Rebel Strike Against Mekanta's Earth Hives (Modern/Future)
Nations from either tech level are invited, but TRY not to outclass the Modern Tech nations too much. In other words, keep it balanced.
And now... IC...
-Hive Terra 001
Command Center for the Steel Imperium's Terran Assets
Administrator Kuroi looked out the translucent celing of his lavish office, smirking at the pale color. A single mental command and it cleared, providing a view of a clear Earth sky as if there were no celing at all.
He knew better. The Hive was made using the same Nanite construction as Mekanta's ships, and could take a pounding. It was the largest of the cluster of hives, a sphere with a radius of roughly six kilometers.
Not the largest hive in the Steel Imperium, but as large a one as would be built on this backwater, organic infested rock. More importantly, it and the lesser hives were his. He-
His thoughts were interupted when a loud crash was heard. No, scratch that. An explosion.
"{OF REPORT, TO GIVE!!}" He barked in High Mekantan, an Organic rushing in.
She saluted, stumbling over her words in Low Mekantan. "{Of-of-of} Earth {Hive, of missiles, to be under attack by, important.}"
The human-like eyes of Kuroi's remote simulant body shot open, red with rage. He didn't even notice another missile until it struck the clear surface of the hive shell directly above his office. The Organic started screaming, falling to her knees. Kuroi simply whipped around, noting the char marks and pieces of the missile on the surface of the hive and had it turned translucent again, then an opaque black.
He already knew who was responsible. Only one group in the entire continent of Mekanta Zero had the balls and the reason to attack the hives.
And he wanted to know where the hell those tree-humping, dirt licking, animal screwing, inferior, primative wretches got the equipment and training to attack his Hive. And heads would roll for this...
I'll post as the attackers (yes, also mine) as soon as I can get them logged in. ^_^
-Transmission to Earth nations
"This is Administrator Kuroi of Mekanta, looking for any Terran mercenary or assassin group looking for work."
"Mekanta's Earth base has been plagued by rebels convinced we've 'sinned' against them or something. We will pay well to have them rooted out for extermination."
"We will negotiate on prices, and we have authorization to be quite open with payment..."
Kuroi, Administrator of Terra 001
Super American VX Man
17-07-2004, 22:56
The Führer looked at the paper he was just handed. A simple, curt request for death, with payment as the reward. "Perhaps the boys could use a little practice," he thought. With that he turned to his aide and had her jot down a simple, curt response.
--Transmission to Kuroi--
From: Der Führer Hans Müller's Office
We are intrigued by your offer. We are willing to supply forces to squash these vermin. Further details would be appreciated so we can act and choose a price accordingly.
--End Transmission--
-Hans Müller
Der Führer
18-07-2004, 18:47
Sorry about the delay. Seems I have to put up with the "imported" thing.
That, and I lost a post. Gah, these new boards work well, but presently they can go @%$& themselves. Violently.
Just a little info. "[text]" denotes Feran language. "{text}" denotes Mekantan Language. Grammar may be a "bit" off on both. Moreso as Mekanta. It's to try to add a bit of depth to the language to show sentance structure. Direct translations only, kiddies. ^_^
-Feran Rebel Camp
Garr slammed his fist against the wall of the simple house, leaving a small impact mark. "[Our Bloodmates never before having failed like this!.]"
"" his second said calmly, shaking her head. "[Our Bloodfoes have much strength. You of all people know that, Lord Garr.]"
"[It be true...]" Garr said shamefully, turning away. ["Recall to us the Bloodmates. The Bloodfoes' wrath will come to them swift.]"
"Tattek, Garr-seth." The second said, saluting. "Mekanta soro methtarr."
"And fall soon they will." Garr replied in English, smiling.
"Garr-seth!" A soldier yelled, bursting into the room with panicked eyes. "[Bloodfoes!! Luunsetti is bloodspilling!]"
-Feran Village Luunsetti
"Moonlight Dance"
The Mekantan Shinigami Type, one of thier two humanoid classifications, laughed as its minions stormed into the city, overruning the simple defences of the treehouse village with thier blitzkrieg. "{Of Ferans, to which have weapons, to find! Of our enemy, to eternally be so, to have weapons, at this place!}"
The sharp sound of the Machines speaking High Mekantan filled the city as they rampaged, drifting far enough away from thier leader for the young Rebel to strike.
With a feral berzerker yell, the Rebel leapt from a building, brandishing a long knife.
The Shinigami was simply amused. "Idiot." It spat in English, moving fast enough to parry the swing with one arm and catch the Rebel by the face with the other once he came in range. "[Never think that against us you can win.]" It hissed in Feran, chuckling.
Then it squeezed, crushing the Organic's skull easily. "[Brother!]" A girl shouted from the same building the Rebel jumped off of, looking down at the corpse of the Feran. "[My brother...]"
"Is this yours?" The Shinigami asked, holding up the corpse by the mangled head.
"[I understand not what you speak.]" She said through tears, knowing enough through stories not to show resistance to the Mekantans.
"[Is this yours?]" The Shinigami repeated in Feran, its amusement much more apparent. "[Here. Catch it.]"
Her eyes widened as her brother's corpse was thrown up at her, striking her with enough force to break both arms and most of her ribs.
"{To have found the weapons. Of the cache, to be manufacturing.}"
"{Excellent. To 'extract' information, of which by the Ferans.}"
Several Feran observers' ears twitched at that series of tones. One was clearly understood, having heard it many times. Always in nightmarish recordings of Mekantan attacks on Ferans. "To Extract Information." A subtle way of saying torture...
"[Your Homewood is guilty!]" The Shinigami roared, looking around at the Ferans. "[You support onto the Rebels, and for such you will all feel this. Your lives are belonging to us, now..."
"We shall get right to the point."
"The rebels troubling us so much are of a nation in the Steel Empire called Fera. The Feran rebels are utilizing guerrilla tactics against our forces, using the thick tropical forests to thier advantage. They are using primative weapons similar to that of most of Earth, but they are developing new variations on those weapons that cause trouble."
"Thier numbers are anywhere from ten thousand to three million strong, depending on how thier recent victories have boosted thier support."
"What say you?"
Administrator Kuroi
Director of Terran Operations
Super American VX Man
18-07-2004, 19:57
"Hmm...sounds like a ball. If you have no objections, we will be making heavy use of chemical and incendiary weaponry due to the nature of the combat zones. We will deploy a large force of Elite Shock Troopers, Grass Shadows and Ghost Shadows. They will have support from naval-based weapons platforms and aircraft carriers.
If you so desire, we can also deploy Death Squads for psychological effect.
Our forces have great experience in dealing with guerilla fighters and will show no mercy. If their numbers are potentially as high as you say, that won't last for long.
As far as a price goes, we want to test the waters, so to speak, before we come up with a strong estimate. We hope this isn't a problem."
OOC: TG me if you want details about my units. Also, I assume it's near a body of water. If not, long-range fire support will only then be from ground-based artillery and aircraft.
-General Irving Ramel
Minister of Law and Defense
OOC: possible work for my Mercs (not related to my empire)
Jacub was looking over the Merc Networks and boards, nothing on there really looked like a challange or even payed a decent amount. "bloody Terrans" he sead looking round, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes takeing one and lighting up. he took in a deep breath. Leisa barged in, her fair long black hear glemed in the light, there was 4 Bright blue striks in her air.
"have you heard" she spat out
"come in why dont you" he sead sarcasticly "heard what?" be blow out a cloud of smoke
"Administrator Kuroi of Mekanta is sent out a message to all terran Mercs, they have some sort of Reballion" she sead "and there willing to pay well"
"mmm....and why dont they sort the out themselves?" he asked
"well the Feran's seem..." but jacub interupted her
"did you say Feran?" he asked
"ya why" she looked at him curisly
"well my sorce in the Empire told me of a message that had manage to get to the ESUS from the Feran's" he smiled "contact this Administrator Kuroi tell him we interested, send the info he needs also have the Feran asked for help at all?"
"nope they havent or atlest not that we have found why?" she knew why but wanted to hear it from Jacub
"well just much money we could get if they started bidding" he finished his cigarette and stubed it out
Leisa turned round and walked out, mubbleing under her breath she hated it when Jacub spoke like that and for good reason.
To: Administrator Kuroi
From: Black Temple Mercs
we heared your call for Merc's and good ones at that, we're willing to help if your price is right.
at the moment we have 1 full divsion but we surrply as meny things as you need but like i sead the price is to be right. with this message should be a file contain all you need, we hope you are interested
Signed :~
command of the Black Temple
the info (
OOC: whats not sead on there is what a full divison numbers are (if you wanted a full divsion)
Black Temple marine Divsion
4320 marines
1440 Infentry
80 M34A2 Lockhart Light Tank
76 M22A3 ricket Medium Tank
60 M40 Ranger Heavy Tank
40 105mm Light Gun
40 Wolf howitzer
28 M292A2
Kuroi growled as the messages flooded his office. Another patrol of Akumu ambushed. Another Mekantan outpost struck down by those damnable missiles.
But two messages weren't bad news. Assistance.
Ignoring his temporary problems with the Rebels, he responded quickly, so that he could return to the work of crushing these Rebels...
To: Super American VX Man
Psychological warfare is not effective against the Ferans.
Believe us. We've tried.
When you've filled a village with the crucified mangled corpses of the entire populace, along with a looping holographic feed of the slow excruciating torture of the Rebels we captured there, and the Rebels only take a short break to bury the dead, they're a little overzealous...
Otherwise, feel free to "test the waters' so to speak until you have a price.
To: Black Temple
How does $10,000 per person, per month sound?
Open to negotiation.
Super American VX Man
18-07-2004, 22:19
"Hmm. Understood. We will be dispatching a forward force of ESTs and Firestorm Howitzers to gauge the strength and fighting ability of the rebels. After that, we will deploy forces as we see fit."
Somewhere on the edge of a forest, a few hours later...
Lt. Dave Peterson peered through the visor of his helmet. Visual systems were running infrared and movement scans along the edge of the forest. Despite the bulkiness of his massive Mk.III Powered Combat Armor, he was comfortable. It augmented his body perfectly, as it was matched just for him. All other suits were designed the same way for optimum combat capability.
He turned back to his four squads (80 men) of ESTs. They were similarly situated, with the only variations being in size, weaponry, and rank-markings. A mile back sat a set of six entrenched Firestorm Howitzers. They were guarded by six squads of Marines who, if everything went correctly, would see no more combat than the distant flashes of detonations, gunfire, and the bright-red hue of napalm infernoes.
The ESTs were armed with modernized battle-axes, heavy assault rifles, autocannons, miniguns, flameguns, and rocket launchers. They could provide themselves with all the firepower they would need to just kill a bunch of guerillas.
Peterson began the standard pre-mission speech.
"Men, today we're going to kill some rebel bastards. Remember, these fools have no fear. That means they won't hide, which makes finding them easier, but they also won't cower. Expect staunch resistance. It shouldn't be a problem, of course. After all..."
He paused and scanned the men standing in file.
"...who the hell are we?!"
"The Führer's best!" they yelled in unison.
"That's damn right. And just what the hell are we doing?"
"Eradicating our enemies!"
"You pussies got that for sure. Move in as soon as the shells begin to hit!"
Peterson turned back to the forest to lead his men in a charge, and almost immediately, as if on cue, he heard the whumps of cannon fire. In another second, a large portion of the forest edge erupted into flame.
Hive Fleet Imodius
18-07-2004, 22:23
The hive understands your situation and offers a ground swarm to assist in mopping up the rebels. Our only request is for the lives of those we capture and for no reprisal for the death of those whom get in our way.
We are the hive, we are prefection.
2 cuttle fish transport vessels moved into Mekanta airspace their soft skein shimmering in the sunlight. They aimed for an open expance at the edge of the dence forestation that the rebels where reportedly hiding in.
Super American VX Man
18-07-2004, 23:29
OOC: I assume you'll have the rebels prepare for the attack or something similar. After that, I'll continue.
OOC: im goin to guess you want the Entire Divsion (wont bring the mechs that would be abit over kill)
Leisa looked over the message from the Mekanta, "10K a man ha" she sat there thinking, then she started typeing.
Make it 15K a man and you got yourself a deal
she looked it over smileing, just as Jacub walked in "what are you looking so smuk" he asked
"they offered 10k a person but i asked for 15" she sead
"well good there on there way now i think the Mekanta should have them on radar or what ever they have by now"
"this is drop ship Black Temple to Hive Terra 001, permission to enter Air space and to land" the pilot sead, even befor getting it the Large group of Dropships started there Decent, falling to the earth rather fast, one of the marines in the back Vommited but insead of it hitting the floor it hit the roof.
"nice one Seeker" another marine sead
"ahh fu<k you helm" seeker snaped back
"hay stow it privates" the Sargent sead
"hay sarge is it true that the Bugs (hive) are goin to be there?" another private sead looking round at the others "cos i heard they sent a Section from the 2/9th into some jerkwater sinkhole in the outer rims. Apparently their loot got 'em wasted by a horde o' bugs"
"bugs, bugs, BIIIG bugs!" a the Sarge sead
"hay sarge, i keep seeing bugs eaverywhere, gettin' in my bunk, my chow, my jockeys. They talk to me in my sleep an' tell me to frag all my marine buddies an' 'specially that big badass sergeant 'cuz he dont' like bugs - he 'aint friendly to my bug buddies. maby i should see the doc about it; maby im ready for a section 8" helm sead
"stow it private; iffen thats all you seen, you're still the sanest member of this whole platoon" the Sarge replyed
"man i mean whos dumb 'nuff to get 'emselves wasted by bugs fer chrissake?" Skeeker asked
"i'll tell you who, men - our worst enemy, the most dangerous thing in the whole goddamn universe - th' officer in charge" the Sarge sead, the all the marines started to larth, the Commander didnt look to happy tho.
" 2 minutes till tuch down" the pilot shouted
19-07-2004, 01:55
Communications crackle with both Mercenary groups, and a deep animal-ish hiss is heard.
"To any Mercenary group working for Mekanta, thinking of working for them, or even paying attention..."
"We are the Feran Army, those the Bloodfoes, Mekanta, call 'Rebels'. We only fight for our freedom, our right to live in peace without fear."
"We will exceed any price Mekanta is willing to pay for your services."
Leisa read heard the message, she sighed walking to jacub and giveing him a copy of the message.
"wont anyone learn that Mercs rarely care about anything but money" she sead, jacub frowned takeing out a smoke and lighting it up.
"well what we still have the Mech company if the Ferans ever needed a hand could always offer a price aslong as we didnt fight our own" he sead smileing "i love civil unrest"
"why?" leisa asked
"becouse sometimes both sides need help and are willing to pay for it, its a grate time for Mercs just like us" he smiled
OOC: how do you tell someone that you have no concept of Evil? lol
Super American VX Man
19-07-2004, 05:25
The Führer read the message, then crumpled up the piece of paper and tossed it into the wastebasket.
"The fools should've been quicker. We've already made a commitment to one side. We're not going to be double-crossing bastards, especially against Mekatana."
"Should I send a response, m'lord?"
"Sure. Tell them that we offer a surrender, good for two more days. They give up and come forward, we don't mercilessly slaughter them. We can give them manufacturing jobs at Krimson or something...they'll have freedom enough under my rule if they're smart."
--Transmission to Feran Rebels--
From: SAVX Defense Ministry
Your offer comes too late, as we have already accepted the offer from Mekatana. We are honorable and will not double-cross it, no matter what you may offer. We, however, have an offer. For the next two days, and Feran who comes forward in surrender will be given amnesty in SAVX, where you will have the freedom you seek. Do not be treacherous about it; the Inquisitorial Administration will be watching, and they will know. Only fools die by the hand of SAVX.
--End Transmission--
"We'll see just what they have to say to this...Alexis, a drink, please. Something soft. I need to keep my head about me."
-Hans Müller
Der Führer
Super American VX Man
19-07-2004, 05:32
Peterson charged headlong through the raging inferno, choosing the paths of least heat. The armor, advanced as it was, could only handle the 5,000+° F (2760+° C) heat given off by the napalm for so long. Soon, he reached more clear jungle. His troops were right behind him. They began to fan out in groups of five, balancing teams based upon armament of the individual soldiers. They scanned the forest surrounding for signs of rebels. The reports had stated there were supposed to be some in this forest area, so the SAVXian forces could only hope the intelligence had been correct.
Meanwhile, the Firestorm Howitzers continued to set the forest ablaze, sending their shots into more random locations to give the ESTs enough breathing room, but orderly enough to still offer the devastation that the artillery was so capable of. The earth would burn well into the night, offering more than enough light for the ESTs to work without night-vision.
Bump. I'm working on a post, I'm working on a post. -_-"
It's just taking a bit due to... issues...