The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks. (New Storefront)
Schultaria Prime
15-07-2004, 05:33
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks, and the Designwerks Connexion, have now moved to The International Mall to better serve the needs of our international clientele. Our reputation for excellent service, thoroughness, and adaptability has not changed, only our location. We hope that you will find our products to be of exceptional quality and worthy of your nation's attention.
If your nation needs that extra boost in the civilian marketplace, come and visit our storefront today! Just click on the link below.
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks, located on the International Mall (
Designwerks, now with a location in the Great Bazaar! (
Schultaria Prime
15-07-2004, 15:52
A BUMP for the morning's customers.
If you are not registered at the International Mall, don't worry! Just use this link to place your order and Designwerks will honor the transaction.
And, this just in!
To celebrate our move to the International Mall, the first 5 customers will get a 10% discount on every product we offer, limited restrictions apply. Acquire within.
Schultaria Prime
18-07-2004, 00:41
A BUMP for the evening's customers.
Schultaria Prime
18-07-2004, 07:16
A BUMP for the Evening's customers.
OOC: Even with a sale I still can't get people to shop at my store? If it's the concern of registering with the International Mall than you don't have to do that; just post your order here!
18-07-2004, 07:19
OOC: On a totally unrelated note, I noticed you're from Madison. I was just there last Sunday at Apocalypse Paintball. I live in Racine, and it's good to see some Wisconsinites on NS!
Schultaria Prime
18-07-2004, 07:33
OOC: What I would give to play some paintball right about now; it seems like at least half a year since I last played but it's only been about three weeks.
Currently, I'm up further north in a little town called Waupaca until the middle of August doing odd jobs to scrape up some money for the summer. It's not much, but at least it keeps me occupied (and well supplied between battles).
Schultaria Prime
20-07-2004, 18:51
A BUMP for the afternoon's customers.
-Please, if you have any questions or comments, then by all means telegram us!
Schultaria Prime
21-07-2004, 04:43
Perhaps you have forgotten our links; if so, we have the solution.
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks (
Designwerks stock is also for public sale! (
Schultaria Prime
21-07-2004, 16:34
A BUMP for the Morning's customers.
-If you have ANY questions, comments, or orders conderning Designwerks then please feel free to post them in this thread.
Schultaria Prime
22-07-2004, 15:39
A BUMP for the Morning's customers.
22-07-2004, 16:06
Your merchandise looks interesting, and Union of Socialist States of Rubberduckistan is interested of buying right to produce said products. Except raw materials, which we would like to buy annually from you. Especially computer technology interests us, since we are designing new artillery control system, and are looking good computers to use. Our satellite state of Raving Duck does produce the computers and information technology, but we would like to expand our commercial reach, maybe as subcontractor for you? In exchange we could sell you oil.
Premiere Rubberduck of Duckche-Party
Schultaria Prime
23-07-2004, 07:34
Before we can honor your purchase we are curious as to what exactly would you like to purchase from Designwerks. Are you requesting to purchase the rights to a specific set of technologies, or are you requesting a blanket purchase of all Schultarian technology? A blanket purchase of all Schultarian technology might amount to several hundred billion dollars, so we want to make sure that you want is exactly what you get without any damage to your national budget.
As for any repayment by oil, our nation is completely independent of any petroleum based products; since we could not procure liquid fossil fuels very early in our nation's history, we've become entirely powered by Industrial Ethanol. While your gesture is noted for its generosity, we simply have no need for it in our nation's industry or domestic livelihood.
In regards to any subcontracting of our technology: Currently Designwerks is a government owned enterprise with no shortage of labor; unfortunately, we simply do not have any deficiencies in our labor pool to allow for any subcontracting at the time being. Also, since our nation has had a history of semi-protectionist labor practices, most of our more advanced employment sectors are expressly forbidden to be subcontracted unless by a nation of closely allied ties.
Schultaria Prime
23-07-2004, 15:40
A BUMP for the Morning's customers.
Neo-Soviet Russia
23-07-2004, 16:00
Check your order form, comrade.
23-07-2004, 16:02
Blanket purchase might be in order, because you have so much stuff to sell. Satellite state Raving Duck´s economy is Powerhouse, so we will tap into their budget since it´s defense is handled by Rubberduckistani People´s Liberation Army, so money is not problem. Rubberduckistani Space Program really needs computers and modern production plants, plus their energy production. We are planning to launch our first LEO Research Lab in 5 NS years.
Schultaria Prime
23-07-2004, 23:39
OOC: Just attempting to clarify on your order Rubberduckistan...
Neo-Soviet Russia, your order has been cleared and invoice has been noted.
Before we can complete your order, one question remains. Are you purchasing individual products or production rights? Once this is cleared, we can begin our pricing and establish our final invoice to your nation; also, we have performed a thorough economic check on your nation and everything seems to be in order for the purchases we think that you have in mind.
Wishing you a good day,
Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
25-07-2004, 05:57
A BUMP for the Night's customers.
25-07-2004, 07:25
SP. The production rights would be better, so I could turn out as many as I need, plus modify them accordingly. If the combined economic power of Rubberduckistan and Raving Duck is not enough to buy them at once (I´ll put 5% of national budgets to this project), I´ll buy the rights in 10 years period.
Premiere Rubberduck
Schultaria Prime
26-07-2004, 04:26
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks in our time of economic crisis; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feared that we would have to close down this store for good. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
While we have decided to grant you the bulk of Schultaria Prime's technological base, there were several technologies that our nation has deemed either too sensitive to sell at the present moment or is currently unable to generate a reasonable price for sale. The technologies Designwerks will not include in this package are as follows:
+All Designs From the Designwerks Connexion
+All Schultarian Delivery Rockets (Please contact us if you wish to purchase these technologies on a per design basis; Designwerks is still hammering out the costs of research for each device).
+Kamor-IBBEM Kinetic Anti-Missile Satellite
+DALIER Class Supercomputer (Most of the Quantum Computing and Data Storage Technology is still highly classified and only available to high level computer researchers within Schultaria Prime).
+DIMMAR Binary to DNA Transfer Service
+Mark VII Haarvekord Nuclear Reactor Core
The Pricing for each device was calculated by the following method.
-(Designwerks Advanced Research Supplies / Designwerks Component Design) = [Price Per Unit] * 10,000
-Designwerks: Interkosmos = [Price Per Unit] * 100 (NO UPGRADES INCLUDED, ONLY BASE PACKAGES PER SATELLITE)
-Designwerks Manufacturing Industries = [Price Per Unit] * 50
The details of each of the technologies listed shall come via a ROTOVO archive free of charge. If you choose, Schultarian contractors will help train your workforce in our manufacturing and computational equipment at no additional cost. Also, since you are the second of five purchasers under our Remodeling Sale, a discount of 10% will be accounted to your bill.
Your total cost (10% Remodeling Sale Discount Included): $177,786,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
26-07-2004, 06:41
A BUMP for the Night's customers.
26-07-2004, 09:01
Union of Socialist States of Rubberduckistan thanks Schultaria Prime for its products. Order will paid in 5 year period, when our technicians will be trained by your expert. Hopefully you accept cash? *cameran pans to gigantic Antonov, where heavily armed guards oversee hauling of gold bullions to plane*
Premiere Rubberduck
Schultaria Prime
26-07-2004, 20:27
We thank you for your payment option; by our estimation at $392 Dollars Per Troy Ounce and a standard gold bar at the present weight of 55 pounds, Schultaria Prime shall expect the delivery of 515,381 and one half bars over the next five years. As always, you have our thanks for this order, and if you still wish to discuss the possibility of acquiring any of our launch vehicle technologies, please contact us if you so feel the need.
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
28-07-2004, 16:20
BUMP for the Morning's customers.
The Great Plains
28-07-2004, 17:14
Our Nation is bubling over with Grains and Cattle.
we would be intrested in working closely on ethanol production and meat provisions in exchange for steel goods.
GPM- Supermarket to the World
Great Plains Market
Schultaria Prime
29-07-2004, 07:05
To the Nation of The Great Plains
Before we can come to an agreement, we would like to know exactly how much grain (weight amount) and cattle (fair market value) you will exchange with our nation on a per annum basis. We will be able to then associate how much steel you will be able to afford from Designwerks, and then negotiate accordingly. Hopefully, our two nations can come to a fair and reasonable compromise on this exchange which will allow for increased trade between our two nations in the near future.
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
31-07-2004, 07:15
BUMP for the Evening's customers.
31-07-2004, 07:23
United Socialist States of Rubberduckistan is now ready to negotiate the possibility to buy your more classified products, or their production rights.
We can give you guarantee that we will not try to sell them to outside parties, the production is for purely domestic purposes. As always, USSR will pay in cash, with our non-regular coinage of Gold Quack, weighting 2 troy ounces each.
Schultaria Prime
03-08-2004, 17:49
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
Please contact us with your initial offer, and we will decide how to negotiate our terms. Since some of this technology is still very closely guarded, our nation is curious as to how much value you place it at. We hope to hear from you soon.
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
04-08-2004, 16:18
A BUMP for the Morning's customers.
Schultaria Prime
04-08-2004, 19:53
Now for those who would like to work with Designwerks on items outside out of our current product line, we offer Designwerks: Projektum. Come and visit our storefront today to see if we can be of service to your nation!
Schultaria Prime
04-08-2004, 20:54
A BUMP for the Afternoon's customers.
Schultaria Prime, do you still maintain your national site? If so, can you post the link below?
Schultaria Prime
05-08-2004, 04:43
OOC: I haven't updated my national site in quite a while (outside of our Nation's Economics and Defensive Forces), but the site still exists. Follow the link below.
Schultaria Prime
06-08-2004, 15:14
A BUMP for the Morning's customers.
And for those who still need the store's address, click on one of the next two lines.
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks, located on the International Mall (
Designwerks, located on the Nation States Stock Exchange (
Schultaria Prime
08-08-2004, 07:46
A BUMP for the night's customers.
OOC: Rubberduckistan I will TG you very soon, but it will probably be not until Monday at the earliest. Work is eating what free time I have.
08-08-2004, 09:42
vooc: No problem, same thing here. Plus I´m enjoying the first *sunny* days of the summer. :)
Schultaria Prime
09-08-2004, 05:04
A BUMP for the Night's customers.
09-08-2004, 05:17
The Kingdom of Cullenus needs to purchase three Kamor-IBBEM Kinetic Anti-Missile Satellites..
And one Ilemor Orbital Observatory Platform..
Total cost: $1,070,000,000
1.07 billion dollars wired on confirmation.
Schultaria Prime
11-08-2004, 07:23
To the Nation of Cullenus
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks, many of us in Schultaria Prime hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
Since you did not specify a method for delivery of these systems into orbit, we shall deliver these satellites to your local space agencies at the earliest possible convenience. Total construction time will take approximately 1 NS year to complete. Also, since you are the third of five purchasers under our Remodeling Sale, a discount of 10% will be accounted to your bill.
Your total cost (10% Discount included): $963,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
11-08-2004, 07:28
we need 32 havark lords
Schultaria Prime
11-08-2004, 08:22
As mentioned in countless other posts regarding your usage of the English language:
I implore you to utilize a semblance of proper grammar and punctuation in your writing.
If anything, your posts hurt my eyes as I try to read them. It makes me very frustrated (as the son of an English teacher) to see such terrible usage of the very language used by this forum.
The reason I created this new thread was to start with fresh creditability. Whenever you posted, I tried to give you pointers but I feel that I lost more international business every time I tried to help you. Because you frequented my storefront so much before the move to Jolt, I pretty much surmised that I would have to start anew as soon as possible.
Also, since you have been branded the single largest godmodder in NationStates by nearly every user with over 1,000 posts, I am compelled to make the following statement.
Thank you, and please try to work on your grammar and role playing skills. This order has been ignored.
If you want help, I suggest reading a nice science fiction novel. Try the novel Dune by Frank Herbert as a starter to help you develop a storytelling voice all your own.
11-08-2004, 08:25
ooc: Heh, woah, someone's fed up with Sephrioth.
Schultaria Prime
11-08-2004, 08:32
OOC: If you backtrack in my posts and find my previous storefront, all you will find are pages and pages of nothing but Sephrioth orders for absolutely preposterous amounts or types of items. Many of them were insane if you think about them in the real world sense, and plenty of others were simple copy and paste jobs with no forethought behind them.
I don't mind that some people simply request the technology for purchase, but Sephrioth clung on to my earlier storefront thread. Despite my subtle pleas for him to actively try reform, I feel that I'm obligated to use a more blunt approach to get my message across.
11-08-2004, 08:35
OOC: If you backtrack in my posts and find my previous storefront, all you will find are pages and pages of nothing but Sephrioth orders for absolutely preposterous orders. Many of them were insane if you think about them in the real world sense, and plenty of others were simple copy and paste jobs with no forethought behind them.
I don't mind that some people simply request the technology for purchase, but Sephrioth clung on to my earlier storefront thread. Despite my subtle pleas for him to actively try reform, I feel that I'm obligated to use a more blunt approach to get my message across.
ooc: No, no, I understand. He's on my ignore list so I don't even know what he said that annoyed you. It was just funny how you blew up at him. He's terrible. The truest example that quality is better than quantity.
For the record, I love what we're doing in that other thread of yours. Real good stuff.
The Republic of Sharina would very much like to take up the offer made by Schultaria Prime and Designwerks.
Now for those who would like to work with Designwerks on items outside out of our current product line, we offer Designwerks: Projektum. Come and visit our storefront today to see if we can be of service to your nation!
In addition, Sharina expresses interest in purchasing Designwerks stock, and is willing to purchase present and future Designwerks products. We shall waive our foreign product tariffs for Designwerks businesses and products.
The people of Sharina would very much like to hear from Schultaria Prime and Designwerks.
Thank you.
President Rand Versitek
Leader of the Sharian People.
12-08-2004, 19:37
USSR seals the contract of production rights on agreed items,
+All Schultarian Delivery Rockets (From Designwerks: Interkosmos)
+Kamor-IBBEM Kinetic Anti-Missile Satellite
+DALIER Class Supercomputer
+DIMMAR Binary to DNA Transfer Service
+Mark VII Haarvekord Nuclear Reactor Core
with agreed sum, plus partnership in our project of Daedalus II Orbital Factory. Cash transfer begins at once.
Vice-Premiere Duck Tzu
Schultaria Prime
12-08-2004, 20:12
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
Designwerks thanks you for this rather extensive purchase of technology. We believe that your nation is trustworthy to purchase this without the fear either abusing its production rights or utilizing it for offensive military means. Thank you once again for the chance to help revolutionize your nation's technological base through the proliferation of Schultarian products.
If you require any assistance beyond this current product line, Designwerks: Projektum would be more than willing to assist you in any means possible.
For public accounting purposes, the final sum for these technologies is disclosed at $1,500,000,000,000 to be paid over a 10 to 15 year period in both hard currency and 50% partnership in Rubberduckistan's Daedalus II Orbital Factory project.
Thank you once again for your generosity,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
To the Nation of Sharina
We have noted your interest in further business exchanges with The State Industries of Schultaria Prime, and we will do everything in our ability to assist your nation. Your order for Designwerks stock has been noted and will be processed as soon as possible; since Designwerks' has introduced the Projektum, market share of Designwerks is expected to increase dramatically from its current high point in the market.
If you are in the market for a custom project, click on the Designwerks: Projektum thread in our storefront and state your request. We will do everything in our ability to assist you in a thorough and respectful manner.
Once again, thank you for your tariff concessions with the Nation of Schultaria Prime; we can assure you that our labor regulations are more of the most liberal in the international community. With a stunning economy, strong currency, and one of the most progressive social welfare programs in the world, Schultarian workers produce products of outstanding quality which we know will be readily accepted by your nation.
Thank you once again for your interest, and I hope to hear from your nation soon.
With regards,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
14-08-2004, 06:22
A BUMP for the Night's customers.
Greetings, Central Director Elliot Schultz.
I am grateful for any assistance provided by Schultaria Prime. We shall repay your kindness someday, somehow.
Your suggestion of atriums has been studied and debated within my government. We have decided that this is a worthwhile investment, mainly because we have long term plans for city expansion. Our five metropolitan cities of Lorn, Vau, Lodis, Kalista, and Medina comprise over half of our population within the cities themselves and their suburbs. The rest of our population reside in towns and villages across Sharina.
Our plans for the atriums would be the following:
1. Peaceful parks and recreation areas.
2. Libraries and museums so our knowledge and artifacts won't be lost in an invasion.
3. Shelter for our population (build it under the "pleasure" atriums)
4. Storage of emergency provisions.
5. Provide underground living space.
Lorn is the largest and oldest city in Sharina, with 2 million people. Kalista is the second largest, standing at 1.2 million. The other three major cities have approximately 600,000 people each, give or take several thousand people.
Lorn and Kalista are located next to rivers, while Vau is a coastal city sitting among the Bay of Secundis. Lodis, our second oldest city is situated in the mountains, the origin of our ancestors. Medina is located in a plain, near several oil fields.
There is still a lot of unsettled land in Sharina, so we have plenty of room to grow in the future.
We are looking into using and developing extensive railroads to efficiently haul quanities of material, goods, and people around. We don't have any major airports, and we might consider constructing a highway.
For defensive structures, we would like to discuss with Schultaria Prime and Designwerks potential development of the following areas:
1. Near Lodis located in our Grebev Mountains
2. The Karanos Plains where the oil city of Medina is located
3. Sites / regions around our two riverside cities of Lorn and Kalista,
4. The hills and the large bay where our coastal city of Vau is situated.
*5. Options to expand our defenses in the future as we grow larger.
We would also be interested in developing a mobile and flexible defense as you suggested.
Also, shall we telegram you regarding working out a trade treaty, friendship treaty, and / or future alliance in the TAPRES?
I am eternally grateful once again for Schultaria Prime and Designwerk's offers to aid our growing nation.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
14-08-2004, 17:02
Begging Schultaria Primes pardon for straying a bit off-topic. Since you both are partners in DII Orbital Factory-project, its launch day is tomorrow. First Hercules IX delivery rocket will deliver the crew- and lifesupport modules to orbit.
Vice-Premiere Duck Tzu
Schultaria Prime
17-08-2004, 16:49
A BUMP for the Morning's customers.
Hey do you sell nukes or uranium? Maybe some human resources? I'm looking for some guns too. Tanks would be nice...
Hufari, AoNic Dreadlord
I have yet to hear any reply from Schultaria Prime regarding my development requests. I posted my request in this thread a few posts above, and in Schultaria Prime's Designwerk forums.
BTW, an update on my cities.
Lorn now has 4 million people. Kalista has 3 million, Lodis has 2 million, Medina and Vau has 1.5 million people.
My population is "Profile population + 3 million". The 3 million are the refugees from the war in Hataria Mammalia.
17-08-2004, 17:54
I have yet to hear any reply from Schultaria Prime regarding my development requests. I posted my request in this thread a few posts above, and in Schultaria Prime's Designwerk forums.
BTW, an update on my cities.
Lorn now has 4 million people. Kalista has 3 million, Lodis has 2 million, Medina and Vau has 1.5 million people.
My population is "Profile population + 3 million". The 3 million are the refugees from the war in Hataria Mammalia.
ooc: Give him time. As I understand, he's very busy with work lately, and he hardly has enough time to log into NationStates, never mind sit down and design things for people. I've got a ton of requests that we've been doing lately and he hasn't responded to those lately either. He'll get around to it; don't worry.
Thanks for letting me know. I was just curious since I got a TG from him yesterday. Sorry if I offended anyone, or if I appeared to be impatient. I'm just eager to RP and play NS. :(
Schultaria Prime
18-08-2004, 07:23
Sharina, check the Designwerks: Projektum thread in the IM storefront of Designwerks. Your atrium proposal is waiting for you.
Sdaeriji, I'm still thinking about the proposals on your first and third contract requests (Bunker network / Shipyard). The Spysat request is almost finalized, but I'm going over the numbers to insure that my math is correct and that I try to prevent godmod by as wide a margin as possible.
-Thank you both for your patience, and I hope to read your responses to the Eldaimovey thread soon. Take your time and admire the lush merging of wilderness and technology in the main lobby, and please, marvel at the four story artwork that hangs from the walls.
18-08-2004, 07:31
Sharina, check the Designwerks: Projektum thread in the IM storefront of Designwerks. Your atrium proposal is waiting for you.
Sdaeriji, I'm still thinking about the proposals on your first and third contract requests (Bunker network / Shipyard). The Spysat request is almost finalized, but I'm going over the numbers to insure that my math is correct and that I try to prevent godmod by as wide a margin as possible.
-Thank you both for your patience, and I hope to read your responses to the Eldaimovey thread soon. Take your time and admire the lush merging of wilderness and technology in the main lobby, and please, marvel at the four story artwork that hangs from the walls.
ooc: Excellent. Take your time. While it's alot of fun to roleplay in NationStates, we always have to remember it's just a game, and real life takes precedence.
As for Eldaimovey, my characters are pretty much just walking down a hallway until you decide that they arrive and meet Schultz.
Schultaria Prime
21-08-2004, 08:17
A BUMP for the Night's customers.
21-08-2004, 08:39
Rubberduckistani Science Academy Telefax
To: C.D. Elliot Schultz
From: C.D. Natalia Aramatova
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for your excellent products. We are shipping you, as we speak, 700 billion Quacks of your royalties accumulated from Daedalus II Orbital Factory.
Natalia Aramatova
Central Director
Daedalus II
Schultaria Prime
23-08-2004, 05:52
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
We are glad that we could be of help in developing your nation's newest and greatest industrial project. Your royalties are wholeheartedly accepted by the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime, and we look forward to equally beneficial financial and technological exchanges with your nation in the near future.
If you ever have any suggestions for future products, please feel free to contact the Designwerks: Projektum; we will be more than willing to listen to any reasonable proposals.
Thank you once again,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
23-08-2004, 16:05
A BUMP for the Morning's customers.
Schultaria Prime
23-08-2004, 17:38
Designwerks is pleased to introduce the most powerful Heavy Launch Rocket ever developed by Schultarian science: The Nucliketsan!
Come and visit us today!
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks, located on the International Mall (
Designwerks, located on the Nation States Stock Exchange (
Schultaria Prime
30-08-2004, 17:41
Designwerks has now developed technology to help nations with problems from excessive waste products. We invite every nation to view our newest product, the Plasma Induction Waste Disposal Facility, and see if it is right for you.
Come and visit Designwerks today!
30-08-2004, 19:07
The Workers Paradise of Rubberduckistan will look into your fine products again. Well be back soon. :)
(ooc: Stock Exchange link does not work)
Schultaria Prime
30-08-2004, 19:15
OOC: The Stock Market has been dead for some time now, and I don't think I'll revive Designwerks stock any time soon. With the forum's closing I lost ALL my data, and I can't piece it through memory.
30-08-2004, 19:33
Back to IC:
Rubberduckistan is interested of annual import contract of your Industrial Ethanol. Importing the ethanol would go through Raving Duck, which is our
satellite state, and also the one with port facilities. Also the annual cash payment would made in Raving Duck´s Kela´s (1 Ke = 1.2$) We are ready to pay your price per barrel (15.5) in R.D´s currency, if we get the priority to your shipments. 10 billion barrels annually. (Raving Ducks trade budget is, according to GDPcalculator, about 750B$)
Best regards
Vice-Premiere Duck Tzu
Ps. Any idea of storage life of the I.E. How long it will remain usable, if stored
in our National Emergency Storage?
Schultaria Prime
31-08-2004, 00:42
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
We will be more than ready to grant you a contract of 10 billion barrels of Industrial Ethanol per annum in contracts extending up to 10 years. Our nation hopes that this first contract helps you to achieve a certain amount of energy independence from constantly dwindling petroleum supplies, and we wish you the best of luck in its usage. If the containers of Industrial Ethanol are kept properly sealed and relatively free of corrosion, the expected storage life should be roughly 30 years for emergency purposes.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
Your total cost (For 10 Billion Barrels of Ethanol per annum for 10 years): $1,550,000,000,000 [or $155,000,000,000 per year]
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Greetings, friend.
The Republic of Sharina would like to know more about this new waste diposal system using plasma.
Also, are you researching plasma power plants?
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
31-08-2004, 06:13
To the Nation of Sharina
Our researchers at Designwerks will attempt to answer any questions you have regarding our newest product. No matter how generalized or detailed, Schultaria Prime will always have time to answer your queries. We hope that you find this facility to be something worthwhile for your nation's future in addition to the other projects we have yet to finalize between our nations.
As of now, Schultaria Prime is currently utilizing the concepts of Plasma Physics in developing increasingly advanced propulsion devices for our nation's growing space administration. However, given our scientists' capacities for creativity and willingness to explore ideas beyond the scope of their set research projects, there might be the possibility of a power generation breakthrough. Of course, since we are not actively funding any initiatives on Haarvekord's more advanced power generation devices, our nation will consider exploring those avenues as well in the near future.
Hoping to hear from your nation soon,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
31-08-2004, 12:48
Finance Department of Commerce- and Industrial Ministry will handle the payment, and cash will be paid promptly. We will publish new 1000 Kela bills for this occasion. (Not for general use, only in international trade.)
Vice-Premiere Duck Tzu
Schultaria Prime
01-09-2004, 00:02
A BUMP for the Evening's customers.
Greetings, friend Elliot Schultz.
We would like aid in developing industries and an economy for our Space Program. We need aid in developing factories, research labs, infrastructure, and general plans for growth for our Space Program.
We eagerly await your reply.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
01-09-2004, 21:11
OOC: A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
To the Nation of Sharina
Schultaria Prime will be more than willing to assist your nation in developing the necessary technology to fuel your space program. Since you already have a delegation attending the rededication ceremonies at the Eldaimovey Advanced Research Laboratories, our government will make sure to give them a proper tour of our land based space propulsion and manned training space flight centers.
If you require specific design plans, individual components of technology, long range telemetry services, expanded orbital and extra orbital research facilities, or any other miscellaneous items that that might be necessary to spur your nation’s development please feel free to contact us at Designwerks: Projektum.
Our nation looks forward to a stable scientific partnership with you,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
01-09-2004, 23:24
A BUMP for the Evening's customers.
Schultaria Prime
02-09-2004, 03:42
Now, Designwerks has engineered a new revolution in modern data storage: The NEXCRA Data Storage System!
Check it out in the Designwerks Advanced Research Supplies section of The Designwerks store today!
Schultaria Prime
02-09-2004, 17:17
BUMP for the Morning's customers
02-09-2004, 18:37
From:Rubberduckistan Scientific Academy
To: Elliot Schultz
Subject:Negotiation of Supercomputer sale.
We are interested of buying one to three of your new supercomputers.
They would be used in our new Mt. Kurmootespakka Research Facility, that is nearing it´s completion.
Also, we send you your 1.5 trillion$ royalties from Daedalus II Orbital Factory.
Our synthetics research have met great success, in producing lighter fabrics
for use in personal protection. Products are used only in Land of Mordor´s armies, and are not even there common. Yet. Also Sharina got 60 000 units
of these, but we have not heard from them since.
Comissar Valentina Gratcheva
Schultaria Prime
02-09-2004, 23:54
OOC: For clarification, are you requesting the supercomputer center that our nation has recently built (i.e. or are you requesting our newest archive technology? Just so you know, the supercomputer that has recently been produced is not an individual machine, but even that amount of knowledge is still classified IC'ly. The supercomputer might not be declassified for sale for several decades (if this is what you are asking to purchase instead of the NEXCRA).
I will RP the appropriate response once I know your intent.
Schultaria Prime
03-09-2004, 06:02
A BUMP for the Evening's customers.
Posted my latest request / discussion at the Designwerks at International Mall.
03-09-2004, 13:02
ooc: Sorry Schultaria. Both of them if you please. :)
Schultaria Prime
04-09-2004, 04:55
Sharina, I will make my initial proposals very soon. Since I really only two plausible frames of reference for developing a space program, I will try to develop one that is befitting of a nation with your particular technical development.
Also, please respond the new Eldaimovey thread as soon as possible. There will be a few surprises for your nation I can assure you, but we need to cover the basics before hand.
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
Designwerks shall await your full order in regards to the procurement of multiple NEXCRA archive units; if you are asking for the three of these devices, (as per your first order) than we shall process the paperwork and issue an invoice for immediate confirmation. You will find these data devices to be quite impressive; the security of storing 15,000 years of human civilization in the space of a sugar cube should be put to good use with your scientists.
Unfortunately, the National Assembly of Schultaria has not been so forthcoming in releasing any specification of our newest supercomputer complex, but they do offer a compromise. Designwerks will assist your nation in developing a supercomputer center custom tailored to your needs. From the limited data that has been released to Designwerks it appears that the technical specifications of our nation's newest procurement will not be fully declassified for some 30 years; nonetheless, your nation has always had very amiable relations with Schultaria Prime and we feel obligated to help you in any way possible.
Please contact us to discuss your expectations for this supercomputing system and to confirm your current order.
Eagerly awaiting your reply,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Thanks, Schultaria. I just posted in the new Eldaimovey thread. Sorry about the delay.
04-09-2004, 10:27
To Schultaria Prime, from Rubberduckistan Science Academy.
We accept the kind offer, and create the joint-research team to design
the computersystem needed in Mt. Kurmootespakka facility. Your scientists
will be granted A1xx Security Clearance, so they can access all the needed information.
Comissar Valentina Gratcheva
Schultaria Prime
05-09-2004, 07:46
OOC: For Rubberduckistan
Please post your specifications for the supercomputer so I can make the appropriate cost estimates. I will wait for your reply.
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feel that we are not helping diffuse the arsenal of peace. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
Total construction time for the three NEXCRA Data Storage Systems will take approximately one NS year to complete. Also, since you are a respected nation, a discount of 10% will be accounted to your bill.
Your total cost (10% Discount included): $20,250,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
05-09-2004, 08:06
RSA communique.
Subject: Supercomputer specs.
Comrade Schultz. Rubberduckistan would like to comission you in development of 35 petabytes of processing capasity, if possible? We will
direct the needed funds to project, and you can keep the patent for it.
Also, we´d like to order 100 units of your SAMMUTUS computers, for Möröönperän Ase- ja Turvaväline Tehdas ltd. (Mordor Weapons- and Safety Equipment Factories) CAD-CAM lines. Our computer design/production lines
need the computers, and our domestic production does not meet the demand yet. Factories produce our new Avtomat Kvakasnikov-115 (not for public sale,
only for Land of Mordor-nations, and maybe Sharina as annual military aid.)
and Rhynex Arachnoweave protective equipment. (Vests and camosuits)
Valentina Gratcheva
Schultaria Prime
07-09-2004, 04:47
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
We shall notify your nation soon about the potential specifications for your new supercomputer. However, we will be urging on the side of caution with this device; since the majority of the components utilized in the development of the NKAd are classified the costs of this computer will be very expensive.
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
Total construction time for the SAMMUTUS computers will take approximately 2 NS years to complete. Also, since you are a regular customer with Designwerks, a discount of 10% will be accounted to your bill.
Your total cost (10% Discount included): $18,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
07-09-2004, 07:03
For those who are interested in the future of Designwerks' product line, we present this update!
From the "Up and Coming Projects" thread at our International Mall Store:
Project "Cognita Sizlensia"
As the Schultaria Prime's quest for knowledge expands to beyond the reaches of the protective comforts of Earth, our researchers have been perplexed with the harsh environment of hard vacuum. After years of exhaustive study and research, computer designers from the University of Schultaria Prime: Colloi determined that critical improvements must be made in processor architecture to maintain a competitive computational edge in future manned and unmanned expeditions. However, they also came to the conclusion that Schultaria Prime's current series of quantum (QBIT) processors are simply too delicate to be of any immediate use.
Undeterred, Designwerks has explored the possibilities of developing a three dimensional silicon doping process than can create more advanced and heartier central processing units. While most ordinary central processing units are merely one level of micro-transistors and electronic gates, this project seeks to take individual processor chips and "stack" them. With a minor increase in thickness, a normal electronic processor can effectively quadruple its processing potential while having the same penchant for high reliability.
This project, expected to cost roughly 8 billion dollars, is anticipated to take approximately 10 years of dedicated research.
-An early prototype of the "Ascension" three dimensional processor series from the Eldaimovey Advanced Research Laboratories
Project "Meipapem Colmba"
In Schultaria Prime, an initiative was proposed to create a lighter alternative to the normally heavy and bulky visual displays currently associated with computers today. From a mandate by the National Assembly of Schultaria Prime, Designwerks was charged with the task of creating a "visual display apparatus whose dimensions must not exceed 5 mm in depth and contain the vibrancy and clarity of modern CRT and LCD displays." After four years of development, the first viable prototypes of what has been called "E Paper" have taken the research community of Schultaria Prime by storm.
Though twice as thick as an ordinary sheet of paper, this project has already exceeded the specifications of the government's mandate in terms of clarity and thickness. However, Designwerks has set new goals to make this project the greatest invention since the invention of the writing slate. Utilizing charged biochemical photoreceptors in a matrix of small capsules called "ball pixels", this electronic paper can create an image with clarity of 2,500 individual points of color per square centimeter, but the rate of image refreshment is still very slow. Designwerks hopes that, by the end of this current research cycle, this "electronic" paper will not only replace all visual display devices in Schultaria Prime, but serve as a means of preserving fragile paper medium in a viable, and tactile, electronic form.
This project, expected to cost roughly 750 million dollars, is anticipated to take and additional 2 years of dedicated research for worldwide viability.
-A visual representation of the function of the "ball pixels" in a colorized setting.
Greetings, Schultaria.
The Republic of Sharina would like to invest in these two projects. We are prepared to provide 10 billion investment for each of these projects.
We would like to implement these wonders in our nation. These computers would be immeasurably useful in our budding Space Program.
We would like to use these E-papers for our newspapers, research facilities, and mass media.
Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
07-09-2004, 20:18
To the Nation of Rubberduckistan
We thank you, and when you know the final price, we will arrange the payment by usual means.
Vice-Premiere Duck Tzu
Schultaria Prime
09-09-2004, 06:02
A BUMP for the Night's customers.
OOC: Sharina, I will post an IC reply soon.
Schultaria Prime
02-10-2004, 00:03
A BUMP to Revive the Storefront.
College this year is far more difficult than it was a year ago; I've finally bought myself some time to post back in the forums.
Schultaria Prime
02-10-2004, 06:35
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Click here for the storefront! (
The Kingdom of Endenia is pleased to see a nation selling products that promote peace and progress instead of war. We are very interested in several of your products.
Our order is as follow:
2X Plasma Induction Waste Disposal Facility
This facility will assist us to handle disposal of waste generated from both the Civil War and the industries.
We would like to inquire if you sell any power generation plants beside nuclear? Our nation is on a purely anti-nuclear policy and currently we are using oil-powered plants, we are looked to tear down these plants and introduce cleaner and more efficient plants.
Please wire us a message concerning it, the money will be wired to you upon confirmation
Thank you,
Royal Minister For Enviroment
Princess Thatcher
To:Schultaria Prime
From: Human Resouces Department of Tylinoa
We would like to purchase 2 The CHEMIR computer systems, we will be researching population growth, monthly income taxes, pollution rates,etc.
So we would like to fisrt start of with these computers because our nation is so small. We will wire the 680,000 USD to you A.S.A.P.
Mark Fable
Human Resources Department
The Federation of Tylinoa
Schultaria Prime
02-10-2004, 17:35
To the Nation of Endenia
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest quality, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers and friends.
In regards to your energy situation, Schultaria Prime is fully contracted to sell Hydroelectric facilities through the Designwerks Connexion. However, if this is neither feasible nor acceptable for your nation's authorities, our nation will assist you in any research practices necessary to insure a stable supply of energy and power for national consumption.
Total construction time for the 2 Plasma Induction Waste Disposal Facilities will take approximately 1 NS year to complete. If you have any requests for future products, please feel free to notify Designwerks at your leisure.
Your total cost: $50,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
To the Nation of Tylinoa
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feel that we are not helping diffuse the arsenal of peace. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
Our supercomputer technology is renowned the world over for its reliability, functionality, and cost effectiveness. Over a dozen countries utilize Schultarian-built computer components in fields ranging from climactic modeling to automated research environments, and every supercomputer we manufacture is guaranteed to perform faithfully for decades without any serious physical defects.
Total construction time for the 2 CHEMIR Supercomputers will take approximately 2 NS Months to complete. If you have any requests for future products, please feel free to notify Designwerks at your leisure.
Your total cost: $680,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
02-10-2004, 18:40
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
We are extremely pleased with your response. Our Royal Science Academy is seriously looking into these potential power sources:
2.Solar Energy
3.Geo-Thermal Energy
4. Wave Generator
For now we are interested in purchasing one Hydro Electricity Generation Plant. Please confirm with us the price and we will wire the money posthaste.
Royal Minister For The Enviroment
Princess Thatcher
Schultaria Prime
03-10-2004, 00:46
To the Nation of Endenia
To quote specific pricing, we would like to know the following specifics about the area in which you will require this hydroelectric power facility. Since the cost of the facility is dependent on the amount of power that this dam is capable of generating, and varies depending on the waterfront, Designwerks would like to know the answers of the following questions...
+ How much power will this facility generate on an average basis? (In a derivation of Watts)
+ What are the major features of the waterway that could prove to be costly to constructing a hydroelectric facility?
Your responses will help us to better tailor a hydroelectric project better suited to your nation's unique circumstances. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Schultaria Prime
03-10-2004, 05:16
Designwerks is pleased to introduce a new launch vehicle designed specifically for items too large to be carried by conventional devices: The Eaolenketsan!
If you have never visited Designwerks, perhaps you should take a look today!
Schultaria, I hate to ask, considering how busy you are, but...
Any ETA on my requests for your factories like titanium, ethanol, steel, etc. and a couple other things that we discussed about?
I am aware you're quite busy lately, but I was wondering if I should drop the request or wait a few more weeks? Or should you provide the blueprints then I can try to build these factories and projects on my own?
Thank you very much for you response, we have already identified one such potential location to be converted into a dam.
The amount of power that is needed to be generated is: 2,500 KiloWatts
The waterway is surrounded by mountains on all sides and the only way out of the mountain is through one valley in the mountain. Its much like the RL Hoover Dam.
Thank You.
Schultaria Prime
03-10-2004, 16:32
OOC: Now that I'm back, I should be able to respond to your queries within a few days Sharina. Schultaria Prime will help construct these facilities in addition to providing you the necessary schematics to develop your own expandable industrial base.
I will have your requests completed before Friday, mainly because I will be traveling homeward for the weekend so I wish to tie up any loose ends prior to then.
To the Nation of Endenia
Thank you for your quick response to our queries, your information provides us with a better image of the situations our engineers will have to face. Since the power facility will be placed in a mountainous region, Designwerks researchers have estimated the following: in order to compensate for the traversing of rougher terrain and creating diversion channels in geologically difficult mountain regions, a cost of roughly $2,150 per kilowatt would be adequate to construct this facility.
Total construction time of this project should take no more than 4 NS years and will have an operational life of about 60 years thereafter. We thank you for your continued support with Designwerks, and hope for your nation's success in the future.
Your total cost: $5,375,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
03-10-2004, 17:48
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Thank you for your response. We find that quote to be highly reasonable. The money has already been wired. You may begin the construction. Thank You.
Schultaria Prime
03-10-2004, 23:39
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
04-10-2004, 05:41
We are pleased to introduce yet another piece of technology to the export market. This device, by far the most prolific piece of computer technology currently used by our nation, is now available for public sale: The CIMONES Personal Computer!
Check this, and all of Designwerks' computer technology, at this link! (
04-10-2004, 05:54
(ooc: For some reason a lot of your storefront reminds me of Ikea, ever been to one?)
Schultaria Prime
04-10-2004, 06:22
I've never been to one, although I know of the company. Being a college student, I haven't had to worry too much about my furniture requirements.
As for my storefront: I want to provide a reasonable amount of technical details and story with each product that I sell; it's not in my nature to cheat the consumer.
The Kingdom Of Endenia is again pleased to ask the Designwerks Company to provide goods that the Kingdom requires:
Our Order is as follows:
10000X CIMONES Data Tablet Personal Computer
Total Cost: 195 Million
We are looking to upgrade our Kingdom's Computer systems for the Royal Court, we feel your prices are again the most reasonable.
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Schultaria Prime
04-10-2004, 16:35
To the Nation of Endenia
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest quality, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers and friends.
Our supercomputer technology is renowned the world over for its reliability, functionality, and cost effectiveness. Over a dozen countries utilize Schultarian-built computer components in fields ranging from climactic modeling to automated research environments, and every device we manufacture is guaranteed to perform faithfully for decades without any serious physical defects.
Total construction time for the 2 DALIER Supercomputers will take approximately 6 NS Months to complete, and the 10,000 CIMONES Data Tablets will be delivered to you by the end of the week. If you have any requests for future products, please feel free to notify Designwerks at your leisure.
Your total cost: $195,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
05-10-2004, 06:48
A BUMP for the Night's Customers
The Emperor of the Kingdom has ratified radical reforms including the massive modernization of our Garbage Disposal Units which are at least 20 years behind other nations.
Therefore our order is as follows:
3X Plasma Induction Waste Disposal Facility
total cost: 75 Million
Money has already been wired.
Schultaria Prime
05-10-2004, 14:17
To the Nation of Endenia
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest quality, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers and friends.
Total construction time for the 3 Plasma Induction Waste Disposal Facilities will take approximately 1.5 NS years to complete. If you have any requests for future products, please feel free to notify Designwerks at your leisure.
Your total cost: $75,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
To: Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
From: Vice President John Knox
I represent the NEW government on Endenia and one of the policies that have been overthrown is the Anti-Nuclear policies, therefore we now are able to purchase reactors and warheads leagally.
We would like to commission your company to begin designing and constructing of a massive nuclear power plant in our nation. This plant must be able to provide at least 1-4 Gigwatts worth of power.
Please respond with haste.
Thank You.
Vice President John Knox
Schultaria Prime
05-10-2004, 18:40
A Personal Message from Central Director Elliot Schultz
"Unfortunately, due to the present hostilities between your nation and Dumpsterdam, we in the government of Schultaria Prime are presently wary of establishing such a long term project of this magnitude. The State Industries of Schultaria Prime does not want to divert funds that would be necessary for your nation's civil services into a potentially costly and very liable project such as a large fission reactor complex.
Our financial advisors have estimated the cost of this project would amount to roughly some 25% of your national income. Given that your nation is currently in an unstable economic and political situation, we in Schultaria Prime do not want to bankrupt your government or give any hostile forces a potential target of interest in the immediate future. However, once the more active elements of your nation's Civil War have finally subsided, Designwerks will be willing to assist you in helping to reinforce your civilian infrastructure."
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
-Head of State: The United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime & The Protectorate of Islandia Schultaria
Schultaria Prime
06-10-2004, 02:45
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Greetings from the Technocracy of Sharina.
We have been wondering if we could purchase several dozen titanium, steel, aluminum, ethanol, and waste diposal plants?
We have determined that we need titanium for our Space Program, steel for building more cities and railroads, and waste diposal plants to keep our waste to a minimum. In addition, we are in need of a boost in aluminum production capacity to produce metallic components for exploration and construction. We also need ethanol for machinery and research purposes.
Perhaps we could figure out a way to put these black silica glass to some use. We want to look for 100% usability and recycle any waste material, so there will be no waste of material. This way, we won't need expensive landfills and such, and thus conserve thousands of acres of land.
We would also like plans for these buildings so we can produce additional structures as our population and nation grows.
We are in dire need of help in our water treatment sector. It is 30 to 50 years behind most other nations, and we need some way of treating waste and sewage efficiently. We would like to have a system which seperates the liquids from solid wastes, then purify dirty water, urine, and other liquids back into drinkable water. The solid wastes should be made useful, such as fertilizer or transformed into clay or brick type of material. Would any of that be possible?
We eagerly await your reply and proposals.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
To: Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
From: Vice President John Knox
Major Hostilities between the Republic Of Endenia and the Nation of Dumpsterdam have ended. We would now like to commission your corporation to design a Nuclear Fission or Fusion plant that will provide at least 3/4 of the previous power stated. With a 1 trillion dollar aid package from the Nation of Dumpsterdam, we believe we are able to pay for your services. Please contact me posthaste.
1st Councillor
Cassandra Woo
Schultaria Prime
07-10-2004, 04:07
To the Nation of Sharina
In order to gauge your specific national needs, The State Industries of Schultaria Prime would like to know what the current demand for each of these materials. Our nation has already established a baseline per capita consumption ratio for Aluminum, Steel, Titanium, Ethanol, and waste production, but we would prefer to know how many citizens will our facilities will be required to effectively service. This way, our services will provide a necessary buffer for your nation in to prepare the establishment of your own indigenous industrial capacity.
On a related note, we have concluded that the production rights to each of our industrial facilities would be set at a base price of fifty times the cost of each unit. This is based on previous contracts with other nations who have desired to purchase our technology; however, as with most Designwerks transactions, is completely open to further negotiation. We will await your reply on this matter.
Also, Schultaria Prime has found several uses for the silicate remnants from our Plasma Induction facilities. The glass remnants, being completely inert, can easily be converted into industrial ceramics and suitable building components. Quite a few of the silicate ceramic alloy's properties also make it extremely useful in developing cost effective heat shielding for spacecraft as well as ablative armor for more "defensive" structures and items. Of course, we are just beginning to explore the potential uses for this material.
In regards to your waste treatment proposal: Our engineers are currently working on a solution to enhance your waste treatment facilities through a multi-faceted chemical and bio-technological approach will enhance both treatment output as well as water quality for your nation's environment. Development of this technology for export is currently nearing completion, and we thank you for your patience in the matter.
Schultaria Prime
07-10-2004, 05:40
BUMP for the Evening's customers (I'll get to work on your project soon Endenia).
To: Designwerks,
Central Director Elliot Schultz
From: 1st Councillor Cassandra Woo
We are strongly interested in beginning our own Space Program, with the long term goal of establishing an International Space Station orbiting Earth. Please advise us where to begin.
Thank You.
Schultaria Prime
08-10-2004, 03:43
To the Nation of Endenia
In order to best suit your needs, we have determined that the best course of action would be to implement two multi-core nuclear fission facilities. The will be placed approximately 50 to 75 kilometers from any dense population centers to best minimize any dangerous effects should a catastrophic accident propagate. As for fusion based technology, our engineers are still in the process of developing a reasonable reactor design based on our current research reactors; the development process is expected to take at least another five years to come to a feasible conclusion.
Each of these facilities will hold three Mark VII Haarvekord Nuclear Reactor Cores and are capable of producing an average collective power output of 1.575 Gigawatts. In order to anticipate for future needs, each facility would be capable of containing and managing 5 reactors of the same dimensions as the Mark VII. All facilities will be made with the utmost care and forethought and your engineers shall be trained at the University of Schultaria Prime - Schultaria Prime in the peculiarities of the Haarvekord design.
Since Designwerks will try to revitalize your economy by utilizing local materials and labor wherever possible; therefore, those costs will not be factored into the additional cost of the facilities. However, due to our safety concerns with nuclear fission, contractors from Designwerks will specifically construct the protective core assemblies to your specifications. The additional cost per core will be approximately $475,000,000 in order to build the additional assemblies.
The Final Totals for each Facility are as Follows:
Reactor Complex 1: 3 Reactors (2 Vacant): 1.575 Megawatts | $3,750,000,000
Reactor Complex 2: 3 Reactors (2 Vacant): 1.575 Megawatts | $3,750,000,000
-Grand Total
Reactor Costs (6 Mark VII Haarvekord Nuclear Reactor Cores): $7,500,000,000
Facility Costs (Reactor Shielding for 6 Nuclear Fission Cores): $2,850,000,000
Total Cost: $10,350,000,000
If you find these numbers to be unacceptable in any fashion, please contact us. We are very open to negotiation on these terms,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
08-10-2004, 05:54
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
To: Designwerks,
Central Director Elliot Schultz
From: 1st Councillor Cassandra Woo
We find the prices to be very reasonable and thus have the money already wired to your company's account. You may begin construction as soon as possible. An addition 2 million have been wired to your account as a tip for such excellent and fast services.
Thank You.
In order to gauge your specific national needs, The State Industries of Schultaria Prime would like to know what the current demand for each of these materials. Our nation has already established a baseline per capita consumption ratio for Aluminum, Steel, Titanium, Ethanol, and waste production, but we would prefer to know how many citizens will our facilities will be required to effectively service. This way, our services will provide a necessary buffer for your nation in to prepare the establishment of your own indigenous industrial capacity.
On a related note, we have concluded that the production rights to each of our industrial facilities would be set at a base price of fifty times the cost of each unit. This is based on previous contracts with other nations who have desired to purchase our technology; however, as with most Designwerks transactions, is completely open to further negotiation. We will await your reply on this matter.
Also, Schultaria Prime has found several uses for the silicate remnants from our Plasma Induction facilities. The glass remnants, being completely inert, can easily be converted into industrial ceramics and suitable building components. Quite a few of the silicate ceramic alloy's properties also make it extremely useful in developing cost effective heat shielding for spacecraft as well as ablative armor for more "defensive" structures and items. Of course, we are just beginning to explore the potential uses for this material.
In regards to your waste treatment proposal: Our engineers are currently working on a solution to enhance your waste treatment facilities through a multi-faceted chemical and bio-technological approach will enhance both treatment output as well as water quality for your nation's environment. Development of this technology for export is currently nearing completion, and we thank you for your patience in the matter.
Greetings, friend Elliot Schultz.
We would like to inquire into purchasing the plans for each type of industrial plant that you have. We are prepared to pay $1 trillion for a package deal as our nation is rapidly growing and it looks more likely that by the time we construct our initial order of factories, we would need double that number.
We are willing to donate funds for research regarding the black silica byproducts from the plasma waste plants.
We appreciate your nation devoting time and resources into researching an excellent sewage and water treatment system for us. We are willing to supply you with money or compensation.
We are also prepared to grant a $200 billion gift to Designwerks for their excellent quality products and our beneficial cooperation over the past few years.
We eagerly awaiut your response.
Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
I'm not sure how many tons of steel, aluminum, titanium, etc. are produced annually by the United States. Sharina would require double the production of the United States (as by the time we figure all this out, Sharina would likely have 350 - 400 million population by then).
Sharina has nearly 10 trillion GDP, superb civil rights, powerhouse economy, and excellent political freedoms.
If you have any good suggestions I'm game. I was wondering if there's a good "base-line" such as 1 steel factory for every 1 million citizens, 1 titanium factory for every 2 million citizens, 1 ethanol factory for every 500,000 citizens, etc.
At any rate I appreciate you taking your time to help me out with infrastructure and industry stuff. :)
Schultaria Prime
08-10-2004, 17:15
From the information I was able to garner, I have a moderately accurate representation of US per capita consumption. Of course, depending on your nation's industrial techniques and dependencies, the numbers can be "massaged" to better suit your requirements.
However, I will be away this weekend with limited internet. Expect service to continue either late Sunday or Monday evening.
To the Nation of Sharina
Thank you for the information that you have provided us; with your nation's economic data, Designwerks has developed a comprehensive estimate that we think will help to boost industrial capacity to unparalleled success. We hope that you find our plan to be reasonable to your nation's current material consumption, and that it should cost slightly less than the $1,000,000,000,000 proposed by your government authorities once your discount has been factored in.
Based from other global manufacturing and industrial powers, Designwerks has concluded the following per capita consumption ratios are acceptable to sustain a rapidly growing, technologically modern, society.
+Steel - Annual consumption: .41 Metric Tons
+Aluminum - Annual consumption: .04 Metric Tons
+Titanium - Annual Consumption: .0055 Metric Tons
+Ethanol - Annual Consumption: 35 Barrels
To compensate for the amount of time it will take to manufacture these facilities, The State Industries of Schultaria Prime would like to include a 40% overbuild into your nation's current requirements. Therefore, your nation will be able to help adjust for the demands of a construction hungry populace of up to 425 million residents without any major supply shortages, giving your industries plenty of time to build more facilities based off our designs.
The totals to maintain your nation are as follows (based off current projections, rounded up):
Industrial Ethanol Production: [298 * $175,000,000] = $52,150,000,000
Bulk Aluminum Refining Production: [486 * $500,000,000] = $243,000,000,000
Bulk Steel Manufacturing Production: [872 * $625,000,000] = $545,000,000,000
Titanium Production: [234 * $800,000,000] = $187,200,000,000
Waste Disposal: [284 * $25,000,000] = $7,100,000,000
And, since you are a country under good standing with the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime, we shall tender a 15% discount to this purchase and offer you the production rights at no extra cost. The total construction time for all of these facilities is anticipated to take 24 years by our best estimates. We thank you for your continued support with Designwerks, and hope for your nation's success in the future.
Grand Total (With 15% Discount and No-Charge Production Rights): $879,282,500,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
08-10-2004, 18:26
One final BUMP before I leave for the weekend.
Endenia, Designwerks will offer its advice on your space program sometime on Monday evening.
Designwerks, your aid isn't needed anymore, Dumpsterdam has assisted us in the development of the Space Program. Thank you for your kind assistance.
Greetings, Elliot Schultz.
The money of $879,282,500,000 shall be wired immediately, and I truly appreciate your generosity and graciousness between our two nations.
I will be sure to expedite visas and the paperwork to allow your fine Designwerks engineers access into Sharina. I am ordering Sharina's construction industries to prepare for construction of these new structures and factories.
I am also sending a $200 billion gift to Designwerks as I stated in our previous communication.
It is always a pleasure to hear from you, Elliot. I hope we can meet in person someday.
Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
11-10-2004, 16:55
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers
Schultaria Prime
11-10-2004, 18:55
Confused as to where our products are located?
Click here for the storefront! (
Schultaria Prime
11-10-2004, 23:32
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
12-10-2004, 04:31
BUMP for the Night's customers.
Schultaria Prime
12-10-2004, 06:40
For those who are interested, a few potential services from Designwerks!
Kel's of Colloi: Insurance for Concerned Nations
In a world where security is often threatened by unknown aggressors, it's nice to know there's a nation who would come to aid those who needed financial assistance the most. Taking heed of the devastating losses from the infamous Contact Day Massacre, it has been Schultaria Prime's wish to make sure that others will not suffer the catastrophic personnel and economic losses our nation endured. Therefore, as a public service of both Designwerks and the Schultarian Treasury, Kel's of Colloi (the single largest state run insurance agency) has been given the proper clearances to operate with international clients.
CHIMDEX Brokerage Firm: Venture Capital for All.
As trade and technology marches towards ever greater volume and complexity, the costs of keeping competitive in today's international climate are more expensive than ever before. With the limited number of national banks willing to incur the risks of more adventurous projects, Designwerks is offering its own capital for people who need a little funding in their research. This capital venture, provided through the means of either hard currency or advanced Schultarian technology, is designed to help spread the importance of independent research throughout the globe.
Schultaria Prime
12-10-2004, 16:53
Bump for the Morning's Customers.
I'd hate to ask this again, but is my product not selling because you can't kill people with it? What kinds of products are individuals looking for in a civilian tech store?
Schultaria Prime
13-10-2004, 01:39
BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime,
Any progress on water treatment tech and stuff for me?
13-10-2004, 03:05
OOC: I've been thinkin about buyin from you for a while, just never got around to it...
IC: the allerston lab co. itself(not affiliated with the INGC in any way) would like to purchase 50 dalier super computers and 50 nexcra data storage systems to go along with it.
The governmental department of research would like to purchase 10,000 dalier supercomputers and 5000 nexcras along with them. DOR would also like to have a complex able to house these along with the technicians needed and also enough room for medium sized nuclear reactors to power these computers and, areas for technicians families and supplies. Please note that the DOR would also like this area to be able to withstand humungous nuclear blasts and also be able to protect itself, iin other words also being able to house 1000 marines and their families. Also, please incorporate greenhouses and areas for animal grazing inside
OOC: too much to put in one post for tonight, i'll post rest tomorrow
Schultaria Prime
17-10-2004, 02:09
To the Nation of Illior
We will provide your nation with the necessary computer technology, but we are confused as to what additional services you ask of us. If you would be so kind as to give us a list of the necessary amenities and security features you require then we will be able to provide you with a suitable construction solution.
As for the featured products you have already mentioned:
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feel that we are not helping diffuse the arsenal of peace. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
As for your computer technology: Total construction time will take approximately 11 NS years to complete. Also, since you are a nation which shares a mutual alliance with Schultaria Prime, a discount of 15% will be attributed to your order.
Your total cost (15% Discount included): $758,306,250,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
OOC: Sorry that I haven't gotten to your project Sharina, I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten about it.
Schultaria Prime
17-10-2004, 02:56
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
17-10-2004, 03:21
To the Nation of Illior
OOC: Sorry that I haven't gotten to your project Sharina, I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten about it.
OOC: May Bad shul... I was really tired and needed to make a fast post. Basicly what I need is a giant underground complex capable of housing all of the previously stated, room for technicians/service personell (2500)and their families(10,000+total including wife and kids), room to house several hundred(900 at most) military personell and their families(3600+total military personell and their families) to safguard this complex, room to store food and water to keep all the previous staff unhungry for up to 1 year, medical facilities ready to deal with any major or minor problem, room for backup generators incase of attack, room to store enough fuel to keep these generators running for a whole year. Also, It would need an armory to hold weapons and body armour for the military staff and a back up reserve of militia men essentialy. This bunker would have to be able to withstand several nuclear direct hits, and be able to keep out enemy troops for one year. It would also need 3 entrances/exits, all with 10 safe doors(NBC Protected), getting stronger and stronger before hitting the main complex's door which would have to be the most fortified of them all. Also, auto AP gun turrets from doors 5 inward would be necessary to help stave off attacks. Hopefully you can get all that within a 500 square mile complex. Thanks,
Schultaria Prime
17-10-2004, 06:34
Designwerks is pleased to offer a new service under the Nation's "Shining Beacon" Bill:
Kel's of Colloi!
It's a brand new insurance agency designed to help those nations who require a little extra financial security. If this, or any other product or service from our nation, piques your interest, then visit Designwerks today!
Schultaria Prime
17-10-2004, 16:38
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers.
To: Central Director Elliot Schultz
From: Minister Jerry (Ministry Of Power Management)
The Republic would like to commission DesignWerks to research and design a possible large-scale Fusion Power-Plant for the Republic Of Endenia, it must have twice the out-put of the Reactor Complexes.
Furthermore we would also want your company to fill up the vacant space in the reactor complex with 4 more reactors, due to the growing power needs of both Star's End Space Centre and Trinity Space Launch Centre.
Please give us a quote as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Schultaria Prime
19-10-2004, 21:15
To the Nation of Sharina
After extensive theoretical testing and prototype design, Designwerks believes that we may have a solution to your waste treatment situation which will be highly efficient, simple to operate, and provide easy maintenance. Since all of Schultaria Prime's public utilities are highly centralized, utilizing components from our mass treatment facilities was rather difficult. In essence, this system was built from the ground up and represents a new evolution in urban ecology.
This water treatment facility incorporates commonly used techniques with the addition of several process alterations designed to minimize the impact of dangerous solvents and chemicals from discharged water supplies. Certain sequences remain largely unchanged, such as the initial filtration of the waste water through gravel and sand beds, though the process of dealing with any eventual waste products are left to more advanced biological technology. Other processes, such as the large, expansive, and smelly open waste tanks, have been replaced for more aesthetic and energy efficient purposes.
Process Diagram
Step 1: Major solid waste components are removed through automatic screening processes. All collected waste is then discharged either into tanks with extensive methanogen bacteria colonies or storage units designed for agricultural purposes depending on purpose. Roughly 95% of all household solid waste in the bacterial colonies is digested and produced into readily accessible methane gas. The remaining masses of solid waste are then discarded by means of plasma induction.
Step 2: Skimmed waste water enters natural sediment (sand / gravel) filtration system. Any minor particles that were not collected through the initial screening process are collected in this area. To prevent any potential health risks, the filtration system is heavily monitored for bacterial growth and chemical deposits. Under average conditions, this natural filter should be replaced once every year.
Step 3: The initially filtered water is then passed through an extensive hydroponics area designed to capture any loose organic chemicals not filtered by the previous two processes. Plants of limited agricultural worth would occupy this hydroponics area due to the potential dense presence of very potent and reactive non organic chemicals.
Step 4: After spending several hours in the first hydroponics area, the water undergoes a high pressure Pasteurization process. Any potential bacterial colonies remaining in the water would be exposed to high temperature steam for a period of two minutes and thirty seconds, rising the water's temperature to well past water's boiling point under normal pressure.
Step 5: Once thoroughly subjected to the high temperature treatment, the water is then introduced to another hydroponics facility for one last filtration pass. High yield agricultural products will absorb any organic components remaining from the Pasteurization process along with some of the more excessive metallic compounds.
Step 6: With the filtration passes completed, the water is then introduced to a large doubled walled clear polycarbonate dome for distillation. Utilizing solar radiation, the evaporating water ascends to the top of the dome where the double wall is open. This naturally distilled water travels within the space of the two walls along the periphery of the dome to a collection point where the water can be readily reused. In the case where factors can not effectively distill enough water for consumption, three massive artificial distillation plants will serve as a backup.
This facility, designed to operate on as little as two city blocks, is capable of serving the water needs for approximately 1,250,000 residents daily. The cost of this facility and all of its constituent parts has been set at $160,000,000 per facility; we hope that this is acceptable for your nation's requirements.
Schultaria Prime
20-10-2004, 06:34
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
OOC: Illior and Endenia, I'll get to your projects within the week.
Schultaria Prime
20-10-2004, 16:38
To the Nation of Illior
The bunkers designed for your specific project will be based on highly modified specifications initially designed for the Nation of Sdaeriji. The enclosed bunker complex will be approximately 260 meters on each side, five levels high, and secured some 300 meters under solid earth increase protection to the sensitive living quarters and underground stores. Of the total profile only a single floor with the necessary security measures will be exposed above ground covered by a protective layer of alternating reinforced concrete and titanium spacers of some 8 meters thickness.
This bunker, at 67,600 square meters per level, is perfectly capable of housing 18,000 individuals and defensive forces plus equipment and food for 370 days without additional supply. Also, this bunker is outfitted with the amenities that any normal person would require; medical facilities, recreational gymnasiums, and secure telecommunications are some of the more basic comforts already included into these designs. The total cost for each facility, including the necessary installation of high speed telecommunications, emergency power facilities, and computational equipment, is $39,000 per square meter, or $13,182,000,000 for the bunker complex.
However, since this bunker is required to endure numerous catastrophic events, not excluding full scale nuclear attacks, extra reinforcing measures will be implemented to insure maximum survivability in such unfortunate consequences. The bunker's internal shielding, normally 4 to 5 meters of Titanium and Steel Reinforced Concrete, will be increased to roughly 9 meters in areas where potential man-made deterioration (such as potential paths for "bunker busting" weapons) is more likely to strike. In addition, two Haarvekord nuclear reactors will also provide emergency power in the more than likely event of catastrophic power failure under constant assault. These additions will cost an additional $13,000 per square meter, or $4,394,000,000 for the bunker complex.
Unfortunately, since it is against the law in Schultaria Prime to produce any weapon which is not already connected to an approved defensive system, we will not be able to provide you with the necessary weapons to outfit your anti-ground warfare bunker systems. Any automated weapons platforms designed to serve as a protective defensive measure for this bunker complex will have to be purchased through another corporation. However, we will fully integrate any device you purchase from a third party buyer to insure the defensive capacity of this facility.
The total costs for this facility are as follows:
-Bunker Basic Amenities Total: ($39,000 per square meter at 67,600 * 5 Meters): $13,182,000,000
-Additional Reinforcement and Power Upgrade Total: ($13,000 per square meter at 67,600 * 5 Meters): $4,394,000,000
Grand Total for Illior Bunker Complex: $17,576,000,000
Schultaria Prime
20-10-2004, 20:29
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
20-10-2004, 22:59
To the Nation of Illior
* a man stumbles into a local western union and asks the clerk there to follow him He leads him to a truck filled with money, "wire this to designwerks AS..." he never finished because the clerk fainted, but luckily another was on duty wo had seen a 2 trillion dollar deal go through WU, so he got it wired*
Schultaria Prime
21-10-2004, 03:34
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Greetings Elliot Schultz,
I am excited about your proposed waste treatment facility. It would greatly aid my nation in becoming more healthy and reduce the impact of pollutants and toxins. I would like to look into production of these facilities to meet the requirements of approximately 400 million people daily, to fully service the nation of Sharina.
I would also like to inquire into the acquistion of the plans for these plants so that I can order my engineers and construction workers to to produce more of these waste treatment plants as Sharina's population expands to 500 million, 750 million, 1 billion, and so on.
I eagerly await your response, and I truly enjoy doing business with you and Designwerks.
Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
21-10-2004, 07:01
OOC: Nice to have you back; don't worry about the time delay, it gave me more time to think about what I wanted to post.
To the Nation of Sharina
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feel that we are not helping to improve the livelihood of citizens throughout the world. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers and friends.
The total construction time for the 320 Waste Treatment Facilities necessary to cater to 400 million residents will take approximately 8 NS years to complete. Though you are a nation who shares a mutual alliance with Schultaria Prime, we can not honor a discount on this project since this item was custom ordered. However, since the normal 15% discount amounts to approximately 50 Waste Treatment Plants, we'll waive the cost for the rights to this facility.
Your total cost (Free Production Rights Included): $51,200,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
21-10-2004, 19:45
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers
would you like to sell shares of your company? If yes, go to The Pentovan Stock Brokerage ( and sell sell sell!
Schultaria Prime
24-10-2004, 23:03
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
26-10-2004, 21:05
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
27-10-2004, 02:57
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
27-10-2004, 06:39
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
27-10-2004, 14:19
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
27-10-2004, 19:59
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
28-10-2004, 00:52
A BUMP for the Evening's customers.
Schultaria Prime
28-10-2004, 07:03
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Greetings, Elliot Schultz.
I shall wire the 51 billion dollars to Designwerks immediately, and in addition, I am also granting Designwerks a 10% tip of 5 billion dollars for their excellent work.
I truly enjoy doing business with Designwerks, and also enjoy our ongoing trade and friendship between our two nations. I look forward to the conclusion of the Technology Conference.
Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
29-10-2004, 02:34
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
29-10-2004, 07:24
A BUMP for the Night's customers.
Schultaria Prime
29-10-2004, 18:19
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
30-10-2004, 05:28
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
30-10-2004, 22:59
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
31-10-2004, 23:06
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
01-11-2004, 05:32
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
01-11-2004, 19:39
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
02-11-2004, 00:48
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
02-11-2004, 08:01
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
02-11-2004, 22:18
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
03-11-2004, 06:57
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
I notice that I'm pretty much the remaining "major" customer of DesignWerks. Its quite sad, actually. People are more interested in buying warfare stuff than civil and industrial infrastructure.
My Space Station is completed by now, so I was thinking of perhaps helping DesignWerks establish factories and such in space. Work has already begun on construction of my very first space-shipyard to launch my very first ships to the moon, Mars, and beyond upwards to Pluto (no FTL though).
Schultaria Prime
03-11-2004, 19:31
OOC: Yes, it's saddening that there aren't more people interested in developing the infrastructure that generates a country's success. I'd hate to make a third begging thread, but I might have to in the near future.
Schultaria Prime
03-11-2004, 22:58
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
IC: Our nation's ecomic budget has been building up for many NS years now and thatour economic and healthcare budgets have finally been able to increase the standard of living in the country in a massive purchase. We require :
40 Plasma Induction Waste Disposal Facility (1 billion)
10 Industrial Ethanol Distillery | Manufacturing Facilities (1.75 billion)
5 Bulk Aluminum Refining Facilities (2.5 billion)
10 Bulk Steel Manufacturing Plants (6.25 billion)
5 Titanium Manufacturing Plants ( 4 billion)
16,000,000 National Grid for people (8 billion)
The total comes to $23.5 Billion. It will be paid by the Healthcare and Commerce budgets, which have been saved up for a long period of time.
Schultaria Prime
04-11-2004, 19:41
To the Nation of Tanthan
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks in this time of economic depression for our company; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feared that we would have to close down this store for good. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
The amount of time to construct the your order of manufacturing equipment, waste disposal technology, and telecommunications grid for sixteen million people will take approximately 2 NS years to complete. We hope that this provides your nation with a bit of a boost in your standard of living and that our devices will definitely pay for themselves hundreds of times over.
Your total cost: $23,500,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
05-11-2004, 04:49
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
05-11-2004, 18:00
Interested in ordering a special piece of civilian technology, but it's not in our catalogue?
Then try Designwerks: Projektum today!
Click here for the storefront! (
OOC: Finally a reason to use those Education and Commerce budgets which I have just let pile up. Nice idea.
IC: The Empire of Tanthan wishes to have more of your storefronts goods, here is the new list of things needed for our ever expanding population.
High Speed Fiberoptic Communication Lines for 10 million more people. It will cost a total of $10,000,000,000, to be paid for be the Commerce, Welfare and Education budgets, and in a small part by the Defense budget.
100 of the DALIER computer systems to speed the research and develope new technoligies, the total comes to $8,500,000,000 for the systems. All coming from saved up Education budget.
100 of the The NEXCRA Data Storage Systems to collect all the data from all over the nation and store it. The total comes to $7,500,000,000 for them. To also be paid for by the saved up Education budget.
40000 of the CIMONES to help our scientists with research, total comes to $100,000,000. To be paid for by the Education budget and Commerce Budget.
The grand total comes to $26,100,000,000 for the entire purchase. Money will be wired upon confirmation.
We would also like to ask if your nation would want to help us oversee production and developement of what is basically a flying fortress. The project is going to be very expensive and very time consuming, but it will be the symbol our of our Empire. It will be just a HEAVILY armed and slow moving city basically. Are you intrested in helping our nation produce the technology required to do this?
Schultaria Prime
07-11-2004, 23:11
OOC: Sorry that I haven't responded in the last two days; I was at home for a small family get-together for the weekend. Service shall resume to normal levels shortly.
To the Nation of Tanthan
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feel that we are not helping to promote technical development throughout the world. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
In regards to your project proposal: If you would be so kind as to visit the Designwerks: Projektum thread in our International Mall storefront, we might be able to help assist your industries in developing systems specifically for your project. Also, our State Industries are interested in what specific technologies you require additional help in developing; from your initial descriptions, this project looks as though it might require some technologies that are still in the "advance" design phases from Schultaria Prime. However, we would like to thank your country in advance for considering the State Industries of Schultaria Prime as a production partner in this venture.
Total construction time for your computer technology will take approximately 2 NS years to complete the necessary components for the systems that you have ordered, and the fiber optic lines will be fully integrated into your national telecommunication systems in under 1.5 NS years. If you have any questions, problems, or concerns please feel free to contact us at any time.
Your total cost: $14,350,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
08-11-2004, 07:51
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
10-11-2004, 07:13
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
10-11-2004, 16:46
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
10-11-2004, 21:01
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Greetings, Elliot Schultz.
I would like to make another request of you and Designwerks. I have been seeking advanced composite materials for sea vessel hulls, as I am trying to have my scientists figure out an effective composite that would be malleable, have the same strength and toughness of steel, and weigh in at between 1/2 or 2/3 of steel.
I've been looking at Kevlar or titanium as alternative hull material for shipbuilding. I have also been exploring the possibility of meshing the two material, as titanium is lightweight yet flexible, while kevlar has outstanding durability for fiber-based material as it is tempature, shrapnel, and explosive resistant.
Do you or Designwerks have any suggestions or recommendations in composite material that would hold up under extreme stress in the oceans, such as violent hurricanes, water cyclones, tsaumis, or warfare with ordiance and such?
Any help would be invaluable, and I am willing to authorize payment if necessary to compensate you for your time and effort in research.
Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
12-11-2004, 16:59
To the Nation of Sharina
In response to your query for a suitable armor scheme to protect your naval forces, our defensive researchers have been working with armor that might fit your requirements on a smaller scale. For nearly two decades the Armored contingent of the SKC has utilized several blended Titanium / Aluminum alloys and various armor meshing schemes that have maximized the full ballistic protection of hardened steel while at about 70% the mass. However, in the case of increased protection of kinetic weaponry, our armored units utilize ceramic dispersal plates made from the wastes from our plasma induction disposal facilities.
Unfortunately, those ceramics can destroy the advantage of a lightweight armor alloy, so we recommend a blended Titanium alloy with the addition of 6 to 10 cm Kevlar shielding in areas critical to ship protection (ship magazines, communications equipment, engine facilities, etc.). This should allow you at least a 35% reduction in mass compared to current steel options and provide you with the very same protective barrier. As the armor is developed, the initial costs in refinement and smelting this blended armor compound will hover around a cost of about 5 to 10% more than current steel plating.
Our nation wonders if you would like to partake in a small research program designed to enhance optical stealth capabilities. Though the particulars are still being developed by our researchers at Eldaimovey, we have found a way to take Project "Meipapem Colmba" and develop it on a mass scale for the purpose of optical disguise. If this research proves successful, then other nations will have to resort to more technically advanced methods of detection when searching for massive surface fleets. Please contact us at your earliest possible convenience if you are interested.
Greetings, Elliot Schultz.
Your suggestions and response is very much appreciated. I would like to provide $20 billion dollars towards the research into enhancing this new armor composite, and development of additional Smart Material Armor or composite metals.
I look forward to the results of our research effort. Live well, friend.
President Rand Veristek
Schultaria Prime
12-11-2004, 21:34
Designwerks is pleased to introduce two new products for the international community, and we hope that they will benefit your nation as much as they have benefited us.
See the following products in the Designwerks Component Design of the Designwerks Storefront today!
Mark III Yannsa Temporary Bridge Kit
Jennu Temporary Housing Units
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks. Come and visit us today! (
Schultaria Prime
12-11-2004, 22:36
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
13-11-2004, 08:34
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
13-11-2004, 21:32
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
14-11-2004, 00:10
How much Titanium have you currently got available for immediate dispatch?
Schultaria Prime
14-11-2004, 00:25
To the Nation of Smarcronesia
Since we have acquired a considerable stockpile due to our lack of commodity sales, we should be able to acquire and deliver roughly 8,000 to 12,000 metric tons of Titanium within the span of three to five weeks. If you require additional tonnage, we should be able to acquire some 20,000 additional tons over the course of the next six months. Please contact us at your earliest possible convenience.
14-11-2004, 00:35
I'll take:
12,000 tons of titanium @ $54 million
1 Industrial Ethanol Distilery @ $175 million
1 Aluminum Refining Facility @ $500 million
1 Steel making plant @ $625 million
1 Titanium manufacturing plant @ $800 million
At a total cost of $2.154 billion, money will be wired on conformation
Schultaria Prime
24-11-2004, 08:11
OOC: Sorry, real life had to take a precedent for the last week and a half. Two major research papers of mine were due in the space of three days and, lucky for me, I had to make sure they were absolutely pristine because of how much each one impacts my grade.
To the Nation of Smarcronesia
Thank you for purchasing from Designwerks; without your support, many of us in Schultaria Prime feel that we are not helping to promote technical development throughout the world. We hope that you find our technology to be of the absolute highest standards compared to any other international firm, and that the Schultarian pursuit of innovation is embodied in each and every one of our products. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any time. We always strive to meet the demands of our consumers.
Total construction time for your industrial facilities will take approximately 1 NS year and 2 NS months for the stockpiles of titanium to be delivered to the necessary authorities. If you have any questions, problems, or concerns please feel free to contact us at any time.
Your total cost: $2,154,000,000
Thank you once again for choosing Designwerks,
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
OOC: 1,000th post! Never thought I would see the day... I thought I knew for a fact that I would have grown tired of this game by around post #600; guess I was wrong.
Schultaria Prime
25-11-2004, 23:34
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
29-11-2004, 01:24
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
29-11-2004, 08:35
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
29-11-2004, 17:21
Perhaps you have forgotten the link to our storefront. If you are interested in developing your civil infrastructure, please contact us today!
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks. Come and visit us today! (
Schultaria Prime
30-11-2004, 03:29
A BUMP for the Evening's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
30-11-2004, 21:30
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
02-12-2004, 07:10
Now, to better serve the needs of all of our customers, we have opened up a second branch of Designwerks in the New Commonwealth's Great Bazaar!
The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks. Now with a location in the Great Bazaar! (
Come and visit us today!
Schultaria Prime
02-12-2004, 17:32
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers.
-Is ANYONE still interested in my storefront?
Schultaria Prime
03-12-2004, 18:32
A BUMP for the Morning's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
04-12-2004, 00:19
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
04-12-2004, 07:37
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
07-12-2004, 20:50
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
09-12-2004, 09:04
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
14-12-2004, 08:02
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
14-12-2004, 22:30
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
15-12-2004, 22:51
A BUMP for the Afternoon's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
18-12-2004, 07:35
A BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
20-12-2004, 09:31
Another BUMP for the Night's Customers.
Schultaria Prime
25-12-2004, 01:28
A BUMP for that last minute government holiday shopping.