Communists Hanged In New Prague!
The Nazguulian Nazi Party News Network
News Update for July 20th 2004
After a lengthy investigation, the Nazguulian Security Service arrested four communist rebels in a low rent housing area in New Prague. They were planning mortar attacks on party members' motorcades and other government installations. They were taken into custody without incident and jailed until their arraignment earlier this morning. By order of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler they were to be hanged in the streets.
"We must send a message to anyone and everyone who even thinks about conspiring against our beloved Fuhrer," says Himmler, "Everyone must understand that his will is best for all."
The four men were hanged at ten this morning.
20-07-2004, 16:26
Luxembourgistan applauds the communists' deaths, and congratulates Nazguul on a finely organized hanging. (One Luxembourgistanian official was in attendance)
Cocoa Islands
20-07-2004, 16:39
President of Cocoa Islands PR declares deepest sympathy to victims of unfair
decision of Nazguulian court! Cocoa islands is ready to help to victims of nazi genocide.
Watch your tongue. It wasn't genocide. They commited a capital offense. Conspiring against members of the party and planning to commit murder is an automatic death warrant in Nazguul.
Cocoa Islands
20-07-2004, 17:10
Watch your tongue. It wasn't genocide. They commited a capital offense. Conspiring against members of the party and planning to commit murder is an automatic death warrant in Nazguul.
Cocoa Islands informer reported that there was no evidence against those four citizens, there was just strength demonstration of Nazguulian goverment agains citizens with other opinion.
20-07-2004, 17:15
In spite of RB's staunch anticommunism, we strongly denounce those who mistreat or kill communists. Although communism is illegal in RB, we try our best to maintain friendly relations with communist countries. We humbly request that you cease executing communists merely because of their ideology.
Our heroes Che Marx
20-07-2004, 17:15
Our heroes che marx shows soliditary with the young communist liberators of new prauge. There work shall not go unoticed by a fellow nation of communists and socialists alike.
Communist Mississippi
20-07-2004, 17:20
Good job, Premier Fabus is so pleased he is sending your leader an Eldorado and a custom M-14 rifle.
The NSS had dossiers on all four of these men. There was an investigation and they were arraigned and executed. Conspiring against party members is a capital offense.
Communist Louisiana
20-07-2004, 17:36
Even though we are sad to hear this news, we can not fight against it for the fact that they were trying to assinate officials. It is your states right to bring these attempted assins to justice.
20-07-2004, 19:26
The Oppressed Peoples of Eviltortureland is shocked and amazed at this course of action. The Oppressed Peopes of Eviltortureland was seriously considering military action, but then its dictator decided that she was too lazy to start a war.
Honestly, wee nation, do you really think that The Unholy Republic really trembles at your empty threats? I think not.
Reichsfuhrer Lothar Rendulic
Head Of The Waffen SS
Soviet leaders
21-07-2004, 05:45
Why do people all was put on the Title of the form Communist/Capatilist killed hanged,ETC. you could put that as a thing in the form and put some evidence
that a they were or did a illgeal offence.
Hint: how not to get tons of Capatlist/Communist nations mad at you DON'T PUT CAPATLIST/COMMUNIST KILLED!!!!!!!!!
21-07-2004, 05:55
We are disgusted by your blatant disregard for human life. We send out our deepest sympathy to the victims and their families. These people commited no offense to you and cannot be charged as such. Without solid evidence, this is little more than murder.
Chellis is deeply saddened by this.
Its hung, not hanged. We ask that nations who wish to speak english to do it correctly.
21-07-2004, 05:58
We are disgusted by your blatant disregard for human life. We send out our deepest sympathy to the victims and their families. These people commited no offense to you and cannot be charged as such. Without solid evidence, this is little more than murder.
Agreed. We are hereby imposing economic and trade sanctions and an arms embargo.
The Parthians
21-07-2004, 05:59
We laugh at the foolish communist pigs.
Spit upon them.
21-07-2004, 06:00
Very nice hangings. Communists are evil.
The Empire of Yallak holds no quarrel with communist/ capitalist etc. They were criminals. Simple as that. I see no genocide in the execution of 4 criminals, no matter what their ideology. Therefore hold Nazguul's courts decision in absolute correctness.
Soviet leaders
21-07-2004, 06:26
i am going to start a form called this is the title:CAPALISTVSCOMMUNIST (NOT A WAR) the hole point is so win one of the nations start a form they KNOW what not to put in it.