Defense Contractors Needed...
Verboten Lufftewaffe
26-07-2004, 03:01
Need Defense Contractors to bid for a massive construction project...
26-07-2004, 03:05
Nagona Weapons Inc. is one of the largest Defense Contractors in the world, and will competitivly bid for any contract avaible, along with being in the Metus allience coalition.
Apple Zer0
26-07-2004, 03:10
Whats the project?
26-07-2004, 03:20
Samtonia Engineering would like to know what the project is.
Samtonia Engineering Corporation- Tomrrow's Ideas Today!
Verboten Lufftewaffe
26-07-2004, 03:22
Wish to increase the fortifications on the Straits of Gilbralter...Tie all Emplacements into a coordinated Fire control system...Purely Defensive in nature...I want...Coastal Emplacements...Including Missile Batteries....Must have 360 degree radius...Want all contingencies covered...Want any obstacles to beach landings implemented...Basically i want a wall of pure firepower...
Verboten Lufftewaffe
26-07-2004, 03:41
26-07-2004, 12:13
Nagona Weapons Inc. can do what you have asked. What is your asking price?
The Emperor Fenix
26-07-2004, 12:34
Okyto is interested in developing a co-ordinations computer for a large scale system as this. as long as it is to be used for defencive purposes only. Co-ordination computers are designed to act and learn organically, instantly reacting to situations in the most efficient way possible. Though they get better with age, the Okyton Empire is interested in be given a chance to develope a way to speed this "aging" process.
OOC: stop with the giant red letters please.
Crassuss National Control Mind