NationStates Jolt Archive

Omega Project Protested

26-07-2004, 09:32
Thousands of protestors from various churches around the nation have gathered out side Area 14, the site of the famous Omega Project.
They are protesting the project and accusing the government of trying to play god after rumour leaked the government was trying to create life from scratch.
One official at the site scoffed at the accusation, "Everyone knows you can't create life from scratch."
Meantime, 12,000 police are on site facing off against the protestors to make sure they don't enter the base.
"Only God has the right to create" read one protestors sign.
One protestor, Linda Roberts, said she was here cause her church found out the government was trying to bring about the reign of anti christ.
Another charge which the officials at the site scoffed at. "We al know the AntiChrist to be a fictional person out of a book of fiction."
"These are just religious fanatics who oppose scientific progress. But if they enter the base, the soldiers here already orders from the very top to shoot to kill."
The nation's Supreme Court ruled last week that the Whittier Freedom of Information Act did not apply to Project Omega cause of the National Security Concerns involved. The case was UFO Fanatics versus Brezhnekov's.
The plaintiffs had accused the government of covering up an extraterrestrial plot to take over the world. The leader of that group was later arrested cause he was found with 79 lbs of cocaine in his home, according to government officials.
Whatever is happening at Project Omega one thing and for all the rumours, one thing we can be sure about is that it is generating quite a few conspiracy theories. All of which are being denied by the government.
Lagrange 4
26-07-2004, 11:04
Just in case common wisdom proves wrong, can the Whittier legislation manage the possibility of life being created from scratch? If the Omega project results in demonstrating abiogenesis, who has the responsibilty over the lifeforms created?

This is a very relevant issue, since projects like this usually herald a rapid boom in biotechnology. The law often lags behind technology in these instances, such as in the disastrous case just before the Insurrection in L4. The former colonial administration didn't recognise bioroids (artificial humanoid creatures) as sentient beings. This lead to multiple abuses that stopped only after the new consitution was signed. All of this could have been prevented if human rights officials had drafted laws on the rights of artificial lifeforms beforehand.