NationStates Jolt Archive

North Chelmsfordia attacks Chelmsville

North Chelmsfordia
30-07-2004, 21:53
At 4 am this morning 100 f-15s flew to the chelmsville boarder. they were ordered to secure a parameter around Chelmsville air space. at 4:50 am this morning 150 A-1 abrahms tanks rolled out of North Chelmsfordia. They were under the direct orders of Comrade Taco to block every highway leading out of Chelmsville. Their e.t.a. is 12 pm. at 8 am this morning the North Chelmsforia's northern fleet set sail. it consists of 2 lenin class air craft carriers wich hold 35 f -15s each. 5 engels class destoyers all of which are equipped with the bolshevik missile system (simmilar to the patriot missile system) and 2 trotsky class nuclear submarines. the fleet has been given the order to blockade all of Chelmsville's ports. Apparently North Chelmsfordia is taking a leaf out of Hitlers book by using a blitzkreig to cripple Chelmsville.
- Mikhael Ivanovich
Marxist Associated Press
30-07-2004, 22:41
A Nimrod maritime reconaissance aircraft is dispatched to monitor the North Chelmsforian northern fleet. It will remain on station for six hours before being replaced with another Nimrod, and so on. They are armed only with ASRAAM air-to-air missiles for self-defence.
Much happiness
31-07-2004, 20:49
the red guard has been dropped into southen chemsville to seccur the teritory for the main advance of northan chemsville troops