Assassination Attempt
Attican Empire
21-07-2004, 04:39
Ganzkaiser Otto Petinski walked into his office, to finalize some paperwork... an annexation here, an emargo there, when he turned his head towards where he heard a noise. Just as he turned, an explosion ripped on the other side of the room. The back of his head was singed, but the Ganzkaiser was not killed. If he had not turned, however...
Attican Empire
21-07-2004, 04:51
It is beleived that the following people had played an important role in the attempt:
Ina Samovitz - Minister of Foreign Affairs -- Außenministerium
Margot Lionischer - Minister of Internal Affairs -- Dïnstaufsichtsbehördeministerium
Nadine Czernïjewski - Minister of Labor -- Arbeitskräfteministerium
Kunegund Ledochowski - Minister of Commerce -- Handelministerium
Johann Gagola - Minister of Police -- Polizeiministerium
Arno Pagedor - Minister of Defense -- Abwehrministerium
Onufry Kollerwascher - Minister of Offense -- Angriffministerium
Sigrid Kolacki - Minister of Intelligence -- Gehemdienstministerium
21-07-2004, 05:16
We will be more than happy to help you investigate, determine who the perpetrator (sp?) is, and bring that person (or person[s]) to justice.
Attican Empire
21-07-2004, 05:19
We are confident in our abilities.
21-07-2004, 05:21
Oh...okay. Never mind, then.
Das Furer
21-07-2004, 05:36
We hope that you find the perpatrators of this heinous act, and treat them with the edge of the sword!