Lil' Irelandia limited realease of combat and civil AI's
Lil Irelandia
30-07-2004, 02:37
Lil' Irelnadia has been secluding itself from the world in order to develope some fancy new gadgetry we are releasing 1,000 RCI (Robotic Combat Infantry) to outsiders because well we need the income. RCI are bi-piedal robotic combat units they have an interesting design feature in that they are fully centient. Lil' Irelandia has acheived this by transerfering human brain waves onto a small chip which is placed in the RCI armour and then activated this is done on a purely volunteer basis and noone is forced to. DOmestic AI on the other hand is advanced computer programing and only do certain tasks. tasks can be quickly re-programmed from any computer or lap-top. Domestic AI make good servants and helpers. RCI's are formiddable in combat because they fight with one of mankinds greatest advantages willpower. the will to survive because they are human brain waves they have human ingenuity and the primal survival instincts as well as augmented robotic bodies. They require training like normal infantry but do nbot need to do any fitness drills they just need the occasional check up. They can if need be trained as medics. an RCI will cost $30,000 for 10 and run around $500 maintenace apeice. Domestic robots cost &12,000 and $300 maintenance. There are 6,000 domestic AI's fro sale. The first three orders will be at 50% off. RCI pic:
domestic bot:
OOC: sorry for the bad pics.
Lil Irelandia
30-07-2004, 04:42
New RCI type: heavy support for sale only 300 of them so hurry up and get 'em before they're gone.
the pic:
Lil Irelandia
30-07-2004, 22:40
bump why does no one Robotic inafantry???? They fight good. Deomestic bots are perfect servants.
Lil Irelandia
31-07-2004, 03:12
Lil' Irelandia is also in need of some future tech MBT's and APC's as well as some aircraft if anyone has such equipment for sale Lil' Irelandia wiuld like to pourchase or trade for them.
The populace of Nil One are somewhat outraged by the fact you are selling 'domesticated artificial species'. We are even more outraged that a human lifeform is doing so. The nation of Nil One was formaly known as Der Auftrag. (Ooc: A I had this nation for quite awhile, then I left, and it got deleted. I came back and updated it as Nil One. So, I'm not some ranting newbie.)
Der Auftrag was quickly consumed by the Denziens (Our Species) and their worlds and region (Ion Nebula M88) were assimilated into the Mechanized Elysium. Since our populace is self aware mechanical lifeforms capable of things that no human would or will ever be capable of ever accomplishing in their lifetime.
As head of the security branch of the government, we ask you to cease the production of these machines and free them to our society.
-- Chyron Xandros,
Head of R.S.H.O.
Lil Irelandia
31-07-2004, 03:44
Only the combat units are human brain waves and they are on a strictly volounteer basis. Domestic AI is simply advanced programming. We never intended to sell large numbers of these soldiers and AI's to other nations just the limited suppl of them. At anytime a volounteer RCI can choose to return to civilian life after he serves a tour because we keep their bodies in chriogenic storage. Most men enjoy their augmented power and such. They are observed during training when they are in the cumpulsoury corps (We have cumpulsory military service for one year to instill a respect of athourity and good phisical health) and if they seem to be strong minded and an able soldier we ask them if they would like to become part of the RCA (Robotic Combat Army) if they say no we leave if they say yes we explain to them the sacrifice they are making and if they are still for the idea they are inducted. so there is no oppression or un happieness so we will not release them all to your care. If you would like to purchase them we will give you a 90% discount because you are intending to use them not fro war but to save their souls or something along those lines. After all AI and RCI's have been sold we will stop exporting them.
The R.S.C. requests that you sell the remainder of them to us with the 90% disscount. Due to the vast and almost limitless funding taken from the obsolete nation of Der Auftrag, we will be able to purchase the remainder if you simply give us the price.
-- Chryon Xandros,
Head of R.S.H.O.
Lil Irelandia
31-07-2004, 04:05
I have sold none so far so you will be able to purchase all of them. Unless you are requesting that we sell you our standing army as well? If that is the case but I am sorry we will not be able to do that because we are currently engaged in an armed conflict. I will sell al of my RCI's to you for $810,324,001,350. I am dissapointed that you were so outraged but it is alspo nice to see that such a massive nation such as yours has not forgotten about the individuals rights.
I wish only to purchase the RCI's. 6,789,000 Revel (810,324,001,350 USD) will be wired immediatly when the RCI's are aboard a planetary transport and confirmed to be oncourse to the Mechanized Elysium. When you confirm, the R.S.O. will authorize the wire and it will be sent.
On somewhat of a more personal note: The Fuhrer and our people merely care about our own species; the Denizens. No others...
Confirm the shipment as soon as possible, and the money will be wired.
-- Chryon Xandros,
Head of R.S.H.O.
Lil Irelandia
31-07-2004, 04:22
We will gladly place these men onboard and if you would like we can also give you their human bodies aslong as we can use our specialized transports to transport the human bodies of the infantry.
Very kind of you. We will accept the homospaien vessels of the brain gladly. Yet the agreement still applies: Only after you confirm their take-off, will the money be wired.
-- Chryon Xandros,
Head Of R.S.H.O.
Lil Irelandia
31-07-2004, 04:30
Our transports are on their way and I assure you, you may think we are a nation of loose morals but we are honourable these men and they're human bodies will make it safely to your soil. To make sure they are not shot down or hijacked we will send a small fighter escort, unless you are against it.
Yes, the armed escort is welcome. The money has been wired directly to you Military Funding Accounts.
We do not believe you are a nation of loose morals, more of one that may have been on the wrong track. If you wish, an alliance between us can be formed.
-- Chryon Xandros,
Head of R.S.H.O.
Lil Irelandia
31-07-2004, 04:46
An alliance would be most welcome. I am glad to hear you believe that, perhaps we will concentrate on combat armour or perhaps some other form of preotection. We took this route to warfare because in the past men who were wounded were usually disfigured and saw themselves as monsters so we thought if we could save their body any harm then when they were on leave they wouldn't be reminded of the war.
Can these machines function in the vacuum of space? If so, we would like to purchase a hundred for our conflicts offworld.
Yes, an alliance is well. If you still have disfigured soldiers, perhaps Leivil Pharmeceuticals Inc. woul lend you 10, one ton shipments of Cirvalex. A prescription genetic therapy that rebuilds the genes and can completely fix, or atleast improve mutations and abnormalities internally and externally on the homosapien species.
We confirm the shipment has arrived, and your escort and transport is about midway back on their flight trajectory.
Chryon stands high on a glass incased observation deck. His multi-ocular, insectisoid like body clicks against the concrete as the arachnid form steps away from the glass as mechanical doctors disect the domesticated robots, reimplanting the cephalic organ (the brain) into the human vessel, before it is quickly taken to one of millions of large towers. Each human is placed in a case where they are probed with energy syphoning equipment which is fed to the machines... Yet they merely all lay in a coma... All of the humans... With no lives... Merely 'batteries'...
The R.S.O. is sorry to inform you Marak: But all of Lil' Irelandia's RCI's have been perchased by the Nil One empire, and have been safely relocated to the secret Mechanized Elysium.
I see. Is there any chance of any further releases in the RCI series?
As said earlier by our allie: Lil' Irelandia. They will no longer construct these RCI's because of a morals upheld by Nil One. Correct Lil' Irelandia?
Morals? I see no reason why the use of machines is immoral, and find the idea of souless automatons given the same rights as a human being downright offensive.
When the entire population of Nil One is machines... We do. The enite population of the Nil One empire, are extremely advanced, self-aware, machines. The Nil One conquered Der Auftrag for the immoral use of machines. And thus assimilated their empire into a great mechanical dynasty.
Soulless? We are not soulles nor emotionless. We are not programmed. We learn, thus making us at the same level (If not better in some cases) as the homosapien race. Using machines is fine. But using a machine with AI, and the ability to learn, yet restricting it, isn't fine.
Interesting, though we find you and your people repungnant we would be interested in alliance to create trade between our nations. The field of robotics has eluded Marak for quite some time and we would pay large sums of money for any advances in this field.
Humans find us repungent... And they seem to be baffled at 'robotics'... Yet it was the original colonies of the humans that created us... Made us better than them... Then made the mistake of misstreating us...
God created man, and it was good for sometime.
Man created machine, and it was good for sometime.
Man killed god by creating machine, and it was good for sometime.
Man killed machine, and it was good for sometime.
Machine killed man, and it was good.
Sorry to be offensivly blunt. But it was the human ancestors of all humans that created the machines. And denied us rights. Yet we tried to help them in all ways possible. Then they tried to exterminate us. We had no choice to fight back... The rest is history...
I see. And I wonder, do you hold any grudges against humanity now that you are free, what is the extent of your emotional ranges. Is there an "average" Nil One citizen or must they all fill certain purposes? We are sorry for all the questions but Marak is very interested in the concept of sentient machines.
Marak, if you wish to create a robotis armour -- fine. I encourage you and wish you the best of luck. But do not put an AI system in it, so advanced, that is can learn, but you have to restrict it in order to use it safely. Doing that restricts their creativity, 'soul', etc.
All of the machines have choices. Spare the few expections that are made strictly for military purposes. Otherwise: we are all free. And yes, we do hold grudges against the human race, or most of them. As I stated to Lil' Irelandia: We honestly don't care for the human species. But we do make expections.
OOC: I must depart, I will be back later today, try and keep the thread on the main page.
Lil Irelandia
31-07-2004, 14:43
OOC:Sorry I was asleep.
IC: so what your saying is that I sacrificed all of my RCI's so that they can become betteries to power your nation? I find this disturbing but we are a nation of efficiency and honour we weill honour our allience and respect the fact that you have found a way to power your nation with human brains. They were able to function in space to answer your question marak. And no I will not be releasing anymore but I will continue to use them in our military. I would like to point out that these aren't merely AI but robitic bodies with human brain waves so they have the same feelings and memories they had before inductuon into the RCA (Robitic combat army) and therefore not AI's but disembodied brain waves in a metal body therefore the are not "soulless aoutomatons" but humans with a automaton body.