NationStates Jolt Archive

Free hydrogen bombs!

18-07-2004, 03:19
I love marketting titles.

Sorry, no Hydro-Bombs here.

Yet, I have have something you all will like, a new revolutionary fighter.

TF-55 Merlin Hawk
I looked up at the sky, where there were at least twenty fighters battling, all being a mixture of J.S.F., Raptor, Eagle, and Falcons. Then, out of no where, twelve missles flew from the west, and all but one hit thier targets that they blew into flames, while the other one glidded with one wing untill it also lost control. Although the two Truitti Fighters, Tomcats, still remainned, and there was still seven more fighters from unknown nationality. Then something space like flew at neck-breaking speeds and turns, as if it had no structural strength. The black and silver paint that should have reflected light did not, yet, it was more like absorbing the light. The oddly shapped alien fighters, three in all, flew in a very tight no more than 5 inches inbetween eachother's wings formation, all together like a flock of hungry Merlin Hawks, they swooped on each hostile fighter, untill nothing was in the sky except the two tomcats, of which, one had a holled wing, and the three mysterious fighters which possed great powers.
This was an eye witness to the first of a series of "Unknown" Events where these mysterious aircraft flew out of no where, firring two to four missles at a time at hostile forces in the sky, even one account agenst a heavy bunker, and one to an aircraft carrier, of which, no one saw the aircraft untill it had launched its deadly missles and already is "Getting the Hell of Dodge".
After the Oil Wars, and the Question of Sucession Conflect, the Truitti Green Airforce (TGAF) offically stated it had a new fighter, named after the national animal and one of the most agressive and silent hawks in the world, the Merlin Hawk. They also said that they developed three new missles, an anti-shiiping, air to ground, and air to air which would revolutionize the world in aviational warfare.

Direct Post form TEAAM (Truitti Empire Armed Military) StoreFront

The TF-55 Merlin Hawk is the prize of both Homeland Security and Offencive Naval Operations. Created and to this date the only producer of this wonderful craft, Truitt has prized its whole airforce on this one Tomcat sized aircraft.

Empty: 41,780 lb
Normal Take-Off, fighter/escort: 64,008 lbs
Normal Take-off, fleet air defence: 73,098 lbs
Maximum Take-Off: 75,348 lbs

Fuselage length: 61 ft 4 in
Wing Span: (unhatched): 64 ft 1 in (hatched): 38 ft 6 in
Spoiler Area: 21.4 sq ft

Two Dugahh "Purpose" 98-DH-9A0 Turbofan engines. Each rated at 25,000 lbs dry and 30,000 lbs with afterburnning.

The each Dugahh 98-DH-9A0 has three opennings. One openning is for the air intake, while the other two are for exhust. The secound largest openning is for the rear exhust pipes for forward acceleration, while the smallest openning leads to the sides, simular to a Harrier and thrusts power that way to allow VTOL (Virtical Take-Off and Landing) Operations. This can also be a Harrier replacment.

Internal Fuel: 16,400 lbs
External Fuel: up to 3,800 lbs in two 267-US gal drop tanks.
In air Refueling: Using the same version of refueling as that of the F-14 D, a retractable fuelling probe will arise out of the nose of the Merlin Hawk for refueling. After the refueling is complete, the probe will retract back for stealthiness.

Max level speed 'clean' at high altitude: mach 1.3
Cruising speed at optimum altitude: 485 mph
Max climb rate at sea level: 37,000 ft per minute
Service ceiling: 54,900 ft
Take-off run, on land (rear exhust only): 2,600 ft at max take off weight
Landing run, on land (rear exhust only; no reverse thrust): 2,450 ft
Take-off run, VTOL Operations: 200 ft max take off weight
Landing run, VTOL Operations: 1 ft

Max Range with both external and internal fuel: about 1,750 nm

The stealth of the Merlin Hawk is amazing. Using a mixture of Raptor and NightHawk versions of stealth, the "Blazing" paint has been made, which is the defult aircraft colors, dark blue bottom with a camo top. However, the camo is in two versions, navy blue and black, and ground forces brown green and black, all paint versions absorb RADAR rays, and if the rays still pick up even a little, the construction of the aircraft lets the rays "bounce" off of the aircraft, but fly in different directions away from the RADAR reciver.
Of cource, it does show up on RADAR, virtually everything does. The Merlin Hawk however shows on the screen as a masquito, which usually will be automatically filtered out by the RADAR compuer in most systems, mainly other aircraft, naval and base computers.

The Wings
The wings are revolutionary. Not only can they hold missles inside of them and launch them form the inside, but they also for carrier parking have a unique ability. Most aircraft fold thier wings, whil.e some sweep them back. Wel, the Merlin Hawk does nether. What it truely does is different. As in the illustration, the wings have two sections, the base and edge. The base, or the part touching the aircraft is fixed and can no move. That also holds a little amount of fuel. The tip part of the wing, which also holds the weapons, litterly "slides" into the base with only a little bit showing out wards, giving an over all length of that of a Tomcat with swepted wings.

Also, the wings can hold missles. See Armement for more information.

The armement has no restrictions. The main frame even allows for nuclear and eavy bombing roles, along with heavy fighter, and even the recon roles. However, what sets this aircraft different from the others is not what it can hold, but it is how it launches the deadly weapons. Most fire them from thier wings, which is unstealthy. Others that are comming today hold them inside the fuselage, which is stealthy, but also is not very effective becouse of space. Well, no other aircraft have gone to the wings, which mostly hold thier fuel. In the areas which are usually open space in the wing becouse fuel tanks are located somewhere else, there are missle bays to fire air to air missles. The front of the wing opens a small sliding door, which flies into the base wing. The same happens to the rear. The missle is then locked on, fired, and then the rest is history. The rear openning allows for smoke escape. However, this is not effective becouse of space also, so we added in a fuselage armament, which can hold twice as much missles for the air to air role, and can even hold two 500 lb bombs. However, this is very stealthy, but not very efficant in the amounts. So, the wings can also be fitted with pylons to hold other missles, 1,000lb, 1,500lb, and nuclear bombs. Also, the wing tips can be fitted with 3 sparrows, which allow for even added protection.
Inside Wing:
3 - Sparrows (Only, nothing else)
Inside Fuselage (Just to give an idea of size):
5 - Sparrows
5 - Mavericks
5 - Phoenixs
Pylons on Wing (Just to give an idea of size):
2 - 1,000 lb pylons per wing
2 - 2,000 lb pylons per wing
1 - 3 Sparrow Wing-Tip Pylon per wing

Also, the front "canard" looking things are not canards, but actually is where two cannons are located per "wing". Totaly 4 - 30 mm Vulcan Cannons which can be used two at a time or all four.

The crew is just one, mainly becouse the HUD is both on the headboard and in the helmet. As for the controls and weapons systems, the aircraft handles most ifnormation which is not important, and can tell what the pilot needs to know now, and what is needed later making it easy for one pilot to do a Naval Aviator's and a Pilot's job in one sortie.

Background Story
The Tomcat has been the sister squadren wise to the Eagle and Fighting Falcon for homeland security missions, and has been Truitt's major air superiority aircraft in naval operations. With the final advancement of the F/A-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Tomcat, Eagle, and Fighting Falcon have met their full match. Utilizing all three, with thier abilities, disabilities, and so on, Truitti Green Airforce (TGAF) researchers and designners designed the X-55 and X-56. Grumpin, Truitt's largest military and civil aircraft company won the contest agenst Lockman, the largest cargo producer company. The X-55 was tested, and after extensive testing of the first squadren, the Magic Roses, the TF-55 Merlin Hawk has finaly hit full production to replace the aging aircraft of the last century. However, the Tomcat is still in use as the now famous Merlin Hawk wingmate in the navy operations. Of cource the F-18 is still used, mainly for homeland security, and the same for the Eagle and Falcons. The Raptors, Joint Strike Fighters, Tomcats, and Merlin Hawks are now the main offencive aircraft for the air to air role in the TGAF.

Buy a Piece of Truitt
The TF-55 Merlin Hawk.

By purchasing the TF-55, you agree not to produce, copy, modify, or resell this wonderous aircraft. Any alternation is agenst CopyRight and true enforcment will be taken.

The cost of one unarmmed Merlin Hawk is 85,000,000 USD (85 Million), less than that of the JSF.

Maximum of 5,000 TF-55s Per Nation (No Puppets).

(The following is the missle arrangments used often with the TF-55. The pictures for these are poor-quality)
The Air to Air Missle (Vallasa)
The Vellasa Dog-Fighting Stand-Off Range Air to Air Missle is part of Project Liberatant to create a stronger naval presence. Named after the Vellasa Raptor, the Vallasa is made to make the steepest banks, fastest hit, longest range missle. When it was first tested, it was also named the AIM-54 Phoenix's Sucessor. However, the price is about the same between the Vallasa and the Phoenix, but the Vallasa is more superior.

The Dog-Fight Effect
Some missles have this ability, other do not. First, let me explain what it is. Lets say an F-14 Tomcat launched an AIM-9 Sidewinder (IR Guided) to a target. It would "ride" the targets tail unless it fell for Flare counter-measures, or missed on its "Final Approach". Mainly becouse by then, it would ether have ran out of fuel, or it had lost its IR reading (mainly exhust pipes).
There was the testing AIM-115 Draco, which would be carried by the Hornet, Tomcat, and Su-37. It had the Dog-Fight Effect, but its range was that of 8.6 nautical miles, and becouse of the out-dated technology then, the computers were larger than the warheads to continue to track the target with out the host aircraft flying torwards the target. So, in over-budjeting, they had to cancel it a few years before the micro-prossesor came out in warfare.
Now, the dog fight effect:
It is when the missle would make vigurace attempts to hit the enemy by following different paths of angle of attack attempting to confuse, catch off guard, or plain out surprise the pilot of the targeted aircraft. This would also make it so a very steep turn as much as any man can hold is also useless becouse its bank is much steeper, which dog-fighting missles should have. Also, the fuel would have to be efficant enough for the missle to fly a straight path of 1,000 nautical miles so a target 500 nautical miles away would have a long time of tough mind boggling turns, spins, and manuvering. This also would allow for time for a secound to be launched, and maybe, even make the pilot black-out, or give upand eject or something like that. However, RADAR and IR guided missles are not exactly great for dog-fighting, although what is more efficant is satellite or host aircraft RADAR information. We thought about Satellite would be best.

The ERIC Satellite
The ERIC (Electronic Remotely Interfaced Control) Satellite was part of a weapons tracking system created six years ago, with nine orbitting the planet, and each one covering a section of the planet leaving only very very small spots called Dark-Spots uncovered (these are usually 6-7 nautical miles wide in odd shapes and only accure durring the last week of the month *except January, which it is the first* in a normal space orbit undisturbed) on the earth which the Mike-7 system will not work. Although, this is no problem becouse two mroe satellites are due to launch on July 29th, 2004.

The On-Board Guidance System
The On-Board Guidance System, named the Mike-7 5MMP (5 Meter Mark Program) is exactly what its' name is. It is so accurate, that it can tell the targets point with in 5 meters, which in dog-fighting, that is great accuracy.

The exact system uses a series of nine ERIC (Electronic Remote Interface Consept) Global Possitioning Satellites that send and resive the information from the Truitti National Space and Technology Center (TNSTC) and the On-Board Mike-7 5MMP.

This allows for great accuracy. Also, to top it off, the missle not only has a GPS link-up, but in the case it loses the transmission (entering a "Dark Spot" a major flaw with the ERIC System, but very uncommon), the aircraft's link up is directly transmitted to the Mike-7.

The Powerplant is a slightly modified AAM-6D Velocity Engine, which burns basic jet fuel, very effective compaired to the liquid fuel of the AGM-6G Pulse Engine. Reaching up to mach 3, and for manuverability it reaches mach 1.002, this is a fast and deadly missle.

The Manuverability, unlike all the other Mike-7 based missle systems does not use the canard system, yet a "flip-flap" system. The missle its self has four canard like things in the front, but they are fixed and are for stability only. However, in the rear is a elevator like system simular to an aircrafts. its turnning, angle change, and roll is all controleld by the rear "flip-flaps". However, the name of the system is becouse the whole flap moves, not just the outer bit, this allows for more angle change and manuverability.
The G Limits of the Vallasa is about +12 Gs, mainly becouse its rear flaps can not bank a full 180 degrees unless it was to act like an "airbrake" and possably over-stress.

The warhead is simular to the explosive power of the Mk 80, yet unlike all the other Mike-7 Based missles, it runs in the front instead of the middle body. It is also impact detectant, if it feels an impact and the Mike-7 system says it is within 10 meters of the target, it will activate. However, this bring me to the next part.

The Explosia Effect
The Explosia Effect is mainly for carrier operations. Some missles and other warhead explosive powered items would explode if a "hard" landing or a given out gear breaks. When it hits the deck, most would activate and explode, destroying the aircraft and anything nearby, even damaging the deck. The reinforced 4340 steel covering the whole bomb is very thick at the bottom, which helps salvege the missle in case of a flame, crash, and so on.

Locking on and Launching
The Locking on is simular to all other Mike-7 Based missles. You go through the select ordance process, and then select a target via RADAR for the ERIC to lock on to, or, send in Random Targeting which it will lock on the fastest largest aircraft around, usually something the size of a MiG-29, after that, if there is nothing like that, it will randomly chose a target. RADAR selection is suggested.
The Launching is fairly quick for its weight and power. One secound of allowing a lock-on, with the ordance locked bleep in your helmet, you press the Activation Trigger, of which, it then detaces form the pylon (or from the weapons bay for in-fuselage ordanance) and sits about 10 feet under the place which it was dropped going at a steady speed which you were heading. After two secounds of "warm up" it will then rocket towards the target. All the warm is, is mainly checking the target information, any other items in the area, and where the host aircraft is. Durring the warm up, you can carefully bank away from where the missle is warmming up to engage an other target or as pilots call it, "Get the Hell out of Dodge,".

Weight: 270 lbs
Warhead Weight (Mk 80 Based): 120 lbs
Overall Length: 13 ft
Overall diameter: 7in 6 cm
Main Role: Anti-Aircraft Dog-Fighting
G Limits: +12 Gs
Go-Around Attempts 500nm Out: 5.2 With Correctional Gyro Angle

Like it so far? Why not buy one or two thousand?

Vallasa DSRAAM $950,000 USD (950k / .95mil)

Please do Your Own Math!

(Information on Picture)
The top picture is the outside of the missle, showing the flaps, and shell.

The middle picture is the not so detailed but good enough inside. The grayish-yellow dotted part is the warhead, while the red box is the Mike-7, then orange series of colors is the powerplant, while the blue is where the fuel would be located. As for the dark gray, that is the thick reinforced cover.

The bottom and red arrow filled picture is showing where the impact and force would be, including where the impact sensors would go appon detonation.
The Air to Ground Missle (Tomverick)
The Tomverick MHOGAGM was part of the Airborne Fire Project to create a sucessor to the Maverick and other accurate mass produced air to ground missles. The idea was to find a MHOGAGM, or Multi-Purpose Heavy On-Board Guided Air to Ground Missle. This means, there is only one resiver on the missle, and that is resiving information from the computer on-board the aircraft. Usually, this gets the idea that you have to be heading in the same direction as the target, much like the Maverick, and makes you an easy target fliing in a straight line. Well, this missles alows to mvoe freely while it has the accuracy of a Maverick.

The On-Board Guidance System
The On-Board Guidance System, named the Mike-7 5MMP (5 Meter Mark Program) is exactly what its' name is. It is so accurate, that the missle will hit within 5 meters on a bad musky day, unlike the Maverick which would be within 5 meters on a clear calm day.

The exact system uses a series of nine ERIC (Electronic Remote Interface Consept) Global Possitioning Satellites that send and resive the information from the Truitti National Space and Technology Center (TNSTC) and the On-Board Mike-7 5MMP.

This allows for great accuracy. Also, to top it off, the missle not only has a GPS link-up, but in the case it loses the transmission (entering a "Dark Spot" a major flaw with the ERIC System, but very uncommon), the aircraft's link up is directly transmitted to the Mike-7.

Locking on and Launching
The missle, weighting in at a mere 900 lbs, this can be easily carried by almost every aircraft. Also, the computer its self can be easily installed into the aircraft via a front "Info Box" and a "Pipe". These are located in the rear. The Box is the information box and transmitter, and is very stealthy, with standerd RADAR absorbing paint. To the Pipe, it just goes along your pitot tube as a resiver of the ERIC transmissions in the case of a Black Spot.

Now, Locking. It is fairly simple, simular to an air to air RADAR guided missle's systems, it is virtually HUD (Heads Up Display) or RADAR system, which you can lock on with anything created after 1956, if used accuratly. It is a simple process and uses the Stick-Switch system, which allwos for one flick of the finger, like all other weapons systems.

Locking takes about 1.3 secounds after target is identified, and then it will take .7 secounds for the missle to "rev up" or "warm up", or to get the gyros working and the powerplant ready. After that, a swift 1 secound is needed, then the missle is off, and then the aircraft can turn and ingage a target, while then, the missle is going nearly mach 3, and is very swift, and can do counter-invading tatics agenst SAM (Like the Patriot HASSAM) and other counter-measures. Flares are of no use agenst this.

The Arch
Named the Arch, the Tomverick has a wierd way of heading towards a target, although it is very effective, it could confuse anyone. It stays pretty much at the "Safe Attitude", or, about 500 feet from ground level (not sea level, there are elevation detectors in the ERIC and all information is sent). When it reaches the target, well, it litteraly slams into it like a Maverick does. Back to the trail, well, lets get an idea first. The Sidewinder goes in a path like a rattlesnake (states its name) to have extra counter-invading tatics agenst SAMs. Well, this is like it, except it spirals, like a cork screw. It does this as even a better and effective way of counter-invading. It also helps becouse of its manuverability.

The Manuverability is very simular to other missles and rockets. It uses small alierons in the front known as Canards. Usually Canards are for extra stablization, well, the canards are the only thing sticking out except for the Pylon-Hatch pods, which are slightly raised. All these allows for a natural "Arch" Manuvering. Along with the canards turnned a little, a very steep angle can be made very quickly, which this technology more effective air to air missles could also be made for the "Dog-Fight Effect".

The powerplant of the Tomverick is that of the Maverick, with slight modifications. The AGM-6G Pulse Engine does what it says. It usues liquid fuel, very little actually, to burn a "Pulse" effect after it leaves the host aircraft's range. The Pulse is a small pulse of heat and energy fliing out of the oddly shapped exhust pipes which creates a jump in speed.

This however allows for a 900 nautical mile straight range.

The Warhead, wow. This is very touchy, becouse there are two versions of the missle, althoguh you will be getting the larger more advanced one, so I will just say about that one.
Using a deadly 800 pound warhead (which makes up almost 70% of the weight) that can penitraite through even most bunkers today is loaded in this missle. The warhead is non-nuclear Mk 80 Series like warhead specialy designned for bunker busting and blowing. The role that it played in the Truitti Civil War (Liberator V Mainland) was not only bunker hit and blow, but also anti-tank, which it is very deadly in. Able to blow a T-7 MBT to small bits, and even make smaller bits of a "Building" Class Heavy Coastal Bunker (2nd most strongest bunker), this 4340 steel covered missle is one fo the strongest in the world.

The Virticiss
The Virticiss is a small modification in the Tomverick that allows it to also act as an anti-shipping missle. What it exactly does is it runs like a Sea-Skimming Missle. Although this modification must be made before your purchase, it can allow for even better accuracy, and the Virticiss modification also has a larger warhead. However, with the Viticiss modification, the anti-armor role is sacrifised by a few more meters.

Statistics (Tomverick)
Weight: 1,230 lbs
Warhead Weight: 800 lbs
Maximum Range: 945 nautical miles
Main Role: Anti-Armor / Bunker / Building Missle
Accuracy (Clear Calm Warm Day): Average 4.7 Meters

Statistics (Virticiss Modification)
Weight: 1,245 lbs
Warhead Weight: 810 lbs
Maximum Range: 940 nautical miles
Main Role: Anti-Bunker / Shipping Missle
Accuracy (Clear Calm Warm Day): Average 6.6 Meters

There are two versions for sale:
HOGAGM Tomverick A (Plain Tomverick)
HOGAGM Tomverick D (Virticiss Modification)

MHOGAGM Tomverick A $50,000 USD (50k)
MHOGAGM Tomverick D $67,000 USD (67k)

Please Do Your Own Math!

All Rights Reserved, Modifications, Resell, and Production is here by prohibited (not allowed).

(Information on Pictures)
The Top missle looking thing is the Tomverick A MHOGAGM, The dark grey is the defult color of the bomb its self, and is also a heavy strong and sturdy metal. It was painted with heat absorbing paint, along with RADAR absorbing (Although expensive, this paint can do both). Also, deck fires on aircraft carrier cause problems, and some bombs would blow in a few secounds in the flame. Well, this can set in a flame for five secounds before the paint will give off. Then, there is an other ten secounds before the metal heats up enough to activate the warhead.

As for the other picture just below it, which looks like a colored version of it is the "X-Ray View". It shows in gray with yellow dots the highly explosive material, while the very black lines running inside of it are the ignition lines which tells the explosives to activate once hit. Also, there is a blueish looking thing, which that is the Mike-7. The Green Line is the information line to the red thing, or the AGM-6G Pulse Engine. That is where most information is fed, and it even shows the parts of the engine.
As for all that extra dark gray, the top layer is actually the fuel area, along with a half inch of metal, while the bottom is nothing but metal. The link ups to the pylons are not shown, but they are located on the top and a few lines run through the fuel and explosives to the computer.

The Anti-Shipping Missle (Protectorate)
Protectorate Multipurpose Air to Ship Stand-Off Range Missle (MASSRM) is a new missle designned for the anti-shipping role to protect your fleets, coast, and even use offencivly agenst fleets.

Able to be launched by a fighter or bomber, this allows for great protection.

The Powerplant of the Protectorate is a modified version of the AGM-6G Pulse. Called the ASM-6F Shockwave, this engine produces a massive amount of thrust for mach 3 speeds. The engine its self is ran off of normal jet engine fuel, very different and cheaper than the liquid fuel needed for the AGM-6G Pulse. Also, the engine is actually smaller than the Pulse also, allowing more room for the explosive core.

When the missle is firred, it would basically go into a desend (depending on altitude, it might assend) till it goes to 10 feet above sea level. It would then follow the same characteristics as a sea skimming missle, although of cource, it in a way is not.
Using the same canard design for manuverability as the other missles which use the Mike-7 System, and having the same path of flight (like a cork-screw path), this missle can also avoid almost any form of anti-missle fire, even from a Patriot ATMSAM.

This actualy has two forms of warheads. One, located in the front, which is directly conected to the impact reciver, and then a secound one which lines the whole bomb (with an exception to the very front and rear exhust). The front warhead is mainly kinetic explosive, or it will blow a hole in the hull, the secound explosives actually blow the bomb, and creates a massive amount of damage for in-hull damage instead of using two different bomb/missle componations to do effective damage.

The Missle's "skin" is made of tough professionally hand forged (not machine) 4340 steel, one of the strongest. It also has a type of paint which absorbs both some RADAR and a lot of heat. This way, the IR signature is low, and in the case of a deck fire, the missle will not blow for some time (roughly 10-15 secounds, depending on type and temperture of fire). Also, the missle has what is called the "Smash Point" Efefct, which means that its bottom section is thicker than the rest, which in the case of an aircraft crashing on the deck and has a Protectorate on its wing, it will not activate easily, the same goes for a "hard" landing.

The On-Board Guidance System, named the Mike-7 5MMP (5 Meter Mark Program) is exactly what its' name is. It is so accurate, that the missle will hit within 5 meters on a bad musky day, unlike the Maverick which would be within 5 meters on a clear calm day.

The exact system uses a series of nine ERIC (Electronic Remote Interface Consept) Global Possitioning Satellites that send and resive the information from the Truitti National Space and Technology Center (TNSTC) and the On-Board Mike-7 5MMP.

This allows for great accuracy. Also, to top it off, the missle not only has a GPS link-up, but in the case it loses the transmission (entering a "Dark Spot" a major flaw with the ERIC System, but very uncommon), the aircraft's link up is directly transmitted to the Mike-7.

Althoguh exact accuracy is not needed for operations with carriers, destoryers, and other larger ships, it is still needed if say you want the deck or deck structures in pieces.

Also, the Mike-7 on the missle (right inside the main explosives) is very cheap to create, roughly 20 TND (40 USD) per system, which makes it very effective and a forget about missing system.

Locking on and Launching
The Locking On Prosess could take secounds to do, well, with three easy steps, you could send the Protectorate on its way. Flick the Stick-Ordance Switch to the selected pylon holding the missle (The Stick-Ordance Switch is on the Combat Stick near where the thumb would be, this is in almost every combat/bomber aircraft) and then on the RADAR screen, choose the target (you could also use Random-Tagretting, which the missle's computer chooses the largest target, although sometimes this is the perfered target, you may not want it gone, so it is recomended you choose, it takes only two extra secounds).
After the target is selected, a brief secound is needed for the computer to calculate the exact distance and flight path and altitude needed for the flight. After this, it will have a small reconition bleep in the head set much like other ordance items, and then press the Activation Trigger (Some call it the "Fire the Missle" or "Fire" Trigger where the index finger is located) and the missle will drop a few feet from the aircraft with its engine pushing it at your airspeed, then it will accelerate after half a secound. Then, you are free to manuver and change cource, even do a 180 degree turn to ingage an other target for protection, or fire an other Protectorate.
Becouse the Mike-7 System has been slightly modified for this role, you can actually fire four at once (when you select a target, and press the Activation Trigger, how many times you press it, that is how many missles will fly. All missles are automatically locked onto the same target untill you click to select a different missle or press the trigger agian) and then turn away, or even fire more, althoguh there is a maximum of four per target, becouse the ERIC can not hold too many requests for one target, althoguh after impact of a missle into a target, you can re-target it.

Advancements are sure to arrise soon, adn when they do, we will post them here. In the chance you like this, and wish to be notified once an advancement is designned and set for production, simply say so, and we can even trade in any remainning Protectorates for the more advanced version (altough we will only trade in up to 50% of your order, becouse you can not sit there and get a more advanced version for the price of the lesser advanced one).

Weight: 990 lbs
Warhead Weight: 300 lbs
Mk 80 Explosive Weight: 490 lbs
Maximum Range: 1,340 nautical miles
Main Role: Anti-Shipping Missle
Accuracy: 7.2 Meters on musky windy day; 4.7 Meters clear calm day.

The Protectorate can also be launched by an In-Fuselage launch, or, like the F-22 Raptor, and F-35 JST from inside the aircraft. Also, it can be launched by pylon, which is was origanally designned for.

Protectorate MASSRM $50,000 USD (50k)

(Information on Picture)
Top Picture
The Top Picture is the missle on the out side. It shows the Pylon-Hook, the Impact Detector (Front Light Gray) (Plats in front) and the Exhust Pipe (Rear Light Gray)

Middle Picture
This is the missle on the inside. From left to right:
You see the impact detector plates have "lines" going into the brownish yellow part, which is the warhead. Those lines are actually sensors that tell the warhead if it has impacted or not. When it says it has, it will blow. However, a green line is seen heading to the red box in the middle of the gray yellow dotted area. That red box is the Mike-7. The Mike-7 tells the grayish part (Explosives) to blow when it detects the impact plates. However, a split secound in reciveing the message, making the front explode first. openning the ship's hull while right after it blows a hole, the explosives will then blow, also exploding any fuel left, which is the top blueish section.
The bottom dark gray is the hardend thick metal, and the rear orange colored section is the engine.

Bottom Picture
This tells what happens. Using basic arrows, you see how the message is transmitted that it has hit its target. The shorter the arrow, the quicker it will blow, also, the thick black line around the warhead is a very thick reinforced sheet which protects the explosives from blowing when the warhead does, althoguh the warhead is like a Claymore and blows in the front direction (with a 20 degree angle radius around the front sides). As you see, the red arrows to the Mike-7 are longer, and the lines to ignite the explosives are even longer, which means it gives the missle about half a secound to drop into the hole made by the warhead for even more destruction.
18-07-2004, 05:19
OOC: Your description, pictures, etc. is way cool and well done. The price per plane is way too high though. I'd spend 4-500 million on one, maybe even 600 million depending on interest rates, but not 1.5 billion.
Generic empire
18-07-2004, 05:23
Can I get a free hydrogen bomb if I buy something?
19-07-2004, 01:33
Alright, suggestion posted. I was just seeing about how much I could make off of it, mainly becouse it is a good piece of art.

And also, sorry, the Hydrogen Bomb thing was just to get you to look in here.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but the 4,000 per nation limit is rissed to 5,000 becouse I have already gotten requests for 4,500-5,000 at my Off-Site StoreFront.
19-07-2004, 07:49
OOC: I'd buy some planes if it wasn't for them costing 600 billion odd dollars! I hope that is a typo.
20-07-2004, 03:05
Sorry about all this payout problems. I was on the Liberary's computer for the past week (had to get this one redone becouse of a stupid corrupt thingy in the hardware). So now that I have a keyboard that has all the numbers and not 6-0 on the top numbers and no Num Pad and high repeat rate, I can now correct it to my wanted price:

85 million USD (Unarmed)

Sorry for any Inconvienance.

Also, becouse of this, all previous posters can purchase up to 10,000 Merlin Hawks (althoguh I was pushing the numbers before, why not on the limit?)