18-07-2004, 18:21
Sevarian State Television Broadcast- July 18, 2004.
Earlier today, as Premier Mannerheim was giving a speech at the shipyards of Sevarna, members of the Fascist "Black Guard" milita attempted to assassinate Premier Mannerheim. The Premier was shot twice in the stomach and was soon rushed to a hospital. Two hours later, members of the same militia seized control of the northern provincial capital of Kenilworth. They promptly went on local radio and announced that unless the People's Republic of Sevaris withdraws troops from Dimmimar, and unless the Mannerheim government resigns, they would destroy the city. So far, the death toll is estimated at 250 military personnel, and over 1500 civilians. Vice-Premier Richard Yechen has vowed to crush the militia and restore security in the country. He has also asked for foriegn help in tracking down the countries who back these terrorists.
(The Internationale, Sevaris's national anthem, plays, while a graphic of the Sevarian nation flag appears on screen. The transmission then ends.)
Earlier today, as Premier Mannerheim was giving a speech at the shipyards of Sevarna, members of the Fascist "Black Guard" milita attempted to assassinate Premier Mannerheim. The Premier was shot twice in the stomach and was soon rushed to a hospital. Two hours later, members of the same militia seized control of the northern provincial capital of Kenilworth. They promptly went on local radio and announced that unless the People's Republic of Sevaris withdraws troops from Dimmimar, and unless the Mannerheim government resigns, they would destroy the city. So far, the death toll is estimated at 250 military personnel, and over 1500 civilians. Vice-Premier Richard Yechen has vowed to crush the militia and restore security in the country. He has also asked for foriegn help in tracking down the countries who back these terrorists.
(The Internationale, Sevaris's national anthem, plays, while a graphic of the Sevarian nation flag appears on screen. The transmission then ends.)