Hanging of 8 Capitalist
Communist Louisiana
15-07-2004, 16:27
The government of Communist Louisiana does allow all political parties (except the Facist) the right to run for public offices. Communist Louisiana however does not allow terrorist organizations with the intention to overthrow government with violence.
With that said, following 8 terrorist have been found guilty by a jury of Louisianaians from all around the territory. They have been found guilty of 3 counts of money laundering, 2 counts of murder, 4 counts of attempted murder, and attempted overthrowing by violence to all non-capitalist organizations in Communist Louisiana. Their punishment is death by hanging.
British Communists
15-07-2004, 16:30
We appluad this action.
Hattia of course, doesn't support the death penalty. But we do support the right of nations to deal with their criminals how they wish.
The Grassroots
15-07-2004, 19:31
The Grassroots condemns such actions in the strongest words possible. We would like the capitalists to take refuge in The Grassroots unless they have already been hanged.
The Consitutional Militocracy of Laidir condemns this action and issues this ultimatum: Give monetary compensation to the families as well as an apology or face invasion by an overpowering military force.
If Laidir violates Communist Louisiana's sovereign right to do what they wish to their criminals by military force. Hattia will honor our Mutual Defense Pact with Communist Louisiana. We hope it doesn't come to that, but we will not hesitate to defend our allies...
Liberal John Jacob
15-07-2004, 23:42
The Peoples Republic denounces the punishment of these irregulars, Let us have them, so they can be used in medical testing.
15-07-2004, 23:53
We condemn this and we stand together with LaidirĀ“s ultimatum: If a monetary compensation and an apology is not given, you will have to face then TWO overwhelming military forces.
Hattia is rather amused by the belligerent rantings coming from the Government of Grunge-France. Why they insist on sticking their noses where it doesn't belong will always puzzle us. Why they can't seem to use diplomacy will always amuse us...
Vladimir Haton Levenkov
Minister of Diplomacy
While Grenval does not approve of the death penalty, Grenval does understand the necessity of sovereignty and therefore is willing to help Communist Louisiana at the request of the nation.
The Consitutional Militocracy of Laidir condemns this action and issues this ultimatum: Give monetary compensation to the families as well as an apology or face invasion by an overpowering military force.
The Communist Worker's Republic would like to remind Laidir that these men were not executed for being capitalist, but because they were terrorists. We will stand by our MPT with CL.
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 00:24
Official Corporate Statement:
The Generian Corporation is outraged by the fact that these executions must take place under the guise of protecting the government. It is obvious to us that this is a political statement to retaliate against recent executions of communists in other countries. If this were not so, then the fact that these men were capitalists would not be specified. We see this action as the last straw, coupled with the recent execution of 12 capitalists in the nation of DontPisssUsOff. We call upon all other capitalist nations to stand by us in a crusade to end this madness. We have had our fill of the senseless violence against capitalists, and we aim to stop it now.
-General Josef Tayanovich
Corporate Department of Defense
Official Corporate Statement:
The Generian Corporation is outraged by the fact that these executions must take place under the guise of protecting the government. It is obvious to us that this is a political statement to retaliate against recent executions of communists in other countries. If this were not so, then the fact that these men were capitalists would not be specified. We see this action as the last straw, coupled with the recent execution of 12 capitalists in the nation of DontPisssUsOff. We call upon all other capitalist nations to stand by us in a crusade to end this madness. We have had our fill of the senseless violence against capitalists, and we aim to stop it now.
-General Josef Tayanovich
Corporate Department of Defense
Do not worry Communist Louisiana. The General is a facist who has caused the removal of the Emperor. The true Emperor would never allow this. Also, their nation is in turmoil, so they cannot hurt you.
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 00:31
Do not worry Communist Louisiana. The General is a facist who has caused the removal of the Emperor. The true Emperor would never allow this. Also, their nation is in turmoil, so they cannot hurt you.
OOC: FYI Grenval: General Tayanovich is not the CEO of GovCorp, he is an imperial general. Tatyanovich is the CEO. Similar names, though. sorry for that.
[OOC - Oh ok. But the post still stands. You nation is having massive problems.]
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 00:42
[OOC - Oh ok. But the post still stands. You nation is having massive problems.]
OOC: I know we are, but my post stands as well. Its high time someone stopped all of this capitalist-baiting business
16-07-2004, 00:43
Regardelss of their political leanings, keep in mind that these persons were guilty of murder! This sort of punishment is just the ticket. *clap*
OOC: I know we are, but my post stands as well. Its high time someone stopped all of this capitalist-baiting business
[OOC - Alright then.]
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 00:46
Regardelss of their political leanings, keep in mind that these persons were guilty of murder! This sort of punishment is just the ticket. *clap*
But the point is that it was specified that these men were capitalists! It is obvious that Communist louisiana is trying to start something, trying to get the capitalists riled up, and then everyone uses the "national sovereignty" defense, and the "never mind the political affiliation" defense. They brought political affilitation into this when they said 8 CAPITALISTS hanged. This is not the first time either. It is happening nearly every day now. The communists are asking for a war.
But the point is that it was specified that these men were capitalists! It is obvious that Communist louisiana is trying to start something, trying to get the capitalists riled up, and then everyone uses the "national sovereignty" defense, and the "never mind the political affiliation" defense. They brought political affilitation into this when they said 8 CAPITALISTS hanged. This is not the first time either. It is happening nearly every day now. The communists are asking for a war.
True, but... they commited crimes, so therefore it is accepatble. Of course it would be preferable not to designate politics. Perhaps some monitoring of the situation is necessary?
16-07-2004, 00:49
Blargistania as always, disaproves of the death penalty. But, we recognize the threat posed to the world by terrorists and note that Communist Louisiana's soverignty will not be violated. We have had a long a prosperous relationship and those ties still stand. Should Communist Louisiana fall under attack, Blargistania will step in to defend their soverignty.
-Aleczander Hamion, in accordance with the will of the General Assmebly and the People's Congress has issued a state of alliance with Communist Lousiana. An attack on CL will be seen as an attack on Blargistania and appropriate measures will be taken.
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 00:51
Blargistania as always, disaproves of the death penalty. But, we recognize the threat posed to the world by terrorists and note that Communist Louisiana's soverignty will not be violated. We have had a long a prosperous relationship and those ties still stand. Should Communist Louisiana fall under attack, Blargistania will step in to defend their soverignty.
-Aleczander Hamion, in accordance with the will of the General Assmebly and the People's Congress has issued a state of alliance with Communist Lousiana. An attack on CL will be seen as an attack on Blargistania and appropriate measures will be taken.
If it is war that you want, we would be all to happy to oblige.
16-07-2004, 00:53
It's obvious Louisiana has no concept of how capitalism works. A capitalist would no more try to overthrow non-capitalists than a mouse would chase a cat. Why would a capitalist waste time and money overthrowing non-capitalists when the market will take care of the silly non-capitalists.
Trumped up charges against the capitalists...probably because the people were recognizing the benefit of capitalism.
I cry foul about the hanging of the capitalists. As far as the murderers go, hang'em high!
We stand with Generic Empire!
If it is war that you want, we would be all to happy to oblige.
I must warn you that under your current government, Generic Empire is no longer considered my ally. Therefore, I would be forced to fight against you if necessary. Of course, if the old Emperor is returned to power, which I am fighting for, then my support will return, but I doubt the old Emperor would approve of this war.
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 01:01
I must warn you that under your current government, Generic Empire is no longer considered my ally. Therefore, I would be forced to fight against you if necessary. Of course, if the old Emperor is returned to power, which I am fighting for, then my support will return, but I doubt the old Emperor would approve of this war.
The old Emperor is no more. The Corporation retains power, and if you want it you will pry it from our fist. We must remind you that you are currently at war with a larger enemy, and also are fighting in my country. Your intellgence agency is either dead or fighting for survival in my homeland. Stand down in this theater, and you will not be engaged directly.
We thank EvieIsle for their support. Let us, togethor, end this madness now.
16-07-2004, 01:01
If it is war that you want, we would be all to happy to oblige.
You mistake yourself. War is always a last option. Our government simply stands in alliance with Communist Louisiana and an attack on them will be viewed as an attack on us. Should this break to out in war, we will get involved.
16-07-2004, 01:06
The Nomadic Peoples of Grothistan condemns these actions. Our nation is against the death penalty, no matter who it is used against, be that capitalists, communists, anarchist, conservatives, terrorist, protesters, humanists or any other group. The fact that an individual is behaving in an inhuman fasion, does not give the goverment the right to do so.
However, we respect Communist Loisianas sovereignity, and if it should be attacked, we will provide free transportation to Communist Loisiana for anyone wishing to protect the country. However, we will not provide any form of military assistance to Communist Loisiana, unless there is proof of inhumanities commited by invaders.
Grothistan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dennis Ferdinand.
16-07-2004, 01:08
*Sigh* You all say that they are executed for being capitalists. This is an obvious fallacy. Why would we waste time executing the proponents and members of a relatively marginal party and style of Government? Why would we bother to generate a load of charges for murder et al when we could just say they were comitting crimes against the people? Why would we give them trial by jury? Why would we give them a defence lawyer? Why would we even give them a trial? the NSB could easily arrange for them to be quietly disposed of.
And for that matter, what else can we distinguish them as? Their capitalist values were their common factor and their primary motivation. Would you prefer it if we were to dye their hair black and say "execution of twelve/eight men with black hair"? Well of course, in reality it wouldn't make any difference; you'd simply accuse us of persecuting capitalists or people with black hair, or capitalists with black hair, or some combination thereof. Which is in fact complete and utter rubbish. In DPUO, the People's Choice Party is still around, is still working through the parliamentary system, and has in fact condemned these men and the frankly astoundingly stupid persons who seem to have rallied to their methods of achieving change.
Yet STILL you feel it necessary and right to accuse us of operating police states, of being persecutors, despots, oligarchs, liars, cheats, swindlers, Nazis, Stalinists, Maoists, militarists, fascists, Trotskyites, the spawn of satan, death incarnate, and Vogon poets! (N.B. Vogon poetry available from DPUO State archives, ref. no. 1843-2326-21) Perhaps we were also responsible for bubonic plague, the catastrophe of 1200 b.c., the death of Christ, the holocaust, the submergence of Atlantis, the destruction of Pompeii and Herculanum, the Krakatoa explosion, the extinction of the dinosaurs, tetra-ethyl lead, CFCs, and asbestos too? C'mon, you may as well lay on as many ludicrous charges as you can! (OOC: Sorry, couldn't resist :D)
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 01:20
*Sigh* You all say that they are executed for being capitalists. This is an obvious fallacy. Why would we waste time executing the proponents and members of a relatively marginal party and style of Government? Why would we bother to generate a load of charges for murder et al when we could just say they were comitting crimes against the people? Why would we give them trial by jury? Why would we give them a defence lawyer? Why would we even give them a trial? the NSB could easily arrange for them to be quietly disposed of.
And for that matter, what else can we distinguish them as? Their capitalist values were their common factor and their primary motivation. Would you prefer it if we were to dye their hair black and say "execution of twelve/eight men with black hair"? Well of course, in reality it wouldn't make any difference; you'd simply accuse us of persecuting capitalists or people with black hair, or capitalists with black hair, or some combination thereof. Which is in fact complete and utter rubbish. In DPUO, the People's Choice Party is still around, is still working through the parliamentary system, and has in fact condemned these men and the frankly astoundingly stupid persons who seem to have rallied to their methods of achieving change.
Yet STILL you feel it necessary and right to accuse us of operating police states, of being persecutors, despots, oligarchs, liars, cheats, swindlers, Nazis, Stalinists, Maoists, militarists, fascists, Trotskyites, the spawn of satan, death incarnate, and Vogon poets! (N.B. Vogon poetry available from DPUO State archives, ref. no. 1843-2326-21) Perhaps we were also responsible for bubonic plague, the catastrophe of 1200 b.c., the death of Christ, the holocaust, the submergence of Atlantis, the destruction of Pompeii and Herculanum, the Krakatoa explosion, the extinction of the dinosaurs, tetra-ethyl lead, CFCs, and asbestos too? C'mon, you may as well lay on as many ludicrous charges as you can! (OOC: Sorry, couldn't resist :D)
I dont recall saying that you were any of these things, but i did say that you specified the party as a way to bait capitalists into belligerance and anger. Well, if you asked for it, come and get it. It is high time we put a stop to this and gave you what you are trying to find: a war between capitalists and communists.
16-07-2004, 01:28
OOC: I'm not looking for a war. It was originally intended for this to be the case, to show how it should be done. The purpose of it now is to lead up to a rebellion type thing, and frankly a war will a) screw that up and b) be totally inconclusive.
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 01:29
OOC: I'm not looking for a war. It was originally intended for this to be the case, to show how it should be done. The purpose of it now is to lead up to a rebellion type thing, and frankly a war will a) screw that up and b) be totally inconclusive.
In that case nevermind. I have other business to attend to anyway. Maybe an epic war at another time.
Unified West Africa
16-07-2004, 02:19
OOC querie: Is Communist Louisiana ICly or OOCly related (i.e. the same person) as communist Mississippi?
16-07-2004, 02:52
Vogon poets! (N.B. Vogon poetry available from DPUO State archives, ref. no. 1843-2326-21)
NO! Not the Vogons! Their poetry is only worse than that of Azgoths of Kria and Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings of Greenbridge, Essex, England!
Sorry about the complete OOC.
Communist Louisiana,
The Commarchist Nation, althoguh no longer part of the Socalist party, still stands by your desicions. The right of exicuting criminals of any degree is your own right.
If the ultimatium occurs, we will side with you.
16-07-2004, 03:19
The dead swans floated in the stagnant pool.
They floated, they rotted, the turned over occasionally.
Bits of flesh dropped off them from time to time
And sank into the pool's mire.
They also smelt a great deal.
Ode to a small lump of green putty I found in my armpit one midsummer morning
Green putty
Grutty peen.
Not even a particularly nice shade of green.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 03:42
Communist Lousiana has the right to hang murderers! Kill them all I say! It's their soverignty and I will protect him if it comes to war. Of course, diplomacy is oh so much better. Anyway back to the subject. He has the right to run the country the way he does. You want to know something? We have the death sentence and we castrate our rapists! Justice served I say, and yes we hang Red Party offenders too. We just hanged one today! Now please, let's settle this peacefully.
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rosta Einvach
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 03:44
Actually, the threat of invasion was over a while ago. You can defend him all you want. It makes little difference to me.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 03:46
Ya, but I like ranting >.<
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 04:03
Ya, but I like ranting >.<
Excellent. Keep up the good work.
Communist Louisiana
16-07-2004, 04:56
I would like to thank all the people willing to support me in this time.
They were capitalist correct? But, they were also guilty for murder. Six out of eight of them pleaded guilty on the charge and then they snitched on the other two. It is my right to hang prisoners, regardless of political thoughs if you commit a crime you will be seen a a criminal.
I would also like to point out that I would not accept any nations demands. We did not declair war on capitalist. I have nothing against capitalist nations. I would fight for allies like IDF and Northrop-Grumman if they were to ask me to. So this is not a war on capitalism. Those who think it is are morons.
Thank you,
Premier Daniel DuFour
Mackia condemns your use of the death penalty for we recognise it as an easy way out for the criminals. Mackia would like to suggest a change in the way you treat your people because this kind of crime is never commited in Mackia. Therefore, Mackia donates 10,000 spliffs to help the education system of Communist Louisiana so that this kind of crime is never commited again.
The Island of Rose
16-07-2004, 05:37
Official Statement from the Island of Rose:
F***ing freeloading liberals...
-Minister of War: General Alexander Roska
16-07-2004, 05:43
The dead swans floated in the stagnant pool.
They floated, they rotted, the turned over occasionally.
Bits of flesh dropped off them from time to time
And sank into the pool's mire.
They also smelt a great deal.
Ode to a small lump of green putty I found in my armpit one midsummer morning
Green putty
Grutty peen.
Not even a particularly nice shade of green.
i see we have a douglas adams fan.
Soviet leaders
16-07-2004, 18:24
I am Premier Romavok:
I stand by my Drugys (comrades)
I ask the captialist did they care when one of us was hanged no they said another commie dead so I think they need to realies that they started the war but the communist let them make fun of them so i think we sould not let them be right that all we care about is ruling the world and that we hate capatilist
the post was on the old forum and it read:Communist exacuted. and one of the capailist said another commie dead so when we put capailist Hanged they get all angry at us about it!!!!!!!
i will send
1,000 soilders.
24 tanks
12 MIG-29s
if it comes to war
which maybe it was ment to happen the Capailist Vs Communist
Generic empire
16-07-2004, 18:36
I am Premier Romavok:
I stand by my Drugys (comrades)
I ask the captialist did they care when one of us was hanged no they said another commie dead so I think they need to realies that they started the war but the communist let them make fun of them so i think we sould not let them be right that all we care about is ruling the world and that we hate capatilist
the post was on the old forum and it read:Communist exacuted. and one of the capailist said another commie dead so when we put capailist Hanged they get all angry at us about it!!!!!!!
i will send
1,000 soilders.
24 tanks
12 MIG-29s
if it comes to war
which maybe it was ment to happen the Capailist Vs Communist
Please learn how to spell, "Drugy."
16-07-2004, 20:53
More like please learn how to spell "tovarishchi." "Drugye/druzhye" is friends iirc.
Truitt reminds everyone that international parties should use thier best manners