NationStates Jolt Archive

Kahta Reforms key parts of society

18-07-2004, 22:30
Kahta has made the following things illegal to posses without governmental permission or a prescription:
Any other drug which has been identified as a primary purpose of "entertainment"

People with a BMI of greater than 25 and bodyfat of more than 50% will no longer be eligible for government health insurance
People on welfare for more than 5 years will be re-assesed for financial assets and economic viability
Anyone with a college eduation (2 years or greater) will have a limit of 3 years of welfare imposed on them.
Anyone found to be abusing the public assistance programs will be imprisioned 1 year for every $5,000 they stole.
Men who are found to abuse their wives will be forced to give wives everything in the event that the marriage ends
It is the womens choice to have an abortion no matter what the age
Anyone that bullies based on relgion, ethnicity, sex, or sexual preferance will get 5 years in a maximum security prison (Age must be greater than 12)
Any parent who teaches relgion to their children will be sent to prison for (18 minus the childs age) years
Anyone found to have facist, anarchistic, or satanistic beliefs will be given an re-education program and 15 years in prison
18-07-2004, 23:56
someone please reply
19-07-2004, 00:20
Tawtina sees this as a move to become a logical, secular government. We agree on all points but the teaching of children religion. Is it illegal if the child becomes theist by his/her own will? I have no idea if this is a ban on religion or a ban on parents forcing religion on children. Please clarify
19-07-2004, 00:24
We find these new laws to be disgustingly autoritarian and desire that you remove such nonsense before you destroy all of your citizen's humanity!
19-07-2004, 01:59
Tawtina sees this as a move to become a logical, secular government. We agree on all points but the teaching of children religion. Is it illegal if the child becomes theist by his/her own will? I have no idea if this is a ban on religion or a ban on parents forcing religion on children. Please clarify

This is a ban on parents teaching their children religion, it is to prevent children from becoming religious fanatics like their parents. A parent should allow their children to make their own decision on religion because there is no correct religion. The child may educate themselves on religion, in school it is mandatory to be taught at the age of 14, about the major religions, Christianity, Judiasm, Buddhism, Islam, and Athiesm. If they would like to take classes to learn more about the different sects of those religions, it is permissable, but the teacher cannot state any support for a particular religion.
19-07-2004, 03:34
With that clarified, i completely support you.
Generic empire
19-07-2004, 03:47
Official Imperial Statement-

The Generian government is completely disgusted by these dehumanizing actions. We cannot comprehend the insanity that goes behind such skewed reason. If this policy continues, your nation will crumble into a horde of lifeless, mindless, soulless vegetables. This is incomprehensible.

Georg Maccek
Imperial Foreign Minister
19-07-2004, 04:11
The People's Republic of Doomduckistan agrees in theory with all of your choices but a few, but feels impelled to ask why some penalties are as harsh as they are. Is there a serious problem of fat, racist, and pro-life anarcho-fascist satanists living off welfare after getting a college education, beating their wives and indoctrinating their children in your country while on drugs?
20-07-2004, 23:30
The People's Republic of Doomduckistan agrees in theory with all of your choices but a few, but feels impelled to ask why some penalties are as harsh as they are. Is there a serious problem of fat, racist, and pro-life anarcho-fascist satanists living off welfare after getting a college education, beating their wives and indoctrinating their children in your country while on drugs?

We have a problem with overweight people, just as every other modern country does, if they do not keep themselves in shape, we should not give them access to free medicine.

We will not tolerate groups which have been added to the list "Enemies of the State", this list already includes gang members, fundamentalists (of any religion), and anyone that abuses the state's programs.

Seeing as abuse is a leading cause of depression, and overall is inhumane, we are cracking down on it.
20-07-2004, 23:31
We find these new laws to be disgustingly autoritarian and desire that you remove such nonsense before you destroy all of your citizen's humanity!

We are not destroying their humanity, as long as people are raised morally by their parents than they will not have future problems in life. OOC: I am leaning on athiest, and I dont have any morality problems.
20-07-2004, 23:32
Official Imperial Statement-

The Generian government is completely disgusted by these dehumanizing actions. We cannot comprehend the insanity that goes behind such skewed reason. If this policy continues, your nation will crumble into a horde of lifeless, mindless, soulless vegetables. This is incomprehensible.

Georg Maccek
Imperial Foreign Minister

No, these policies have been proven to help people. Explain which parts are making them lifeless, mindless, or souless vegetables.
21-07-2004, 23:53
Your policies are a violation of human rights.
Communist Mississippi
21-07-2004, 23:58
Your policies disgust me, you are sick and twisted.

I am going to immediately call on every White Christian to flee your nation and head for mine. Your nation is clearly a backwards marxist utopia. My nation will pay $200,000 + moving expenses to any White Christians that want to flee your nation and become citizens of CM.

CM will also find them a house and a job.

Here are real laws.

Communist Mississippi Laws. From the Official Government website.

Our glorious Comrade Premier Curtis Fabus came to power in 1984 after a revolution against globalists capitalists who were sending Mississippi down the path of racial, social, moral, political, and economic suicide.

The Jackson City Laws of 1986 (racial laws)- Forbade cohabitation of whites with non-whites. Outlawed inter-racial relations forbade the marriages of different races, and outlawed inter-racial adoptions. Forbade Kosher Slaughter, decreed that all Jewish shops must prominently display an Israeli flag (so people know which shops to avoid). All Jews were required to register with the government. Violations of any parts of this law often resulted in public hanging. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Crime Control Act of 1984- Ordered the registration of all firearms and caches of ammunition. Signed into law by Congress.

Crime Control Act II of 1986- Ordered the confiscation of all firearms except those owned by whites. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Industrial Reform Act of 1984- Nationalized all key manufacturing industry that was deemed crucial to national defense (Munitions and such). Signed into law by Congress.

Industrial Reform Act II of 1984- Forbade outsourcing of jobs from any industry. Signed into law by Congress.

Military Reform Act of 1984- Created the Republican Guard and the Republican Guard Internal Security Army. Authorized 5 Divisions in the RGISA and 2 Divisions in the RG. Signed into law by Congress.

Military Reform Act II of 1986- Raised the number of Divisions of the RGISA to 10, raised the RG divisions to 8, and allowed for 1 independent cavalry brigade. The changes would take place over the next 10 years. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Military Reform Act III of 1987- Raised the number of Divisions of the RGISA to 20, allowed for 2 independent cavalry brigades, and raised the number of RG Divisions to 28. The changes would take place over the next 10 years. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Joseph Mladic Education Reform Bill of 1985- Mandated all students must regardless of age receive education in racial science, weapons training, and political loyalty. Signed into law by Premier Fabus.

Group Areas Act of 1985- Declared which counties were “white” and which counties were “non-white”. Set aside that certain counties were off-limits to non-whites. Signed into law by Congress.

National ID Act of 1984- Declared all people must present a nationally issued ID card at any time when requested to by members of the Armed Forces, the RG, the RGISA, the DIS, and law enforcement. Signed into law by Congress.

County Pass Act of 1985- Declared that all people must have a county travel pass to cross county lines. Also people must be searched before crossing county lines. Also, they must have a county travel record book stamped when they enter and exit any county. Signed into law by Congress.

General Pass Act of 1985- Declared all people who were in CM would need a nationally issued General Travel pass and would have to present it when requested to do so by government forces and law enforcement. Tourists would have to get temporary General Passes. Signed into law by Congress.

Temporary Travel Visa Act of 1985- All foreigners must be approved for a temporary travel visa that will serve the same purpose of the County Pass and the National ID, only temporarily. Signed into law by Congress.

Sensible Immigration Act of 1984- Banned all non-white immigration to Communist Mississippi. Signed into law by Congress

Political Parties Act of 1984- Banned all parties except The Mississippi Stalinist Party. (Aka, the Revolutionary Rightist Party) Signed into law by Congress.

National Security Act of 1984- Established the Department of Internal Security and the Domestic Intelligence as a Branch of the Department of Internal Security. Also established the DIS police (Secret Police). Signed into law by Congress.

Government Allocation Act of 1987- Allowed for the government to tax up to 80% of a person’s annual total income. Secretly allowed that Premier Fabus would get 1% of all national taxes (Each year he gets about 170 billion from taxes, and about 300 billion from his various corporations) Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Government Monopoly Act of 1987- Permitted the Premier to grant monopolies to corporations. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Judicial Reform Act of 1987- Disbanded the Supreme Court, and granted the responsibilities of the court to the Premier. Signed into law by Congress.

Legislative Reform Act of 1987- Disbanded the Congress, and granted the responsibilities of Congress to the Premier. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

The Civil Guards Act of 1987- Established that the government would equip, fund, and through any means necessary, support local bands of private citizens who formed civil guards units. The units had to be government approved though. The only units the government approved were those formed by members of the White Knights of Mississippi. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Holiday Act of 1987- Made both Stalin’s birthday and Hitler’s birthday national holidays. Signed into law by Premier Fabus

State Sponsored Church Act of 1987- Established Southern Baptist as the state sponsored church that would be supported by federal taxes. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Protection of Industry Act of 1988- Banned strikes, banned labor unions, and banned any attempts to coerce management to accept unreasonable labor demands. Those convicted of violation of the act would be imprisoned in re-education camps. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Media Control Act of 1986- Banned foreign media from operating without expressed government permission. Any media figure, who without permission; took pictures of the Republican Guard, could be punished by hanging. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Divorce Reform Act of 1987- (Basically setup laws that allowed for divorce courts to favor the man. After the act was passed, 98% of custody cases ended with the man getting custody. Although divorce remains very rare in CM with less than 2% of marriages end in divorce) Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Espionage Deterrence Act of 1991- Permitted the public hanging of spies and all those deemed as foreign operatives. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Citizenship Clarification Act of 1992- Passed at the urging of General Reginald Smith and Propaganda Minister Joseph Mladic. It established that non-whites were not citizens under the law and therefore were entitled to no protections that the law afforded. However, it upheld that they were bound by the laws the regulate behavior, commerce, etc, and they could be punished for breach of such laws. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Indian Resettlement Act of 1992- Established the 5 tribal reservations. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Industrial Reform Act of 1994- Allowed that the government could intervene if there was a threat of a strike in an industry deemed crucial to national security. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Crime Fighting Act of 1995- Allowed that the government could detain indefinitely without notifying anybody, those deemed a threat to national security. Also allowed that if the person detained was a threat to national security, the government was under no obligation to allow them to contact anybody. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Big Brother Act of 1995- Established that all automobiles would be required to have tracking chips installed in them. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Labor Control Act of 1995- Required that all people making below $40,000 per year would have to have a chip installed in them (So the bosses can keep track of the workers and make sure they’re working). Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Road Act of 1995- Built massive rural road systems to improve the quality of life of those in rural areas. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Public Utilities Usage Act of 1995- Prohibited local utilities owned by whites from doing business with non-whites. Required non-whites provide their own power, water, sewer etc. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Media Reform Bill of 1995- Decreed that all non-whites would be permanently banned from any and all forms of media that might wind up viewed or read by whites. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Hospital Reform Bill of 1995- Declared that under no circumstances would a non-white be admitted to a white hospital, and that no white doctor, nurse, etc would be allowed to treat a non-white, and vice versa. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Property Reallocation Act of 1995- Declared the property of non-whites would become belong to the government in the event of their death. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Title of Nobility Act of 1996- Declared that citizens could hold titles of nobility. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Feudal Act of 1998- Revived the feudal system as a viable economic system. Allowed for those granted the title of baron or higher to use the feudal system and keep control over serfs. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Scientific Research Act of 1999- Allowed for 10 billion dollars to be spent over a 2-year period to research racial issues and such. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Industrial Reform Act of 1999- Denationalized most industries that had been nationalized. Provided subsidies to boost production. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Industrial Reform Act of 2000- Decreed that the minimum wage was abolished as it was unproductive to business. Also decreed that workers could be fired without reason. Declared, “The business of government is business. Declared the corporations were “People under the law, and entitled to the protections of the law.” Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Deportation Act of 2003- Decreed that non-whites would no longer be allowed to leave the nation, as it seemed inevitable that the government would ultimately have to find a permanent solution for them anyway. (Banned non-whites from emigrating out of Communist Mississippi). Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Civilian Protection Act of 2003- declared that if foreign bomber pilots ever bailed out over Communist Mississippi, that citizens were legally allowed to lynch them if they had dropped bombs that hit civilian targets. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Orders Act of 2004- (Passed Secretly) Declared that all those who refused to carry out their orders in the upcoming Operation Purification would be court-martialed. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Deportation Act of 2004- (Passed Secretly) Ordered all non-whites deported from their homes for their own safety. They would go to temporary holding camps. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.

Property Seizure Act of 2004- (Passed Secretly) Ordered seized all property owned by non-whites. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.
22-07-2004, 00:09
Great laws comrade Fabus. Very similar to Icurio's.
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 00:13
Anyone that bullies based on relgion, ethnicity, sex, or sexual preferance will get 5 years in a maximum security prison (Age must be greater than 12)

You left out race. Ethnicity and race aren't the same thing. You also left out nationality and physical or mental disability. So for a want to be liberal nation, you sure did leave a great amount out.
22-07-2004, 00:16
In Icurio, people are encouraged to be outwardley hostile towards Jews, blacks, asians, arabs, pretty much anybody who isn't white, straight, and God fearing.
22-07-2004, 00:24
We applaud the actions of the Kahtian government, and encourage it to keep working on such good decisions that will surely make its society better and stronger.
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 00:29
In Icurio, people are encouraged to be outwardley hostile towards Jews, blacks, asians, arabs, pretty much anybody who isn't white, straight, and God fearing.

We killed all of our jews, and we killed 32 million out of 42 million blacks. We never had any real asian population, and we never had any arabs. We have 1.5-2 million "Natives" (We call them savages) living on 4 reservations in our nation. We have 10 million blacks living in shacks in squatter camps outside of 3-4 white cities.
22-07-2004, 00:34
To the author of this thread, you are in fact aware that alcohol is a mind-altering substance used primarily for recreational purposes and therefore is illegal according to your drug policy?
22-07-2004, 01:00
Your policies are a violation of human rights.

I understand that these policies are controversial, however it is in the best interest of the people to follow the laws. We will never have any laws that are determined to be overly excessive or harsh.
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 01:02
I understand that these policies are controversial, however it is in the best interest of the people to follow the laws. We will never have any laws that are determined to be overly excessive or harsh.

You take away people's rights to raise their children as they wish. And you say "bullying" other races. I know how that will work, the black man says "The white man gave me the evil eye." And then a white male is off to a gulag. You now have "Thought crime laws"

CM will not stand for this, we open our doors to the right-wing whites of the world.
22-07-2004, 01:09
Your policies disgust me, you are sick and twisted.

I am going to immediately call on every White Christian to flee your nation and head for mine. Your nation is clearly a backwards marxist utopia. My nation will pay $200,000 + moving expenses to any White Christians that want to flee your nation and become citizens of CM.

Your policies disgust me as well, you are sicker and more twisted.

I will allow any White Christian who wants to go to your country to go. You will get most of the remaining RWK (Right Wing Kahta) population. (They rebelled when we began enforcing more liberal laws) I will be allowing them to move to your country within the next few weeks. We will however, ask you to transport them with your ships, and just to let you know, about 10% of the men have injuries sustained from the war, and about 5% of the overall population has sustained injuries from the raw materials absorbed into the enviroment such as lead, depleted uranium, etc. About 70% of the former RWK's population (35 Million people) will be moving to your country. Map Civil War.bmp
Thats an old war map.

OOC: While I harshly disagree with your policies, you are a great RPer.
22-07-2004, 01:10
In Icurio, people are encouraged to be outwardley hostile towards Jews, blacks, asians, arabs, pretty much anybody who isn't white, straight, and God fearing.

We will attack your country one day. Mark my words.
22-07-2004, 01:11
To the author of this thread, you are in fact aware that alcohol is a mind-altering substance used primarily for recreational purposes and therefore is illegal according to your drug policy?

Alcohol is the only exception to the drug, however we are considering cracking down on that.
22-07-2004, 01:12
We applaud the actions of the Kahtian government, and encourage it to keep working on such good decisions that will surely make its society better and stronger.

Thank you. We in Kahta hope our countries can become closer in the future.
The Parthians
22-07-2004, 01:14
Our nation is a Zoroastrian Persian nation and against all Muslims and Arabs.
22-07-2004, 01:15
You left out race. Ethnicity and race aren't the same thing. You also left out nationality and physical or mental disability. So for a want to be liberal nation, you sure did leave a great amount out.

I will be making some changes, thank you for the suggestions. However, I will not be including Physical or mental disability, those equal opportunity laws are simply retarded (I just couldnt resist) It is idiotic that if a place was to hire a retard or cripple (as in no legs) that they would be required to make the entire building 'tard or cripple friendly. It is an unneeded business expense.
22-07-2004, 01:18
We killed all of our jews, and we killed 32 million out of 42 million blacks. We never had any real asian population, and we never had any arabs. We have 1.5-2 million "Natives" (We call them savages) living on 4 reservations in our nation. We have 10 million blacks living in shacks in squatter camps outside of 3-4 white cities.

If you agree to allow all the blacks into my country, I will allow every White Chrisitian the option to Emigrate to your country, with a full government purchase of all their unwanted possesions.

Its a good deal, we both rid ourselves of the people we dont want.
22-07-2004, 01:19
You take away people's rights to raise their children as they wish. And you say "bullying" other races. I know how that will work, the black man says "The white man gave me the evil eye." And then a white male is off to a gulag. You now have "Thought crime laws"

CM will not stand for this, we open our doors to the right-wing whites of the world.

I am going to be making some changes to these laws, thank you for your suggestions.
22-07-2004, 01:20
Our nation is a Zoroastrian Persian nation and against all Muslims and Arabs.

Just keep giving them to me.
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 01:20
I will be making some changes, thank you for the suggestions. However, I will not be including Physical or mental disability, those equal opportunity laws are simply retarded (I just couldnt resist) It is idiotic that if a place was to hire a retard or cripple (as in no legs) that they would be required to make the entire building 'tard or cripple friendly. It is an unneeded business expense.

CM governor-general of Libya Franklin Westcott would like to point out that the typical African has an IQ of 60-65 on average, and that means they are considered mildly retarded. Westcott realizes that the average african in North America has an IQ of about 70-80, because they have been living amongst whites for generations and it has slightly improved them. But they are still nowhere near the average white IQ of 100-105. Westcott urges you to stop you insane path to racial suicide before it is too late.
Communist Mississippi
22-07-2004, 01:22
If you agree to allow all the blacks into my country, I will allow every White Chrisitian the option to Emigrate to your country, with a full government purchase of all their unwanted possesions.

Its a good deal, we both rid ourselves of the people we dont want.

Deal, the 10 million blacks will be on their way shortly. But you must allow all who want to leave to actually leave. You cannot hold guns to them and say, "You don't want to leave. Do you?" We are expecting at least 10-20 million whites to want to leave.
The Parthians
22-07-2004, 01:26
Parthia will take any Persian Zoroastrians who want to leave Kahta.
22-07-2004, 01:50
We will take any Satanists who want to leave Kahta
22-07-2004, 23:58
Parthia will take any Persian Zoroastrians who want to leave Kahta.

I will allow them to leave.
22-07-2004, 23:59
We will take any Satanists who want to leave Kahta

We will permit them to leave, however those that are in re-eduaction will be released upon completion of education. If they were to be released midway through the program the result would be thousands of people in various states of confusion.
23-07-2004, 00:00
Deal, the 10 million blacks will be on their way shortly. But you must allow all who want to leave to actually leave. You cannot hold guns to them and say, "You don't want to leave. Do you?" We are expecting at least 10-20 million whites to want to leave.

We would never do that. In fact, 25 Million have applied to leave. The rest of the RWK population is going to be moved, and the entire penninsula will be left to be made a nature preserve, all buildings will be left though, to study decomposition patterns.
23-07-2004, 00:11
CM governor-general of Libya Franklin Westcott would like to point out that the typical African has an IQ of 60-65 on average, and that means they are considered mildly retarded. Westcott realizes that the average african in North America has an IQ of about 70-80, because they have been living amongst whites for generations and it has slightly improved them. But they are still nowhere near the average white IQ of 100-105. Westcott urges you to stop you insane path to racial suicide before it is too late.

We will be educating all of them with the same standards as whites are given. We will also give them lessons that have been proven to raise the IQ to the point of which the average will be 100.
Communist Mississippi
23-07-2004, 01:30
We will be educating all of them with the same standards as whites are given. We will also give them lessons that have been proven to raise the IQ to the point of which the average will be 100.

Stahlecker points out, "The Portuguese were in africa for over 400 years, and couldn't do it. The British were in Africa for centuries as well, and they couldn't do it. The people are low because they are low. They cannot be raised up. You're welcome to take out blacks if you want. But we want whites in exchange for them. Whites that are not brainwashed by your camps."
Communist Mississippi
23-07-2004, 01:31
raise the IQ to the point of which the average will be 100.

Occ- Nothing I've ever heard of gain raise the IQ 30-40 points. It just doesn't exist.
23-07-2004, 02:11
We apploud and comdemn the laws you have set down, But we are willing to help the non vilolent anarchists into a free community and the men and women who want to express them self through racism it acepted but not condoned. And of course the people who just want to be free to have there fix. As we hope these people will be free to go we would appreciate if none more than 1 million come into our accepting states.
And Communist Mississippi we are apauled at the laws you have set down but we believe you will be crushed by free thought and the modern world. We also believe that whites can be just as stupid as anyone and the african culture wasn't given the recources to come up to the technological stage that cocasians privleged.
23-07-2004, 02:35
Stahlecker points out, "The Portuguese were in africa for over 400 years, and couldn't do it. The British were in Africa for centuries as well, and they couldn't do it. The people are low because they are low. They cannot be raised up. You're welcome to take out blacks if you want. But we want whites in exchange for them. Whites that are not brainwashed by your camps."

The only ones that are "re-educated" are the satanists, there have been no other re-education camps set up.

You will be getting 25 Million Catholic, Straight whites , in exchange for 10 Million blacks.
23-07-2004, 02:37
Occ- Nothing I've ever heard of gain raise the IQ 30-40 points. It just doesn't exist.

OOC: IQ tests are culturally biased. But I agree, I'm no racist, but whites just seem to be smarter. Note again: I am not a racist, I am just stating my personal experience. (This is also in part to their oppurtunities, as I live in Upper Middle class suburbs, they live in the poverty stricken cities)
23-07-2004, 02:45
We apploud and comdemn the laws you have set down, But we are willing to help the non vilolent anarchists into a free community and the men and women who want to express them self through racism it acepted but not condoned. And of course the people who just want to be free to have there fix. As we hope these people will be free to go we would appreciate if none more than 1 million come into our accepting states.
And Communist Mississippi we are apauled at the laws you have set down but we believe you will be crushed by free thought and the modern world. We also believe that whites can be just as stupid as anyone and the african culture wasn't given the recources to come up to the technological stage that cocasians privleged.

There is no such thing as a non-violent anarchist. We will not tolerate racism in any form. As long as someone is not in one of the bad categories, they will be given just about unlimited freedom.

Communist Mississippi is going to collapse on itself because its economic system cannot support itself.

As I stated before, I, as a White, living in the Upper Middle class suburbs, have had many more opputunities than someone living in the Ghetto, living in Gangland.
Communist Mississippi
23-07-2004, 02:58
There is no such thing as a non-violent anarchist. We will not tolerate racism in any form. As long as someone is not in one of the bad categories, they will be given just about unlimited freedom.

Communist Mississippi is going to collapse on itself because its economic system cannot support itself.

As I stated before, I, as a White, living in the Upper Middle class suburbs, have had many more opputunities than someone living in the Ghetto, living in Gangland.

Our yearly budget is 22+ trillion dollars. We are a fascist economic system and politically we are like 1890s deep south.
Communist Mississippi
23-07-2004, 03:00
You will be getting 25 Million Catholic, Straight whites , in exchange for 10 Million blacks.

Deal. But there are only about 9,980,000 blacks now. (There was a small riot and the police and "concerned citizens" put it down)

Occ- By concerned citizens I meant the White Knights of Mississippi Of the KKK.

Okay, the blacks are on their way to your nation. We figured they'd prefer to go in cattle cars because it's cheaper for CM and we know they don't want to burden the government. Those that wanted to go by air are being flown 4th class in the cargo holds of 777 airplanes.
Communist Mississippi
23-07-2004, 16:19
It is the womens choice to have an abortion no matter what the age

What about 13 year old girls? 14 year old girls? Are you taking away the rights of parents to know what their kids are doing?

What about an unruly wife who wants to spite her husband by having an abortion? Are you taking away the right of a husband to control his wife?
Communist Mississippi
23-07-2004, 16:22
Any other drug which has been identified as a primary purpose of "entertainment"

Men who are found to abuse their wives will be forced to give wives everything in the event that the marriage ends

Alcohol and tobacco fall under "entertainment" for that matter caffeine could also.

Also, what about women who hit men. I've known of plenty of cases where women beat men with an object, throw things at them, etc. The men just take it and tell nobody because of the stigma that is attached to complaining when a woman hits you. Also I've read about cases where men go to police station bloody from being hit by a glass or a bottle, and the police just laugh and tell them to "take it like a man".
24-07-2004, 02:15
What about 13 year old girls? 14 year old girls? Are you taking away the rights of parents to know what their kids are doing?

What about an unruly wife who wants to spite her husband by having an abortion? Are you taking away the right of a husband to control his wife?

Yes, I am taking that right away. The children have ben educated enough in sex ed classes to know that they are taking serious risks, to themselves. Also, they are educated that abortion is technically murder, as long as there are brainwaves coming from the baby.

Well, if the wife wants to have an abortion, the husband must also allow for it. If he wants to allow the wife to, she must have his permission. However in cases where the child in question was conceivec outside of Marriage, it is the womans right to choose.
24-07-2004, 02:16
Deal. But there are only about 9,980,000 blacks now. (There was a small riot and the police and "concerned citizens" put it down)

Occ- By concerned citizens I meant the White Knights of Mississippi Of the KKK.

Okay, the blacks are on their way to your nation. We figured they'd prefer to go in cattle cars because it's cheaper for CM and we know they don't want to burden the government. Those that wanted to go by air are being flown 4th class in the cargo holds of 777 airplanes.

A small riot constitutes 200,000 dead?

Well, anyways, please ensure that they have enough food and water, or we will ship the remaining whites (about a Million) in the same manner.
Communist Mississippi
24-07-2004, 02:21
A small riot constitutes 200,000 dead?

Well, anyways, please ensure that they have enough food and water, or we will ship the remaining whites (about a Million) in the same manner.

20,000 dead.
24-07-2004, 02:23
Alcohol and tobacco fall under "entertainment" for that matter caffeine could also.

Also, what about women who hit men. I've known of plenty of cases where women beat men with an object, throw things at them, etc. The men just take it and tell nobody because of the stigma that is attached to complaining when a woman hits you. Also I've read about cases where men go to police station bloody from being hit by a glass or a bottle, and the police just laugh and tell them to "take it like a man".

There are laws against all types of spousal abuse, wheather its a lesbian couple, a gay couple, or straight couple. It is all under the same category.

Tobacco use has been turned into a sort of drug trade. The use of the drug has been cracked down on, to the point that the youngest users of the drug are in their mid fifties, the rest of them are older.
24-07-2004, 02:26
20,000 dead.

Sorry, I misread. :(
The Parthians
24-07-2004, 07:30
How many Persian Zoroastrians did you send me?
24-07-2004, 14:59
How many Persian Zoroastrians did you send me?


OOC: Is that an acceptable number? They were not even a known religion until you brought them to my attention.
Communist Mississippi
24-07-2004, 18:59
A small riot constitutes 200,000 dead?

Well, anyways, please ensure that they have enough food and water, or we will ship the remaining whites (about a Million) in the same manner.

Fine, they'll have the food and water.

So what was the total number of whites you're sending me? Or have already sent?

What was the number again? (Occ- I cannot remember :( )
24-07-2004, 20:04
Oh, Rebels I thought a group that wants freedom I clearly must of misunderstood. I asume that many drug users have already been imprisoned but we still open our arms to the less serious ones cannabis and ectasy addicts if they are unhappy with your laws.
24-07-2004, 20:10
Fine, they'll have the food and water.

So what was the total number of whites you're sending me? Or have already sent?

What was the number again? (Occ- I cannot remember :( )

I have sent you 34 Million, and there is one million more to go.
24-07-2004, 20:11
Oh, Rebels I thought a group that wants freedom I clearly must of misunderstood. I asume that many drug users have already been imprisoned but we still open our arms to the less serious ones cannabis and ectasy addicts if they are unhappy with your laws.

We will allow all 350,000 people that are imprisoned for Cannibis and/or Estasy violations to be transported to your country.
Communist Mississippi
24-07-2004, 20:15
I have sent you 34 Million, and there is one million more to go.

Ye ha! We will soon have a grand total of 45 million whites in Mississippian Egypt!

We have 30 million arabs in Mississippian Egypt. We will need to do something though to settle our colonists.

Whites: 50 million
Arabs: 21 million

Mississippian Egypt:
Whites: 44 million (soon to be 45 million)
Arabs: 30 million
24-07-2004, 20:25
Ye ha! We will soon have a grand total of 45 million whites in Mississippian Egypt!

We have 30 million arabs in Mississippian Egypt. We will need to do something though to settle our colonists.

Whites: 50 million
Arabs: 21 million

Mississippian Egypt:
Whites: 44 million (soon to be 45 million)
Arabs: 30 million

We will take the 51 Million Arabs, however please ensure they have proper supplies of Food and Water. Ship them to our colony in the Continent of Eropid.
24-07-2004, 20:25
We will allow all 350,000 people that are imprisoned for Cannibis and/or Estasy violations to be transported to your country.

Oh good, Thank you we will be awaiting their landing I asume sea.
24-07-2004, 20:46
Oh good, Thank you we will be awaiting their landing I asume sea.

Yes, they are being transported by sea.
Communist Mississippi
24-07-2004, 20:59
We will take the 51 Million Arabs, however please ensure they have proper supplies of Food and Water. Ship them to our colony in the Continent of Eropid.

Occ- That's okay, I'm RPing insurgencies with others playing the role of the Arabs. I don't want the fun Rps to end, not yet anyway. Thanks anyway.
24-07-2004, 21:55
OOC: I just read the RP, is your RL job a writer?
Communist Mississippi
24-07-2004, 23:27
OOC: I just read the RP, is your RL job a writer?

No. Why do you ask?
25-07-2004, 00:04
ooc: Probally because of your writor mad skllz 1337!
25-07-2004, 01:18
No. Why do you ask?

Becuase you are an excellent writer.
Communist Mississippi
25-07-2004, 01:21
Becuase you are an excellent writer.

Thank you.
The Parthians
25-07-2004, 03:28

OOC: Is that an acceptable number? They were not even a known religion until you brought them to my attention.

Yes, that is good.