Proposed treaty for Sevaris and Khata
The Island of Rose
27-07-2004, 21:34
I have a treaty so simple, it won't affect anybody:
1) Sevaris says sorry to Khata
2) Khata says sorry to Sevaris
3) Both nations release POWs
4) Both nations kiss and make up
That simple.
OOC: I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself :p
27-07-2004, 21:37
I have a treaty so simple, it won't affect anybody:
1) Sevaris says sorry to Khata
2) Khata says sorry to Sevaris
3) Both nations release POWs
4) Both nations kiss and make up
That simple.
OOC: I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself :p
[OOC: I believe you said it best. In the official, considered opinion of Sarzonia, "meh."]
IC: We believe we have already proposed a treaty that is fair to both sides and takes both sides' major objections into consideration. We call upon both sides to sign the agreement as it has previously been negotiated.
We fully realize that neither side will be completely happy with the terms that we have laid out, but in the world of peace negotiations, compromise is necessary. We insist that both sides agree to the compromises that we have already outlined.
Communist Mississippi
27-07-2004, 21:38
Include a clause where nations that had mercenaries in the conflict get reparations. Then I'll back it.
27-07-2004, 21:39
Why don't we make this simple for ourselves lets just see if we can get everyone to agree on a Status Quo Ante Bellum treaty.
OOC: For those of you who don't know what that means it means to go back to the way things were before the war.
Chellis needs assurance that sevaris wont be more aggresive. Their declaration of war on us recently just proves how aggresive they are.
We agree to Rose's treaty. It's so simple- it works.
The Island of Rose
27-07-2004, 21:42
Include a clause where nations that had mercenaries in the conflict get reparations. Then I'll back it.
Bleh, fine.
Also- could we get a small sum from Kahta to pay us for the blockade damage (economic)
Also- could we get a small sum from Kahta to pay us for the blockade damage (economic)
Chellis needs a clause added on so that sevaris pledges to completely stay out of Kahta, Chellian, and other allied nations affairs, unless sevaris is invited to participate. We also seek reparation for the F/A-18 that Kahta lost.
The Island of Rose
27-07-2004, 21:45
Also- could we get a small sum from Kahta to pay us for the blockade damage (economic)
It seems fair, since CM is getting paid for the mercs.
We fully support this treaty and urge all involved nations to do so as well. It makes sense as the quickest measure to end tensions between these nations. The House also requests that an additional provision be added guaranteeing that soldiers and weapons of war from involved nations will not enter opposing nations' territories for ten(IC) years following the signature of this treaty.
The Island of Rose
27-07-2004, 21:46
Chellis needs a clause added on so that sevaris pledges to completely stay out of Kahta, Chellian, and other allied nations affairs, unless sevaris is invited to participate. We also seek reparation for the F/A-18 that Kahta lost.
I'll pay for that plane, how much?
Chellis- with all due respect- BUGGER OFF.
I'll pay for that plane, how much?
I've heard 45m, but thats up to Kahta, really.
27-07-2004, 21:50
God damn it. Every one wants reparations from someone else. Just shut up. If you add up all the repartions that your talking about the damages and payments to both sides are equal. It would just be handing a 20 dollar bill over to get two 10s. CM how much do you want I'll pay you. An F/A-18 how many of those do you lose a year in non-combat operation probably alot more than one you can afford to pay for it. All the other crap just drop it. Sevaris is a sovereign nation it can do what it wants in the future and Kahta is a sovereign nation and it can do what it wants in the future. Now all of you quit complaining and just agree to peace.
OOC: begin the flames
The Island of Rose
27-07-2004, 21:52
Agreed, me and Morathania will pay for damages, if he agrees >.> <.<
27-07-2004, 21:54
Ya I'll pay them. Give me estimates for your damages and see what I can do.
Chellis' main concern is getting sevaris to promise it will not interfere with Kahta, Chellian, or other allied issues, if sevaris is not wanted. We think this is plenty reasonable.
The Island of Rose
27-07-2004, 21:58
That's right, just stop fighting.
Who knew a treaty so simple would work :rolleyes:
27-07-2004, 21:59
Why? Should I come in and say 'Well Chellis, I don't think that you should be involved in my affairs'. No your a sovereign country. You have a right to screw around in other peoples business that's what trade and diplomacy are all about. Thats why we have a whole forum devoted to International Incidents. If Sevaris wants to have relations with any of the countries mentioned in the Future why shouldn't he. If he wants to say something against Kahta or Chellis or any he can do that. Your big countries I think you can handle Sevaris saying he doesn't like something. If theirs anything too big that happens theirs always war and diplomacy that can handle the job.
Axis Nova
27-07-2004, 22:06
Include a clause where nations that had mercenaries in the conflict get reparations. Then I'll back it.
I propose we name this clause the "Blatant money grab by Communist Mississippi clause".
No one cares about mercenaries.
Axis Nova
I think you can handle Sevaris... theirs always war....
This is the exact situation right now. Sevaris stuck its nose into Kahtas buisness, threatened to attack Kahta forces, and Kahta responded with diplomacy, then war. Then the international community comes and helps sevaris mostly.
I honestly dont care if Sevaris wants to call me the devil. However, giving military aid to my enemies, or kahtas enemies, is wrong, If we want the fighting to stop, then this is a prime place.
27-07-2004, 22:20
Ok Ok I don't care lets just get this over with already. People are starting withdraw because their sick and tired of this war and because both sides have at times acted like jackasses.
I fully agree to the terms of this agreement, as I have previously.
I fully agree to the terms of this agreement, as I have previously.
Its not a treaty in effect until both sides sign, however, so you are going to have to give some to get some.
I have made no terms to this agreement as it is. We agree to it as it stands, but we are amiable to change, as long as it does not heavily penalize either side.
27-07-2004, 22:29
Please God sign this treaty, for your sake if anything.
27-07-2004, 22:30
Its not a treaty in effect until both sides sign, however, so you are going to have to give some to get some.
[OOC: I proposed a treaty where both sides give something up. Seems that one just fell right off the table.]
The Island of Rose
27-07-2004, 22:32
Sign the f***ing treaty or I will spew inane leftist quotes!
Kahta will not sign this treaty. The only treaty which will be signed by Kahta is CM's treaty.
27-07-2004, 22:35
CM's treaty is insane. Nobody in his right mind would accept it.
27-07-2004, 22:37
Kahta sign the damn treaty. You want revenge so bad your going to screw your one chance at peace. Well okay hope you enjoy a long drawn out war. And yes no one would accept CMs treaty it is insane and biased toward your side.
If this f**king treaty isn't signed I'm going to start quoting every major right-wing guy I can starting with Ronald Reagan.
Chellis will not sign CM's treaty either, as it is very bad against sevaris when sevaris does not deserve that much penalty.
Chellis offers that both sides promise to not get involved with each others affairs, that doesnt penalize either side more than the other.
I agree to this treaty. Kahta, sign it. It's the only real chance we have at peace.
Communist Mississippi
27-07-2004, 22:39
Kahta sign the damn treaty. You want revenge so bad your going to screw your one chance at peace. Well okay hope you enjoy a long drawn out war. And yes no one would accept CMs treaty it is insane and biased toward your side.
If this f**king treaty isn't signed I'm going to start quoting every major right-wing guy I can starting with Ronald Reagan.
About the treaty.
"Sign just one for the Gipper."
Communist Mississippi
27-07-2004, 22:40
I agree to this treaty. Kahta, sign it. It's the only real chance we have at peace.
YEAH! You agreed to mine. I'm a peacemaker. I can get the nobel peace prize. Fabus deserves it.
27-07-2004, 22:40
Exactly. Sign it.
Unless of course you want to hear me quote Ronald Reagan, Ann Coulter, William F. Buckley and the entire book The Road to Serfdom by FA Hayek.
Read this- I just spoke to Kahta. I'm SenorNintendo- He's tehleetuberhaxor.
Senor Nintendo: Do me a big favor
tehleetuberhaxor: what
Senor Nintendo: The Island of Rose has designed a peace treaty
Senor Nintendo: It's very simple.
Senor Nintendo: Please sign it
tehleetuberhaxor: link please
Senor Nintendo: I already have supported it.
Senor Nintendo:
tehleetuberhaxor: I only will sign the peace treaty laid forth by Comminust Mississppi
Senor Nintendo: Why?
Senor Nintendo: That has Versailles written all over it.
tehleetuberhaxor: i know
Senor Nintendo: You know what happened there.
tehleetuberhaxor: yes, it resulted in the greatest loss of life in a 6 year period in the history of the human race
Senor Nintendo: Yes. That's why we can't sign it.
tehleetuberhaxor: man made loss of life
Senor Nintendo: I like Rose's.
tehleetuberhaxor: i dont
Senor Nintendo: Why not?
tehleetuberhaxor: it acts as though I am the aggressor
tehleetuberhaxor: he gave me a threat first
Senor Nintendo: Look- We both get equal responsibility here.
Senor Nintendo: Otherwise, he'd have you apolgizing to me only, or vice-versa.
tehleetuberhaxor: no, I will not sign it
Senor Nintendo: Look- It's so damn simple. It can prevent a bloody war which would result in the ruin of both of our nations.
tehleetuberhaxor: mine would not be ruined
Senor Nintendo: Yes it would.
tehleetuberhaxor: how?
Senor Nintendo: The financial strain and loss of life would affect you.
Senor Nintendo: like Great Britain and France at the end of WWII
tehleetuberhaxor: no, more like Canada at the end of WWII
Senor Nintendo: Look- What's your problem with Rose's treaty?
Senor Nintendo: I'll lobby to get it adjusted
tehleetuberhaxor: no, I will not sign it
Senor Nintendo: WHY?
tehleetuberhaxor: I will only sign CM's treay
tehleetuberhaxor: treaty
Senor Nintendo: CM
Senor Nintendo: CM
Senor Nintendo: oops
Senor Nintendo: CM
Senor Nintendo: DAMMIT
tehleetuberhaxor: Communist Mississippi
Senor Nintendo: CM's treaty is Versailles II bascially.
Senor Nintendo: I know who that is.
Senor Nintendo: I seek for a treaty that favors neither of our nations.
Senor Nintendo: We both accept equal responsibility
tehleetuberhaxor: you caused this mess
Senor Nintendo: You agree to end the blockade
Senor Nintendo: I sodding did not.
Senor Nintendo: Well, I kinda did.
Senor Nintendo: I made my opinions on an issue known.
tehleetuberhaxor: you threatened me with your military
tehleetuberhaxor: and now you have declared war
Senor Nintendo: Look- I have a short treaty. It's simple.
tehleetuberhaxor: the reason you want peace is because your allies are abandoning you
Senor Nintendo: 1. We both accept equal responsibility for the war. 2. You end the blockade of Sevaris. 3. I pay a fine.
Senor Nintendo: 4. I will pay for the destroyed F-18.
tehleetuberhaxor: no
Senor Nintendo: I do not care if Sarzonia has abandoned me.
Senor Nintendo: He was of little help anyway.
tehleetuberhaxor: or the others
Senor Nintendo: No one else has.
Senor Nintendo: Look- Do you really want to dismember me?
Senor Nintendo: Then cause an even greater war
Senor Nintendo: Which would lead to the destruction of your nation?
tehleetuberhaxor: no, it woudlnt
Senor Nintendo: Look-
tehleetuberhaxor: it would only be bad for you
Senor Nintendo: Chellis does not support you.
Senor Nintendo: He suggests that you sign Rose's treaty.
tehleetuberhaxor: ok, I will not sign it unless there are a few changes
Senor Nintendo: Name them.
tehleetuberhaxor: you must abandon all WMDs and offensive ICBM's
Senor Nintendo: No.
tehleetuberhaxor: you must eliminate all strategic bombers
Senor Nintendo: No.
tehleetuberhaxor: and your total military can be no more than 7 million active and 10 million reserve
Senor Nintendo: No.
Senor Nintendo: I determine my defense needs.
tehleetuberhaxor: then I'm not signing it
27-07-2004, 22:45
Kahta you are standing in the way of peace. You are being vindictive. You don't want to make this another Versailles do you. You do not want to destroy your country or the countries of your allies. One of your major allies has signed it and most people agree that you should sign this for your own good and the good of all the nations involved.
27-07-2004, 22:47
Please sign the treaty. For your own good, and for everyone else's.
27-07-2004, 22:50
ALRIGHT! ENOUGH! How's this:
1) Kahta accepts guilt for the present situation, since Kahta moved forces toward Sevaris first.
2) Sevaris accepts guilt for intervening in the affair between Caelta and Kahta by supplying forces opposed to Kahta.
3) Both sides pay reparations of approx. 20 million dollars, for losses and inconvenience caused by the situaition.
4) Both sides withdraw to pre-war positions.
5) Kahta pledges to undertake no offensive action against Sevaris for reasons not pertaining to the safety of Kahta itself.
6) Sevaris pledges not to take offensive actions against Kahta unless Sevaris itself is threatened.
7) An international Naval Force remains in place to ensure no movements by either side toward the other.
8) Kahta holds free and democratic elections within Caelta.
9) PoWs to be exchanged.
Communist Mississippi
27-07-2004, 22:52
ALRIGHT! ENOUGH! How's this:
1) Kahta accepts guilt for the present situation, since Kahta moved forces toward Sevaris first.
2) Sevaris accepts guilt for intervening in the affair between Caelta and Kahta by supplying forces opposed to Kahta.
3) Both sides pay reparations of approx. 20 million dollars, for losses and inconvenience caused by the situaition.
4) Both sides withdraw to pre-war positions.
5) Kahta pledges to undertake no offensive action against Sevaris for reasons not pertaining to the safety of Kahta itself.
6) Sevaris pledges not to take offensive actions against Kahta unless Sevaris itself is threatened.
7) An international Naval Force remains in place to ensure no movements by either side toward the other.
8) Kahta holds free and democratic elections within Caelta.
9) PoWs to be exchanged.
This treaty is a joke, my treaty is the only real solution to the root of the problem.
#8 makes me sick.
We agree to DPUO's terms.
27-07-2004, 22:56
Well of course a fascist nation such as yourself would think that elections would be sickening but to most people in sane nations that hold free and democractic elections they thought of giving elections to others is a good humane idea.
Kahta said this is why he will not sign DPUO's treaty- because of clause #8. Look here. "70 years ago their government was intimidated into secretly follow Kahta's orders"
27-07-2004, 22:59
ALRIGHT! Sevaris. Will you accept that Kahta does not have to hold elections in Caelta?
And if so, Kahta, will you accept the rest of the Treaty?
We consent, provided that he stops massacring people.
My revisions
1) Sevaris takes 70% of the blame for first threatening Kahta with military force.
2) Sevaris accepts guilt for intervening in the affair between Caelta and Kahta by supplying forces opposed to Kahta.
3) Sevaris pays Kahta $150 Billion for reparations of the Carrier, F/A-18, costs of mobilization, and loss of life as a result of supporting rebels in Caelta
4) Both sides withdraw to pre-war positions.
5) Kahta pledges to undertake no offensive action against Sevaris for reasons not pertaining to the safety of Kahta itself.
6) Sevaris pledges not to take offensive actions against Kahta unless Sevaris itself is threatened.
7) An international Naval Force remains in place to ensure no movements by either side toward the other.
8) Sevaris will eliminate all WMD's but 150 nuclear warheads.
9) PoWs to be exchanged.
These are my revisions.
27-07-2004, 23:00
Please, no more provisions. For everybody's good.
Senor Nintendo: Will you agree?
tehleetuberhaxor: you must elimate your WMD's and ICBM's.
Chellis agrees with Kahta's position.
You're being unreasonable. *cough*Versailles*cough*
You're being unreasonable. *cough*Versailles*cough*
Senor Nintendo: Will you agree?
tehleetuberhaxor: you must elimate your WMD's and ICBM's
Senor Nintendo: Why? I don't want you to get rid of yours.
tehleetuberhaxor: you have been determined as a "dangerous nation" by our Government
Senor Nintendo: So have you
tehleetuberhaxor: you declared war on us
Senor Nintendo: But that doesn't mean we seek to disarm you.
Senor Nintendo: Only for technical reasons
tehleetuberhaxor: thats not disarmament
Senor Nintendo: In case you launch an assault.
tehleetuberhaxor: you can still have any other forces
tehleetuberhaxor: you can still have EMP weapons, those are not WMD's
Senor Nintendo: We need our ICBMs and WMDs to defend against other rogue states, i.e., NoOBs.
tehleetuberhaxor: fine, you will be permitted to have 150 nuclear warheads but no ICBM's
Senor Nintendo: I will keep what I want.
Senor Nintendo: Can't we agree to have no arms restrictions?
tehleetuberhaxor: no
Senor Nintendo: Jackass. (boldface mine)
Senor Nintendo signed off at 6:03:27 PM.
I assume he blocked me.
27-07-2004, 23:06
Tyrandis would like to ask Kahta why Sevaris must pay reparations for the carrier... WHEN HE NEVER COMMITTED ANY ACTION AGAINST IT?
Tyrandis would like to ask Kahta why Sevaris must pay reparations for the carrier... WHEN HE NEVER COMMITTED ANY ACTION AGAINST IT?
Our military maintains that he fired it.
27-07-2004, 23:14
Our military maintains that he fired it.
[OOC: And the U.S. blamed Spain for destroying the Maine when it was determined to be an engine failure. Even though there was little to no evidence, Spain made most of the concessions to the U.S. but the U.S. still declared war. Right now, you're looking an awful lot like the U.S. in that war.]
27-07-2004, 23:20
After 13 Grunge-French Companies, 4 Kiwizelandan Companies, 2 Mexican Companies and 1 Dark Terror Company presented a demand against the State for economic damage due to the Sevarian situation since Sevaris threatened Kahta with an invassion, The Judge decided that only 2 of the Companies had no real cases. The other Companies won, and The Grunge-French Government is now forced to pay them for the damages. 130 million dollars.
-Take into account Kahta has a Free Trade Agreement with us, and we have tax privileges in Kahta, we have strong economic ties-
We ask Sevaris to pay us 130 million dollars to pay for the economical damage this crisis has caused.
Ever since Sevaris threatened to interfeer in Kahta, The commerce between Grunge-France and Kahta was damaged. And it was a very important damage, for we are Trade Partners. Several Grunge-French Companies established in Kahta decided to leave the country, scared something could happen there. This has damaged several commercial interests of Grunge-France and we ask Sevaris to pay the damage.
We also ask other 30 million dollars to pay por a SMALL PART of the costs of the mobilisation.
Seryown is willing to wire 557 million rsets(over 175 million dollars) in reparations to Grunge-France immediately if they agree to support the treaty offered by Island of Rose with as few revisions as possible.
27-07-2004, 23:29
Please all consider this Treaty. (
Seryown has seen that treaty but does not see monitoring or decommissioning of Sevaris' ICBM installations as proper in any way.
27-07-2004, 23:34
We accept Seryown´s offer. Tell us when the money has been wired.
Provided that,we support and endorse the Threaty of DPUO.
27-07-2004, 23:36
We are most thankful for this endorsement by Grunge-France. Hopefully this terrible confrontation can be ended.
Grunge-France, the conditions we laid out for reparations indicated that you should endorse Island of the Rose's offer, not DontPissUsOff's. We find DontPissUsOffs offer to be far too demanding of Sevaris and prefer by far Island of the Rose's offer. Should you maintain your support of this other proposal, we will have to return for another vote about whether to wire you the valuable rsets.
27-07-2004, 23:41
If Seryown does not agree with our terms, DPUO will offer to pay the required amount to Grunge-France, on behalf of Sevaris.
27-07-2004, 23:49
We find in DPUO noble, intelligent people who circumstances have caused that we are on the brink of war against them. We shall establish that this incident was not to be taken as a hostile attitude against DPUO, but as a solidarity act towards Kahta.
We will gladly accept then DPUO´s paying of the requested money then, and provided this, we still keep our support and endorsement for his treaty.
27-07-2004, 23:51
We cannot say how relieved we are that this has happened. Hopefully Sevaris will also accept, and we can cease fearing sending more than 100,000 of our men and women to their deaths.
The Island of Rose
28-07-2004, 00:01
Revised Treaty:
1) Both sides will apologize.
2) Both nations will exchange POWs
3) Both nations kiss and make up
4) Both nations will go back into respective borders
5) The Island of Rose and/or other nations will pay reperations
6) Armed forces will remain the same
7) Both nations will not go to war with each other for one week
8) Both nations will shut up about this war
Optional: You must say I am sexy.
Well? Come on, this is so simple and balanced.
Communist Mississippi
28-07-2004, 00:07
Revised Treaty:
Optional: You must say I am sexy.
Do we at least get to see a picture so we can have an informed opinion.
Do we at least get to see a picture so we can have an informed opinion.
Yes, I agree.
28-07-2004, 00:35
Yes, I agree.
[OOC: Since it's optional, I decline the option. haha
Then again, I don't think TIOR wants me saying he's sexy. ;)]
The Island of Rose
28-07-2004, 00:38
Bump for response
Communist Mississippi
28-07-2004, 00:39
[OOC: Since it's optional, I decline the option. haha
Then again, I don't think TIOR wants me saying he's sexy. ;)]
I think you mean She. TIOR is a she right?
The Island of Rose
28-07-2004, 00:43
I think you mean She. TIOR is a she right?
I'm 15 year old male. Who was listening to Roses the day I made this nation.
Communist Mississippi
28-07-2004, 00:44
I'm 15 year old male. Who was listening to Roses the day I made this nation.
Sorry. I just figured anybody with rose in their name was a female.
My bad.
The Island of Rose
28-07-2004, 00:46
Sorry. I just figured anybody with rose in their name was a female.
My bad.
It's okay.
Now if you excuse me I will now riverdance!
And sign the f-ing treaty!
Itinerate Tree Dweller
28-07-2004, 02:38
Instead of arguing about WMD, we should stipulate that both nations may not produce anymore WMD for 2 rl weeks. In addition, nations shall reduce their respective forces to no more than 5% of their populace (a respectable number). Kahta shall be allowed to keep Caelta, but those Caeltians refugees who have left shall remain refugees. All non Kahta forces in Caelta shall be required to leave. The blockade of Sevaris shall end. Both nations accept 0% of the fault. All economic embargoes are lifted.
Life goes on like it should.
28-07-2004, 02:47
Morathania agrees with the treaty. It seems fair to all nations involved. We urge all other nations that are in this war to agree to this treaty so we can be done with it.
And for the last time TIOR nobody finds you sexy. YOU ARE NOT SEXY. Matter of fact try and find someone on NS who is sexy.
We give our full support to ITD's terms.
I think he's sexy. Just thought I'd say that to stir up some talk.
The Serya House grows tired of the endless peace talks and calls for Sevaris and Kahta to immediately agree to any of the proposals currently being offered around the world for the peaceful resolution of their conflict.
28-07-2004, 03:19
I think they agreed to mine, unless I've read it wrongly to myself. (