Attican Empire
15-07-2004, 03:46
Fearing a possible attack by foreign nations into the bordering nation of Rudava, the Empire has sent the 31st Panzerdivizion into Rudava, without any prior knowledge of the Rudavan authorities, with orders not to attack Rudavan forces unless in self defense. The 31st Panzerdivizion is comprised of 600 Pzkw Cougar and 400 Pzkw Leopard 3A1.
The tanks pass close to a Rudavan post and are stopped. The commander at the posts asks their business and does not allow them to pass until they answer. As they explain their purpose, the commander goes back to radio in to headquarters. He comes back and allows the tanks to be on their way.
Attican Empire
15-07-2004, 04:49
The Tanks begin the journey thru the main streets of Durstov, the Rudavan capitol, as those streets are the only ones capable of supporting their weight.