Kuwait Signs Treaty of Annexation
Scandavian States
14-07-2004, 06:28
Recent talks, at the request of the Kuwaiti government, have resulted in a Treaty of Annexation being drawn up and signed by representatives from both government. Mohammed Saleh, representative of the Imperium and nominal commander of the three House Saleh infantry divisions inforcing a peace-keeping treaty, was quoted as saying, "The Kuwaiti government requested this process after a long period of being a protectorate of the Imperium. This primarily came about after seeing hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of good will from the House Saleh soldiers and my own diplomatic staff, often in the form of monetary donations to local causes and helping Kuwaiti citizens in their day-to-day activities. Also, the prominent position of House Saleh and the city of Alexandria in the Imperium underscored the fact that no latent hostility nor discrimination against Arabs was present in any government official of the Imperium or its citizens, we truly have the best interests of Kuwait and its people at heart."
[Yeah, yeah, I know a lot of people claim the arabian countries but I have a pre-canned response: shut it. There aren't many nations I take seriously that claim to have ownership of any RL nation, much less those in the Arabian Peninsula. In fact, those non-future nations who make such claims that I do recognize can be counted on one hand. If you've got a problem with my peaceful annexation of Kuwait, take it up with my armed forces.]
Chellis realizes that this is blatant imperialism, and demands that Scandinavian States pulls out of its obviously forged annexation agreement with kuwait. No nation would peacefully agree to annexation, the idea is insulting to anyone with a mind in their heads.
And chellis is willing to take it up with the scandinavian armed forces.
14-07-2004, 08:51
ooc:This of course coming from a blatant imperialist such as yourself Chellis?
The Freethinkers
14-07-2004, 09:13
OOC: TAGged.
Tagged for IC response, I need sleep...
Scandavian States
14-07-2004, 17:00
If the Chellis government truly believes that then they need to open up a History text book. The most recent example of such a move was in 1959 when the Kingdom of Hawai'i issued a Request of Annexation to the United States government. In 1938 Austria willfully join Nazi Germany, in fact the Austrian government had to beg Hitler for the "privelage". In 1845 the Republic of Texas passed a vote in their Congress that allowed the Texan government to ask the United States government to annex them, which they did. However, I think the Chellis government is well aware of these examples and the real Imperialists are those that run the Chellisian government.
I also think the Chellisian government will find that the Imperium does not respond well to threats, and neither does its allies, of which there are many.
Asiya Saleh,
Dutchess Alexandria,
Director of Foreign Services
[Things in brackets are OOC Chellis.]
I agree totally with my comrade from Barentsburg. We aren't too happy about the annexation of Kuwait, but the Soviet Socialist Republic doesn't appreciate nations threatening her allies, especially over a peaceful agreement between 2 nations. If diplomacy fails, which I hope it will not, Hattian soldiers will stand alongside their Scandavian Comrades.
Vladimir Haton Levenkov
Minister of Diplomacy
Scandavian States
14-07-2004, 18:31
..::SSNN News Report::..
It appears the due to recent threats from the Chellisian government the Emperor has decided to reinforce Kuwait with what is being callled "a substantial military presence" by the Joint Strategic Command. The exact manner of the reinforcements is not yet clear, but if the sudden and massive activity of the Imperial Air Force is any indication, substantial may be an understatement.
Ancient and Holy Terra
14-07-2004, 18:45
The Republic of Ancient Terra respects Scandavian States' agreement with Kuwait, and is duly concerned about Chellis' hostile reaction to such a matter. If a nation petitions to join another nation, how can it be called Imperialism? We are certain, Chellis, that you would not deny membership to a nation if it was beneficial. Kuwait wishes to join Scandavian States. This is a perfectly legitimate agreement, and Terra will back our ally.
~Emperor Taichi Kamiya, Leader of Ancient Terra~
~Talus Karn, Prime Minister of Ancient Terra~
~Lord Admiral Yamato Ishida, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs~
Unum Veritas
14-07-2004, 22:06
The Naval Empire of Unum Veritas wishes to state its support of a peaceful acquisition of Kuwait by the Scandavian States. Furthermore, the High Chancellor, in accordance with the Senate, deplores Chellis' aggressive statements and inability to appreciate the difference between a peaceful acquisition and a forceful takeover. In accordance with the provisions of the Organization of Marine Powers' (OMP) treaty, particularly the section regarding mutual defence, the readiness level of several Veritasean Imperial Navy assets in the area has been increased. Units operating out of the newly completed OMP Indian Ocean Joint Naval Base are included in this alert increase, as well as all Veritasean military assets in the Middle East and in transit through the area. We hope that no further aggressive actions will be necessary; however, we stand ready to defend our ally should the situation require it.
High Chancellor Knightley
The Naval Empire of Unum Veritas
Band of Brothers
Member: Organization of Marine Powers (http://www.gaizme.com/omp/forums/index.php)
Ali’Staan Accord (http://s7.invisionfree.com/AliStaan_Accord/index.php)
Vice President and Naval Commander: Legion of Defence (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2503299#2503299)
Owner: Veritasean Naval Industries Inc. (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=655745#655745)
Diplomatic Document sent to Scandavian States
The United States of Canada wishes to open friendly relations with Scandavian States in giving international support in the friendly annexation of the Kuwaiti State. However, the USC request that the Scandavian States does not place cancelation on Kuwaiti Oil Exporters.
Thank you,
Glen Rendall - Secretary of State
Department of State - United States of Canada
Maghda is fine with this annexation as long as we still get oil.
15-07-2004, 00:51
Official Statement from the Foreign Ministry
The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire stands with our ally, Scandinavian States, in this matter. The People of Kuwait have wisely decided that their future lies intertwined with that of SS. As signatories to the Concordian Constitution, in the event of hostile action, the Grand Duchy will be forced to respond to protect the sovereignity of our ally.
Lord Patrick Easton
Foreign Minister, President of the Privy Council
Scandavian States
15-07-2004, 01:14
The Imperium thanks its allies in their support of the peaceful and lawful annexation of Kuwait. While the oil situation is in flux at this point because of negotiations with other Haven nations, there will be no export stoppage without good cause, such as the invasion of Kuwait in a blatant imperialistic oil grab attempt. As this time Kuwaiti crude is at a set price of $35 per barrel.
Pacific Northwesteria
15-07-2004, 02:58
Pacific Northwesteria, as a strong ally of many nations involved, wholeheartedly supports Scandavian States and her allies. PN will not send military units into the area unless there is a threat to Pacific Northwesteria herself or by the request of an ally. Naval and air units have, however, been put on high alert. If SS so much as says the word, help is on the way. May this misunderstanding be resolved peacefully.
Soviet Bloc
15-07-2004, 04:20
The ARSB voices its support for Scandavian States in this matter. Kuwait has chosen this route over many others in its travel towards the future and SS should not be chided for the choices of another country, even if it is annexation.
For a country to choose annexation peacefully and with no intervention is not unheard of and can provide many benefits to the nation wishing to be annexed. Economic assistance is one of the most prominent along with defense, markets, and technology. Kuwait is not very well defended (at least by its own military [which it doesn't really have]) and is far too vulnerable with its massive oil fields and little defense. An agreement could have easily been worked out between SS and Kuwait regarding the sale of oil, defense, and so on... We're also certain that Kuwait will receive some degree of autonomy from Scandavian States.
We're also certain that this move is in the best interests of Kuwait.
Scandavian States
15-07-2004, 05:31
The ARSB is indeed correct in its assessment of this situation. As a simple matter of economics, the Imperium is going to take a hit while bringing Kuwait up to the standards of mainland Imperial citizens. Indeed, the most optimistic reports indicate a small recession for a period of five years while we sink money into Kuwait to update everything from schooling, to hospitals, infrastructure, and a myriad of other things. The benefit for the mainland is long term, while Kuwait's benefit starts right from the very beginning.
Chellis laughs at scandinavian states examples. The first was a nation which hadnt been free for centuries, the second, comparing anschuluss to yourself is in no way validating your actions, and in the third, texas was going to be under either america or spain, it simply chose one to ask for.
Chellis is saddened to see that the nations of the world don't see an illegitimate takeover when they see one. Chellis won't act on the situation, but let it bite the appeasers in the ass the way it always does.
Ancient and Holy Terra
15-07-2004, 06:31
Although Terra is saddened that Chellis has not recognized the validity of Scandavian States' points, it is pleased that Chellis has undertaken to avoid a conflict, and hopes that this will be viewed as a peaceful resolution to this situation. We wish Scandavian States good luck, and hope all goes well in their endeavor to assist the nation of Kuwait.
Pacific Northwesteria
15-07-2004, 16:18
Sorry, this just made me laugh... I know what you mean, but still, how can you not see something when you see it?
Chellis is saddened to see that the nations of the world don't see an illegitimate takeover when they see one.
This however marks a peaceful and happy resolution of this little crisis. Although it is the personal opinion of President Zwimbala of Pacific Northwesteria that Chellis has simply backed down against the wall of support for SS, that will not be the official government stance.
Chellis won't act on the situation, but let it bite the appeasers in the ass the way it always does.