Nil One
31-07-2004, 22:01
Elysium News Network:
Around five a.m. this morning, a small band of terrorists boarded a transport ship that had stopped on their planet within the Nil One empire which is run souly by self-aware 'technologies', yet allows humans to survive within their Valhalla for a price. A terrorist organization known as: Humanity Abroad; attack the transport which was carrying an amount of technological advances taken from the Ex-Nation of Der Auftrag. It appears this band of creatons detonated the ship so not to allow the government of Nil One ownership. The Fuhrer, Deus Exal, has authorised embargos upon this small planet pending the finding of key officials of the group. He also stated through the head of the Reich Security Head Office (Chryon Xandros), that anyone who takes in these traitors will too, be considered a traitor.
Around five a.m. this morning, a small band of terrorists boarded a transport ship that had stopped on their planet within the Nil One empire which is run souly by self-aware 'technologies', yet allows humans to survive within their Valhalla for a price. A terrorist organization known as: Humanity Abroad; attack the transport which was carrying an amount of technological advances taken from the Ex-Nation of Der Auftrag. It appears this band of creatons detonated the ship so not to allow the government of Nil One ownership. The Fuhrer, Deus Exal, has authorised embargos upon this small planet pending the finding of key officials of the group. He also stated through the head of the Reich Security Head Office (Chryon Xandros), that anyone who takes in these traitors will too, be considered a traitor.