The Lightning Star
22-07-2004, 00:21
I,The Empire of the Lightning Star, have begun a war of extermination against opposistion to the Emperors rule, terrorists, and people who dont worship Me(the Emperor)(foreigners excluded, as long as they're here leagally and arent supporting the un-clean with arms and supplies and shelter). At this very moment 1,000,000 of my forces, Air, Sea, And ground. Entire villages are being destroyed for housing Opposistion forces, and A province has rebelled against us. I ask for all Nations of similar style of government (its ok if your nation doesnt worship me, as long as it doesnt do the first two.) to aid us in this ethnic cleansing. If you assist us your citizen can enter our prosperious nation without harm. Certain Nations (such as Roach-Busters, The God Falltothzu, UKN, and anyone else who aidd us in our war of independence.