Invasion of YWU!
At last, the invasion of Ywu is about to commence.
In 24 hours, the Ashtrian Incursion Cylinders will land at pre-desegnated coordinates and begin Operation: Confuse The F*ck Outta Everyone.
Once that has started, the rest of you can join in and have fun exterminating innocent civillians! :)
The incursion of Ywu is proceeding at full pace. Ashtrian fighting machines have successfully penetrated enemy soil and have created the nessessary distractions.
Estimated civillian casulaties are expected to be around 10 million.
There are a few images of the Ywu incursion:
Ywu civillians flee in terror.
Ywu skaters receive a diplomatic 'warm hello'
A Ywu civillian makes an unlucky escape
OOC: All these pictures were doctored with no intention to offend or infringe any copyright. If anyone has a genuine problem with them, please tell me and I shall remove them.
If you continue to kill civillians I will blockade you. Stop right now.
24-07-2004, 16:22
we condemn your war
This war is between the Grand Alliance and Ywu. They are responsible for terrorist actions within the alliance and will be stopped by any means nessessary!
The Island of Rose
24-07-2004, 20:22
You're not supposed to list casualties...
Kahta: d'ya mean a map of Ashtria, a map of Ywu or a different kind of map> (if any) :)
The Island of Rose: Why aren't I supposed to list casualties?
A map of both, if possible.
The other side is supposed to list casualties.
We, the people of Ywu have managed to step up our resistence against the evil Grand Alliance. The Red Revenge have agreed to help us fight off this unwarranted attack on our land and we shall fight this oppresive regeme!
We have proof that our resistence is working:
We WILL take back our motherland!
Kahta: OOC: If you read my second post carefully, you will notice that I am not listing the enemy's casualties, I am merely stating what my military is expecting through statistics. I am expecting 10 million casualties, but it may not turn out that way!
As for maps, I have Ashtria and Ywu at:
By the way, does anyone know why the pictures aren't showing up? I DID set them up properly using the 'insert image' function.
Kahta: OOC: If you read my second post carefully, you will notice that I am not listing the enemy's casualties, I am merely stating what my military is expecting through statistics. I am expecting 10 million casualties, but it may not turn out that way!
As for maps, I have Ashtria and Ywu at:
By the way, does anyone know why the pictures aren't showing up? I DID set them up properly using the 'insert image' function.
I'm not sure why the pic's arent working.
Well, I'm not on the moral high ground, so I am calling off my blockade.
The Island of Rose
24-07-2004, 22:27
Listing casualties is godmodding. Read the stickies, he has the right to ignore you. You can say you drop a bomb in so and so, but the guy being bombed has the right to say how many casualties, but if the casualties are unrealistic, then you can ignore him.
Listing casualties is godmodding. Read the stickies, he has the right to ignore you. You can say you drop a bomb in so and so, but the guy being bombed has the right to say how many casualties, but if the casualties are unrealistic, then you can ignore him.
OOC: Godmodding? I'm pretty sure that real military generals make statistics on how many casualties there may be. Granted they may not be as excessive as mine but it would be niave of any miliatry NOT to expect casualties in conflict. Ywu will make their own casualty list, just as I will and everyone else in this little 'war'.
So please no more messages about who can list what. We ARE going by the rules.
The Island of Rose
25-07-2004, 09:47
OOC: Godmodding? I'm pretty sure that real military generals make statistics on how many casualties there may be. Granted they may not be as excessive as mine but it would be niave of any miliatry NOT to expect casualties in conflict. Ywu will make their own casualty list, just as I will and everyone else in this little 'war'.
So please no more messages about who can list what. We ARE going by the rules.
I was just correcting your past error, since you were listing his casualties, no need to get in a bunch.
Remember children, this is just a game, and I'd like to keep it fun :p
25-07-2004, 09:56
A Cullenian SBL (space based laser) was recently shot down by an unknown nation. It is headed directly toward a Ywu city!
random civilian A: pointing up "it's a bird!"
random civilian B: "it's a plane!"
random civilian A: "wait a second... that's not a- "
The satelitte struck the city creating a large explosion! Ywu casualties are yet to be determined.
I was just correcting your past error, since you were listing his casualties, no need to get in a bunch.
OOC: As I have stated before. I am not LISTING his casualties I am merely making statistical projections on what a possible outcome would be. Just because I EXPECT 10 million casualties, doesn't mean there WILL be casualties. Nobody is perfect y'know ;)
A Cullenian SBL (space based laser) was recently shot down by an unknown nation. It is headed directly toward a Ywu city!
random civilian A: pointing up "it's a bird!"
random civilian B: "it's a plane!"
random civilian A: "wait a second... that's not a- "
The satelitte struck the city creating a large explosion! Ywu casualties are yet to be determined.
Unexperienced General: Where the HELL did that satalite come from? We are already facing an oppressive, genocidle regieme and now this huge... thing just fell from the sky onto A'hu.
Police Chief: We are sending emergency units to A'hu now. My god I have never seen such a large fireball. It couldn't have been any ordinary satilite!
Unexperienced General: Get those fires out, and I want a full casualty list soon!
The police chief dashes out of the room as the unexperienced general looks out of his window towards A'hu. He collapses down onto his chair, his brow dripping with sweat.
The Elected Leader of Ywu and the Military General are discussing the updates on the war in the Government Enclosure.
Military General: "Despite our resistence, our civillian casulaties have come close to 9 million! The merciless Ashtrian Fighting Machines do nothing but slaughter innocent people. However with the help of the Red Revenge, the enemy is starting to feel our resistence. They have retreated to the town of K'wy and are fortifying their positions. This will buy us time to build up our forces to strike the enemy, to show them that we mean business."
Elected Leader: "All this violece just appalls me. Why can't we show them just how civilised we are by protesting against their presence here?"
Military General: "With respect Elected Leader, they wouldn't be here if you hadn't kept interfering with their own affiars! You insisted the people protest against the Alliance's different ways and even threatened them!"
Elected Leader: "Barbarians, all of them. I merely told them that having weapons and a military was a sign of how primative they all are."
Military General: Looks suprised at the Elected Leader's ignorance "Yes well, NOT having weapons and a military is what has landed us in the situation we are in now! Anyway we are moving off track. I suggest that our Red Revenge allies assist us in cutting off the enemy's supply lines. That will help us when we later attack their positions."
Elected Leader: obviously baffled "Very well. Proceed at your descretion. The sooner this bloody war is over the better"
Before the Military General could assure that the attack WON'T finish the war, the Elected Leader promtly walks out of the room at a quick pace.
"We're all dead," he quietly thinks to himself.
28-07-2004, 21:26
The Armed Forces of Greater Bobghanistan have joined in the Grand Alliance invasion of Ywu as part of our committment to The Grand Alliance.
GBAF (Greater Bobghan Air Force) B-52 Stratofortresses began nightly 1000-bomber raids on population centres in Ywu. These raids consist of 1000 B-52 bombers, each carrying eighty-four 500lb bombs. In addition to this, heavy air strikes are constantly continuing, with aircraft from the GBAF, the GBN (Greater Bobghan Navy) and the GBA (Greater Bobghan Army) attacking Ywu and Red Revenge positions in support of Ashtrian and other Alliance forces.
We have also begun to round up civilian refugees, and put them into camps for orderly disposal.
Despite the explosions of heavy bombing by the GBAF, Red Revenge militia have managed to utilise anti-aircraft flak cannons. They shoot wildly into the air whilst some old mobile SAM sites are set up.
The deafening roar of the bombers is too much for some who break cover in a state of madness and run straight to their deaths as bombs fall everywhere.
The flak guns continue to fire and there are reports of some impacts. One of the mobile SAM units become operational and launches two missiles at the biblical plague of B-52s.
29-07-2004, 15:38
We learned yesterday that 3 of our B-52s from our 1,000-bomber raid were shot down. There were no survivors. In retaliation for this, last night we launched a 2,000 bomber raid against A'hu and the surrounding settlements. The first 1,000 B-52s were armed with incendiary bombs that burned everything (that's left from the previous night's raids), and the following 1,000 B-52s each dropped 84 'Special' Mk.82 bombs, containing our improved VX nerve agent. If everything worked according to plan, there should be nothing left alive within A'hu, or the surrounding areas.
In retaliation for other attacks on Greater Bobghan aircraft, and atrocities committed against captured aircrew, we have executed 10,000 refugees from Ywu.
A'hu lies in ruins. What was once a socialist run town thriving with the sounds of morons protesting anything and everything is now nothing more than a glorified grave site. It is no more!
The only sound heard now is the wind, blowing the still contagous Bobghan VX Nerve Agent towards the outlying villages. Yet there is no one alive to hear the wind, or see the ruins. Despite its desolate appearence, A'hu still invites death to any who would walk in its shadows. For the VX Nerve Agent that eats away at the littered corpses, still circulates and would home in on any living creature.
"Today's headlines: The town of A'hu is obliterated by the Alliance!"
The News reader's dramatic voice usually bellows out the headlines, but today it clearly shows his shock and nausiating horror. The screen cuts to a cheesy camera zoom onto the reporter,
"I'm Kanvas Greenstill, reporting today's top headlines. The quiet and peaceful town of A'hu was completely destroyed last night during a bombing raid by the evil Grand Alliance. A wall of enemy B-52s mercilessly dropped incendiary devices onto the town which resulted in every person-made object being burnt. To add to the attrocities, a second wave of bombers dropped what our scientist are calling 'nerve agents' onto A'hu, resulting in every living thing within a 10 mile radius dying horrifically within hours."
Greenstill stops for a moment to compose himself,
"The official report is that no one survived this holocaust. The toxin is still very active and so everyone is being kept well away from A'hu.
"The brave efforts of our Red Revenge allies, who tried to defend A'hu were not in vain however. Offical statistic indicate that at least 100 enemy B-52 bombers were shot down with minimal effort. There were no survivors."
Greenstill turns to his left as a 1970s wood finish television is rolled in by one of the stage hands.
"We have the statistics on our screen here showing that although A'hu was destroyed, the Alliance received enough punishment from our ground defences that they would not think of using that tactic again."
The flickering screen shows a shitty crayon drawing of the 'statistics' which is nothing more than a mindless, childish scribble made to resemble some kind of pie chart. A doodle of 'apple crumble' is clearly visable on the top left of the screen before a hairy, tattooed hand tries to cover it up.
"Other news on the war is that Red Revenge troops are converging on K'wy ready to attack the alliance force that is waiting there..."
The screen turns blank and the Elected Leader puts the remote onto his lap which promptly falls to the floor. He takes another swig from his glass of Tizer and gets up to go to his desk. He slumps down onto the chair and contemplates what life would be like if ever he was exiled.
Within the perimeter of K'wy city, platoons of Ashtrian Fighting Machines and clones continue to wait. Some fighting machines are positioned in a defensive posture, whilst several advanced clones continue their sentry duty in a near perfect echelon formation.
The forward command post is alive with activity, monitoring alliance transmissions and keeping track of enemy movements.
The large contingent of Red Revenge militia wait in the shadows. Armed with a collection of aging firearms, they prepare their plan for the attack. They talk in a whisper so as not to draw unwanted attention.
Leader: "Right. Is everyone ready?
Militia 1: "Wait! Are you sure about the intelligence?
Leader: "Yessss!" becomes frustrated "Its like I said. They are just clones so fire at what ever you see. Has 2nd Group got their launchers ready?"
Militia 2: Listens through the radio "Confirmed. They are ready to fire."
There is a pause as Leader takes a deep breath.
Leader: "Lets get it over with. Fire!"
The silence lasts only a second before the sky is lit with rockets, missiles and incediary grenades. Despite anticipating the imminate results, the group jumps with a start at the loud explosions. The rockets continue to fire with the force like an unrelenting predator charging after it's prey.
Leader counts the number of projectiles launched, trying to concentrate on the timing for the moment he and his men have to cross the threshold and into battle. It is difficult as he cannot help but imagine the chaos that must be happening beyond the hill rise. He glances at his men and notices that they too must be thinking similar thoughts.
The bombardment seems to go on forever, until silence falls on the launchers. Leader's mind instantly races back to reality,
Leader: Right this is it!!!
Like a 19th century western cavalry advance, the Red Revenge militia charge up the hill, their weapons locked and loaded. Seconds later, they would see what was waiting for them...
Rockets rain down all around. Hundreds of clones are slain or otherwise rendered horrifically imobile. A few fighting machines take several hits before succombing to oblivion themselves. The majority of clones retreat away from the chaos but many do not make it.
The bombardment seems to go on forever until silence falls. There is a pause and the surviving fighting machines regroup to form a defensive wall. Before they can advance to destroy those who would dare to attack them, several groups of armed malitia emerge on top of the furthest hill. The fighting machines focus their sights...
Any chance Marak can get in on this conflict? The technology stolen from a country such as this would benefit Marak very much.
As Leader is the first to reach the rise, he suddenly notices a wall of Ashtrian Fighting Machines focusing on his position. He freezes, as does his men. They cannot help but watch as the fighting machines march towards them, their heat rays charging up.
Leader: "Oh my god! What have we done?!"
The leading fighting machine unleashes its power and within seconds, the row of men following Leader vanish in agony as their bodies crackle and burn.
Leader: "Keep firing!! We have to stop them!"
One by one the Red Revenge malitia charge above the rise. Most open fire with what weapons they have before succoming to the flaming, agonising death that awaits them. Leader fires his M-16. He feels he is being toyed with as this mysterious death would leap at him at any time. He gets closer and closer...
Marak: Any attempt to steal Ashtrian technology would result in 'unfortunate' repercussions for you. Any damaged or destroyed technology is always either reclaimed or disposed of so that looters cannot get their hands on it. But feel free to join in.
OOC: If you do join in, just ask in case you need help with the basics of the situation.
The Red Revenge malitia seem resilient in their suicide run against the fighting machines. The leading fighting machine focuses on an individual running ahead of the main group. His distinguished uniform markings identify him as some kind of leader. The fighting machine raises itself to full height and focuses its heat ray towards the leader and fires...
ooc: Thanks, I have but one question. Why are you bombing this guy? and is this country anywhere near water
Leader continues to run and fire, his head filled with nothing but rage against the machines. He imagines his enemy dying all around him, his hands around the throats of those who would attack his country. His attantion is quickly brought back when his M-16 magazine runs out of bullets. But his attantion is quickly distracted towards the leading fighting machine as it rasies itself to full height and focuses it's heat ray onto him. In a panic, he reaches for a grenade and manages to pull the pin as the menacing machine fires.
His last thoughts as he dies are that of his home before the war started. Perhaps that will help for his journey to oblivion.
Militia 2 watches and can do nothing as he sees Leader fall to the ground in a heap of burning fleash. He stands for what appears to be an eternity until a bolt of fire from one of the machines hits the ground close to him. At this point his instincts take over,
Most of the men hear him and start running back the way they came. It would seem that only those closest to the rise would make it...
ooc: Thanks, I have but one question. Why are you bombing this guy? and is this country anywhere near water
OOC: The general history is that Ywu is a life long enemy of Ashtria. Ywu is an extreme socialist state whose leader has strong anti-war and anti-business policies, but also has to tell everyone how to run his/her country. Not only that but they threatened Ashtria and the Grand Alliance (of which Ashtria is part of) with war and now they have one. Ywu is located near water.
The Grand Alliance is made up of many nations located in Kenistasia:
You can choose your side, but choose carefully. Ywu is greatly outnumbered.
The greande dropped by the dead leader explodes violently and close to the lead fighting machine which takes the brunt of the explosion. Two of the legs are damaged and become unstable. After a few seconds of uneasy balancing, the massive tripod fails in trying to steady itself and collapes to the gorund. Noticing the enemy retreat, the last line of fighting machines power down, but the forward wave continue. A lot of the malitia are running towards the top of the hill from which they came. Stepping over the collapsed tripod, the second fighting machine fires it's weapon towards the top of the hill. The beam sweeps accross the rise, creating a barrier of fire.
A few malitia make it over the rise. The rest reach the top, but are stopped as a barrier of fire sweeps accross their path. The leading few are incinerated as the Tripod's Heat ray successfully cuts them off.
Malitia 2 along with five others are the only ones to escape and continue to run. For they know that if they stop, they would surely perish.
The rest of the Red Revenge are sandwiched between the wall of fire and the advancing fighting machines. Either direction would lead to an unpleasant death. Realising this dilemma, the remaining malitia drop what weapons they have to the ground and raise their hands. They have only one chance. The Alliance might show mercy...
30-07-2004, 22:13
The 'statistics' produced by Ywu are greatly exaggerated. Our losses during our mass air-raids consisted of only 5 B-52 bombers, the crews of which were rescued by Ashtrian fighting machines.
Mass raids continue on other large population centres, and air strikes against civilian and military targets continue apace. In the 5 days since Greater Bobghanistan launched our attacks, we have flown 15,000 combat sorties. Our total losses at this time are confirmed as: 8 B-52 Stratofortress bombers, 2 Harrier GR.9s, 3 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, 1 F-16E Fighting Falcons, 1 Typhoon F.2, 3 Tornado GR.4s, 2 Jaguar GR.3s, 1 F-35 JSF and 2 F/A-18E Super Hornets. These losses may seem significant, but they are a mere fraction of our total air power in the YTO (Ywu Theatre of Operations).
There is silence as the few remaining Red Revenge militia stand with their hands raised. The remaining fighting machines have focused their weaponary onto the cowering survivors. The minutes seem like hours as everything is still and quiet.
The reports of the skirmish have reached the ears of Supreme Overlord General Ashman. He is sitting at his jumbo-jet sized desk, reading the lastest war reports when The Commander-in-chief of the military walks in.
CIC: "I humbly apologise for my intrusion magnificence, but I have some information for you!"
General Ashman seems not to acknowledge his commander-in-chief's presence. There is an inherent instinct to repeat a statement if it is apparent that the person receiving it did not hear it. But the commander-in-chief is wisely patient as he knows that it is supremely unwise to try to hurry the Supreme Overlord.
Ashman: "Yes Commander-in-chief, what is it?"
CIC: "Your greatness, our fighting machines holding the city of K'wy have reported that they were attacked by Red Revenge militia, but defenced their positions without great effort!"
Ashman: "And why does this information justify your intrusiuon? I expect nothing less from the fighting machine squad."
CIC: "Forgive me my great leader, but an ammendment on this report makes this situation unique."
General Ashman takes the report and skims throught the contents effortlessly. He shows a distinct sign of sadistic delight at the contents.
Ashman: "So they have them surrounded?"
CIC: "Yes mighty one."
Ashman: "Do we have a visual link to the battlefield?"
CIC: "I anticipated the possibility that you may wish to see the situation Greatness, so I took the liberty of setting up a secure satellite feed directly to your office or chambers."
Ashman: "Very good. Show me the situation!"
The giant opposing wall illuminates as the windows darken to quell the outside light. Seconds later the screen shows the surrendering malitia from the tripod's perspective.
Ashman: "Hmmmm. We could do with some prisoners."
CIC: "I couldn't agree more excellence. They would most certainly be a valuable source of information."
Ashman: "I take it the rest have been disposed of?"
Commander-in-chief begins to wince slightly
CIC: "It is with the deepest regret High one, that five or six have escaped. I shall order the tripod units to destroy them."
Ashman: "NO! They are frightened and demoralised. They will spread fear about what has happened there tonight. That fear will demoralise the rest of the Ywu population. A disheartened soul is easier to defeat than one full of patriotism and bravery."
General Ashman studies the image again.
Ashman: "As for the prisoners... kill them."
CIC: "Do you not wish to take one captive your Greatness?"
Ashman: "At the very least, one might prove useful. Pick a prisoner, I don't care which and kill the rest!"
CIC: "Yes Magnificence!"
Commander-in-chief withdraws from General Ashman's office, bowing obsequeously. General Ashman looks at the screen again and decides to order a KFC.
On the battlefield, the weary looking malitia have still not moved. Suddenly the fighting machines come to life and unleash their deadly arsenal once more...
The surrendering militia are nothing but sitting targets as the heat rays rip through them. The slaughter lasts only for a few seconds but at the end of it only Militia 3 remains standing. He has his eyes closed and is still waiting for the final blow, but nothing happens.
An eternaty passes before he hears the sound of approaching footsteps. It isn't until they draw closer that he dares to open his eyes. In front of him are a group of five men, all looking exactly alike! They are each holding identical assault rifles, which are all pointing at him. Militia 3 realises that he is now a prisoner of the alliance and as they lead him away, he wishes he had died with the rest of his comrades!
RESULT: Red Revenge attack was defeated with only six escaped and one taken prisoner. The rest are burnt carcusses rotting on the ground.
31-07-2004, 01:35
ooc: Hey folks i'm back, can i have some info on the island of Ywu? Where are the remaining cities, forts, army groups? How far have Grand Alliance forces pushed onto the island, where did we invade- the north, south, east or west? Need info if i'm to assist in the bombing...
Please, Peoples of Ywu and the Grand Alliance, here me, let us please bring an end to this mindless destruction and massacaring of innocents! I am sure whatever issues you haev can be reconciled at the negotaion table, not at the end of some means of death and destruction!
ooc: Hey folks i'm back, can i have some info on the island of Ywu? Where are the remaining cities, forts, army groups? How far have Grand Alliance forces pushed onto the island, where did we invade- the north, south, east or west? Need info if i'm to assist in the bombing...
OOC: There is a map of Ywu at: Nasty Ashman Site - Ywu page! ( The grey bits are where the towns and cities are. Its a rough map just to give an idea on what the place is like.
The invasion is approaching Ywu from the east. Jimnam's navy along with some of Bobghanistan's destroyers/carriers are holding off the east coast. The town of A'hu has been totally obliterated by fleets of Bobghanistan's B-52 bobmers with no survivors. The city of K'wy is currently being held by Ashtrian fighting machines supported by some of Jimnam's forces. Once K'wy is secure, it will be a direct path to the capital city of D'Liqi. The Ywu people and shitty, under-supplied military are allied with the Red Revenge.
The invasion is in its infancy so you haven't missed much. You can use the map as a guide but other than that, feel free to name and mame any city, town, person, people and chimp that your forces wish to destroy!
Please, Peoples of Ywu and the Grand Alliance, here me, let us please bring an end to this mindless destruction and massacaring of innocents! I am sure whatever issues you haev can be reconciled at the negotaion table, not at the end of some means of death and destruction!
Negative! The Grand Alliance will not rest until the Ywu people have been... shall we say, 'tamed'. Ywu is responsible for trying to change our way of life. They threatened war if we didn't appease them, so they have a war. DEATH TO YWU!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... etc. :mp5:
Ywu has been inv#*ed by th###** #CRACKLE# of the Grand Allianc# We are desperate! We seek##########
***********transmission interrupted****************
Could you please NOT kill any more civillians. Aust can use them for our own purposes at SLaves. We shall pay 60 Honour Pounds for every Man and 70 for every Woman and child (3 Dolloers=1 honour pound.)
Jimnam currently is advancing south west from the north east coast. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Army's providing the bulk of the troops in this advance. Our elite XXX Corps is the spearhead for this group. Support is provided by the Jimnam First Fleet.
Ashtria is being supported by VII Corps and the Jimnam Second Fleet along with the Leeasian Naval Contingent.
The Jimnam Third Fleet along with the Bobghanistan Naval Task Force are off the west coast providing fire support.
Jimnam requests that Kenistan sends paratroop, armoured, mechanised and infantry divisions to help strenghten Alliance lines. The Jimnam Fourth Fleet is currently enroute but is still a week away. This will be carrying our 4th Army.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
Could you please NOT kill any more civillians. Aust can use them for our own purposes at SLaves. We shall pay 60 Honour Pounds for every Man and 70 for every Woman and child (3 Dolloers=1 honour pound.)
I think we can come to some kind of mutual arrangement. But first, we need to secure several outlying villages. According to Ashtria inteligence, they are ripe with golden virgins and other such appealing stuff. Once they are reasonably oppressed, we shall commence negotiations.
NOTE TO ALL ALLIANCE FORCES: As much as this goes against my own personal judgement, TRY not to slaughter all your civillian casualties. We have an individual willing to trade Ywu slaves for cash.
Ashtria would like to announce the completion of our new Sentinal class serface strike vessel
The Sentinal class has a cruising speed of 200 knots and weilds an impressive array of serface-to-air missiles:
Mass production is already underway and the first four will be launching for the attack on Ywu within the week.
I think we can come to some kind of mutual arrangement. But first, we need to secure several outlying villages. According to Ashtria inteligence, they are ripe with golden virgins and other such appealing stuff. Once they are reasonably oppressed, we shall commence negotiations.
NOTE TO ALL ALLIANCE FORCES: As much as this goes against my own personal judgement, TRY not to slaughter all your civillian casualties. We have an individual willing to trade Ywu slaves for cash.
01-08-2004, 18:12
I think we can come to some kind of mutual arrangement. But first, we need to secure several outlying villages. According to Ashtria inteligence, they are ripe with golden virgins and other such appealing stuff. Once they are reasonably oppressed, we shall commence negotiations.
NOTE TO ALL ALLIANCE FORCES: As much as this goes against my own personal judgement, TRY not to slaughter all your civillian casualties. We have an individual willing to trade Ywu slaves for cash.
Dammit, and we have just finished a new refugee disposal...I mean 'protection'...centre. We will abide by this as best we can, although indiscriminate aerial bombardment will continue.
The GBAF has completed Operation: Moon, and A'hu is suitably cratered. Our thousand-bomber raids have been temporarily suspended, although we continue to provide air support to Grand Alliance forces, and strike strategic targets within Ywu.
Please, Peoples of Ywu and the Grand Alliance, here me, let us please bring an end to this mindless destruction and massacaring of innocents! I am sure whatever issues you haev can be reconciled at the negotaion table, not at the end of some means of death and destruction!
Yes... YES Peace is what we want. Peace and an apology from the alliance for attacking us without provocation! They are jealous because we, the humble people of Ywu are more superior to them. We are more civilised and not barbaric as they are. We are a peaceful nation and never provolked this evil alliance. They should be taught a lesson in manners and... TRANSMISSION CUT
Red Revenge General: "What are you DOING Elected Leader?"
Elected Leader: "I am merely stating the truth. We want peace and the acceptence from the alliance that we civilised and they are barbaric."
Red Revenge General: "With respect Elected Leader, you are making things worse! We all want peace, but making a general annoucnment stating your moral superiority is NOT the way to go. If we are lucky, the Alliance won't have picked up that transmission."
Elected Leader: "Why, what could they do?"
Red Revenge General: "The same thing they have done to A'hu and the other cities and town on the eastern side. We won't win this by spouting insults. We've got to be careful...
02-08-2004, 14:33
[QUOTE=Ywu]Yes... YES Peace is what we want. Peace and an apology from the alliance for attacking us without provocation! They are jealous because we, the humble people of Ywu are more superior to them. We are more civilised and not barbaric as they are. We are a peaceful nation and never provolked this evil alliance. They should be taught a lesson in manners and... TRANSMISSION CUT
So they think they are morally superior do they? We'll soon show them the error of their ways.
As of tonight, thousand-bomber raids will re-commence on Ywu, beginning with a 5000 bomber raid on the capital city of Ywu. This illustration of Grand Alliance power will include mass formations of all our various strategic bombers, the B-52H, the B-2A, the Vulcan B.2 and the B-70A Valkyrie. This will be followed by further nightly 1000 bomber raids on targets of our choosing. We are also dispatching a further 10,000 combat aircraft of various types to the Ywu Theatre of Operations to intensify the air campaign against the Red Revenge and their sympathizers.
El Presidente Bobski, Supreme Leader of Greater Bobghanistan.
On board the Jimnam fleet flagship JGN Revenge:
Midshipman: Sir we have traced the location of the last transmission from Ywu's elected leader.
Captain: Very good. Is the target in range?
Midshipman: Yes sir. Target bearing 234 degrees, range is 756 miles.
Captain: Very well, stand by to fire cruise missiles.
XO: Weapons ready captain.
Captain: Fire missiles 1 through 40. I want that area obliterated.
XO: Missiles away!
Then begins the 20 minutes of constant noise and illumination as the missiles leap off the dreadnoughts deck.
As the cruise missiles from the JGN Revenge rain down on the small town of R'oh, Elected Leader cowers underneath a rickerty wooden table.
Elected Leader: "Why. Oh why did this have to happen now?" He looks to the Red Revenge General "How did this happen. What could have provolked such an unwarrented attack?"
RR General: Looks at Elected Leader with disdain "You WOULD ask that question wouldn't you?"
Elected Leader: "You gotta get me outta here. You simply GOTTA!!"
RR General: "First of all its 'GOT TO' not 'GOTTA'!" turns away "Cretin."
Elected Leader: "What?"
RR General: "We can't leave here Elected Leader. This bunker is probably the safest place in R'oh at the moment. Secondly, there is a biblical plague of B-52 bombers carpet bombing the entire region!"
Elected Leader: "You can't say 'biblical'!"
RR General: "Why not?"
Elected Leader: "It is racist against all faiths that aren't Christian."
RR General: "WHAT?!?!"
Elected Leader: "No matter what happens, we must remain politically correct!"
RR General: "SIR! This is hardly the time or the place...."
Red Revenge General's sentence is rudely interrupted with the sound of a large explosion overhead, followed by particals of debris falling from the ceiling.
RR General: He has joined Elected Leader under the cramped table "We don't have time to argue sir. We hope to get you out of here shortly."
Elected Leader: "How?"
RR General: "We have managed to get some old ironclads working and armed. They are heading towards the Alliance fleet!"
Elected Leader: "Will they stop them?"
RR General: "They've just got to Elected Leader, they've just got to!"
On the dark and misty waters off the coast of Ywu, a fleet of ten ironclads make their way towards the Jimnam and Bobghan fleets.
Helmsman: "Captain sir, we are approaching the enemy's position."
Captain: "Very well. Sound battlestations and ready all torpedoes and turrets."
The night air is suddenly filled with the screeching sounds of bells and cheesy alert sound effects.
Captain: "WHAT THE F....." His sentence is sporadically drowned by the noise of the alerts "WHERE THE F...... DID YOU GET THESE ALERT SOUNDS!?!?! THEY ARE TOO F........ LOUD! TURN THE F........ THINGS OFF AT ONCE!"
Tactical Officer: "WHO THE F..... IS WILL!?"
As the alerts ring out accross the ocean, alerting even the dead to their presence, the torpedoes and turrets let loose their power of destruction towards the Alliance fleet. The alert sounds drown out the loud explosions of the guns as the blaze away.
Attention Aust: We have secured the large village of T'yu and are 'processing the prisoners. Once confirmation of money transfer is complete, we shall ship the slaves... erm 'workforce' to your nation in a selection of oil tankers that haven't quite been completely emptied. There would have been more prisoners but we had to obliterate the villiage of O'ho in retaliation for a terrorist attack in one of our cities. There are a total of 32,000 prisoners. We do not accept responsibility should any of them die during the voyage.
02-08-2004, 22:23
I condemn the slaughtering of civilians!!!! :mad:
I condemn the slaughtering of civilians!!!! :mad:
You would be well advised not to interfere Sazmania, for you would not survive the mighty wrath of the Grand Alliance!
02-08-2004, 23:21
I condemn the slaughtering of civilians!!!! :mad:
Just bring it Sazmania, we dare you!
A scouting force of Ironclads from Ywu was spotted by a Merlin HAS.1 from the Type 45 destroyer, EPS Desolation. The Merlin launched two Spearfish torpedos at the lead ship which broke in two and sank. Lifeboats were launched, which were subsequently strafed by jets from the air wing aboard the EPS Bobghanistan. A-6E Intruders and F/A-18F Super Hornets from the Bobghanistan also attacked and damaged a second enemy vessel.
The Type 23 Frigate EPS Terror, on picket duty away from the main fleet, suffered several hits from the guns of the Ironclads. S-3B Vikings and F-35 JSF aircraft from the EPS Erica of the Hollins attacked the enemy vessels while the crew of the Terror attempted to save their crippled ship, but to no avail. The crew were forced to abandon ship and it went down at approximately 21:30hrs. The survivors were picked up by Merlin HAS.1s and SH-60 Sea Hawks from the carriers Bobghanistan and Erica of the Hollins. Unfortunately, 27 crew members, including the captain, went down with the ship. Their loss shall be mourned, and their deaths avenged.
As part of our vengeance, we have gassed a further 10,000 civilian refugees. We have also launched a cruise missile strike from several of our Type 85 Cruisers on civilian targets within Ywu, and on the Red REvenge port facilities. Further air strikes on these facilities will follow shortly.
As the lead ship of the Ywu ironclad fleet went down, the rest carried on. Two of the flanking ironclads were hit by enemy fighter incendiary fire and subsequently burned. A few enemy fighters were hit by flak, but the darkness and the frickin' alert sounds made it nearly impossible to tell what became of them.
The remaining ships targeted the Bobghanistan and fired their weapons.
Helmsman "AYE SIR!" A direct hit on the bow created a flash explosion which shattered the bridge windows, slashing the helmsman's face. "AAAAHHH! I CAN'T SEE!"
The ironclads roar forward. It seems that a collision is unavoidable as they draw closer...
On board the Jimnam fleet flagship JGN Revenge.
Comminications Officer: Captain! Incoming message from the Bobghan fleet. They say ironclads are attacking them!
Captain: Fools. Bring the fleet to condition 1. Turn to 067 and make our speed flank. I want to close the distance.
Helm: Aye Sir!
Captain: Radio the Bobghan fleet, tell them to save one for us.
(Half an hour later)
Radar officer: Sir! Radar contact bearing 076, range 24 miles.
Captain: Is it hostile?
Radar officer: The ship is not emitting any identification signals.
Captain: XO ready all main guns.
XO: Yes sir.
(Two minutes pass)
XO: All guns report ready to fire.
Captain: Fire at will, all guns.
The sky lights up as the massive 20" guns of the dreadnought fire one by one, followed by the faster flashes of the 6" secondary armament. The first salvo misses but the second doesn't.
XO: Direct hit on the enemy ship. She looks as if she is breaking up!
Captain: Get one of the cruisers to search the area for survivers. If any are found kill them.
XO: Yes sir.
The JGN Avenger is despatched to investigate the wreckage.
03-08-2004, 12:18
The Holy Empire of Imperialistic Prussia’s impartial Media Service- the Kaisers Media Korperation who are both embedded with alliance troops and also operating freelance in Ywe have decided in conjunction with other media providers and in accordance with their mandate as can be found on the Website of Prussia at to begin reporting free and fairly what is occurring here lest anyone get the wrong impression. Here is a report from the centralist paper “The Morning Victory:”
“ It seems that it is only a matter of time before Ywe is completely destroyed,- at least this is what Ywe citizens have been telling us here today. There have been a number of pro- alliance rallies as the local populous attempts to curry favour with their new “elected leaders.” This had been occurring in response to Imperial Prussian forces have opening up another front in the West in the target country. We have reports that two Imperial Prussian Navy (IPN) small flotillas have utilised the IPN Airforce to land pathfinders of the 1st Division Kaisers Special Boat Service and 1st Division Special Air Service, which is currently encountering minimal resistance as attempt to establish a beachhead for elements of the Kaisers Infantry, Armoured, and Artillery Core, which will then presumably press ahead with their objectives. It promises to be a grave day for the peoples of Ywe.
The Kaiser had the following message for the citizens Ywe. For too long your Anti Prosperity ways have been a burden on the world. We are enacting the freely expressed wishes of these people. It is too late for your leader who is doomed…doomed hahahahaha…..(uhum) but if you rise up and attack your leadership your lives may yet be spared. Go forth and Kill.
The Militry inform us that there will be a statement soon of a stragtic nature.”
We thank you. Aust shall wire the money straght away.
We thank you. Aust shall wire the money straght away.
Thank you Aust. We have confirmed the authenticity of the money and are now transfering the 'goods' to you now. They should arrive within the next two to three days.
One by one, the remaining ironclads are mercilessly pounded by enemy fire. The captain of the last ironclad looks on with fear.
Captain: "Oh my God!! There is no stopping them! Except us!"
The burning wrecks sink into the ocean as crew members jump overboard. Many are burning to death, some are bullet ridden and a few attempt to swim to the shore.
Tactical Officer: "Sir, we have no weapons left. We are defenceless!" Before his words could fully register to the captain, the tactical officer's console explodes in a violent erruption of flames
Captain: "Turn us around! Send out the signal, our migs will have to finish them off!"
The stricken ironclad painfully makes a complete turn to flee into the opposite direction. Unfortunately, turning meant that the ship wouldn't be moving very fast. As a concequence, the Alliance fleet with their weapons concentrated on the last Ywu ironclad, destroy the vessel with the deliberate method to ensure minimal survivors.
Overhead, the sound of approaching Mig-17s becomes closer.
Mig Leader: "Targets ahead. They've destroyed our naval ships. Its time they took some pounding."
The migs thunder forward, diving towards the alliance fleet.
Mig 2: "Wait. I'm picking a radar reflection of a serface vessel!"
Mig Leader: "What's so special about that? There are loads ahead of us."
Mig 2: "This is coming from behind! My god it's speed! Its phenomenal!"
Mig Leader: "Mig 3. Break formation and take a look!"
Mig 3: "Yes sir."
Mig 3 drops from the formation and turns to the direction of the unknown contact.
Mig Leader: "Report Mig 3!"
Mig 3: "I have made visual contact. Its like nothing I have seen before it looks like... Wait! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!........................
Mig 3's contact is broken and a bright explosion can be seen in the distance.
Mig 2: "I am now picking up three contacts.... no there are now four!"
Mig Leader: "Stay on the Alliance fleet. Fire when we are in range!"
Mig 2: "Wait, I know what they are...!"
Mig Leader: "Stay on target!"
Mig 2: "We gotta get outta here!"
Mig Leader: "Stay on target!"
Mig 2: "Pull up!...... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Mig 2's fighter errupts into flames and plummets towards the ground. The rest continue to dive for the fleet. They come into range for their weapons and suddenly, six more migs explode in mid-air.
Mig Leader: "Oh my God! Its the Ashtrian sentinals! All fighters, break formation and attack at will. Repeat, attack at Will!!"
Soon the sky is filled with rockets and missiles flying in both directions. The Ashtrian sentinals speed forward unperturbed by the chaos ahead. They unleash their surface-to-air missiles without a single doubt about their effectiveness...
04-08-2004, 00:07
The Bobghan controllers observed the destruction of the MiGs from their E-2C Hawkeye, orbiting high above the battle group. Suddenly more reflections appear on an intercept course.
Controller 1 Enemy MiGs bearing 090, closing fast.
Controller 2 Mustang this is Watchtower 1-1, we have enemy aircraft bearing 090 for 30 miles. They're moving to engage us.
Mustang (EPS Bobghanistan) Roger Watchtower, RTB immediately, we are scrambling fighters to your location.
Pilot Mustang this is Watchtower 1-1 we are engaged defensive. Multiple bogies.
As the pilot spoke, a missile ripped through the starboard engine of the Hawkeye
Pilot Mustang this is Watchtower 1-1, mayday mayday, we are hit. We are going down, repeat we are....
A second missile struck the Hawkeye and it exploded into flames.
On the deck of the Bobghanistan, the crew were scrambling two F-14D Tomcats to intercept the intruders. Necessary as the airborne Combat Air Patrol was sent to intercept the MiGs that attacked the Ashtrian Sentinals. With a roar the two mighty jets shot off the deck into the sky and moved to intercept the enemy aircraft.
RIO 1 I have 4 enemy contacts. Bearing 120. Range 50 miles and closing.
RIO 2 Roger, I have them.
Pilot 1 I'll take to northern 2 bogies, 1-2, engage the southern 2.
Pilot 2 Roger, engaging
Both pilots selected the AIM-54C Phoenix missile and fired at their targets. The missiles streaked towards the enemy MiGs, all of which were destroyed.
Pilot 1 I can see an enemy 'chute. In hot with guns.
The lead pilot opened up on the helpless enemy pilot with his 20mm cannon. There was nothing left.
Jimnam thanks Ashtria for their timely arrival in dealing with the MiG 17's. Most of the Jimnam fleet aircraft were engaged in ground attack and the battlegroups radar had somehow been jammed.
The JGN Avenger reports that there were 34 survivers of the Ironclad attack. The Captain of the Avenger reports all 34 were executed in the water by a hail of MG fire.
XXX Corps has reached the outskirts of Ywu's capital. The remainder of the 1st and 2nd Army's are moving into the area. Our plan is to being a sustained artillery bombardment of the capital until other Alliance forces are in the area.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
Independent Nutters
04-08-2004, 00:26
The Commonwealth of independent Nutters would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the YWA nation for this outrage and would like to offer our assistance.... But you said i was involved in sinking a passangerliner of your and you accused me of killing 5000 civilians (in a telegram folks)... so iaint going to be nice.
For the first time in Independents Nutters short history our nation is moblising for war. The Commonwealth Marines are preparing for immidate deployment and our special forces brigades are awaiting transfer to a Grand Allience stageing post. I realy dont know why i'm bothering because by the time my lads get there the armed forces of Jimnam and Bobghanistan will have reduced Ywa to a smoldering lump of rock. But its the thought that counts guys.
04-08-2004, 01:44
Admiral Piett, speaking into a viewscreen: Yes your majesty, we have successfully evaded Ywu's Ironclads, the weather reports forsee only calm seas for the next three days...
Emperor Kennnius Jonesius: But what of the Migs?
Admiral Piett: The nearest aircraft to the fleet were all destroyed by the Ashtrian fleet, the others have been chased far to the north of the fleets' current positition by the Bobghan Naval Air Arm. Although the fleet was briefly illuminated by enemy radar during the engagment, a successful use of ECM hid the fleet, we would have appeared on the radar screens only momentarily.
Emperor Jonesius: Are you sure? Lord Mollari, is this true?
Lord Mollari: Yes your majesty, the Signals Intelligence Directorate detected no communications between the fighters and their HQ.
Emperor Jonesius: Very well, Admiral Piett, you may begin landing your troops immediately. Field Marshal Sheridan, begin your preparations for the 7th Army (Airborne) to land in support of the Jimnam ground forces around Ywu's capital city. I shall contact the Commander in Chief of the Commonwealth of Independent Nutters to see if they would like to attach their brigade to 7th Army for the main assault into Ywu.
Just moments after the Emperor's orders were barked over the Comm System, the Kenistani Marine Corp, already embarked on their landing craft, sped into high gear aiming for the South-Eastern Coast of Ywu. An immediate orbital bombardment by the Golan II Orbital Bombardment Platforms levels the already pitful coastal defences of Ywu, whilst the Golan III Particle Beam Platforms scorch the surrounding countryside with 100 Terrawatt X-ray lasers to ensure the Kenistani Marine Corps armoured units can successfully manouvre onto the plains surrounding Ywu's capital.
Admiral Piett: Emperor, i bring great news, the landings went unopposed. By the end of the day we shall over 300,000 Marines ashore.
Emperor Jonesius: Excellent....
Industrial Experiment
04-08-2004, 02:22
OoC: This is to happen BEFORE the rescue missions in Cam III and the terrorist attacks on ICRC officials.
We are coming, do not fear
The shortest message ever sent by the ICRC, but this situation was beyond anything the ICRC had attempted to mediate before. The Dictatorship that ran Ywu was not in agreement with commonly held political thought in the ICRC run MBP nations, but this complete slaughter of innocent civilians would not go unnoticed. The entire current ICRC military was being mobilized under as secret conditions as possible, and the new satellite network of the Industrialites was being utilyzed to get as much advance information on enemy forces as possible. Plans were set in motion, strategies were considered, forces were deployed. After a short week of preparation, the ICRC was once more ready for war.
In secret, the 2nd and 3rd fleets set sail for Ywu-national waters to engage Alliance vessals. Also, a massive attack with fighter aircraft would be launched against one of the 1,000 bomber raids simultaneously with a massive bombing campaign against the Alliance held city of K'wy. This would be followed up with the air-dropping of various forms of humanitarian aid to all surviving citizens of Ywu. Lastly, a land invasion would occur on the south-western portion of Ywu by a ICRC army along with a commando raid on the ship carrying Ywu civilians to Aust.
If the plan went off without a hitch, these attacks would all occur at the same exact time, and hopefully unnoticed by Alliance forces until it was too late. In fact, the chances of achieving complete surprise against the Alliance were quite high, not even Ywu knew of the incoming ICRC forces, let alone the Alliance.
Third Quarter, Second Fiscal Period, Ninth Day - 23:19
On board the 2nd Fleet's Flagship, the Reprisal, a Modified Behemoth Class CVN
Fleet Admiral John Rukov stared out at the blackened waters of Ywu Territory with a mixture of anticipation and regret. Anticipation that he would be once more involved in a large-scal naval battle, and regret that he would not be doing so from his promised Doujin Mk II Refit Super-Dreadnought. Something about a hitch in the purchasing stage. After a moment of pondering the glory that was a Doujin, the Admiral shrugged off the feeling and turned to the nearby comm officer.
"Time to attack commencement, Lieutenant?" he asked without letting an ounce of the impatience he was feeling leak into his well-training voice.
"Er...", the young man let out as he glanced at his console and the display which was linked to an atomic clock back in Chaos Experiment, "...we're eleven minutes from zero, sir. Shall I alert the aircrews to begin pre-flight check-ups?"
"Of course, lieutenant", the admiral ordered as he turned back to the front-display and looked out over the deck of his supercarrier.
Third Quarter, Second Fiscal Period, Ninth Day - 23:23
Somewhere over the Ywu National Waters, ICRC fighter formation
"Fireeye, this is Formation Leader, over."
"FL, this Fireeye, we read you."
"Fireeye, FL, how far out are we?"
"FL, Fireeye, you've got seven minutes until you reach your target, right on time."
"Fireeye, FL, thank you"
Wing Commander Jeff Johnson casually checked his scanners, concentrating on watching each tag that came up as he looked across the screen. Every tag represented a fighter group of 100 fightercraft each of the ICRC Air force. He spent a minute cycling through each tag with his eyes, allowing his Valefor's thought reader to pick up on where he was looking much faster than he could ever cycle through them by hand. After reassuring himself that the entire formation was in order, he let himself relax very marginally while he awaited arrival at the target zone. One last quick check of his scanners to see if any enemy planes had been spotted, and he then concentrated on being calm for the last few minutes he had.
Third Quarter, Second Fiscal Period, Ninth Day - 23:27
Airspace over Ywu, somewhere near K'wy
Of the hundreds of bombercraft in his flight formation, Senior Pilot Commander George Grafter had to be the one most looking forward to this. Part of a B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber crew, in fact he was the captain of the aircraft, he and his fellows would be gaining retribution for countless civilian lives lost in the bombing campaigns of the Alliance. Commander Grafter was all too happy to respond in kind. He glanced down at the communications console for a moment, then almost blissfully began the process of arming his various weapons.
Only three minutes now...
Third Quarter, Second Fiscal Period, Ninth Day - 23:30
On board the 2nd Fleet's Flagship, the Reprisal, a Modified Behemoth Class CVN
When the comm officer told him it was time, the admiral almost jumped. He recovered quickly, though, and began issuing rapid-fire orders.
"Launch all fighters"
Literally thousands of fighters leapt into the air from the flight decks of dozens of carriers.
"Order all craft to open fire with their primary and secondary guns on Alliance carriers, and once they are sunk, targets of opportunity"
Gears ground and turret crews scrambled as the massive guns on tens and tens of battleships and cruisers began their journey into firing positions on the Alliance fleet.
"Order the launch of all anti-ship missiles"
Thousands and thousands of missiles jumped from their launchers on flights that would almost certainly end on an Alliance vessal.
"All submarines except the Poseidens fire upon all Alliance sub-surface vessals you can find. Poseidens, begin firing upon the larger surface vessals of the Alliance fleet with your main-guns"
Torpedo after torpedo splashed into the water as the submarines of the Alliance fleet became nothing more than glorified targets.
"Good luck men, we better as bloody hell pull this off"
Third Quarter, Second Fiscal Period, Ninth Day - 23:30
Somewhere over the Ywu, ICRC fighter formation
"This is Formation Leader to all ICRC aircraft, begin your runs. Fire missiles at any escort fighters and then move in to engage the bombers. God speed, men, god speed"
Commander Johnson flicked the safety off on his missiles, selected a target, locked on, and pulled the trigger. Behind him, the dark night sky suddenly lit up as thousands of fightercraft repeated the same action and countless missiles swarmed towards the Alliance bomber formation.
Third Quarter, Second Fiscal Period, Ninth Day - 23:30
Airspace over Ywu, somewhere near K'wy
Commander Grafter broke his previous comm silence with a single command;
"Fire at will, and good luck men"
He gave the orders and performed the actions needed to open his B-2's bomb bays and launch his missiles. It would all be over soon. K'wy would be nothing more than a smoking crater in the ground.
OoC: The commando raid on the slave ship and the land invasion will be in subsequent posts.
Industrial Experiment
04-08-2004, 02:28
Official Notice from the Industrial Experiment / Chaos Experiment Relations Council
As you will now be noticing, we have initiated a blitzkrieg against your forces. We will continue to eliminate your armies with extreme prejudice unless you immediately withdraw your forces from Ywu territory and return any Ywuian civilians to their homes. After your withdrawl, we will, at your convenience, hold a peace conference at which we will decide the future of the Ywu nation. While we agree that their government is very morally corrupt and generally horrible at foriegn relations, we find your gross violation of basic human rights and the slaughtering of civilian and disarmed/surrendering Ywu military personnel unacceptable.
Please respond on the subject of your proposed withdrawl and a peace conference.
04-08-2004, 12:15
As the enemy missiles began to strike the BGBAF B-52s, their escort fighters turned to engage the enemy fighters, as the bombers dived to evade them. Soon a mass formation of 1000 F/A-22 Raptors had engaged the enemy forces.
Enemy missiles soon started impacting all around them. Bombers and fighters were going down, but the GBAF aircraft continued to engage, destroying much of the enemy formation. Fighters that ran out of ammunition began to ram enemy aircraft.
Intercept Wing 14, made up of 1500 F/A-22 Raptors, and Intercept Wings 16 and 17, both made up of 1500 Typhoon F.2s formed up and moved in to intercept the enemy fighter and bomber formations from the rear. Now that the enemy were completely surrounded, the Intercept Wings opened fire. 4500 fighters, each firing 6 missiles simultaneously. The light of the missiles' rocket motors lit up the night and turned it to day. With missiles away, the fighters then moved in with guns.
Alarms were sounding throughout the GBN Fleet. Enemy aircraft were inbound, but they were being taken care of by Bobghan fighters and ship-launched SAMs and guns. A wall of missiles and lead that the enemy would find nearly impossible to penetrate. The enemy missiles streaked towards the Bobghan fleet. 3 hit the Type 85 Cruiser EPS Annihilation which exploded in a mountain of flame. Several other destroyers and cruisers were hit and destroyed, and many more were damaged. Thankfully, the anti-air/anti-missile screen had held back most of the missiles and aircraft. Suddenly a massive explosion rocked the EPS Erica of the Hollins as she was struck by 4 SSMs. She began to list badly to port as the crew began desperately to abandon ship. A further missile hit broke her back, and she sank almost immediately. Her 5000 crew went down with her.
The GBN fighters and SAMs had managed to destroy most of the enemy missiles and aircraft, but the damage to the fleet was severe. In all 7 Destroyers, 4 Cruisers, 8 Frigates and the Aircraft Carrier Erica of the Hollins had been sunk.
Meanwhile, aboard the Astute Class Submarine EPS Triumph
XO Sir, we have managed to slip in behind the enemy carrier undetected. We have identified it as the Reprisal.
Captain Good. Do we have a firing solution?
XO Yes sir
Captain Very well. Man battle-stations torpedo. Flood bow-tubes 1 through 6.
Weaps Tubes flooded. Torpedos ready.
Captain Open torpedo tube hatches
Weaps Hatches open
Captain Goodbye Reprisal. Weaps, fire tubes 1 through 6
Weaps Aye sir. Torpedos away.
The Spearfish torpedos streaked from the bow of the Triumph, which dived through a Thermal Layer and headed away from the carrier at maximum speed. The torpedos were locked on their target, and activated their frequency shifting guidance system to prevent jamming. They moved in for the kill.
04-08-2004, 12:25
To Industrial Experiment:
We in the Grand Alliance do not take kindly to threats. If you think we were fully mobilised for the attack on Ywu, then you are sadly mistaken. This operation is but a small police action to us.
The people of Ywu are morally corrupt and evil. Ywu is a breeding ground for terrorists who have committed massive atrocities against our people. This is why we are attacking them and this is why we are showing them no mercy. We are showing them the same levels of mercy that they have shown our women and children in their attacks on our schools, our hospitals and our orphanages. Red Revenge terrorists from Ywu shoot elderly people as they sleep in their beds, children as they learn in their classrooms, and pregnant women in their stomachs to kill their babies as well. They refuse to attack military targets, choosing instead to attack vulnerable civilian targets. Their favourite targets prior to the invasion of Ywu were our hospitals. We have lost over 5000 people in attacks on our hospitals, and 3 hospitals have been destroyed by Red Revenge terrorists. In a recent attack on a theme park, they lined up a group of 27 terminally ill children in wheelchairs, and shot each of them in the back "just to prove a point".
By attacking us, then you are supporting and justifying these disgusting acts of terror. If you do not support these terrorists, then leave now, before we decide to mobilise our forces properly against you.
Any aircraft attempting to air drop supplies to enemy forces will be attacked and destroyed. Any land invasion will be interdicted and annihilated. Any attempt to intercept Alliance aircraft or shipping will be stopped, and the attacking forces destroyed.
To all Grand Alliance Nations:
In response to this aggression from Industrial Experiment, we have fully mobilised. We have introduced conscription in both Bobghanistan and Fostralia. Soon we will have an army of over 250 Million men (10% of each of population). Our full Air Force has been activated. All 115,000 combat aircraft of the GBAF and GBN will be ready for operations within days, with a further 100,000 in longer term storage begin prepared as we speak.
Round the clock Combat Air Patrols and Nuclear Alert Sorties have been launched. Our armed forces are at maximum alert.
The Maritime Strike Wings armed with my secret weapon are being prepared for a counter-attack on the enemy fleet.
Industrial Experiment
04-08-2004, 12:50
To Bobghanistan:
If this is the true situation, we offer our deepest apologies for this mistake, and wish that you would accept our condolences for any casualties our actions may have caused. In wishing to make this situation at least partially right, we will immediately withdraw all our current forces from the area and call off the land invasion. However, we still ask you to please not slaughter civilians wantonly, and at least keep them in camps until it can be determined which are terrorists and which are not.
We will wire 300 billion USD to your country in an effort to show how serious our apology is, and perhaps in an effort to provide relief money for the families of those lost in terrorist attacks from the nation of Ywu.
From the beginning we supported this war of yours, we only objected to the killing of every civilian you have run across, but we understand this action now. Again, we sincerely apologize for out rash actions.
04-08-2004, 16:47
(Cheesy Intro Music)
Hi I’m Dave Winchester and tonight on “The Kaisers Truth”… The Kaisers own 1st Army has successfully landed on the north West Coast of Ywe. We cross live to Major General Sir Henry Henwich-Smithe GC MP DSM KK (Kaisers Cross)
The 1st army would like to release a short statement. At 22:45 The 1st Army disembarked from the 1st flotilla of the Imperial Prussian Navy (IPN) and having secured a beachhead with ease are now proceeding inland interning all that we find to the last microbe. We proceed with all haste and dispatch to the target area where we hope to link with other alliance forces at the strategic center of the country thus cutting communication and supply. The forces that have been landed are as follows:
1st Offensive Army of 160, 000 plus auxiliaries e.g. nursing corps, medical, religious, moral etc. of perhaps another 50,000 personnel
1 Division Armoured
3 Mechanised Infantry
1 Division Artillery
Each Division comprises of 5 Brigades. Each Division has 32,000 men.
Each Brigade comprises of 4 Regiments 6,400 men per Brigade.
Each Regiment comprises of 4 Battalions. 1600 men per Regiment
Each Battalion on 400 men, 100 in each company, of 5 platoons of 20 of 4 sections of 5 men.
The KSBS and KSAS have been re-deployed offshore to IPN Flagship Imperial Prussia.
Thank You Ladies and Gentleman.
Thank you Major General.
We are also hearing that a second army of a similar composition has landed in another bay presumably of a similar size thus bringing fighting personnel in theatre to a strength of 320,000 men.
So far casualties have been light, with only one man being lost in a car crash late last night. Our thought and Prayers are with the mans family…
Coming up next what is bigger a fly or a beetle?? We’ll soon find out.
Jimnam is horrified by the unprovoked attack on the Bobghan fleet. The Jimnam 1st fleet will now maintain a close proximity to the remainder of the Bobghan fleet for added protection. As an extra precaution we will deploy our SSBN fleet around Ywu and attack any hostile fleets that threaten our forces. We offer Bobghanistan the use of our fleet carriers to maintain combat operations.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
On the Jimnam front line:
We are pleased to recieve the reinforcements from Kenistan and are beginning our sustained artillery bombardment upon the city. Civilians that flee to our lines will be well treated, but they will be searched incase any terrorists try to escape. Terrorists will be shot on sight. If Kenistan agrees. We would like to link up their main infantry formation with the 1st Jimnam Rifles Division to being assaulting the city. It is our intention to hold back the armour until the level of threat is assertained.
In response to the blatant attack on Alliance forces, 500 Ashtrian Incursion Cylinders were launched towards Ywu to face off the forces of Industrial Experiment. More Sentinal class attack vessels were also dispatched to the combat area to reinforce the Bobghan and Jimnam fleets.
As the incursion cylinders arrived, we learned of Industrial Experiment's withdrawl from the area. Many of the crew were irritated by not getting the chance to slaghter enemy forces. However their frustrations were vented on a Red Revenge terror camp just north of O'ho.
The Sentinals already in Ywu waters helped with survivors of the battered Bobghan and Jimnam fleets. However their vigilence remains constant.
The Ashtrian forces in the now secured city of K'wy are preparing for the final advance into the Ywu captial, D'Liqi. Fighting Machines were now fully operational and the infantry clones were raring to go. Group Sector Captain Eric Dasini addressed the fully prepared forces from his position in the lead fighting machine:
Group Sector Captain Eric Dasini: "Gentlemen! We all know what is going to happen next. In the next five minutes, we are going to advance towards the capital city of D'Liqi. The fighting machines will provide pinpoint firing cover as our troops enter the city. Most of the Red Revenge forces have been wiped out. Assuming their military competance equals ours, it is likely that they would have concentrated their forces in D'Liqi. However they are utterly INcompetant!!"
A roar of laughter fills the dusk air. It is suddenly cut short as Dasini raises his hand.
Dasini: "Jimnam, Bobghanistan, ImperlisticPrussia and all the other alliance members have bravely fought the enemy to get us here today. Many of their forces have combined with ours to give us the ultimate advantage. Many lives have been lost when we were attacked from an outside enemy. We MUST make sure that those men's lives were NOT lost in vain! We will ensure the capture of D'Liqi and the execution of Ywu's leaders!"
The troops roar with praise as Group Sector Captain Eric Dasini decends into the control com of the fighting machine. As the cheering continues, all fighting machines exhalted, emitting defening howls which roared like thunder!
Dasini: "In the name of Supreme Overlord General Ashman, Ashtria and the Grand Alliance... ADVANCE AND ATTACK, ATTACK AND DESTROY!!!"
The mass clone army marched forward in perfect syncranisation. The Ashtrian tripods advanced in gigantic steps effortlessly moving over the rugged terrain and raising their heat rays to bare on the Ywu city ahead...
Elected Leader was sitting at his desk within the Government Enclosure. Despite a nationwide banning of cigerettes, he was puffing away at one. The ashtray was full of cigerrete butts, which would pose a severe fire hazard. But considering that the city he was in would likely be reduced to a smouldering pile of rubble, there seemed little point in being cautious.
He looks up at the camera ahead of him, knowing that what he was going to say would have little impact on the rioting crowds outside.
Elected Leader: "My Comrades. The forces of the Grand Alliance are nearly upon us. Dispite the brave efforts of our own military and the Red Revenge, the forces of Ashtria, Bobghanistan, Imperialistic Prussia, Leeasia and the rest of the alliance will soon enter the city perimeter of D'Liqi."
He composes himself whilst taking a large swig from a bottle of banned whiskey.
Elected Leader: "As your Elected Leader, I must make sure that this administration lives on. I call upon the gallient citizens of Ywu to fight against the coming darkness. I ask you to lay down your lives to allow time for myself and the other important cabinet members to escape..."
Outside on the city streets, shop windows are being smashed as looters raid every electrical store they can find. Unsuprisingly, the charity shops are set on fire with the employed members still inside.
A few Tellies showing Elected Leader's speech are clearly visable to the crowd.
Elected Leader: "...Surrender is not an option. Remember, political correctness must be upheld at all costs. I am going now to a secret location. Farewell loyal citizens of Ywu."
Mob 1: "That BASTARD!! He promises better living and what does he do? He starts a war with the Grand Alliance and leaves us to clear up his mess!!"
Mob 2: "Yeah!!
Mob 3: "Lets tear this place apart!"
[Mob 4:[/B] "That's what we're doing any way isn't it?"
Mob 3: "Yeah well... lets do it some more!!"
Mob 5: "I say we find our 'Elected Leader' and hand him to the alliance. They will probably thank us!"
Main Mob Group: "Yeah! Kill Elected Leader!"
The largest group set off towards the Government Enclosure carrying flaming torches and devices of a bludgeoning nature...
04-08-2004, 21:20
To Industrial Experiment:
We grudgingly accept your apology, and your compensation payment. Your actions have left many loyal Bobghan citizens dead, and sent many of our finest warships to the bottom of the sea. These actions will not be forgotten. I trust that your forces were suitably battered by my defences (and what happened to the Reprisal? I trust my 6 torpedos were sufficient to cripple it).
04-08-2004, 21:40
The following is a statement from El Presidente Bobski, Supreme Ruler of Greater Bobghanistan:
12,000 men dead and wounded. 20 of our finest warships, including the First Lady's namesake carrier, Erica of the Hollins sunk. 25 more ships severely damaged, including the carriers Bobghanistan, Invincible and Bobski. Approximately 450 aircraft shot down. Today has been a sad day for Greater Bobghanistan. I have declared a nationwide day of mourning, to commemorate the loss of these brave men, who died in the cause of justice, and the defence of the Grand Alliance. It is a day that will live in infamy. A day that we will not soon forget.
However, their losses were not in vain. Our gallant forces took a heavy toll on their attackers. Early reports estimate that around 70-80% of the enemy aircraft were destroyed, although these figures have yet to be confirmed. We also managed to attack their flagship, the Reprisal, although we do not how badly she was damaged. Also, we have learnt from survivors that many of the frigates and destroyers that were sunk had deliberately steered themselves into positions of vulnerability during the attack in order to defend the capital ships of the combined Grand Alliance fleet. They had also used their radar and radio systems to attract enemy missiles that were not shot down in order that they would not strike at our main ships. The commanders and crews of these vessels will all be awarded the new Bobski Cross, our highest award for bravery, which I have just created especially to commemorate their brave sacrifice.
Our offensive operations will be reduced for the moment, although air support will continue to be provided as and when it is required. This reduction is to allow us to consolidate our position and defend what's left of our fleet. We thank Jimnam for the use of their strike carriers for our aircraft, and for providing additional defences for our fleet. We hope that the sacrifice of our ships was sufficient to protect their capital ships from harm.
To Bobghanistan:
If this is the true situation, we offer our deepest apologies for this mistake, and wish that you would accept our condolences for any casualties our actions may have caused. In wishing to make this situation at least partially right, we will immediately withdraw all our current forces from the area and call off the land invasion. However, we still ask you to please not slaughter civilians wantonly, and at least keep them in camps until it can be determined which are terrorists and which are not.
We will wire 100,000 billion USD to your country in an effort to show how serious our apology is, and perhaps in an effort to provide relief money for the families of those lost in terrorist attacks from the nation of Ywu.
From the beginning we supported this war of yours, we only objected to the killing of every civilian you have run across, but we understand this action now. Again, we sincerely apologize for out rash actions.
Red Revenge General: "Elected Leader. We have just received reports that our so called 'savior' has just pulled out of the fighting!"
Elected Leader: "WHAT?! How can Batman give up now? We need him the most!"
Red Revenge General looks at Elected Leader in utter confusion. It is difficult to believe that someone with the apparent intelligence to run a country should resort to spouting complete rubbish.
RR General: "Nnnnno sir. I mean the nation of Industrial Experiment. They engaged the enemy forces and now our sources say that they have given a payout in excess of 100 billion dollars!"
Elected Leader: "Those yellow-bellied, capitalist PIGS! They have the gall to enter the war on our side and now they run away like cowards...?"
RR General: "Calm down Elected Leader. They did manage to wipe out half of the Bobghan and Jimnam fleets. Besides, you'll likely burst an alcer if you keep this up!"
Elected Leader: "Thats' it! Ready my plane. We leave tonight!"
RR General: "Sir we are already on your plane heading away from D'Liqi."
Elected Leader: "Really?"
RR General: "Yes sir. Your cowardace forced us to make a run for it with the other Cabinet members. We abandoned the Government Enclosure five hours ago."
Elected Leader: "Can anyone track us?"
RR General: "No sir. We are well beyond the combat zone. Besides, decoy planes were launched carrying council members. They'll be picked up or killed before they come anywhere near us and by then we will be safely hidden."
Elected Leader: "Good... good. Are there any tinned tofu beans?"
The plane carrying the Ywu administration flies off into the night and beyond the current capabilities of any alliance tracking system.
In D'Liqi, mobs continue to loot any stores which aren't banned from selling anything decent. Riots soon turn to mass fights to the death. The shouting and screaming and blood-curdling yelling echos through all the streets, only to be silenced by the sound of a distant thumping. To many Ywu civillians, this menacing vibration is all too familiar. For it is the sound of distant Fighting Machines marching towards D'Liqi. It is only a matter of time now...
Red Tide2
05-08-2004, 02:21
Then, horrors upon horrors, the Ywu plane flies into Red Tide airspace and radar range. A SU-37 and a MIG-39 take off from a airbase and pulled along side the airplane. The pilots immediatly contact the other plane. "Please state your buisness in Red Tide airspace IMMEDIATLY! We want full identification, Faliure too comply will result in you being shot down."
Industrial Experiment
05-08-2004, 03:31
OoC: I am sorry, I haven't had much time today to get online, and currently, I only have a few more minutes. Would it bother you overly much if I merely listed casualties? I can RP it out in an edit of this post tomorrow. Well, not list, but a very crude explaination of losses.
950 of our Self-produced Phoenix-N's were destroyed in the initial missile barrage, with 545 more succumbing to damage along the route home. Though a good 1/10th of the attacking airforce being destroyed is a very grevious wound, a large number more were saved by the 36 Valefor fighters, which used several of their high-tech systems to distract, destroy, or fool thousands of enemy missiles. The ICRC is once again proven that, though the Valefor fighters cost them a largefortune, the purchase was well worth it. However, not all the fighters escaped undamaged. 12 of the Valefors were pounded by missile hits, and all of them will be undergoing extensive repairs upon return to homebase, and all the Valefors will be undergoing an extensive overhaul of systems.
As far as the navy goes, a large majority of the less advanced F-35 JSF jets were lost in the initial attack on the enemy fleet. These losses, bringing the number of active duty F-35's to 100, down from 3,000 only yesterday, have convinced current navy brass to suspend any further production of the fighter and shift all funds to other projects. The upgraded Phoenix-N's, however, fared much better. A relativily small number was lost, only 47 at the last count. The Reprisal was severely damaged by the torpedo attacks, and surrounding fleet tenders attempted to tow it home. However, half-way through the journey, due to heavy portside listing, the ship was evacuted and allowed to sink, and command of the fleets was moved to one of the twenty-nine other Behemoth aircraft carriers in the battlegroup.
Also, the entire of the MBP pact will be observing a day of respectful silence to attempt to learn from the mistakes performed upon this day. The ICRC war council is being dissolved and a smaller, intervention council is to take its place.
Pilot: "General sir! We are being contacted. We appear to have entered Red Tide airspace. They demand that we identify ourselves!"
RR General: "Great, this is all we need!" He flicks the communication switch "This aircraft is carrying the legitimatly elected leader of Ywu. We require safe passage through your airspace and if possible, a fighter escort. Over..."
06-08-2004, 15:56
(Cheesy Music)
Hi I’m Dave Winchester, and tonight on “The Kaisers Truth”: Prussian Forces reach the city of “Ta’pai the Moral” and are gathering strength at the boarders, and in Domestic News, Man v’s Nature: The Road to victory.
The 1st and 2nd Army have reached the city of Ta’poor. Pathfinders have been send into the suburbs and embedded with them is our reporter Ted McCSporen.
Dave: Hi Ted, what’s the scene?
Ted: Well it appears the work of the psychological units are having an effect. On hearing the words of their elected leader and seeing him enjoying cigarettes and whisky has confirmed what the Grand Alliance has been saying. They now wish to join our Capitalist paradise and have been begging our fine servicemen to liberate them from the last shackles of their previous oppressors. They are saying in effect to give them the tools so they can do the job, however it seems unlikely after years of oppression from the Commie scum they are probably gutless, through no fault of their own, it must be said. With the work of Prussians everywhere we can turn this around so that they can hunt and kill their old leader.
Dave: I see. When will our boys move in?
Ted: It seems that as soon as safe areas are establish by the pathfinders, who we understand to be 13LI (13th Light Infantry Regiment) (Hesse) with elements of the 43rd Kaisers Light Artillery Regiment (Brandenburg) attached, with air support provided by IPNAF (Imperial Prussian Navy Air Force) 23 and 24 Squadron Infantry Attack. These fly from IPN Imperial Prussia and the mobile base Air Force A operations center, established a few days ago and can bring in mobile reserves to flashpoints. We understand these to be the 23rd Imperial Regiment for the Defence of the Empire and, aside from this, if needed for brute force the 21st Armoured Division stands by to overrun the city, aided by the 12 Mechanised Division and 2nd, and 4th Joint Attack Squadrons armoured with the fullest array of weapons.
Dave: Well that’s Super!!
Now can man beat nature…
The D'Liqi skyline is alive with activity as Ashtrian Fighting Machines systematically target government and media buildings and any person with the stupidity to resist. An orange-red glow, reminisent of a sunset fills the air. It is a beautiful sight, a scene worthy to be displayed in an art gallery. On the ground, clone troops advance and apprehend any surrendering Ywu civillian.
The advance is swift and clean, as resistence is barely a 10th of the city's population.
Jimnam forces have entered the capital from the north. We have met with moderate resistance but the 25th Infantry Division is advancing swiftly from street to street removing this resistance. Civilians are being evacuated to the safety of our lines outside the city. The 1st Armoured Division has entered the city behind our infantry to provide close fire support to our troops. We expect to link up with Ashtrian forces within the next day. Our VII Corps attached to the Ashtrian front is reporting that several hundred Red Revenge supporters were captured after trying to circle around Alliance lines in an attempt to ambush Ashtrian supply lines. These terrorists will be turned over to the C.R.A.P.
Jimnam has also sent several recovery vessles out to the sight of the recent naval engagements. We believe that it may be possible to raise parts of Bobghanistan's lost carrier. We would also like to inform Bobghanistan that construction is ready to begin of a Jimnam Class Carrier to replace the one that was destroyed. All we need is confirmation that they would like this gift and construction may commence.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
(Stilton Cheesey music blatantly recorded from a scratched record)
"I'm Kanvas Greenstill, reproting LIVE from the outskirts if D'Liqi!
In the background there are distant explosions and faint signs of movement from Ashtrian Fighting Machines and Jimnam military hardware. The overall hue is a redish orange.
"Our capital city has fallen before the evil Grand Alliance. Enemy forces are moving in from the north and west perimeters. We are receiving reports that civillians are being slaughtered before the towering tripods and the infantry. More and more Ywu civillians are surrendering and betraying our Elected Leader who had to leave D'Liqi for reasons we must assume are vital to the survival of our nation.
"We have a reporter inside the city centre. She is right in the middle of the action! We go live now to Rainbow Trinity, reporting from Market Centre!"
Cuts to Rainbow Trinity...
"Thanks Kanvas! I'm standing right in the line of fire. There are fighting machines all around us. Clone armies are mercilessly killing innocent men, women and children!"
Behind Rainbow, there are a small group of Ywu civillians being helped by a small platoon of clones. A Red Revenge millitia runs into frame and points his gun at the civillians. He has no time to fire as he is shot to pieces by the protective clone soldiers who escort the group into a military ambulance.
"Just north of us is the Jimnam invasion force advancing towards us! I have been given drafted by the Red Revenge and given this gun to help fight off the invaders!"
She displays her firearm which is an old 19th Century Cavalry revolver. As she cocks back the hammer, Jimnam infantry emerge from a street road. Rainbow turns to face them.
"Here come the enemy now!! I know Elected Leader would be proud of the bravery of the few remaining TRUE Ywu citizens!"
She is spotted by the leading soldiers who instantly take up a defensive posture. The lead soldier speaks:
"You over there! Put the weapon on the ground and raise your hands!"
Feeling brave but looking very stupid, Rainbow raises her weapon.
Stupidly ignoring a perfectly simple instruction from the Jimnam soldiers, she fires off one round. She doesn't get a chance to finish as she is cut to peices by the highly trained marksmenship of the Jimanm infantry. Her bloodied body hits the floor as the camera cuts to interference snow.
Cuts back to Kanvas Greenstill who looks VERY pale!
"Oh my Omnipotent Being of All Religions! What you have seen is proof of the Alliance's merciless killings. Without ANY word of warning, they simply executed an innocent woman. A WOMAN!!!!
Now, news and sport from your regions..."
Cuts to a childish drawing, mis-spelling news and spliced with hardcore porn.
07-08-2004, 02:12
The 3rd Kenistani Marine Expeditionary Corps comprising the 1st and 2nd Kenistani Marine Infantry divisions as well as the 4th Armoured Division have now entered the city to the south, with the 1st Marine Infantry, 5th and 6th Armoured Divisions held in reserve. The Marines have penetrated far into the city, and our now just 2 blocks away from government house, the fighting here is exceptionally fierce.
The Kenistani 6th Army (Airborne) has just performed its initial series of landings to the East of the City to prevent any possible reinforcement or escape by government officials. The second wave will jump in a few hours time directly onto the Jimnam Army lines in order to relieve Jimnam's beleagured troops. As per are agreement with Industrial Nations, civillians are being evacuated from the Forward Edge of Battle Area as and when we come across them.
Finally, given that Industrial Nation's assault missed/ignored the Kenistani invasion fleet, I now have a whole fleet of empty transportation ships. As such, the Bobghan Navy may have any use of the transport ships to pickup or transfer any survivors off your doubtlessly cramped ships and to transfer them safely back to bobghanistan. The ships are already headed home but are under orders to assist in any way so feel free to direct them at your pleasure El Presidente.
Fuhrer landw
07-08-2004, 02:28
To the victor go the spoils..Crush them!
Ashtrian Fighting Machines have reached the Government Enclosure! They dwarf the building as they stand on the western side opposite the Kenistani military forces. The deadly heat rays are focused onto the section where many politicians have sought sanctuary. The voice of Group Sector Captain Eric Dasini echos out from the leading tripod:
Dasini: "You are surrounded by The Grand Alliance! We have decided to give you the oppertunity to surrender yourselves unconditionally! If you fail to comply, we will reduce the Government Enclosure to ashes. You have TEN minutes!"
Inside the Government Enclosure, the few remaining council members cower under the left side benches.
Council 1: "What are we going to do? If we go out there, they will kill us!"
Council 2: "We can't just sit here. If we stay we are dead for sure."
Council 3: "What would Elected Leader say if we surrendered? He wouldn't be very happy."
Council 2: "Elected Leader? He has run off and left us! Don't waste any more neural energy thinking about him!"
Council 1: "We all know what the alliance are like. They kill innocent people without hesitation.
Council 3: "Thats true. Did you see the news report? They killed a reporter!"
Dasini's voice: "You now have FIVE minutes!"
Council 2: "We don't have time to argue. There is a chance they will show mercy. If we stay here we are dead for sure!"
Council 1: "I don't want to take that chance. Its safer in here!"
Council 3: "Its like Elected Leader said. The ordinary Ywu people will come to our rescue."
Council 2: "You're both PRICKS! I'm going out there.
Council 1: "You can't call us pricks. That is sexist against women and it is slang for...
Council 2: "SHUT UP with that PC crap. I've had it up to here with it. Elected Leader betrayed us. I'm going to help them find him." Council 2 gets up and briskly walks towards the exit "DON'T SHOOT. I'M COMING OUT!!!"
With his hands in the air, Council 2 walks out of the Government Enclosure and into the sight of the Alliance forces...
Flower Bunny
07-08-2004, 09:52
You guys are so cool...
Jimnam has secured its sector of the city. Our front line is in sight of Government House. Our forces have successfully linked up with both Ashtrian and Kenistani forces.
As a special announcement to Bobghanistan, we have found the crew of a B-52 alive and well in house in D'Liqui. The men are alive and well. After an examination from medical staff, they will be flown out to the Alliance fleet where they can be reunited with their families.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
Council 2 emerges from the main entrance and slowly strolls towards the lead fighting machine with his hands rasied. As he approaches, Clone soldiers surround him and escort him to a waiting black van with the words 'C.R.A.P Pizza Deliveries - You Can't Resist Us!' written on both sides. There is no further activity from the building...
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____
Supreme Overlord General Ashman is having a game of archery on the hundred achre grounds of the Ashtrian Palace. He has only recently taken up the sport. He prepares his next arrow and shoots. It flies past the target and impales into a nearby tree, inches above the head of the grounds keeper.
Aide: "A splendid shot sir!"
Commander-in-Chief: "Absolutely top rate Magnificence. You are most definately a natural!"
Ashman: "I think I am getting the hang of this. I can't believe I haven't noticed this form of killing before!"
Aide: "It is most regrettable that it is nearly a lost art Exhalted One. The advent of modern projectile and thermal weaponary has overshadowed the simpler items."
Ashman: "It is not as much fun without live targets. But until we get more Red Revenge prisoners from the front lines I guess I'll have to make do with paper and the occasional child molesters."
As Ashman draws back his next shot, a messenger approaches from behind carrying an iPod. He hands it to the Commander-in-Chief and walks off. As he does, Ashman turns around and shoots his arrow straight through the leg of the messenger who falls to the ground in agony.
Ashman: "A moving target is always good practice to tune the coordination. Don't you agree C-in-C?"
C-in-C: Looks up briefly from the contents of the iPod "Absolutely Most Noble One!"
Ashman signals two medics who rush in and carry the messenger off the grounds.
Aide: "I was just wondering Brilliance, what are your plans for Ywu once we have taken it?"
Ashman: He prepares another arrow and takes aim "I have a few ideas, which I'm sure the other Grand Alliance leaders will like. Most of them involving an idea of a gladiator style sport."
Aide: "Forgive me preeminence, but do you mean the physical ITV style gladiators or the original Roman bloodsport?"
Ashman: "Oh the bloodsport naturally. The ancient Romans certainly had the best ideas about entertainment," He focuses on the target "and we don't want all those Red Revenge prisoners wasting away in confinement, we have the perfect method to entertain the people." Ashman shoots his arrow and it hits the target near dead centre. He displays a sadistic grin. "You can never appreciate the classics too much!"
Aide: "Such a brilliant and nobal idea Mighty One. I'm sure your august presence alone will prove that it is an idea worthy to be practiced!"
Commander-in-Chief complacently interrupts and shows General Ashman the iPod.
C-in-C: "I beg forgivness Mighty One, but I have news on the Ywu situation." Ashman takes the iPod "Our forces have surrounded the Government Enclosure."
Ashman: "Excellent! I trust there are prisoners?"
C-in-C: "One Council member has surrendered to us, but the rest continue to hide within the enclosure."
Ashman: "Very well. Since they prefer oblivion to existence, then we shall oblige. Eliminate them!"
C-in-C: "Right away Magnificence!"
Ashman: "Oh and well done in converting an iPod from a music player to a hand-held war update. It certainly gives it some style."
C-in-C: "Thank you Supreme Overlord."
Commander-in-Chief heads back to the palace. Ashman draws back another arrow and ponders.
Ashman: "Hmmmm. 'The Grand Gladiators of the Grand Alliance...' It might work as a title."
He shoots his arrow...
Independent Nutters
07-08-2004, 21:06
The commonwealth of independent nutters would like to request that all Alliance Navies be of the look out for around five thousand of our nations elite Marine corps. They were last seen during a predeployment speach been given by their commander, General Barrat-Willington-Smith, given to them in the embarcation station in our navel ship yards.
It is belived that his speach may have something to do with the disapearence, as this following extract shows:
" For the first time in our great History we are going to war along side the great hero's of the fighting forces of great nations such as Jimnam and Bobgahnistan. Blood will be spilled, men will get caught up in barbed wire and with out mercy shot, and thats just what will happen to any prisoners we take. But i know that you my loyal commrades in arms with do you duty in removing the Ywu threat from this plane of reality, even if you have to swim the oceans and ripe them apart with your bare hands. Now go get them lads!!!!!!!!"
UNfortunatly for the general, the joint chiefs of staff and several high level political officers who happened to be there for the photo op, and at the amusement of the world press, the Elite path finger brigade turned around and did just that. Believing that to be a direct order they were last seen swiming out of the port heading for ywu. So if any of the alliance navy warships on station in the war zone see's our guys let us know where they are.
Many Thanks
Independent Nutters
07-08-2004, 21:08
my speling hasnt got any better.
You guys are so cool...
You don't have to tell us... We know!!! :) (giggle)
07-08-2004, 23:10
We would like to thank Jimnam for their kind offer of a new Jimnam-class carrier. We would like to accept this gracious offer immediately. We are also overjoyed at the return of the missing B-52 crew. On debriefing, it was learnt that they had been in hiding since the first 1000 bomber raid on D'Liqi, and have managed to evade capture of many occasions. To commemorate this, they have all been awarded the Bobghan Medal of Valour.
On the subject of our lost carrier, EPS Erica of the Hollins, much as we appreciate Jimnam's offer to raise parts of it, we would prefer it to be left on the sea-bed, as it is a war-grave for the 5000 men who died on board. We will station marker buoys in the area to mark the spot where she went down, and we respectfully request that all Grand Alliance vessels avoid passing either directly over the wreck, or through the main area where our fleet went down (also to be marked by marker buoys), as a mark of respect to those brave men who died in the cause of freedom, justice and capitalism.
We would like to accept Kenistan's offer of passage for the survivors of our fleet. We will helicopter them over to the Kenistani transport ships, for transportation back to Bobghanistan.
Greater Bobghan Special Forces have been helicoptered into all the major cities in Ywu, to assist in any counter-insurgency operations that may be necessary. The GBAF has begun to withdraw its aircraft from the area, although a substantial force will still be left for the defence of Ywu, and for the protection and support of Grand Alliance forces. Our fleet has begun the long journey home. Many of our ships were damaged in the attack by Industrial Experiment, and as a result the fleet is operating at a reduced level of effectiveness. We ask the other Alliance naval powers to assist in the defence of our fleet while it heads back to Bobghanistan.
Somewhere in Ywu:
Red Revenge General: "Elected Leader, I have some grave news. D'Liqi has fallen."
Elected Leader is eating a tin of tofu beans. He pauses, upon hearing the fate of the capital city.
RR General: "Reports are sketchy so far, but the Government Enclosure is surrounded and the alliance are baying for blood."
Elected Leader: "I take it that all Ywu citizens died fighting for my escape?"
RR General: "Erm... not quite sir. Initial reports indicate that over 98% of D'Liqi's population surrendered and/or defected."
Elected Leader: "Of that 98%, which ones defected?"
RR General: "100% sir"
Elected Leader: "Ungreatful TRAITORS! After all I did for them." Elected Leader throws his tofu beans accross the room and sits back with his arms crossed. "I treated everyone as equals. Everyone got equal pay, equal quality of life, equal everything! There were no exceptions!"
RR General: "Well, except for you sir. You lavished yourself on luxury living, lots of money and expensive holidays."
Elected Leader: "Well I AM the Elected Leader. I am entitled to a few treats no and then!"
RR General: "You mean daily treats funded by the taxpayers..."
Elected Leader: "Enough! I am the true leader of Ywu, therefor I can have whatever I want! And I want the Grand Alliance defeated!"
RR General: "That will be difficult sir. Our military is non-existent"
Elected Leader: "Then we need new methods. THINK of some will you? You ARE a general after all!"
RR General: "............very well. I'll do all the thinking. I guess you'll want to remain here, waiting to become leader again?"
Elected Leader: "I told you before. I don't do the heavy stuff. That is left to those in least important jobs."
Red Revenge General turns and walks out the room. His mind fills with various 'what if' scenarios...
It seems that any naval threat Ywu has now no longer exists. All four Ashtrian Sentinals will take up positions alongside the Bobghan fleet and will escort them back to Bobghanistan. We will respect the area limits of the marker bouys and have paid our own respects to the tragic loss of such fine sailors.
As per orders from Supreme Overlord General Ashman, the Ywu Government Enclosure was atomised by the surrounding Alliance forces. This has sent shockwaves throughout Ywu as many military positions are surrendering. There are still pockets of resistence which we need to dispose of before we can claim victory in the name of The Grand Alliance.
As for the Elected Leader, his whereabouts are sketchy but we will find. Make no mistake, he WILL be found!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Jimnam is preparing to move forces out of Ywu. We shall leave behind the 5th Army which is to be based on the Western Coast. Elements will be deployed further inland. The 3rd and 4th fleets will remain on station in the meantime to protect and escort our troops home. The 9th fleet will then move to Ywu to provide security for Allaince forces.
Bobghanistan. The Jimnam Class Carrier is now under construction and we are working triple shifts to get it built as quickly as possible. Also our 1st and 2nd fleets will escort your ships back to Kenistasia. Any wounded may be sent to our carriers for immediate transfer back to Bobghanistan via carrier delivery craft. We estimate a journey time of approximately 1 and a half weeks.
Independent Nutters; One of our destroyer patrols have picked up a company of your marines a few miles off shore. Several are being treated onboard the JGN Jimnam for hypothermia. They will be returned home as soon as the fleet reaches Kenistasia.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
08-08-2004, 02:11
Very well, I’ve sent orders to my troops to begin preparations to return home. Once the transport fleet has returned the Bobghan Navy survivors to Bobghanistan they'll need to be re-stocked and re-fuelled before they set out across the sea for Ywu. Admiral Jim, if I have to send the fleet around the Jimnam peninsular it will add another two weeks to the journey, could they restock in one of Jimnam's naval bases? Obviously we will reimburse you for any costs.
As a general message to the Alliance, now that we have defeated Ywu, what are we going to do with the island? Even if Jimnam accepts my request to re-fuel/re-stock in one of their ports my Marines and Airborne units are going to be in Ywu for a long time, will I be able to keep the bases that i have temporarily constructed in Ywu or will I have to destroy them?
Given that my troops will be in Ywu for a while, if we are going to stay in Ywu, shall I take the first control of the occupation/peacekeeping units? We could call it the Grand Alliance Stabilisation Force or GASFOR for short. The commander of this theoretical organisation would control all Alliance units based in and around Ywu. Command could rotate between various heads of the Alliance on a 6 monthly basis*.
Intelligence Briefing:
The 1st Intelligence Directorate (Signals Intelligence) has been monitoring all communications in and out of Ywu since the beginning of the War. Although during the war we were able to pinpoint the exact location of the new government building in D'Liqi used by the Elected Leader, we do not believe that the Elected Leader was killed in the battle. The same chatter and voice scrambling units used by the former government of Ywu are still in operation all over the island.
The units are used only sparingly so that we cannot pinpoint their precise location. The units need only be in use for a short period of time, it takes just 6 seconds for us to triangulate the exact broadcast position, so they only have to slip up once and they we will have them. Once their position is located, one of the Peephole (Codename PH-14) Imaging Satellites scans the precise area and will observe the targets, even following them. This will allow us to know their location permanently. 'Snatch' squads from the 3rd Intelligence Directorate (Special Actions) can then remove them for interrogation.
In order to assist the 1st Intelligence Directorate in its operations please be on the look out for any Ywu civilians using any device that may transmit data in an encrypted text form, i.e. Mobile Phones, Laptop Computers, Palmtop Computers, even I-Pods are to be suspected. Needless to say, we would request that all Cyber Cafe's are to be closed, offices stripped of PC's and all individuals who own home PC's to be rounded up and interrogated, just in case.
Sir Eustace Auld Fahrquar
Director of Kenistani Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Briefing ends
Congratulations on a magnificent victory gentleman all hail the Alliance!!
His Most Kenistani Majesty Emperor Kennius Jonesius VII
*ooc: This could last for one week in the real world.
I am former Council Member Greg Johnson, formally named Peaceful Ethnic Nature. His body is trembling with fear as he reads from a piece of paper After spending a most pleasent period of time in the custody of the Ashtrian CRAP agency, I wish to announce Ywu's complete and utter surrender of all her forces and territories to the authorities of The Grand Alliance. As of this date; Sunday 8th August 2004, Ywu is now no longer at war and submits herself as property of the Grand Alliance. As such, Ywu has been renamed as The Grand Alliance Territory of Ywu and our flag now bears the Grand Alliance insignia.
He takes a shakey deep breath We have seen the might of the alliance and ask that you are lenient towards us as our former leader was the one who started this war.
We accept that the only recognised leadership of Ywu will be the Grand Alliance. Since our Government Enclosure was atomised by Alliance forces, I am the only surviving Council member and I pledge my undying loyalty to the alliance and promise to serve their best interests.
Any and all Red Revenge activists are now enemies of Ywu and have no safe haven here. Anyone commiting acts of violence towards alliance forces will be treated without mercy. We shall also commit manpower to help search for our former Elected Leader.
I wish to thank the Grand Alliance for their timely arrival and saving us from a communist dictatorship. I have also informed the public that everyone with crap names like I had, are to report to their assigned Grand Alliance offices for a name change.
Thank you.
Jimnam has recieved Kenistans request. We will of course allow thier ships to refuel and resupply in our ports. Elements of the 3rd fleet will escort your ships to and from Ywu. We also have the capacity to transport a division of your troops back immediately via 6 assault ships that were deployed for evacuation of civilians. These can recieve troops anytime.
To Ywu: Jimnam accepts your surrender. We shall begin to pull troops out within 2 weeks. However we shall leave the 5th Army to act as peacekeepers. After a 1 year period we shall consider down sizing this commitment.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
The Ashtrian military presence shall remain significant. Ywu has been an ancient nemesis of Ashtria for centuries, so they will have to earn our trust. There will be a reasonable number of fighting machines allocated to each city and surrounding towns. Clone personel shall form play a large part in the new Ywu police force until such a time where we can introduce Ywu civillians into more high ranking positions.
As for captued terriroties, I recommend that those sectors remain under the control of those alliance nations whose forces currently occupy them. This will ease the burden of committing large military units as we can each look after our own sectors.
We are also looking into installing a provisonal government with representatives from our nations, voicing our own leader's wishes and opinions over the Ywu country. This will also serve as the command centre for the GASFOR peace keeping force proposed by Kenistan. A six month rotational period of command between each alliance head is agreed.
Ywu will undoubtably be an unstable place for a while, but I believe with our combined efforts we will crush the rebellion with one swift blow! As for the former leaders of Ywu who have gone into hiding, I recommend a search force consisting of air, ground and sea units be established with orders to bring the Elected Leader to us ALIVE. Supreme Overlord General Ashman wishes to head this individual's show... er 'legitimate' trial and giving other rebel leaders to the pleasure of everyone else to try.
As the war is now over and we are the undisputed victors, Ashtria has returned to DEFCON 4. The celebrations are ripe in the city centres with large barbecues, fireworks, beer chugging and mass fornications happening everywhere.
Supreme Overlord General Ashman is holding celebrations in his palace with a new brew of 'Ashtrian Ale' pouring out of every tap after the kegs were hooked up to the water mains. All Alliance members are welcome. Bring your own hunting rifles, as there will be midnight hunting with Red Revenge prisoners as game.
Somewhere in Ywu:
RR General: Solomly "Elected Leader, I have some news. The war is over."
Elected Leader: "Excellent! Did we win?"
Red Revenge General looks at Elected Leader with a forced neutral expression.
RR General: "No sir, we lost."
Elected Leader: "Damn! How do you know?"
RR General: Holds up a video cassette "This tape has the latest news before it was... dibanded."
Elected Leader: "Oh very good General, but we don't have a video player or a television!"
RR General: "Yes we do sir, it is right in front of you."
Elected Leader stares at the small wood finish box in front of him as Red Revenge General inserts the cassette. The TV flickers on to a scene of a post war city.
"I am Kanvas Greenstill reporting to you. I would like to read the follwoing statement, but I do so under..." A hand gun can be heard out of shot being cocked " own free will. The war is over and the Grand Alliance are victorious. I will happily provide impartial news reports to you on the greatness and superiority of the Grand Alliance of my own free will. I would like to assure the viewers that there ISN'T a gun pointing at my head and I HAVEN'T been threatened with torture should I give inaccurate bullitins about our new confederate overlords.
This is Kanvas Greenstill, still feeling rather green..."
The TV snaps off
RR General: "THATS how we know."
Elected Leader: "Hmmmm. Since he said that there wasn't a gun pointing at him, we must assume he is telling the truth.
Red Revenge General squints his eyes in frustration at the contradictions in his superior's last sentence.
RR General "I think the best thing we can do now is bide our time. Wait for an oppertunity."
Elected Leader: "General you have remarkable preminitions. I was just about to say that."
RR General sighs "Yes sir."...
08-08-2004, 17:04
We in Greater Bobghanistan accept the surrender of Ywu, and will contribute Special Forces troops and air support to GASFOR.
We will keep a large contingent of aircraft in the area to support Alliance occupation/peace-keeping operations, but the majority of our force will return to Bobghanistan. There have already been massive celebrations in the streets, and once our glorious fighting men return, we shall have a huge victory parade and flypast. During the official celebrations, there will also be a ceremony honouring those that died during this great crusade, which will include a 2-minutes silence. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.
The administration of Ywu is proceeding at an unsteady pace. It would appear that certain rebel activists are trying to stir up trouble in some cities and don't seem to appreciate our presence here.
Two of these individuals were arrested by CRAP agents and are being interrogated.
Also, we believe we have triangulated the whereabouts of the Elected Leader. We would like to ask Bobghanistan to attack a forrested region with their VX nerve agent to flush out the enemy.
We have established an undisputable presence here and all those who resist will be killed.
22-08-2004, 00:09
Apologies for the delay.
We have launched a C-130 Hercules Agent Orange defoliation mission (using modified C-130s with wing mounted spraying apparatus) in the forested area to get rid of the trees, followed immediately by an attack by A400Ms (again, modified with spraying apparatus) using gene-specific VX. Both of these missions were escorted by Typhoon F.2s and F-16E Fighting Falcons.
The gene-specific VX has been engineered to only attack Ywu people, such as the elected leader, and will not cause harm to any Grand Alliance personnel. I just wouldn't send any native work parties there for about 50 years or so.
We await the report from the Alliance ground units invesitgating the forest as to the success of the mission, code-named Operation: Commie Flusher.
The search continues for the renegade Elected Leader and his staff. The Bobghanistan purification of the forested regions has aided our search teams and they have reported that the area of scrutiny is rapidly decreasing as we close in.
Dispite their situation, some Ywu civillians are still resisting our control. Those who choose not to accept the Grand Alliance control have been put to death as an example to all who would disobey. Re-education of political ideals is underway and we believe that a Ywu council under our influence can be reinstated within a month. This will not only relax our resources, but it will give the Ywu people a false sense of 'freedom' to make them less aggressive.
Random stop-and-searches are proceeding along with the equally random executions. We look forward to reports from other Alliance members
Supreme Overlord General Ashman
Imperial Military Dominion of Ashtria
24-08-2004, 23:25
We have to report that one of our Merlin helicopters was hit by an RPG near A'hu (what's left of it). The pilot managed to get the helicopter back to a friendly base, but unfortunately it crashed killing all aboard. In a related act of terror, one of our Harrier GR.9s was severely damaged by an SA-7 missile launched by an insurgent group, although the pilot managed to land the aircraft safely.
Both of the areas where these missiles were launched have been sterilised, and a random group of 500 suspected insurgents and/or sympathisers have been arrested and shot.
This is a message to our supreme alliance overlords from your humble servants, the citizens of Ywu. It is with great regret that we have yet to find our rebellious Elected Leader, who had for so long mis-guided us in the ways in which we should live. It has been 21 days since our total and utter surrender to your forces and ask that you show mercy since you have blasted the majority, if not all of our forces into oblivion. We do not seek to make excuses, but humbly suggest that because of our lack of resources, we are unable to undertake a thorough search of the area. May we respectfully ask that your godlike military forces aid us in hunting down this traitor. May we also humbly ask that you... 'resist' the need to execute our search parties for failure, as this does, most unfortunately reduce our effectiveness.
We are well aware of your zero-tolerance policy for failure and would like to reassure you that every effort is being made to fulfill your orders. Many of us have gone without food or sleep for days in order to quicken the pace.
Our thanks to you is eternal for listening to us and we know that your wisdom and omnipitence will guide us to the right dircetion.
Greg Johnson - Ywu liason to the Grand Alliance.
Jimnam's 1st Special Forces Division ("Das Reich") has been deployed to the suspected area of the Elected Leader. Current searches have turned up little.
In the Jimnam controled region the Jimnam 5th Army HQ came under intense mortar attack earlier. Several hundred troops were injured when their barracks building collapsed under a direct hit. The insurgengents were driven off by helicopter gunships and an assault by a mechanised brigade. Around 250 enemy militia were killed and a further 120 captured. 60 of these were castrated and released to serve as a warning.
We would like to request that an Ashtrian brigade joins up with the 5th Army to serve as pathfinders for our forces. We believe this would be advantageous seeing as they know the area better than us.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
A squad of Ashtrian fighting machines and several platoons of clones have been dispatched to enhance the Jimnam 5th army. They have been issued with some experimental motion detectors and will follow the lead of the 5th Army.
There has been some minor resistence in our sectors but these were quickly dispersed with the use of napalm explosives. Several civillians were killed but... You can't make an omllette without breaking a few eggs.
Somewhere in Ywu:
Elected Leader: "Right chaps I'm just nipping off for a spot of fishing!"
RR General: "SIR! For the last time NO! I and everyone else here has explained to you that if you go outside, the alliance will easily find you!"
Elected Leader: "Nonsense. I can blend in with the trees."
RR General: "Not whilst you are wearing that floresent orange jacket you won't."
Elected Leader: "I'm not going to risk getting run over should I walk along the road."
RR General: "Sir, we are no where near ANY roads! And I can't understand why you haven't yet grasped the fact that lakes do not exist in DESERTS!"
Elected Leader: "No need to shout general. Besides we are running out of supplies and food ever since the fridge packed up."
RR General: "It wouldn't have packed up if you hadn't ripped off the coolant unit and placed it under your bed to keep you cool."
Elected Leader: "Well how was I supposed to know the bed was gonna catch fire?"
RR General: INCREDIBLY frustrated "Elected Leader. You should know that my patience with you is very thin, boarderline annorexic. At this point I am very tempted to take that fishing rod and attempt to locate your brain inside your head, which I fear my have dried up with the rest of the desert long ago!!"
There is silence for a moment as Red Revenge General massages his temples
RR General: "We need to bide our time just a little more. What resistence we have is small, but it is an irritation to the Grand Alliance. Whilst they are distracted, we will be able to relocate away from this large underground cave in the desert. Until then, PLEASE don't talk again."
Another very long moment of silence
Elected Leader: "Does anyone fancy cod?"
Elected Leader: "They will never take us alive General. I have these suicide pills."
Elected Leader displays the bottle of suicide pills and places it next to an identical bottle of asprin. As he moves away, an unsuspecting Red Revenge milita picks up the bottle, believing it's contents will cure his headache
RR General: "Suicide pills? Are they quick?"
Elected Leader: "No they're very odd things. First of all the victim becomes very, very depressed."
Behind him, the milita sits down with his head in his hands
RR General: "After the depression comes death?"
Elected Leader: "No, after the depression comes the loss of temper."
The milita gets up and starts swinging the butt of his AK-47 around, striking many heads
RR General: "After the anger comes death?"
Elected Leader: "Oh no. After the anger comes a period of amnesia."
The milita drops his rifle and looks around, apparently confused.
RR General: "After the amnesia, you die?"
Elected Leader: "Nope. After that comes a moment a exquiset happiness!"
The milita begins jumping up and down and waves his arms in the air. His expression is that of a person drunk on endorphines.
RR General: sighs "And then death?"
Elected Leader: "No, the victim jumps into a corner first.
Subsequently, the milita leaps into the nearest corner and collapses. He is dead. RR General and Elected Leader both turn to the sound of the body falling and quietly slink away as other milita attempt to help their fallen comrade.
07-09-2004, 20:46
The GBAF has despatched a Aerial Reconnaissance Expeditionary Wing to Ywu in order to assist in the search for the Elected Leader and his Red Revenge associates. The AREW consists of RQ-1 Predator UAVs, RQ-4A Global Hawk UAVs, and U-2S Dragon Lady high-altitude reconnaissance platforms. We are also utilising our Peeping-Tom Surveillance Satellites in the search.
The image below shows one of our deployed U-2S aircraft returning from a mission over Ywu.
The image below shows one of our RQ-4A Global Hawk UAVs on a mission over Ywu
We have reason to believe that the Elected Leader may be hiding out in the Ywu desert. All our search parties are being redirected to initiate a full and thorough sweep of the area.
There is no escape now!! :mp5:
Jimnam special forces have captured a high ranking member of the Red Revenge. The terrorist was caught trying to observe one of the 5th Army's forward bases. He will be sent back to the Village in Bobghanistan by cruiser and then by a heavily escorted convoy to deter any ambush attempt.
Our signals experts have been trying to triangulate the exact location of the elected leader. We have narrowed it down to a search radius of 200 miles. Special forces and machanised units will begin to search the area. We suggest that other alliance members start looking here.
Grand Admiral Jim
Commander in Chief Jimnam
AHA!!!! We have found the dumb Fuck! The Elected Leader was caught trying to fish in a sand dune. His scrawny bearded body could be smelt several miles off as he sat there pondering why the tiddlers didn't bite.
His Red Revenge military advisor was hauled out of a hole shouting "KILL ME KILL ME, THAT FUCKING ELECTED LEADER IS NOTHING BUT A THICK PILE OF SHIT!!!" The forces who captured him didn't like the way he coughed so attempted to cure him with batons and tazer guns. The result was quite amusing in a sadistic sort of way.
There was no resistance but those who did were shot and set of fire. Their bodies were placed so it would look like suicide. At this time, The Elected Leader and the Red Revenge General are in the back of Police vans being beaten with sticks. Their arrival at a high security prison for dangerous homosexual rapists is scheduled for 2300hrs.
The Ashtrian Government wishes to thank all in the Grand Alliance for their support and military superiority during this war. Our presence is still needed to ensure obedience and loyalty.
Supreme Overlord General Ashman
The Imperial Military Dominion of Ashtria