NationStates Jolt Archive

I declare War against Judasia

28-07-2004, 01:30

Judasia was a dominion of Catabarons.
And this stupids will pay for this revolution.

The Island of Rose
28-07-2004, 01:32
Leave him alone, or I will send an insane amount of WMDs at you.
28-07-2004, 01:51
*sighs* Not another one.
The Island of Rose
28-07-2004, 01:54
I will nuke him.

It's part of my anti-n00b policy.
28-07-2004, 02:00
The nation of troen has decided to send in 500,000 armed soldiers as a "neutral force" with the message "destroy Catabaronia lame army if he sends in his one plane"

catabronia's army
28-07-2004, 02:00
Canan, you are absolutely correct.
28-07-2004, 02:02
I am against to your ambitions.
28-07-2004, 02:06
OOC: You can't nuke him if I beat you to it! :P


The RNS Banshee sat just at the surface of the water, awaiting orders from Aequatian CentCom to unleash its own brand of Hell upon the nation and people of Catabaronia. Captain Greigor stood on the deck of the submarine, looking at the coastline of the doomed nation, "Those poor bastards," he thought, "This is going to be so bad for them." He entered the hatch and climbed back down into the vessel and went onto the bridge, "Anything from CentCom yet, ensign?"

"No Sir," replied the ensign.

"Then we shall wait here until we get the call, if anyone needs me I'll be above with one of my cigars," said the captain, "Lieutenant, you have the bridge."
28-07-2004, 02:09

Judasia was a dominion of Catabarons.
And this stupids will pay for this revolution.


I declare war aganist you!
I want independence!
I want now...

Freedom to Saint Judas People!!!
28-07-2004, 02:10
Sir! a privet yelled to his CO
we just got word from the mother land that Aequatio based forces are off the coast, we just sent in our locations with hopes of not getting rained on by fire. We are currently awaiting a responce.
28-07-2004, 02:18
lol, two n00b nations invading each other. This'll be a sight. The Mercantile Republic of Galmorra is mobilizing a Regimental Combat Team to stop this newbie war.
Kelonian States
28-07-2004, 02:23
Cease your actions now, or I'll scratch my balls and eat peanuts.
This is the greatest military action sanctioned under the new anti-n00b policy of Kelonia.

Yours, Premier Maksim F. Romaninko.
28-07-2004, 02:28
Worst. Thread. Evar.
28-07-2004, 02:32
Worst. Thread. Evar.

OOC: Couldn't agree more, time to end it!


"So, they know about our submarine?" asked the president, "Send them a message, either stop this foolishness, or we destroy them, plain and simple."

"Yes Sir."

To: Whoever's in Charge, Catabaronia
From: General A. Jenkins, Aequatio

Stop this foolishness or we will destroy you, that is all.
28-07-2004, 02:34
ooc: it was me that sent u a message, they dont know your there....
28-07-2004, 02:41
LOL, this would be kinda funny to sit back and watch...
28-07-2004, 02:50
ooc: it was me that sent u a message, they dont know your there....

OOC: It's kind of hard to tell what is what with all the typos and broken English.

Oh... and my threat still stands.
28-07-2004, 19:55
To: Whoever's in Charge, Catabaronia
From: General A. Jenkins, Aequatio

Stop this foolishness or we will destroy you, that is all.

We are prepared to die if you don't help Judasia.
We are prepared to declare war agains your region if you help this rebel republic.
28-07-2004, 20:08
Occ: Well me want right grammar
the words you spoken sound not right at all you stupids.

(and for all you retards that think I am typing like this because I dont have any grammar, can suck my lower extremity)
28-07-2004, 20:20
My english is very bad...
28-07-2004, 22:47
It's curious that both your nations are still in the same region...even though you have an obvious hankering to fight each other. Maybe you should seek a common withdrawal of hostilities...if only for the common security of your region ^_^

*lead elements of the 3rd Galmorran Ranger Regimental Combat Team arrive in the area near the conflicted region*
28-07-2004, 23:12
What is the point of this war? Not only will it bring unneeded death to two young countires it may also bring international ramifications to not pnly your countires, but your region as well. Being a young nation myself, I respect the fact that war is far beyond my capabilities. There will be a day when honour calls you into war, when you cannot avoid it. That day is not today. Save your military, save your strength. Save the tears of mothers and wives for when they must be shed. Save the lives of your countrymen for when they must be given. I would ask you to come to a diplomatic solution, and we will volunteer to mediate if you so wish.

Yours In Cooperation,
Nigel Rightly
Prime Minister of Vendi
28-07-2004, 23:16
So many noobs...

"I declare war on Person B" Person A
"Why are you two fighting?" Anonymous person
"I nuke you" IoR
"IoR, why did you nuke him? You don't even know what the fight is about" Anon person
"I Got teh BIG nuuks!" IoR
Fuhrer landw
28-07-2004, 23:34
If Judasia is comprised mainly of lefties and Zionists, you have my nations moral support.
29-07-2004, 03:43
The War between Catabaronia and Judasia is over.
In that moment Judasia is a Dominion of Catabaronia.

The War is over.

We are in peace.

29-07-2004, 23:49
-_- I'd love to see how they agreed to this? If you're going to insist on roleplaying, at least make a good RP that can be viable.
Dyelli Beybi
30-07-2004, 00:43
They agreed on this by being the same player.
30-07-2004, 01:28
Yeah, I found that out after I followed the link to his region >.<
Dyelli Beybi
30-07-2004, 01:35
Lol I hadn't even checked :P It's just so common to have newbies fighting wars against themself.
The Scarecrows
30-07-2004, 01:44
This'll be interesting... And the winner loses all... And gains it all...
Dyelli Beybi
30-07-2004, 02:20
looking at the region. Is it just me or are they all the same person posting on a regional board?
31-07-2004, 12:28
looking at the region. Is it just me or are they all the same person posting on a regional board?

Sim, é verdade.
Acertaste em cheio.
Existem mais pessoas como eu.
Aposto que não é uma ideia nova.
Eu sendo um Newbie não fiz nada de novo por estas bandas.
Portanto desampara-me da loja.

Comunofascista de meia tigela.
31-07-2004, 12:32
Lol I hadn't even checked :P It's just so common to have newbies fighting wars against themself.

Estou tão farto deste jogo.
Tanta regra tanta merda.
E pensava eu que era maluco... esta malta são uma cambada de paranoicos... devem ser todos malucos. Não devem ter namoradas e estão nesta vida desde que nasceram...
É preciso criar um mundo para eles se sentirem felizes.
Vocês são todos doidos.

Este site é um Manicómio.

São os novos manicómios. Os malucos agora estão todos aqui. Bolas!!!!
Vou-me pirar.
31-07-2004, 12:52
Porque é que continuas?
Eu acho que devíamos declarar guerra a eles todos e arrasar esta merda toda. Com milhões de bombas nucleares.
Já vi como estes gajos lutam.
Este jogo é uma merda.
Cheio de regras para maluquinhos da silva.

Bora destruir o MUndo!!!!
01-08-2004, 06:06
I Declare war on both those nations for making such a stupid thread lol j/k
Bli Blah
01-08-2004, 06:13
I Declare war on both those nations for making such a stupid thread lol j/kyea really my military is way larger then there populations
01-08-2004, 06:25
Yes, while we are all at it, I might as well fire up the anti-noob cannon, you to can have an anti-noob cannon for 4,000 easy payments of 400 USD a month!
01-08-2004, 23:03
I Declare war on both those nations for making such a stupid thread lol j/k

I' m sorry.
This reason is invalid to declare war against Jinsulas region.
01-08-2004, 23:28
OO: :headbang: Mind Fuck...
Uh... Yeah. END OOC
Waylend would just like to say please have some Turtle Techno and DON'T TELL PEOPLE WHAT TO DO! And then read the rest of his post.