The Comitee for the Investigation of the Colonization of the Middle East
To all concerned countries,
The colonization and occupation of the Middle East by Communist Mississippi and their allies must be investigated thoroughly. This commitee's job will be to investigate the situation, evaluate what must be done, and take the nessecary course of action. Please join this commitee before it's too late.
Main Ras Malik X
20-07-2004, 19:51
(ooc: Libya is in Africa, not the middle east, unless you consider them the same, or close enough to be the same.)
Fine the colonization of the middle east and Africa
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 01:54
Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco are generally included when the "Middle East" is being talked about. Most usually include Libya and Egypt, and virtually all will always include Egypt when they say "Middle East". Because the people are from the same racial stock, their language is the same, their religion is the same, and they are very similar culturally.
Also we think Libya is doing just fine and not a single outside journalist will be allowed into it without express written CM government permission. (Just as in CM, where the media is very controlled)
If you want to send a camera crew into Libya or Mississippian Egypt, you'll need to file a "Form 4" request with the CM "State Department" and then a form 8 with CM "Office of Colonial Affairs"
Form 4
Full name:
Date of Birth:
Nation of origin:
Race of applicant:
Age of applicant:
Current Citizenship:
Describe in one sentence your political orientation:
Sexual Orientation:
Prison record:
Reason for applying:
Length of time to be in nation in question:
Which nation are you applying to enter:
Do you agree to have all of your film and tapes examined before being allowed to broadcast it?:
5 Character references that are not immediate family members and have known you at least 3 years and can attest the above answers are all true.
I swear that the above questions were answered truthfully and honestly to the best of my ability and that I did not willingly or knowingly provide false or misleading answers. I also realize that any purposeful false answers may result in my being tried for espionage and if convicted, punished as stated under CM Civil Law Code 1245.2B Paragraph 6 (public hanging)
By placing your signature below you agree that all the above answers are true and you agree that you have read and understand the possible consequences of false answers.
Signature X______________________________________
Date: ____________________
Initial: ________
Approved by:
Denied by:
If denied, reason for denial:
The Colonial Affairs form is the same thing with just the questions in a different order.
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 01:57
The same form is required for access to Parthian territory for journalists. Failure to have such a form and to do journalistic reporting will result in death by beheading or prison sentinces.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 02:02
CM is appointing Field Marshal Francisco Salazar (Duke of Leake County) to head the CM committee to investigate reports of human rights violations in Libya. If he discovers anything, he'll let you know.
Any others wishing to be on the committee?
Sir you have commited human rights violations already with the masacre of the 4000 Libyans. But does your form laws apply to investigative commitees?
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 02:14
Field Marshall Rostam Bahari would like to join the committee.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 02:20
Sir you have commited human rights violations already with the masacre of the 4000 Libyans. But does your form laws apply to investigative commitees?
Actually if you bothered to read, the massacre was done by a naval ship outside of Alexandria (which is in Egypt). The 4,000 killed were egyptians. And nobody knows about it because we don't let word get out.
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 02:20
Of what country?
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 02:32
Thus far the committee has nothing to report.
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 02:33
Indeed, Rostam has said that the CM forces are doing a splendid job with the public works in Libya.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 04:47
The CM members of the committee haved released video interviews with thousands of libyan natives. There were approximately 3,000 natives interviewed at random in marketplaces in Benghazi and Tripoli. 2,167 said that CM occupation would bring jobs, stability, and great prosperity to Libya. However all 3,000 of them stated they were angry at being recently deported. All 3,000 agreed it was good be back in Libya. 1,987 stated that they didn't mind segregation laws because they believe it will enable the Libyans to keep their culture and values intact.
Asked "Should CM leave Libya?" 1,094 replied yes and 1,906 replied no.
Asked "Do you think the insurgents are good people?" 407 replied yes and 2,593 replied no.
As president of this commitee I request that we wait untill we have more members before we make any reports. It would be best to have a report made by nations other than those being investigated to have commited crimes.
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 04:58
Bahari concludes that the CM government is doing an admirable job in Libya and should continuew the good work.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 05:13
As president of this commitee I request that we wait untill we have more members before we make any reports. It would be best to have a report made by nations other than those being investigated to have commited crimes.
I've done nothing wrong in Libya that can be considered a crime. I do have the bodies of about 2,000 white farmers who were killed when arab terrorists attacked them. Also there are the ruins of the hotel that the arab suicide bomber blew up. He killed over 500 and wounded a few thousand, the video footage was shown to the world. I am clearly the victim here. We are just trying to stop terror.
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 05:16
General Rostam Bahari's Report:
Apparently the CM government is doing an admirable job in creating new public works for Libya. The CM government is even planning to build a large canal that will help make the Sahara fertile and lush. This dedication to helping the Libyan people is met by vicious terror. Parthia reccomends that CM crack down on the agitators and continue to do a good job.
Decisive Action
21-07-2004, 05:23
Our leader has been monitoring events in Libya and Mississippian Egypt for several days now. We're forced to conclude that Mississippians are being attacked by Libyans and that any violence against Libyans was the result of extreme provocation by libyan terrorists and was simply retaliation for the violence dealt against Mississippi colonists.
We can attest that Libyans did indeed blow up a Mississippian controlled hotel and killed over 500 civilians. Also they are indeed killing the white farmers.
Mississippi should take immediate action to stop the terrorists, but please becareful not to hurt innocents along with the bad. Remember, not all arabs are terrorists.
Unified West Africa
21-07-2004, 06:34
The UWA fully supports the actions of freedom fighters in all CM controlled territory. We do not feel that an investigative committee is needed; Mississippi's imperialism and gross human rights violations are so readily obvious that appointing people to discuss it is needless and redundant.
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 06:37
The UWA fully supports the actions of freedom fighters in all CM controlled territory. We do not feel that an investigative committee is needed; Mississippi's imperialism and gross human rights violations are so readily obvious that appointing people to discuss it is needless and redundant.
If any arms shipments are found in the hands of Freedom fighters from UWA Parthia assures drastic consequences.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 06:55
The UWA fully supports the actions of freedom fighters in all CM controlled territory. We do not feel that an investigative committee is needed; Mississippi's imperialism and gross human rights violations are so readily obvious that appointing people to discuss it is needless and redundant.
Anything we do is in retaliation for their terror. RL Israel is allowed to stop arab terrorists, why can't we do the same?
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 06:57
Parthia supports CMs attacks on terror.
Chellis doubts the validity of the interviews by the Communist Mississippians. Chellis would like to see the real opinions of the groups, interviewed by completely independant, non-partisan groups.
Chellis feels the freedom fighters are in the right, having their nation taken after forces threatened to attack the libyan capital with nuclear weapons.
Chellis, on a different matter, would like to say a third large weapons cache has been taken. It is believed that fifty T-55's have also been taken, from what was to be a shipment to an anonymous nation. They were traveling toward the mediterranean from nigeria, the group was only being driven, not fully crewed. The T-55's veered onto the libyan side of the border, where freedom fighters destroyed two, and made the others surrendur. Ten T-95's may have also been taken.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 07:12
Chellis doubts the validity of the interviews by the Communist Mississippians. Chellis would like to see the real opinions of the groups, interviewed by completely independant, non-partisan groups.
Chellis feels the freedom fighters are in the right, having their nation taken after forces threatened to attack the libyan capital with nuclear weapons.
How is this a freedom fighter.
A muslim cleric issued a call that the faithful of Allah should martyr themselves to destroy the infidels. About 2 hours later, there was a report that a muslim youth aged 16 snuck across a roadblock and then walked into the "Royal Hotel" in a white district of Tripoli and blew himself up (He used 70 lbs of C4 on his back in a miltary grade pack). The soldiers responding to the scene reported that 108 people were killed and over 500 injured.
Notice only after such attacks began did CM start to plan to deport the arabs.
Communist mississippi should never have taken libya in the first place. These people want communist mississippi out.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 07:35
Communist mississippi should never have taken libya in the first place. These people want communist mississippi out.
Our polls indicate 61% of people want us there.
Occ- We think that the natives want you out of their lands, you own Algeria, maybe they want you out. Why does everybody get dozens of colonies but I can't have 2. No fair (pouts)