NationStates Jolt Archive

Treachery in the Congress....

22-07-2004, 02:53
SBS News Alert:
Apparently a situation has developed in the Congress of People's Deputies...We now go live to Chatham House, where Premier Mannerheim is going to address the nation.

"Good Evening, citizens of Sevaris- Alec Mannerheim here. Today is a sad day in our history. We have discovered that many of the members of the Congress of People's Deputies are on the pay roll of Fascist organizations, and they have been attempting to undermine our efforts to build a grand socialist society. And so, I have been forced to make the toughest decision of my life. Until I and my advisors deem otherwise, the Congress of People's Deputies is hereby dissolved. Also, those members with ties to fascist organizations will be arrested and tried for crimes against the people. Until the situation improves, I will rule by myself. If that is not your will, then please let me know. I live to serve the people. Finally, please join me in prayer for our nation during these tumultous times, and hope that our nation will live on as a beacon for the world. Thank you, and may God Save Sevaris!"

*Citizens then go to the streets to cheer Mannerheim's speech*

Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 03:17
We condemn this for what it really is. Using the threat of a fascist takeover to instead have the communists takeover. You're not fooling anybody.
22-07-2004, 03:19
We're not communists. We're socialists. We are trying to preserve our way of life against the fascists. In fact, I have banned all Communist parties.
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 03:22
We're not communists. We're socialists.

Tomato, Tomatoe.
22-07-2004, 03:23
Indeed. They are quite the same thing. One in the same. Synonyms.

In other words, socialism=communism.
22-07-2004, 03:24
You may think that. But it's not the case. I assure you, we condemn Marxism. We will not become Communists. I will take steps to ensure this country continues going as I want it to. That is the true reason why I disbanded the Congress. They were plotting against my agenda. All of that was a farce, really. I will do anything and everything in my power to foward my policy.

Premier Mannerheim
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 03:27
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

People's Republic of China.

They sound nice on paper, like people actually have a say. Yeah, you can choose if you want to go to gulag a, or gulag b. And in China you can choose if you want to be in re-education camp 1, or re-education camp 2.
22-07-2004, 03:28
You condemn my policy, yet you have Communist in your country's name?

I am taking the Franco approach to dictatorship.
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 03:29
You condemn my policy, yet you have Communist in your country's name?

I am taking the Franco approach to dictatorship.

So who cares what my name is. My policies and national history speak for themselves.
22-07-2004, 03:31
And, pray tell, what are your policies? We are rather curious. We're a new nation- and we look to you as an example of sorts. (However, without the Racism. We're not racists in any sense.)