Offer to NWV (Attn Nazi Weaponised Virus)
29-07-2004, 19:11
Seeing the dreadful destruction caused by the "Christian Martyrs' Bridade" to NWV, coupled with NWV's attempts to reform National Socialism, we hereby offer military aid to NWV if you wish it to help wipe out the CMB wheresoever it goes.
Nazi Weaponized Virus
29-07-2004, 19:12
We accept your gracious offer, and whatever aid you may pledge will be most welcome.
29-07-2004, 19:17
We can provide, within the next week, 2 Spetznaz Battalions, also an Airborne Disivison. We can commence moving air assets to NWV and/or NWV territories and if necessary hand over to you helicopters and training to allow you to stop the enemy entering the country, free of charge. Terrorism is totally unacceptable, and stopping it is the responsibility of all truly civilised nations; the least we can do therefore is supply you with the equipment to do so freely. We will if necessary keep sending whatever is necessary - though we may begin charging for it - for pretty much any length of time.
Secret IC: We are also ready to supply SSMs and bombs for delivery of Hydrogen Cyanide, Phosgene, and other similar agents, preferably non-persistent, for use against the enemy.
Communist Mississippi
29-07-2004, 19:20
NWV, got another one for you in the Activities forum
Nazi Weaponized Virus
29-07-2004, 19:23
Thank you dontpissusoff. I would like to begin air transportation immediately.
Communist Mississippi
29-07-2004, 19:25
Occ- DPUO has been added to the CMB's list of enemies.
Secret: 8 Standard Cargo trucks were driving to a farm outside of Al Khums, Libya, this was a main base of the CMB. The top commander in the Al Khums cell was living on this farm. The trucks each had 2,000 lbs of VX stored in 500 lb aircraft bombs. They were Colonial Army units, whites who sympathized with the Brigade. They were going to deliver the weapons to the Brigade. Approximately 16,000 lbs of VX gas, 32 bombs. They were going to be used mostly against NWV embassies and nationals abroad, in the poorly guarded nations of the 3rd world. Maybe there would be a DPUO embassy or two that would also fall prey to the gas. Who knew that time, all the Colonials knew was that they were going to give the gas to the brigade and then get back to base before their officers realized they had left. Although most officers wouldn't even care they had left if they knew what they were doing.
29-07-2004, 19:26
Very well. First shipment: 3rd Spetznaz Battalion, plus 4 dismantled Mi-24VMUs, plus ammunition loads, plus (secret) 4 SS-26 SRBMs, with warheads (3 HE, 3 HCN). Air freight aircraft will be escorted by Su-34Bs armed with AS-14s and KAB-500 LGBs, plus 2 R-73 AAMs. ETA: 12 NS hours. Pilots will go with Mi-24s along with technicians.
OOC: Btw it's usually abbreviated to DPUO, a lot easier :)
Nazi Weaponized Virus
29-07-2004, 19:29
Thank you DPUO.
Secret IC:
We have 3 Special Forces Strike Teams ready to act upon recent Intelligence. This mass slaughter of innocents will not go unavenged. Any attack on your own nation will be considered another attack on our own and we will assist you in what is looking like a inevitable event.
Communist Mississippi
29-07-2004, 19:29
IC: The CM government has made statements a few moments ago condemning the recent terror attacks throughout the world and pledging to fight terror on all fronts and in all nations that want it to be fought in. CM has pledged to make sure none of their own citizens are recruited into the terrorist networks. CM has also reiterated that no foreign nationals may enter into CM or CM controlled territories without government permission. CM has further stated that Libya and Mississippian Egypt will be off-limits to foreign media unless they have expressed written government permission.
Occ- DPUO, if you would please go on msn for a while so we can RP some terror, the last few parts of operation purification, and then the first few parts of the IG Virus outbreak (The Operation Purification will end, and then the IG Virus RP is good to go because the Operation Purification will explain how and why Natalie and the Premier are in Libya, thus setting the stage for IG Virus. Clever eh?)
Nazi Weaponized Virus
29-07-2004, 19:30
OOC: I rped an IG Virus Outbreak once. It was one of the best Rp's ive done.
Communist Mississippi
29-07-2004, 19:51
NWV, new attack against you.
Anarchy 92
29-07-2004, 19:57
Anarchy 92 is willing to fight and though you may think we are too young but i urge you too remember the many young soldiers who went off to fight in World War 2. We may not have a great Air Force or Navy but we do have thousands of men just itching for a war so please let us join the fight.