Generia Calls Upon the World's Capitalists
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 01:15
Recently, there has been a string of executions in communist countries of capitalist party members. The respective Communist country's governments deny that the executions have anything to do with political party, and that the men were executed because of crimes against the government. We can see that this is obviously a lie. Why, if this was true, would the government's specify the political party of the offenders if there was not some political motivation (Ex. Execution of 12 CAPITALISTS, 8 CAPITALISTS hanged). Also, why would the government know, or care about the political affiliation of the offenders, if it was not important to them. We also believethat these executions are a retaliation against the execution of communists in the nation of Rotovia. The Generic Empire believes firmly in national sovereignty, but if people are to be executed for political philosophy, then we believe that a nation's sovereignty becomes international business. If something is not done, then we are sure that these politically motivated executions will continue, and so we are calling upon all capitalist nations, and nations opposed to political assassination to join us in a crusade against Communist Louisiana, first, and then against all other nations who freely execute capitalist believers. For the good of the world, we must, together, end this madness.
16-07-2004, 01:18
Tell me, would you be willing for us to support people in your country who wished to kill the leaders of a democratically-elected Government, commit abduction, rape, murder and blackmail, and posessed the means to do so? Would you furthermore be willing simply to tolerate their presence? Would you think it inconsequential if they were Communists?
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 01:21
Tell me, would you be willing for us to support people in your country who wished to kill the leaders of a democratically-elected Government, commit abduction, rape, murder and blackmail, and posessed the means to do so? Would you furthermore be willing simply to tolerate their presence? Would you think it inconsequential if they were Communists?
If they were Communists, and I truly believed that party affiliations did not matter, I would not specify. What would be the point? Simply say 12 people executed.
OOC: This is all because of the Rotovian execution of 12 communists, I can see that, but i grow weary of it, so Im going to give you the war your looking for.
16-07-2004, 01:31
_I_ am looking for? As a matter of fact I hadn't the slightest intention of starting a bloody war. I supported Rotovia's decision, if you recall, on thr grounds that the fellow was a murderous bastard who got what was coming to him. It seemed to me a good way of livening up the internal landscape which has thus far been rather bereft of activity. If you want a war, which you seem to, then you're not gonna find me starting one. The entire idea of that was that it would probably become a rebellion if someone was happy to RP the capitalists.
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 01:33
_I_ am looking for? As a matter of fact I hadn't the slightest intention of starting a bloody war. I supported Rotovia's decision, if you recall, on thr grounds that the fellow was a murderous bastard who got what was coming to him. It seemed to me a good way of livening up the internal landscape which has thus far been rather bereft of activity. If you want a war, which you seem to, then you're not gonna find me starting one. The entire idea of that was that it would probably become a rebellion if someone was happy to RP the capitalists.
((OOC: no, no I understand. A war would have been a pretty good way to liven things up, though. You know a huge Caps vs. Commies epic))
16-07-2004, 01:37
Didn't we just have one of those? Ah well, they never seem to work out anyway. Say, d'you feel like RPing the capitalists? Check the last post in the iriginal thread if ya do :)