Nazi Weaponized Virus to be WMD-less
OOC: After having many threats of a bio/chem/nuke attack on me, I have decided to take action and remove all of his WMDs from his nation. Check his storefront for his stockpile. This is an open RP, as I don't think if it was closed he would have a chance, so I am inviting the "Grand Alliance" to help him out.
The 594 ships glided through the slivery water heading for NWV, there journy would not take long as they were already near the nation. In about 3 hours they would be in NWV waters. (If your landlocked ignore this.) Load all weapons! The officers in the boats filled the chutes with at least 200 through out the entire fleet. Are they ready?
Good, wait for my command! And tell the planes to get ready.
Ruins of Earth base 1
The remaing air fields had been preped and were ready to launch the heavy bombers. There mission would be to bomb the capitol. Man, I wished for our next mission to destroy Preatonia as CO said.
Yeah, oh well. At least we get to destroy a nation with more WMDs that us!
Oh, and prepare the men for a nuclear attack, get the hazmat suits ready as well.
----hours later----
The navy had reached NWV waters, but had not entered yet. They were waiting for the bombers to arrive. Sir, shouldn't we attack the AA guns?
Yes, good idea. Do that, fire at there AA guns.
We'll have to get closer.
Well move us in, and prepare for a navy attack.
Yes sir.
The ships moved into NWV waters, obviously waiting for an attack. Within minutes they had moved into range, and then fired at AA guns. All, fired sir!
Reload then!
The 200 missiles had left there ships and were heading for air defence targets in NWV, no doubt some being shot down...
I will join you against the Grand Alliance.
The Five 'Unity' Class carriers, recently purchased, set sail on their maiden voyage equiped with F-42 fighters based on the former MiG design bureau's MiG 1.44 design. They were backed up by 20 home produced 'Windsor' class Destroyers, and one Drone launch ship which carries D-71 supersonic UAV reconnaissance drones.
Holy panooly
01-08-2004, 10:43
We condemn these obvious acts of imperialism. You will hear from me again in the near future.
OOC: I think you got this wrong. I'm fighting the "grand alliance". So are you helping me or fighting me?
IC: The missile tubes had been refilled and the order was given: Fire, again!
Yes sir!
Another 200 missiles were fired at more costal defences. Shall I load up again?
Yes, but save them for the enemys ships.
Yes sir!
Earth base 1
Are the planes ready?
Yes, they are ready to take off.
Good, wait untill we have conformation of the destruction of costal defences.
OOC: NWV, you now have to post the damage of 400 cruise missiles attacking your defences.
Holy panooly
01-08-2004, 10:49
I will not help you, nor I will stand and watch this unlawful attack. And what is this 'Grand alliance' you are talking about? I doubt they pose a threat, in fact I never heard about them before.
ooc:I'm with you. I've edited my first post
ic:Five 'Windsor' class destroyers closed in on NWV waters. They were each equiped with three cruise missiles.
On my!
Fifteen cruise missiles had been fired and had targeted NWV's closest nuclear silo.
We condemn these obvious acts of imperialism. You will hear from me again in the near future.
OOC: Its not damn imperilasim, I'm stealing his WMDs then I'm leaving. How is that imperialism?!? You should see how trigger happy he is, even more that me.
Holy panooly
01-08-2004, 10:54
OOC: Its not damn imperilasim, I'm stealing his WMDs then I'm leaving. How is that imperialism?!? You should see how trigger happy he is, even more that me.
Looting his nation and that isn't called imperialism? You're contradicting yourself I'm afraid.
Sir, we have help from Huahin!
Good, supply them with anything they need, at lest someone sees this nation as a danger to national security. Oh, what the hell, fire the next round of cruise missiles!
Yes sir
The ships fired out there last lot of 200 missiles at more costal and air defences.
Sir, I'll get more supplys from home base!
Good, and tell them to hurry.
OOC: Thanks Huahin, NWV you have to post damage from 615 cruise missiles...
OOC: Whatever HP, the Grand Alliance was formed this morning after The Aust Furer Atlantis war. NWv s in it I think.
The supply ships sped through the water, hping to get to the navy before enemy attacks. Sir, there within sight!
Good, contact the Huahin ships and ask them if they need anything.
To:Huahin ships
From: Cam III supply ships
Do you require any supplys? If you do, I will sed some to you once we've finished with our own ships.
----Half an hour later----
The Cam III ships had been supplyed and were fighting fit. They then waited for an enemy attack.
Air base
Sir, shall I send the bombers out?
Yes, hopefully the air defences will be destroyed.
The air fleet took off and headed to NWV, there target missile silos...
01-08-2004, 11:32
OOC: Cam III, Sarzonia, Morathania and I obliterated your modern tech nation after you nuked us. You posted it yourself...
Holy panooly
01-08-2004, 11:42
Cam III earth base was already destroyed before he went to war with Sarzonia.
OOC: When was that HP? If that was Cam III-IB war then, that was my homeplanet. And yes Preatonia, but not all of it, I have small ones all over the world. Mainly on small uninhbitated islands... Just for refrence NWV, my army is here (
Jangle Jangle Ridge
01-08-2004, 11:47
OOC: When was that HP? If that was Cam III-IB war then, that was my homeplanet. And yes Preatonia, but not all of it, I have small ones all over the world. Mainly on small uninhbitated islands... Just for refrence NWV, my army is here (
OOC: I hide my planets in nebulas.
01-08-2004, 11:51
OOC: Ok fair enough we may not have known about your little islands, but most of your army and almost all of your navy was destroyed.
OOC:I've said it before and I'll say it again: THERE WERE NO ATTCKS MADE AGAINST MY ARMY OR NAVY! And my army had evacuated. So I think I am correct in saying. I HAVE AN ARMY AND A NAVY! And you still on my nations to destroy list, you just wait.
01-08-2004, 12:02
No you dont all of the bases and fleets were nuked. If you 'evacuated' them then the you had to post it and we would have nuked your evacuation fleets. Even if we didnt where are you going to put your army? Your small islands? We would see the massive troop build-ups and nuked them.
Well, its not my fault you missed that post. And THERE WERE NO DAMN ATTACKS AGAINST MY DAMN NAVY. They fired at your ships, you ignored it, or missed it, and then you nuke my base and run away. Its quite simple, you just can't see that you made a mistake. Well, at least get some evidence, like your post of them being nuked!
Anarchy is Fun
01-08-2004, 12:06
Open telegram
From: President Linus Kattik of AiF
To: All nations involved
Anarchy is Fun strongly opposes this conflict, and especially the use of nuclear weapons. I offer to broker peace between the nations of CamIII, Huahin and Nazi Weaponized Virus. I await your replies, but again I urge you, no more attacks.
Anarchy is Fun
01-08-2004, 12:07
OOC: please remember to put ooc infront of your ooc posts. ahem.
Nah, the nuclear attacks were in another topic, this one is about me taking NWV's stockpile so he is not a threat and so I can use them against Preatonia.
Anarchy is Fun
01-08-2004, 12:11
Maybe it would be a goo idea to wait for NWV to respond then..
OOC: Yeah, he has 615 cruise missiles headed for air defences, costal defences and missile silos. And about peace talks, I don't do them. If I do, I will probaly sneak around firing missiles at him while were in peace talks.
Holy panooly
01-08-2004, 12:17
can somebody please raze cam III to the ground? I'm beginning to hate him
OOC: Already been done, well my Earth base. YAY, another nation who hates me,
wow about the whole world (I, II and III) hates me. YAY! I'm loving it.
01-08-2004, 12:24
OOC: Cam III I only ever had 5 subs in the area and you can't hit submerged subs with cruise missiles. Admit it, most of your navy is dead as is your armed forces.
OOC: Look, what happend was: you(using 'you' as in the coalition against me) bombed my capital, I fired nukes and bio weapons at you, you retaliated with nukes AT MY BASE and then it was over. NOT ONE NUKE HIT MY NAVY OR ARMED FORCES. No stop hijacking my thread.
01-08-2004, 12:35
OOC: Cam III you are IGNOREd. I shall leave your thread in peace.
In my opinion, NWV never really hurt anyone. Why invade him?
OOC: Thank you Preatonia. I am invading him beacause I see him as a threat to my nation. He is to keen to use WMDs at people so I have taken the law into my own hands and am 'releaving' him of them.
Secret IC: Sir, when we invade what will we do then?
We will kill and maim lots of his population, destroy his armed forces and steal his nukes. And to top it off, when we've finished that we will nuke his nation.
Ha, very good sir. I can't wait.
Oh and we'll also kill his leader.
01-08-2004, 13:02
(unaware of your intentions)
If you cant be dissuaded then please try to minimise damage to the country.
OOC: If you have a half decent nuclear defense system and tell them you are future tech, if they want to attack you (whereas right now you are attacking so play by their rules) then they arent about to hurt you. Or even hit you. You can just stay at your homeworld and drink tea while they wave WMDs about. No harm done.
Tom Joad
01-08-2004, 14:58
OOC:Have you even informed NWV of this thread? Common decency would dictate that you at least wait for him to reply before continuing.
Fuhrer landw
01-08-2004, 15:38
If there are any stockpiles of VX nerve gas availible , gimme
01-08-2004, 15:42
OOC: You really should inform people of threads that concern them, particularly when they involve a nation's full storefront.
Besides, I thought Praetonia pwned you awhile ago.
The Imperial Triumviate of Tyrandis denounces this unwarranted aggression. When has NWV ever committed military action against any other nation?
We can, and will, intervene if this situation escalates to war.
01-08-2004, 15:48
Yes, good question. When has NWV attacked anybody without provocation?
01-08-2004, 15:50
Yes, good question. When has HWV attacked anybody without provocation?
Don't hold me on this one, but if by without provocation you mean when not supporting an ally or when not counterattacking from agression... not that i know of.
Faker than Hollywood
01-08-2004, 16:05
OOC: When was that HP? If that was Cam III-IB war then, that was my homeplanet. And yes Preatonia, but not all of it, I have small ones all over the world. Mainly on small uninhbitated islands... Just for refrence NWV, my army is here (
Cam III-- are any of your sea going vessels real ? I would like to transit from LA California to Lima Peru. We can offer medical cure for Cancer, AIDS/HIV+ or other covert WMD warfare exposure. SEE:
We have successful POST MODERN WORLD WMD covert warfare cures. Don't be a victim of POST MODERN WORLD WMD covert warfare. And you thought cancer, AIDS/HIV+, STD's etc. were natural... "Sheeple, go figure..." the sarge. Republic of Faker than Hollywood.
01-08-2004, 16:05
OOC:Untill NWV has reasponded you shouldn't really do anything more as he hasn't had the chance to reataliate and you don't even know if he is landlocked or not.
IC:The dominion of Jamnation is disgusted at this aggresion against NWV. When has NWV attacked your country or been hostile towards you.
If this becomes a full scale war we can and will help as Jamnation has bought most of there nuclear technology and WMD's off of NWV.
OOC: Yes I have informed him. He has threatend me at least 10 times with:
"If you don't surrender then I will nuke you into the ground." I think that as I was helping an ally, and he was the aggresser in THAT conflict that I have a right to take action. And anyway, I am willing to leave his nation, if he stops all threats and never threatens me again and if I get 10 of ALL of his WMDs. Only when they have been met, shall I leave. I don't want a war either, well I do but you know....
IC: It seems that many nations want us to leave NWV.
Well, send NWV this:
From: Cam III
I will be willing to leave your nation if you:
1) Never threaten me again
2) I get 10 of ALL of your WMDs
Now, I think they are reasonble terms. If you try and attack my fleet or nation I will have to take action.
In my mind, it appears that Cam III is merely trying to bully NWV into doing his bidding.
OOC: No, I see him as a threat to me. And I'm a warmonger, I try and get into wars where ever I can...
OOC: You're just using a verbal threat as an excuse to disarm him. How silly.
01-08-2004, 17:37
OOC- Based on your terms, it appears you're trying to disarm him (and his storefront) and get free stuff at his WMD storefront (for all practical purposes)...
Similar to attacking Doujin for having large ships and threatening you, and then demanding he give you a free Doujin-class as part of the settlement...
OOC: If you want to keep arguing, you go ahead. I don't care. I am not trying to disarm him, I think he has much more than just 10 WMDs, don't you think? And he can easily build more. Yes they are for practical purposes, attacking someone who I will not name. I want to come out of this with something anyway...
OOC: No, I see him as a threat to me. And I'm a warmonger, I try and get into wars where ever I can...
Oh no, oh no oh no... please god no....
*commits suicide*
seriously Cam, you had best stop warmongering, because warmongering will only attract the attention of those far more powerful than you.... and then you will die.
01-08-2004, 17:53
OOC: If you want to keep arguing, you go ahead. I don't care. I am not trying to disarm him, I think he has much more than just 10 WMDs, don't you think? And he can easily build more. Yes they are for practical purposes, attacking someone who I will not name. I want to come out of this with something anyway...
OOC: If you want free stuff, go TG him. Otherwise, just STFU. You're facing many, MANY nations with populations several times your own. Unless you want to be annihilated (again), stop this noobishness.
OOC: You don't think I know that. Look at these:
Cam III-Imperial Brits/Unified Sith/who ever else he plays as Result: Complete loss
Cam III-AutoMagFreek Result: Not one man killed, we came to an agreement.
Who else will I fight? Who knows, well definently Preatonia...
OOC: Tyrandis: What has this war got to do with you, so you can STFU...
I would strongly recommend against WMD Cam. WMD usage on these forums has become WAAAY too common. Whatever happened to good RP? Seems to have become very rare. Hell, why should nations bother to make it interesting when they can just n00k J00!1!1!1 and turn ur entir nashun int0 Z()mbys oMFFG!1!1!1!11!shiftone
OOC: I hardly use nukes, well I'm going to stop using them as a first resort I will use them as a last resort. And anyway, If he responds soon this whole war will be over.
Message to Cam III: We require nothing other than your alliegance
01-08-2004, 19:11
OOC: You don't think I know that. Look at these:
Cam III-Imperial Brits/Unified Sith/who ever else he plays as Result: Complete loss
Cam III-AutoMagFreek Result: Not one man killed, we came to an agreement.
Who else will I fight? Who knows, well definently Preatonia...
OOC: Did you not see the post where I ignored you for not accepting the losses of the nuke attack. I didnt say that I only targetted your civlian base I said targetted your nation, that means cities, military bases, fleet concentrations. I took hits on military bases and so should you, seeing as you accepted the attack.
Holy panooly
01-08-2004, 19:17
Oh no, oh no oh no... please god no....
*commits suicide*
seriously Cam, you had best stop warmongering, because warmongering will only attract the attention of those far more powerful than you.... and then you will die.
If they RP in the same shitty manner as they did to me, then Cam III may ignore them.
Cam III, we suggest you leave NWV alone. It's up to them whether or not they can have WMDs. If they do, that is your decision. You just have to deal with it like the rest of us. Yes, I know, he threatened to use them, but if people went to war every time someone made a threat to them, society as we know it would've ended long ago.
Nikolaos The Great
01-08-2004, 19:42
Cam III you should stop now. The Whittier Pact and I will defend NWV.
I will also defend NWV. I call on all other nations to aid us in stopping yet another imperialist, weapons-grabbing conspiracy.
Nikolaos: I don't think very many people even acknowledge the Whittier Pact.
teh o0cness
Nazi Weaponized Virus
01-08-2004, 20:42
OOC: I have explained to Cam III at least 3 or 4 times now (check prievous threads) that I don't RP with future tech nations. As for my 'threats' against him - The only correspondence our 2 nations has ever had is when Furor Atlantis was being betrayed and we defended them. Finally Cam III - I have already explained - RP's between Modern and Future Tech usually end up becoming a flame war discussing what weapons each side can use. This thread however, appears to have turned into another kind of flame War - that being Cam III insulting anyone who doesn't agree with him.
For the last time Cam III - I have explained my own personal position concerning Inter-Tech RP Wars - And I don't think they work out very well - So could you stop flaming me when you know full well that you will be ignored?
Furor Atlantis
01-08-2004, 22:18
Cam III, give it a rest. We are ALL AT PEACE now so you don't have to worry about getting struck by WMD's.
NWV is extremely knowledgable of every type of WMD so he deserves to have WMD's. Don't provoke him, and you won't have to waste your energy on this thread.
Lorkhan sees this move by Cam III as a grab for weapons that neither nation should bother with. If you invade NWV unprovoked then Lorkhan, it's allies, and the AIS will see to it that you get a taste of your own imperialist medicine.
Anarchy is Fun
02-08-2004, 08:27
I don't think I'd mind this so much IF IT WAS ACTUALLY AN RP instead of just "Shall we attack them, sir" "Yes"
Nazi Weaponized Virus
02-08-2004, 08:29
I don't think I'd mind this so much IF IT WAS ACTUALLY AN RP instead of just "Shall we attack them, sir" "Yes"
Haha, burst out laughing there. Its the old:
"Sir shall we ready the flying toasters? Which are infinitely better than our enemies and would probably shoot them all down due to new missile tech which is 1337 and we have been researching for years. Also it would probably shoot down 28 of thier own toasters. And we also have 1337 lasers on there which are better than thiers"
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-08-2004, 10:02
Haha, burst out laughing there. Its the old:
"Sir shall we ready the flying toasters? Which are infinitely better than our enemies and would probably shoot them all down due to new missile tech which is 1337 and we have been researching for years. Also it would probably shoot down 28 of thier own toasters. And we also have 1337 lasers on there which are better than thiers"
OOC: *hugs his toaster* It's ok, it's ok.
The deadly viper
02-08-2004, 11:08
Cam III have you ever heard of the expression when you'r in a hole stop digging you have enough enemys as it is whithout adding to them with your n00b wars someday someone is going to teach you a lesson and I will be backing them
02-08-2004, 11:11
Cam III have you ever heard of the expression when you'r in a hole stop digging you have enough enemys as it is whithout adding to them with your n00b wars someday someone is going to teach you a lesson and I will be backing them
OOC: Just ignore him. I nuked him the few days ago and now he thins he thinks he can attack people.
The deadly viper
02-08-2004, 11:15
OOC: Just ignore him. I nuked him the few days ago and now he thins he thinks he can attack people.
he's been thinking that for ages ever since he first beat me several months ago he has been attacking random nations and genraly being n00bish
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-08-2004, 11:17
he's been thinking that for ages ever since he first beat me several months ago he has been attacking random nations and genraly being n00bish
Yeah, sure noob.
Cam III, is the attack still on?
*Hovers finger over red button*
Holy panooly
02-08-2004, 13:05
Furor Atlantis
02-08-2004, 13:07
Cam III, is the attack still on?
*Hovers finger over red button*
n00b, the attack never even started. For one thing, Cam III was threatend because they threatend a POOR INNOCENT DEFENSLESS COUNTRY (modern atlantis) so NWV told Cam III to back off and stop being a bully. Cam III was recently blown to pieces, yet they still pretend like they are all powerful.
Nazi Weaponized Virus
02-08-2004, 14:39
Cam III, is the attack still on?
*Hovers finger over red button*
Huahin - This is your final warning, NWV will not accept unwarranted aggression of any kind, if a full apology from your foreign ministry is not heard within the next 2 Hours. A state of war will exist between both our nations. B1's, B2's, F111's, Tu-160's and B52's are being primed for take off if our apology is not given.
The Parthians
02-08-2004, 16:50
NWV is under my personal protection, invading him is a declaration of war against Parthia.
There will be no apology. F42's, F2's, F35's are all on full alert ready to gain air supremacy whilst Su-100 nuclear bombers are all ready in the air being constantly refuelled by Huahin's fleet of VC-10's. No-one threatens our mighty nation.
Holy panooly
03-08-2004, 10:57
Huahin, I'm afraid I have to set another example if you threaten NWV again. You don't want to witness MY power.
I stand behind NMV as a fascist, stand down, or break down Huahin.
Holy panooly, my nation is larger than yours and Nycton, we will never surrender.
Holy panooly
03-08-2004, 11:20
Holy panooly, my nation is larger than yours and Nycton, we will never surrender.
That's nice, but I'm not not placing by bets just on me and Nycton...
Nazi Weaponized Virus
03-08-2004, 11:26
Holy panooly, my nation is larger than yours
Just another n00b guys. Oh and HP, we thank you for your support, its been of great help to us in recent times against Cam III and now against Huahin, as we have said, our nations coastal fortifications are currently occupied by a large amount of men, tanks and patrolled by IASG's (Infantry Air Support Groups), our carrier groups our on the defensive and we are just awaiting your go HP, so we can unleash our force on him.
We will not destroy you if you don't attack us.
Holy panooly
03-08-2004, 11:35
Huahin defends blatant imperialism of Cam III? Apparantly he hasn't seen what happened to Cam III. Ah well the bigger they are the harder they fall.
Furor Atlantis
03-08-2004, 11:36
We will not destroy you if you don't attack us.
Arg these n00bs are killing me.
OOC Dont piss off a majority of the forums. You will be declared upon.
NMW, we will destroy your tiny nation as well. You're not fit to have WMDs. But as I said before. We will only attack if you attack us first.
Furor Atlantis
03-08-2004, 11:42
NMW, we will destroy your tiny nation as well. You're not fit to have WMDs. But as I said before. We will only attack if you attack us first.
Don't be so immature. NWV definitly deserves WMD's because he actually does RESEARCH on WMD's.
He is a small nation, undeserving of WMD. In the face of better things to do, Huahin has withdrawn its massive fleet from NWV's waters.
Nazi Weaponized Virus
03-08-2004, 11:47
As Furor Atlantis says - I run a WMD storefront. Therefore I am entitled to them. I have never used WMD before - which is more than can be said for Cam III.
I possess a large number number of nuclear weapons but not chemical ones. We are developing special biological ones as we speak. Huahin would like to invite an ambassador from NWV to our region to sign a Neutrality Pact.
Holy panooly
03-08-2004, 11:56
I possess a large number number of nuclear weapons but not chemical ones. We are developing special biological ones as we speak. Huahin would like to invite an ambassador from NWV to our region to sign a Neutrality Pact.
Can you say hypocrite? You condemn his WMD sales but you create them yourself? You have large number of nuclear weapons who are you to judge about his WMD program?
We do not like the idea of selling WMD because they could end up in anyone's hands. Perhaps someone could post a link to his store front.
Holy panooly
03-08-2004, 12:00
That's not an excuse to declare war upon a nation.
Furor Atlantis
03-08-2004, 12:01
Relax, the prices are pretty expensive, and most nations don't trust themselves with WMD's including mine. Buying WMD in our senate can never pass, and the closest it has gotten was 96 votes to 4 votes.
War And Freedom
03-08-2004, 12:44
What is all this Grand Alliance about? :sniper: I wish to join in! :mp5:
Nazi Weaponized Virus
03-08-2004, 12:59
I possess a large number number of nuclear weapons but not chemical ones. We are developing special biological ones as we speak. Huahin would like to invite an ambassador from NWV to our region to sign a Neutrality Pact.
Ambassador John Stavris of The Foreign Ministry is boarding a NWV UH-60 VIP Helicopter. He is currently on his way to your Capitol to discuss the pact. He will be there in 3 NS Hours.
We have sent King D'Newt ruler of the Great House of Huahin to meet him.