NationStates Jolt Archive

Commonwealth to Negotiate Peace

Generican States
31-07-2004, 20:08
The Free Star Commonwealth, in reaction to native Priapian complaints, has decided to negotiate a peace treaty among the Shadow Falcon Clan and the Free Ghandlanese Union. The Propoised treaty is this:

1. The Commonwealth will defend the Shad Azzia Mountains and cede in perpetutity to the people know as the Shadow Falcon Clan. However, in return, the native people of the Shad Azzia Mountains will mine the gold and silver as a form of payment for the increased patrols.

2. Shadow Falcon clan warriors will be provided with all terain vehicles, trained in the use of the Liberator light machine gun, the AK-97 and in use of Claymopre mines to defend their homeland against intruders.

3. The price for these services shall be negotiatewd with the Aerie Lords and the Council of Elders, the recognized leadership of the Shadow Falcon Clan.

4. The death penalty will be authorized for illegal settlers and miners of the Shad Azzia Mountains without the express permission of the Aerie Lords and the Council of Elders.

As for The Free Ghandalese Union, the Commonwealth proposes a bil;ateral treaty that will share the waters of what the natives call Ghandalah,. The terms are these:

1. an immediate end to terrorist activities by the Ghandalese people

2. Restricted fishing rights for non-native Ghandlaese and the end of the hunting of the Tiamatian Leviathan, the diet of the Ghandalanese.

3. In return, the Native Ghandlanese will help with exlporation and development of such natural resources as oil, natural gas and petroleum.

4. Hunters of the Tiamatian Leviathan shall be, when found guilty by a native Gahndlanese court, hung by the neck untill they are dead, and their remains returned to the family of the executed.

If the Free Ghandalese Union do NOT release, unharmed, the hostages, the Commonwealth Mutual Defense Navy shall land and begin underwater death charges. Further, the tribes, and their leaders responsible, shall be caught, tried and burned alive with high octane aviation fuel in mass pyres. Their sea-herds shall be conviscated and all claims by survivors shall be null and void. the sea herds conviscated shall be given to Ghandalesian tribes that assist the Commonwealth in finding, apprehending, trying and burning alive the foresaid treacherous scum. We may lose five, but you will lose millions and hear the screams as your flesh crisps and burns and smell the scent of roasting Ghandalese flesh.

If the Shadow Falcon Clan does NOT discontinue the raids on settlements, sorties of Commonwealth Mutual Defense Air Force shall engage in cluster bombing of the Shad Azzia mountains, followed by strafing runs and the dropping of 100, 000 pounds of napalm on villages, nesting sights, caves, caverns and any place the Clans sacred Shadow Falcon nests. Imagine the loss to your people at the destruction of millions of your sacred birds. The screams of your dying shall echo off the walls and the wails of greif will continue for years on end as you are surronded by the dying and burnt in your napalm blasted mountains. Further, the Aeirie Lords shall be crucified and set ablaze as will the members of your Council of Elders. Imagine the screams of their fiery deaths.

However, should the Clan and the Free Ghandalese agree to negotiate in good terms with the Commonwealth, they and their people shall be spared.
The Shadow Falcon Clan
31-07-2004, 20:26
I am Tuvahkah, Supreme Aerie Lord of the Shadow Falcon Clan, Aerie Lord of the Speckled Raptor sub-clan, a great warrior whoes chest bear the scarring of my warrior initiation by the Great and All Wise Shadow Falcon, my brother and all our brothers;
My Brood Father was Sukahkah and my Nest Mother Nitzahkahl, Shamaness of the Labyrnithe Caverness. I have taken many ears in combat, and the blood of my enemies fertilize these sacred mountains. Here me then, Tukvahkah, son of Sukahkah, son of Nitzahkl. I speak for the Council of Elders and the other Aerie Lords.
We accept the Commonwealth's proposal, but we can not accept the word of a person unblooded by the sacred Shadow Falcon. The Falcon, all praise be to our feathered brothers, must judge you righteous, true and strong. Words are like wind; they blow but mean nothing. Blood is the seal of truth, blood shed by the Falcons talons.
Send us your war leaders to be judged and initiated by the Falcons claws. This will show the Falcon, in their wisdom accepts you and says you are righteous, true and strong. Weakness of body is weakness of soul and weakness of heart. We would not take the word of a weakling, no matter the powerful weapons they have.
You shall fast for one cycle of the moon on the Falcon archipelago, where the waves will lash your naked body. daily your body shall be annointed with the essensce of mullah'kol fish, to attract the favor of our brother, the Falcon. When he approaches, bear your chest like a true male and let the talons tear at your flesh, marking you as a teller of truth and a male of strength. If the Falcons judges you, and you heal, we shall sing this treaty and we shall be as one Clan. But words, however nice they say are wind. We can not accept he whom our brother, our blood, the Falcon rejects.

So let it be written, so let it be done.
By the Will of the Aerie Lords and the Council of Elders.