The Second Invasion of Fraltis
Attican Empire
15-07-2004, 21:08
"Sir, the transports are ready."
"Order them to take off."
At 2:00 PM AST, 250 FT-100 Transport planes took off from airbases around northern Attica. Each transport was capable of carrying 40 paratroopers for dropping. Therefore, 10,000 paratroopers were taking part in this massive operation. Divisions taking part:
76th Fallschirmjägerdivizion
77th Fallschirmjägerdivizion
78th Fallschirmjägerdivizion
79th Fallschirmjägerdivizion
80th Fallschirmjägerdivizion
At 2:10, with every plane in the air, with it's precious cargo, they all began moving towards a common destination - the island nation of Fraltis.
At 2:20, 300 AWR-120E aircraft took off over a period of 10 minutes to escort the FT-100 planes.
As the planes soared off of the coast, Anti-Aircraft Cannon and Missile batteries began taking aim. As the aircraft came closer, the batteries came to life, flinging shrapnel and missiles into the mass of aircraft. On the ground, militiamen moved to plausible landing sites, where paratroopers might land, and began digging in.
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 01:20
As the shrapnel flew by, the planes began splitting up. Near the south coast, 125 of them veered to the east, the rest veered to the right. 30 planes were knocked out of the sky by the anti aircraft fire.
16-07-2004, 01:26
The People's Republic of Octovonia will not stand for this conflict. We are, if required, prepared to send in a force of peacekeepers to end this conflict. If need be, Octovonia will provide as a neutral state for which peace talks can take place. In the meantime, High Chairman Octo Von Strausser has requested talks with the leaders of both nations in an effort to bring about peace.
Kahta stands by Attica and will defend them if any aggression is launched against them.
16-07-2004, 01:43
Octovonia wishes to remind the Kahtan representative that it was Attica that has begun this conflict and not Fraltis.
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 05:03
Both transport groups began dropping the paratroopers. The first group dropped them just south of Lemonn, and the second group, just north of Pondersailles.
Out of 50,000, only 43,000 survived to land outside of Lemonn.
Out of 50,000, only 47,000 survived to land outside of Pondersailles.
As the Militiamen looked up, they could see the canopys of the Attican Paratroops opening. Many of them took to flak cannon, firing at the falling soldiers. Still others manned defensive positions. The militiamen in Pondersailles had already fallen back, the capital being taken in the opening minutes of the war. However, they had fallen back to Lemonn, so they were able to mount a sizeable resistance. Colonel Pierre Jewell, the command in chief of the Lemonn militia, had already relieved Major Charles Reeves, the commander of the Pondersailles militia. As the paratroops began falling, Jewell ordered the full artillery barrage to fall onto the field.
Attican Empire
16-07-2004, 07:46
As many casualties were being taken in the air, many of the men were happy to land on the ground, but immediately they found themselves surrounded by fire, both small arms and artillery. Being mowed down by increasing fire, many of them were killed, but some managed to make it off into the woods, where they could regroup.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 02:22
---Two Weeks Later---
Two weeks after the successful but devastating paradrops in Fraltis, the rebels had finally been quelled. With control over the majority of the countryside, the government sent the Fraltis government a final ultimatum:
---Minister aus dem Ganzkaiser---
Thank you, have a nice day.
--To the Ganzkaiser--
Annexation refused. We will not come under your empire peacefully.
IC: Any of the remaining militia began reorganizing in the woods, in order to strike back.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 05:07
Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Staheler read the response from the Fraltis militia with dismay.
Staheler: "I did not want to have to do this, but we have no choice now. Ask the Luftwaffe to begin the bombing of the cities."
Ensign: "Jawohl."
The President stormed into the meeting with his cabinet. "I have just heard of an invasion without reason. I demand answers! Mobilize the 4th, 17th, 19th, 52nd, and the 53rd Heavy Divisions. This is an outrage! Warn that Grenval will go to war if we do not recieve answers!"
Official Statement; Minister of Defense; Rufushian Greval
We demand answers!
Dan Halhaleen
Minister of Defense
The first waves of bombers are devestating. Within only a few hours, many of the major cities such as Lemonn and Pondersailles are simply flattened. Buildings in ruins. The estimates on casualties were reaching as high as 70% of the population in the first day alone.
Fraltis needed foreign help, and fast, otherwise the entire nation would crumble within the week.
Fraltis, we will help you, but we need answers, now.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 05:22
Zu: Dan Halhaleen
Aus: Minister aus dem Ganzkaiser
This invasion is, under Doppelreich law, fully justifiable. We have had claims on the Fraltis region for years, and rightfully so, since they rebelled from us.
If you wish to intervene, be advised that any expeditionary force you send will meet the same fate as the rebels who currently wage guerilla war against us.
Zu: Dan Halhaleen
Aus: Minister aus dem Ganzkaiser
This invasion is, under Doppelreich law, fully justifiable. We have had claims on the Fraltis region for years, and rightfully so, since they rebelled from us.
If you wish to intervene, be advised that any expeditionary force you send will meet the same fate as the rebels who currently wage guerilla war against us.
That is not satisfactory, although it will cause Grenval to delay any deployment of troops until both sides are heard.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 05:28
Staheler read the most recent reports with more dismay. While disgusted with the civilian casualties, he felt there was no other way.
Turning to his advisors---
Staheler: "What is keeping us from occupying this nation?"
Advisor: "There are still rebels that ambush supply caravans and troops occasionally."
Staheler: "Where do you think they would be hiding?"
Advisor: "It is likely that they would be in the vast forests. The cities have been leveled, if they had stayed, the majority of them would be dead."
-- Picking up the telephone, he again contacted the Luftwaffe --
Staheler: "Yes, I want full firebomb strikes on the Fraltian Forests."
To: Dan Halhaleen
We have been unjustly assaulted by the so called "Doppelreich" for over 2 weeks, barely holding out against all odds.
First, they launched dual paratroop attacks. While our militia killed many of them, we simply could not overpower them. While they took our major cities, we were forced to hold out in the woods, waging Guerilla warfare against them. Now, they are taking it out on civilians, bombing the cities. Many of the cities no longer exist, such as the great capital Pondersailles, where reports are 100% casualties. My scouts have been there. The city no longer exists. It has been flattened by the Attican bombers in day and night raids.
If we do not get assistance within 2 days, we will not survive. We are out of food. We have begged the Republic of Kahta for assistance, and they refused. They were the only nation that could challenge Attican naval superiority in the area, and now we are under full blockade, not that transport ships could arrive anymore... We need food and munitions fast... I need to finish this, I hear aircraft...
As the Attican strike fighters fly over, Pierre looked up, seeing bombs dropping around him, barely missing his camp. He breathed a sigh of relief, but the relief only lasted for a moment. As he looked level again, he could see much smoke.
The great, ancient forests of Fraltis were ablaze... and their camp was right in the middle....
Immediately, the men began to panic, raiding supplies and running into the woods.
Hopefully, he could reorganize them later, if the forest still stood...
To: Dan Halhaleen
We have been unjustly assaulted by the so called "Doppelreich" for over 2 weeks, barely holding out against all odds.
First, they launched dual paratroop attacks. While our militia killed many of them, we simply could not overpower them. While they took our major cities, we were forced to hold out in the woods, waging Guerilla warfare against them. Now, they are taking it out on civilians, bombing the cities. Many of the cities no longer exist, such as the great capital Pondersailles, where reports are 100% casualties. My scouts have been there. The city no longer exists. It has been flattened by the Attican bombers in day and night raids.
If we do not get assistance within 2 days, we will not survive. We are out of food. We have begged the Republic of Kahta for assistance, and they refused. They were the only nation that could challenge Attican naval superiority in the area, and now we are under full blockade, not that transport ships could arrive anymore... We need food and munitions fast... I need to finish this, I hear aircraft...
But why are you under attack?
Because we refused to be annexed by this imperial power!
"What are we going to do?" the Minister of Defense asked the President.
"I do not know. I am reluctant to get involved in such a messy situation. For now, send in special operative forces, no firing unless fired upon, just have them get a handle on the situation."
The Minister replied, "But sir, we must act soon, Fraltis will be gone in two days. And we must allow time for transport."
"You are right," reponded President George, "where is the closest carrier?"
"It can be there within eighteen hours, and of course has the accompaning five submarines, five cruisers, and ten destroyers."
"Good," said the President. "Station it just out of range of attack."
OOC: Is your fleet coming from the east or west?
IC: As the fires spread throught the forest, consuming the remnants of the camp, the survivors, 34 men out of what was 120, stood, watching. Behind them, they heard rustling of the leaves.
"Macht schnell!"
As the Attican troops looked up and saw the militiamen, both sides just looked at each other, knowing anyone moving could cause a shootout.
The apparent Unteroffizier yelled "Stellen!"
Knowing full well what Surrender meant, Pierre thought about it for a moment. They were outnumbered. If they refused, they might get a few of them, but their entire band, and him, the leader of the Fraltis militia, would be killed. However, if they surrendered, they might live to fight another day... hopefully.
"Wir... stellen."
As he and his men laid down their arms, the Attican troops came out of the bush. His initial estimates were wrong. If they had fought, they would have been killed instantly. They were surrounded by over 200 men.
OOC: Is your fleet coming from the east or west?
My fleet will remain stationed off (oh lets say the east coast, because I have no clue) the east coast.
[OOC - Map, map, map.]
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:08
As the troops carrier the prisoners back on the Cheetah light tanks they just received in the nation, they could only look at the burning forest. Not only did the general dislike the treatment they were being forced to deal out, so did the troops.
As they arrived at the military HQ 10km outside of Pondersailles, the now-destroyed "City of Gold", They were surprised to see that it wasn't the usual 20 Reichspolizei waiting to quarantine the prisoners. There were what appeared to be an entire Zug of troops, and maybe 5 of the new Cougar Pzkws.
Meanwhile, after identifying Pierre Jewell, they brought him to the interrogation chamber.
As Pierre sat in the interrogation chamber, the door opened.
Staheler: "Guten Tag, Oberst."
Jewell: "Who are you?"
Staheler: "I am Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Staheler, of the Doppelreich Reichswehr."
Jewell: "Pleasure to meet you (sarcastically)."
Staheler: "I convey the same (emotionlessly)."
Jewell: "What is it you want? And I will not surrender, not after what you have done to my country."
Staheler: "We are both soldiers, Colonel Jewell. Soldiers in our own right. What is a soldiers duty, Colonel?"
Jewell: "To defend their nation by any means necessary, as I have been doing."
Staheler: "And, to follow their leaders orders. Do you know who the leader of the Doppelreich is?"
Jewell: "How could I not."
Staheler: "Ganzkaiser Otto Petinski XIV. He is the person who gives me my orders."
Jewell: "So you are saying that you didn't tell your men to do what they did on their own accord? Hah. Lies."
Staheler: "No, what I am saying is, as a soldier, my duty is to do what I am told. I was told to take Fraltis, and bring it under complete Imperial rule. Since the moment we came here, you and your rogue bandits have been a thorn in my side, the only thing keeping me from giving a "Mission Complete" notice to the Ganzkaiser. You think I wanted to obliterate the cities? I cried after I gave the order. But it was the only thing I could do to fulfill my obligations to my country, my people. You think I wanted to destroy the grand forests of this nation? There is a good chance I could be court martialled for that. But I did what I felt was necessary in order to fulfill my orders, and my duty."
--Jewell thinks for a moment, slightly moved.--
Staheler: "Now, the Ganzkaiser has instructed me to give you an offer."
Jewell: "What kind of offer?"
Staheler: "He has given you two choices. You may either officially surrender to the forces of the Doppelreich, and then be enlisted into the Reichswehr as a Generalmajor, or, you and your companions will be shot for treason. Be smart and take the first choice. Regardless, the country is ours. With you out of the picture, there is nothing keeping us from annexing Fraltis. Nothing."
Jewell thought for a few minutes, not knowing what to do. If only there was a sign there were still hope...
OOC: Since technically Fraltis is a puppet of mine, I will RP out the conversation. However, note that his being a puppet does not make this an unfair RP --- I am playing both sides independently. I even lost, or abandoned rather, the last effort to take Fraltis.
Also, check the link in my signature for a map.
[OOC - As this is between your puppet and yourself and you are rping back at yourself, I am going to RP out. Also, to my allies who I asked for help, nevermind.]
"Forget it, they are rebels, and the land is claimed by the Attican Empire."
The President turned around, "Do not deploy men."
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:17
OOC: Oh, I see, You are too good to play in this RP now. I will remember that next time I see an RP by you.
Hawaiian Islands
17-07-2004, 06:27
We will support Fraltis.
The Hawaiian Imperial Navy is deployed.
Army Divisions #1, 2, 6, and 9 are deployed (total: 500,000 soldiers (using reserve)
Airforce Legions #1, 7, and 78 are used (Divisions 1 and 7 are using the carriers of Imperial Navy, 78 is looking for aid from Grenval, our new ally).
With a short notice Rachel Rains, Royal Leader of Hawaiian Islands, has canceled the invitation to the Drink Party for this. Now she is furious.
To: Attican Empire
From: Hawaiian Islands
I am furious with your invasion. I am sending 500,000 Hawaiian Peacekeepers at Fratlis. Plus, I have a line of nuclear bombs and missiles. If I heard that one single peacekeeper is killed or wounded by your troops, I will shoot 2 nukes at your mainland.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:28
OOC: You are aware that if you fired two nukes at our mainland, your mainland would become a radioactive wasteland?
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 06:28
Emperor Vladimir Kreschnev II read the report through bleary, sleep-deprived eyes.
"Another war. So many wars, so many wa..." his head nodded and he yawned. He snapped out of it, and finished the report. It was early. 2 in the moring early, but he needed some advice. He called on his intercom, and his ever present assistant, Natasha Sheribnova, answered him.
"Hello Natasha. I need you to wake General Tayanovich, and tell him to come to my office immediately."
"Alright, sir. Whatever you say."
"Thank you Natasha," he said, yawning again.
Tayanovich was woken by the ring of a telephone next to his ear. He had barely slept for an hour, having been monitorin the situation in McQuaid, among other places. He picked up the phone and answered hoarsely.
"Hello, General. I am sorry to wake you. The Emperor needs you to come see him immediately. He says it concerns important international affairs, or some such business."
"Alright, Natasha. Tell him I'll be there in 15."
Tayanovich got out of bed and pulled on the uniform that was thrown carelessly over an armchair. He stepped out of the suite in the defense department owned apartment tower and made his way towards the elevator. He got in and pressed the button, still shaking off sleep. When he reached the 100th level he stepped out and made for the skywalk system that connected the various government buildings in Generia City. He came at last to the Emperor's office and stepped in.
"General Tayanovich, there is a developing situation in Fraltis, and I do not know what to do about it. At all," said the Emperor chuckling.
Tayanovich read the report that the Emperor handed to him.
"This seems very familiar. Sounds an awful lot like us in Barokoy. Senseless aggression, Imperialist expansion, civilian massacres. That Godawful place has haunted me ever since I left. I have dreamed of a way to redeem myself for what I have done. Maybe this is the thing." He looked up at the Emperor. "It's up to you, but I say we should support Fraltis. It seems that this Attican Empire does not know what the hell they are doing."
"You have a point. I will issue a statement on my final decision just as soon as I do some checking up on the Atticans."
((OOC: yes that was all necessary, and Attican Empire: how large is your population?))
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:30
OOC: Depends. The Doppelreich part of my name implies I am multiple nations. The Doppelreich is the dual nations of Attica and Polavakia, both of which are different people (IE, I am a different person than polavakia). All of my stats are at
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 06:33
OOC: Depends. The Doppelreich part of my name implies I am multiple nations. The Doppelreich is the dual nations of Attica and Polavakia, both of which are different people (IE, I am a different person than polavakia). All of my stats are at
((OOC: so together you have over 3 billion people? If this is so I may have to stay out of this, because I am heavily involved in another situation right now.))
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:34
OOC: I have 3 billion people, but my military is only the Attican one right now, we havent started recruiting in polavakia --- yet.
Hawaiian Islands
17-07-2004, 06:36
OOC: You are aware that if you fired two nukes at our mainland, your mainland would become a radioactive wasteland?
No it wont.
Hawaiian Islands has the spending of the Toughest Defense possible. We have Anti-Nukes, Anti-Plutium Missiles, and SAM Batteries for Anti-Air. Our army may be weak, but they are trained to shoot down Air Units with our High-Tech Portable Anti-Air Rocketlauncher.
Satillite in Space, tracks down imcoming missiles or nukes, so we can prepare ahead of time.
If you have anything that can reverse my nukes, I can simply consider you godmoding.
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 06:37
OOC: I have 3 billion people, but my military is only the Attican one right now, we havent started recruiting in polavakia --- yet.
((OOC: Im sorry, I feel foolish asking, but how large is the Attican Empire alone? Im not sure if I missed that on the site with your details.))
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:37
OOC: So, now you are saying you have a godly anti missile system that can shoot down several thousand ICBMs, which, by the way, no system could possibly do?
Also, alone, we are 1.8 billion people.
Hawaiian Islands
17-07-2004, 06:38
((OOC: so together you have over 3 billion people? If this is so I may have to stay out of this, because I am heavily involved in another situation right now.))
No. Don't leave me and Grenval.
Hawaiian Islands is helping Grenval support Fratlis. If you leave, our chances will simply reduce.
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 06:38
Also, alone, we are 1.8 billion people.
OOC: Alright, thanks much. I may choose to become involved if I can get some support.))
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 06:39
No. Don't leave me and Grenval.
Hawaiian Islands is helping Grenval support Fratlis. If you leave, our chances will simply reduce.
((OOC: Alright, as long as its you and Grenval as well))
Hawaiian Islands
17-07-2004, 06:40
OOC: So, now you are saying you have a godly anti missile system that can shoot down several thousand ICBMs, which, by the way, no system could possibly do?
Also, alone, we are 1.8 billion people.
Why are you trying to talk me into a war, when I'm only supporting someone your invading.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:40
OOC: As long as he doesnt utilize his godmod anti missile system, which by the way is practically impossible :) Also, besides the point that you just said beforehand "You cant shoot down my nukes, or i will ignore you, but i can shoot down all your nukes regardless!"
OOC: Oh, I see, You are too good to play in this RP now. I will remember that next time I see an RP by you.
Actually, I just saw no point in having my entire nation decimated by you when you were fighting yourself. But now that some of my allies have joined in, I will continue my support of Fraltis.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:45
OOC: Again, as long as Hawaiin doesnt use a godmod "n00ksh33ld". If he uses nukes, he should very well be able to receive nukes in kind.
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 06:47
OOC: Again, as long as Hawaiin doesnt use a godmod "n00ksh33ld". If he uses nukes, he should very well be able to receive nukes in kind.
If Hawaiian uses nukes, than you can use nukes (assuming you have them), but bear in mind that nuclear war changes the war dramatically.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:48
OOC: Then it will be Hawaiians' choice then... he should know that launching nuclear bombs for killing a peacekeeper is a drastic step.
Another action of war against Fraltis, and you shall feel the full force of the armies of The Militaristic Democracy of Grenval. We have mobilized 300,000 Infanty and three naval armaments. Stop now, or be destroyed.
Hawaiian Islands
17-07-2004, 06:51
OOC: Again, as long as Hawaiin doesnt use a godmod "n00ksh33ld". If he uses nukes, he should very well be able to receive nukes in kind.
I'm using them as a threat.
And what Nuke Sheild? I'm RPing it. Troops trained to shoot down any Air Unit (such as helicopters) with our high techology, is godmoding?
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 06:54
To: Grenval
From: Ganzkaiser Otto Petinski XIV
If you intervene, you shall be destroyed as well. You would be wise to know that the Empire has over 2,000,000 infantrymen active, not counting armor.
OOC: Seriously,
Jewell: "I will not surrender to you."
Staheler: "Than I am deeply, deeply sorry that I must do this."
Staheler pulls out his .45 sidearm, aims, and fires a single shot into Pierre Jewells head.
Staheler: "Rest in peace, Colonel Jewell."
OOC2: Troops with AA weapons cant shoot down an ICBM.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 07:03
BTW, this means that the leader of the Fraltian resistance is dead, but now, no one is alive to validate the Attican claim...
You have now shot a prisoner of war. For this action, Grenval makes good on his threat: open war. Our naval armament moves in. The five cruisers will begin the bombardment of the coastline when in range. The carrier, containing forty F-22 Raptors, 20 Harrier IIs, ten Apache helicopters, and ASW begins to launch its first sortie towards the coast. The destroyers show their broadside. Fifty B-2s have been launched from Rufushian, Grenval. In approximately ten hours, they will begin dropping clusterbombs. At this time, President George has ordered the launching of ten conventional ICBMs at major AE military installations on both the homeland and on Fraltis. The following will be deployed with the hour:
1st Naval Armament - 1 CVX Class Carrier, 5 SSBN Virginia NSSN Class Attack Submarines, 5 CG-21 Class Cruisers, 10 DD-21 Class Destroyers
2nd Naval Armament - 1 CVX Class Carrier, 5 SSBN Virginia NSSN Class Attack Submarines, 5 CG-21 Class Cruisers, 10 DD-21 Class Destroyers
5th Naval Armament - 1 CVX Class Carrier, 5 SSBN Virginia NSSN Class Attack Submarines, 5 CG-21 Class Cruisers, 10 DD-21 Class Destroyers
A draft has been issued. As planes become available, 300,000 infantry will begin arriving at Fraltis. The first infantry are expected to arrive minute after the last cluster bomb is dropped.
The Parthians
17-07-2004, 07:10
Hmmm..... Interesting.
Attican Empire- I have wired you 30 billion Parthis in assistance. Good
luck on future conquests and keep Grenval busy or utterly destroy him so my
allies and I can make a few conquests. We are also prepared to send heavily
discounted oil from Persia to help your war effort.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 07:11
"Kommandant, we have incoming aircraft on multiple vectors."
"IFF says... Grenval."
"Send a scramble to all Attican headquarters now. Scramble all munitions."
Around Attica, the airfields light up, as the automatic takeoff systems warm up. The first jets to go up are the Los-Fünf jets, in total, 4000 jets around the nation. Over 100,000 AWR-120s would be launched within one hour.
In reponse to the threat that an enemies navy would pose, the Kriegsmarine has ordered the 1st Flottegruppe be moved to protect the mainland, while the 2nd Flottegruppe defend Fraltis. Also in response, the troops already on Fraltis are preparing for a possible landing, as are troops in Attica.
Hmmm..... Interesting.
Attican Empire- I have wired you 30 billion Parthis in assistance. Good
luck on future conquests and keep Grenval busy or utterly destroy him so my
allies and I can make a few conquests. We are also prepared to send heavily
discounted oil from Persia to help your war effort.
Alliance my ass, you are openly against me. Unfortunately, I do not have the man power to declare war... at the time.
[OOC - More in the morn.]
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 07:14
OOC: You have already declared that you have made moves. Also, what he did was in secret, you simply do not know of it. Even if you lose the war, I am not going to invade your mainland -- I have the resources, but my leader is not seeking a vast overseas empire. We help nations rebuild after wars regardless.
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 07:15
"My God. It really happened."
Emperor Kreschnev watched the television broadcast in his room in the GovCorp tower.
"I suppose we have to do something about this."
Vladimir Kreschnev got up and slipped the coat and tie that he had just taken off back on. He made the short trek to his office, and began making his preparations for war. Tayanovich was already waiting, slumped into an armchair by Kreschnev's desk.
"Well, Josef, we're in it now. I want a force ready for deployment in two hours. Assemble 300,000 Imperial infantry and a fleet to support them. With our operations in McQuaid, we cannot afford to use too many of our resources. That is my reasoning. Make it happen, General."
Tayanovich wearily saluted, and left to make his preparations. There would be no formal declaration of any sort. His men would sail forth in secret.
The Parthians
17-07-2004, 07:15
Alliance my ass, you are openly against me. Unfortunately, I do not have the man power to declare war... at the time.
ooc:You n00b, thats CODE. only the nation you address it to can use that against me or even know it exists. Besides, I'm about to make a daring, ultra-imperialistic grab with some allies and I don't want you to jump in and piss me off.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 07:18
Secret IC:
Deep within the Reichswehr Central HQ, deep underneath the Attiska mountains, the most secure and least known of the military HQs in Attica.
-Giant Video Screen showing the Ganzkaiser-
"Jawohl. We will do our best. We are confident we can repel the invaders."
-Screen shuts off-
"I want every available sattelite aimed in the region. I want 24 hour surveillance data, visual, infrared, ultraviolet, Gamma, you name it."
-In space, the fleet of sattelites the Atticans had launched years ago began activating, a few running thru diagnostics to remove any bugs that might have developed since they were last run.-
ooc:You n00b, thats CODE. only the nation you address it to can use that against me or even know it exists. Besides, I'm about to make a daring, ultra-imperialistic grab with some allies and I don't want you to jump in and piss me off.
alright, i will ignore the code and our alliance = good
OOC: You have already declared that you have made moves. Also, what he did was in secret, you simply do not know of it. Even if you lose the war, I am not going to invade your mainland -- I have the resources, but my leader is not seeking a vast overseas empire. We help nations rebuild after wars regardless.
Glad to know that
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 07:22
OOC: Also, you need to remember, we don't consider killing him killing a prisoner of war -- we consider it execution of a traitor.
[OOC - Now I really mean it, more in the morn.]
The Parthians
17-07-2004, 07:23
alright, i will ignore the code and our alliance = good
ooc: Don't worry though, i'm not going to send oil. I could be discovered.
Anyway though
We are prepared to support you with 30 billion Parthis in aid. Good luck.
ooc:Now do you understand how i'm trying to get even?
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 07:23
((OOC: I will make a true IC post in the morning, after I figure out what I am going to do.))
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 07:24
OOC: Same with me... we are still deciding over here how to get 1,000,000 troops out of Polavakia...
17-07-2004, 07:24
To: Grenval
From: Ganzkaiser Otto Petinski XIV
If you intervene, you shall be destroyed as well. You would be wise to know that the Empire has over 2,000,000 infantrymen active, not counting armor.
OOC: Seriously,
Jewell: "I will not surrender to you."
Staheler: "Than I am deeply, deeply sorry that I must do this."
Staheler pulls out his .45 sidearm, aims, and fires a single shot into Pierre Jewells head.
Staheler: "Rest in peace, Colonel Jewell."
OOC2: Troops with AA weapons cant shoot down an ICBM.
And Whittier has 5 million ready to deploy at a moments' notice.
The Wickit Klownz
17-07-2004, 08:33
No it wont.
Hawaiian Islands has the spending of the Toughest Defense possible. We have Anti-Nukes, Anti-Plutium Missiles, and SAM Batteries for Anti-Air. Our army may be weak, but they are trained to shoot down Air Units with our High-Tech Portable Anti-Air Rocketlauncher.
Satillite in Space, tracks down imcoming missiles or nukes, so we can prepare ahead of time.
If you have anything that can reverse my nukes, I can simply consider you godmoding.
OOC: HI, your islands are in VERY VERY bad condition after the war with grenval, GE, KotR, and I. I am planning to help you recover, seeing as how we've come to terms, but they dont regenerate from an attack of that magnitude immediately. I decimated more than half of your eastern islands with nuclear-equipped tomahawks, and your navy isnt exactly feeling swell right now either...
We are prepared to support you with 30 billion Parthis in aid. Good luck.
ooc:Now do you understand how i'm trying to get even?
Haha, like what I did to you.
OOC: HI, your islands are in VERY VERY bad condition after the war with grenval, GE, KotR, and I. I am planning to help you recover, seeing as how we've come to terms, but they dont regenerate from an attack of that magnitude immediately. I decimated more than half of your eastern islands with nuclear-equipped tomahawks, and your navy isnt exactly feeling swell right now either...
Gee, did you know he is our ally now. :D
But yes it is true. However, I have been helping him rebuild with all the money I gave to him.
The president leaned back in his white leather chair. He had a pecuilar fascination with white leather and tall buildings. Perhaps that was why his governmental palace was a skyscraper in downtown Grenval City. The tallest skyscraper in fact. At seven hundred meters, it was the tallest building in the world. For a while had considered declaring law that no buildings in Grenval could be built taller, but in the end he decided against it, as it could potentially stand in the way of progress. As he mulled over these thoughts, his secretary came in to remind him of his war meeting in three minutes. He looked out over the city, one-hundred and twelve stories up, then took his private elevator all the way to the lowest floor, B7. He arrived at Basement 7 and was escorted by armed guard to a steel and concrete room, where the guard left him to enter the war room. Inside his cabinet awaited. The Minister of Foreign Affairs stood up first to speak, "Sir, three carriers, three. Was that really necessary, it seems to border insanity?"
The President became angry, "We are not here to make friends, this is war, and yes it was necessary. One armament will come from the west, one from the east, and the other will block any fleets coming out of Polavakia. Now, what is the fate of our ICBMs and our bombers?"
The Minister of Defense, a strong man, fit and toned, stood up to address the President, "Our satellites should be in position to take pictures momentarily, but for now, numbers are unknown. Oh, and sir, I suggest we deploy the troops."
As the Minister of Defense sat down, the President turned to look out his window out of habit. He was met with concrete. He turned back around. He said, "How is the draft?"
The Minister of Defense again stood up, "150,000 have already enlisted in just 36 hours."
Finally, good news. President George walked to the door, ready to leave. He turned to address the cabinet before putting the password in for the door to open, "Deploy the following:
4th Heavy Division: 20,000 Infantry, 1,000 M120 Mortars, 50 M109A6 Paladin Howitzers, all mounted in M113A1 Armored Personal Carrier.
That will be enough for now, we shall see just how far this war escalates."
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 17:47
Coming from the Attican mainland -- 20 low-flying AWR-120s began flying towards Grenval.
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 17:48
At 4AM 300,000 Imperial soldiers boarded transport ships in Port Belgrade bound for Fraltis. Supported by a single carrier battle group, the operation was going to be a drop and run. They would rely on allied air support, until another military force could be brought in. The rest of the army was being mobilized for war across the nation, and any soldier that could be spared was on high alert. There had been no statement or declaration of war by the Emperor, so the citizens were rather perplexed, running out into the streets to watch the battalions march down the boulevards.
In Generia city 5 men boarded a jetliner bound for England. They each carried a single leather bag, and two wallets with identification cards.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 17:51
Now that the nations fighter fleet had been mobilized, it's bomber fleet would begin to mobilize. Over 2000 SB-120 bombers would be mobilized.
OOC: I am going to try to make a map with troop locations on it
[OCC - Okay on the map, also RP my ICBMs and B-2s.]
20 low-flying AWR-120s
What are these? Link?
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 18:15
Since I reactivated, I could no longer search for older threads, therefore I can no longer find the stats on them. I might rewrite up the stats though.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 18:33
Generic empire
17-07-2004, 18:39
((OOC: Is Attika city your capital? Thanks for the map.))
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 18:43
OOC: of course.
17-07-2004, 19:51
All nukes fired by either sides will be shot down by Pandora's Box.
OOC: Let's leave the nukes out of this.
Attican Empire
17-07-2004, 21:35
OOC: if it does come to nukes, and you use pandoras box, I will ignore you, seeing as I consider it godmod.
The Wickit Klownz
17-07-2004, 23:40
Gee, did you know he is our ally now. :D
But yes it is true. However, I have been helping him rebuild with all the money I gave to him.
Yeah, i know he is,but his islands couldnt have recovered that fast..... im not still attacking, but, that doesnt mean the damage from my tomahawks just disappear.....
Seeing as the Attican Empire has killed off every last rebel in Fraltis, Grenval wishes to seek peace, as no one else has claim to Fraltis except yourself. We ask that repartitions be made to rebuild the nation of Fraltis and that all agressions against myself and my allies be stopped.
[OOC - Also, I am leaving for three weeks and will have very limited Internet access.]
Generic empire
18-07-2004, 01:15
Official Imperial Statement-
The Generic Empire will support Grenval's decision to seek peace. As the rebellion is over, we see no reason to shed the blood of the Empire for this nation. Our fleet has been given orders to stand down and is returning to Generian waters. We hope you will use your new power over the conquered lands responsibly.
Georg Maccek
Imperial Foreign Minister
Attican Empire
18-07-2004, 01:27
The territory of Fraltis will be rebuilt to be equal to that of the rest of the empire.
Hawaiian Islands
18-07-2004, 01:29
Yeah, i know he is,but his islands couldnt have recovered that fast..... im not still attacking, but, that doesnt mean the damage from my tomahawks just disappear.....
The answer is no.
But after the war, millions of new recruits joined the Tropical Army and Tropical Guard.
With half a million soldiers gone from the invasion of Grenval and with the other folks... My Army is now at 4 million active soldiers and 6 million reserve.
Hawaiian Islands
18-07-2004, 01:31
Seeing as the Attican Empire has killed off every last rebel in Fraltis, Grenval wishes to seek peace, as no one else has claim to Fraltis except yourself. We ask that repartitions be made to rebuild the nation of Fraltis and that all agressions against myself and my allies be stopped.
[OOC - Also, I am leaving for three weeks and will have very limited Internet access.]
While A. Empire wiped out all of them, Hawaii will not give up. As for most of the Peacekeepers are gone, more troops will be added, just to keep peace there.
Generic empire
18-07-2004, 01:33
While A. Empire wiped out all of them, Hawaii will not give up. As for most of the Peacekeepers are gone, more troops will be added, just to keep peace there.
As the voice of reason in this coalition, I strongly suggest you cease aggressions and allow the Empire to rebuild Fraltis. It would be much healthier for the nation than a foreign invasion.
While A. Empire wiped out all of them, Hawaii will not give up. As for most of the Peacekeepers are gone, more troops will be added, just to keep peace there.
As long as these are truely peacekeepers and AE approves, Grenval will not take a negative stance upon the issue.
Attican Empire
18-07-2004, 05:52
What organization to the peacekeepers parade under?
Kahta stands by the Attican Empire, and will defend them from any foreign aggressors. Attica, you may land any damaged fighters or bombers at our airbases, and any damaged ships or submarines in our ports. We will also give you $100 Billion to assist in rebuilding Fraltis.