot to sneak up on enemy and not give itself away untill it is too late for the enemy when camofladged.

The unusual shape of the ocelot gives it previously unheard of side and rear protection. The armour, electronics and weaponry make this possibly the most lethal and advanced tank on the modern battlefield today.

Weight: 79tons
Length: 10.5 meters
Width: 3.8 meters
Height: 2.3 meters
Speed: (on road) 45kph
(off road) 27kph

Fuel Consuption: 3mpg
Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander loader)

1x 140mm (available in rifled or smoothbore)
1x 20mm chaingun
1x .50 machine gun
2x 5 barrel smoke dischargers

Ammo capacity:
40 140mm rounds
4000 .50 cal
3000 20mm

Armour in mm:

Protection against HEAT shown in brackets, against sabot shown with no brackets.

Upper front: 960 (1700) Lower front hull:610 (880)
Side upper: 420 (900) Track covers: 200 (420)
Back upper: 830 (1600) Back lower: 600 (1400) Back hull: 300 (700)

$5.5million per unit (rilfed) $5.4million per unit (smothbore)
Huzen Hagen
03-08-2004, 11:12
03-08-2004, 11:21
Rifling isn't a particularly good dea for an ECT cannon, nor for a tank killing cannon. It means you can't use SABOTs or HEAT shells.

Aditionally, I have a tank called the Ocelot as well... I don't think there's any conflict though. Very different designs
03-08-2004, 11:25
OOC: Eh? Rifled guns can fire discarding-sabot and HEAT shells, the only difference is they're spin-stabilised by the rifling and not fin-stabilised; thus a rifled gun fire APDS, a smoothbore APFSDS.
Huzen Hagen
03-08-2004, 11:29
Rifling isn't a particularly good dea for an ECT cannon, nor for a tank killing cannon. It means you can't use SABOTs or HEAT shells.

Aditionally, I have a tank called the Ocelot as well... I don't think there's any conflict though. Very different designs

ECT cannon? rifling does allow you to fire sabot rounds using a slip ring i think and more importantly allows for HESH rounds to be fired. Would you rather attack a MBT with a HEAT or a Sabot round? HESH is extreamly usefull for destroying buildings and attacking infantry but if you fired a HEAT round most of he energy would be absorbed by the ground meaning you will have to wait till they come within range of your secondary weapons, rather then taking them out from long range.
03-08-2004, 11:36
Im looking for something more in the crowd suppression/human rights abuses area
Huzen Hagen
03-08-2004, 11:41
Im looking for something more in the crowd suppression/human rights abuses area

well im just selling this atthe moment but poke around the forum and their should be some stores selling russian tanks you might find are more suitable
03-08-2004, 11:42
Sabots tend to rip out the rifling of rifled guns, and the muzzle velocity is generally too low for them to be effective.

HEAT shells can not be fired from a rifled gun because the centripital force dispurses the metal jet. And though the force of the front of the explosion is focused the rest of it is nicely dispursed for AP use. or you could use standard HE or a flechette. And HESH can be used... fin stablized, though.
Huzen Hagen
03-08-2004, 11:57
Sabots tend to rip out the rifling of rifled guns, and the muzzle velocity is generally too low for them to be effective.

Then why does a challenger2 use a rilfed gun and the M1 abrams was origanlly equiped with a rifled gun?
03-08-2004, 12:08
why did they switch from rifled to smoothbore with the Abrams?

It's POSSIBLE to use sabots with rifled guns... it's just not a good idea. The muzzle velocity is lower, the centripitle force gets the sabot to fly off to early, the round rotates unevenly. you need to use shorter rounds... It's been demonstrably proven that APDS-FS rounds penetrate more armor at longer ranges with comparible accuracy to APDS spin stablized rounds.
03-08-2004, 12:33
At the high velocities needed to kill a modern tank with a Sabot round rifling not only slows the round but can decrease the accuracy of the shot due to a phenomea known as "spin drift" where the very rapid spinning of the round causes the round to drift off to either side.

Yes you can use slip rings but they still aren't as effective as a true smoothbore launched APFSDS round.

The challenger 2 still uses a rifled gun because the MOD realsied that with the fall of comunism in russia the cances of them fighting an advanced enemy tank force dropped rapidly and didn't see the need for a more power AT gun when the existing gun on the challenger 1 coudl already deal with the majority of T-72s and T-80s as proved in desert storm and they decided that since T-55s and fortifications were more likely to need killing on regular basis then a bility to use long ranged relatively cheap HESH rounds was more useful.

it is rummored that an improved challenger (mk3) might be in the works, possibly with the german 140mm gun or at least the 55cal 120mm system but that is all congecture.

For a vehcile designed as a "tank killer" on NS you absolutly require the maximium perfromance from your Sabot rounds so smoothbore is you only choice.
Huzen Hagen
03-08-2004, 12:33
I see, well im no expert on tank guns but i'll go away now and do a bit more research. Then i might change some things on this tank
03-08-2004, 12:37
Another school of thought believes that HESH rounds might be more effective against tanks with ERA because the two would sympathetically detonate... sounds a little silly to me, though.
03-08-2004, 12:47
I'd think that a modern tank destroyer would be better suited to carrying ATGM such as a TOW2 or a Javelin rather than an actual anti-tank gun. Even then, it's a lot cheaper and easier to conceal to equip a squad of soldiers with a few Javelin launchers and give them a general purpose vehicle like a Humvee for transport.
03-08-2004, 13:14
The main problem of a Tank destroyer is that it has to stop and turn its entire body towards the target. With modern autoloaders and equipment around the idea of the TD was abandoned long ago. the last TD to see service was the Swedish S-tank and they have all been phased out. It is still useful but it cannot act without regular tanks.

I dont know how much 3mpg is but i do know a Kingtiger spent 189(!) gallons for 110 km (only 85km offroad).
And thats for a vehicle 68.3 ton heavy with turret. A Jagdtiger spent way more.

The advantage of a Tank destroyer is that the superstructure provides more protection then a normal tank, so scale down on the weight. Its lower profile and superstructure will give you enough protection.
Huzen Hagen
03-08-2004, 14:31
I'd think that a modern tank destroyer would be better suited to carrying ATGM such as a TOW2 or a Javelin rather than an actual anti-tank gun. Even then, it's a lot cheaper and easier to conceal to equip a squad of soldiers with a few Javelin launchers and give them a general purpose vehicle like a Humvee for transport.

A tank destroyer is cheaper to fire, can carry more ammo. And is one piece
Huzen Hagen
06-08-2004, 11:44
bump. tank available with either smoothbore or rifled gun
Huzen Hagen
08-08-2004, 12:51
Sport nerds
20-08-2004, 23:01
please may i have 5 tank destroyers i will wire 40 million straight away