27-06-2004, 20:29
T-94 Main Battle Tank
The newest innovation in the tank technology! A tank whitout a turret. Only a pod manning a High-Velocity 135mm Smoothbore Cannon shows up from the heavily armored hull. The T-94 is protected by the ARENA Active Protection System and the SHTORA Optronic Jamming device. Both devices work in tandem to jam or destroy incoming anti-Tank Missiles. The tank is also covered with the Kaktus Explosive Reactive Armor, capable of defeating both Triple-Warhead HEAT and Kinetic Energy Penetrators such as the one used in the M1A2. Tests made showed that it took 4 directs hit from the 120mm Rheinmetall Cannon used in the M1A2, Leopard II and Leclerc to damage the main Armor.
Apart from these incredible protection features, The T-94 is fitted with the most advanced fire-controlled system yet! The Fire-and-Aquire FCS is an automated system that aquires, tracks and engages targets on it's own, reducing the crew to 2. To compensate with the lack of an open view, the T-94 is also fitted with an extremly advanced sensors suite. There is a Laser Rangefinder, an Image Intensifier, a FLIR and a LASAR Device able to blind enemy Infrared systems and soldiers!
Not bigger than a T-72 while being even lower, the tank is extremly hard to spot while camouflaged. It's turretless design also permits a large amount of infantry to ride on it.
The GTI-3800 Turbine, while being economic, reliable and lightweight, gives the T-94 an impressive power. While weighting only 49.5 tons, the turbine develops 2500 hp, giving it a 50hp/ton traction. On road, it can reach up to 72km/h. In badly broken terrain it can reach 49km/h.
On the armaments side, the main punch of the T-94 is the 2A86-2 135mm Smoothbore cannon. It can fire HVAPFSDS rounds at a velocity of over 6,500ft/second (1969m/second) wich can knock out all known unprotected MBTs. It can also fire the 9M134 Krokodil ATGM than can penetrate 1700m of RHA. It coaxially mounts a powerfull 14.5mm KPV machinegun.
This unequalled Weapon Systems can be yours at a price of 4 Million per unit! Order now!
T-94 Main Battle Tank
The newest innovation in the tank technology! A tank whitout a turret. Only a pod manning a High-Velocity 135mm Smoothbore Cannon shows up from the heavily armored hull. The T-94 is protected by the ARENA Active Protection System and the SHTORA Optronic Jamming device. Both devices work in tandem to jam or destroy incoming anti-Tank Missiles. The tank is also covered with the Kaktus Explosive Reactive Armor, capable of defeating both Triple-Warhead HEAT and Kinetic Energy Penetrators such as the one used in the M1A2. Tests made showed that it took 4 directs hit from the 120mm Rheinmetall Cannon used in the M1A2, Leopard II and Leclerc to damage the main Armor.
Apart from these incredible protection features, The T-94 is fitted with the most advanced fire-controlled system yet! The Fire-and-Aquire FCS is an automated system that aquires, tracks and engages targets on it's own, reducing the crew to 2. To compensate with the lack of an open view, the T-94 is also fitted with an extremly advanced sensors suite. There is a Laser Rangefinder, an Image Intensifier, a FLIR and a LASAR Device able to blind enemy Infrared systems and soldiers!
Not bigger than a T-72 while being even lower, the tank is extremly hard to spot while camouflaged. It's turretless design also permits a large amount of infantry to ride on it.
The GTI-3800 Turbine, while being economic, reliable and lightweight, gives the T-94 an impressive power. While weighting only 49.5 tons, the turbine develops 2500 hp, giving it a 50hp/ton traction. On road, it can reach up to 72km/h. In badly broken terrain it can reach 49km/h.
On the armaments side, the main punch of the T-94 is the 2A86-2 135mm Smoothbore cannon. It can fire HVAPFSDS rounds at a velocity of over 6,500ft/second (1969m/second) wich can knock out all known unprotected MBTs. It can also fire the 9M134 Krokodil ATGM than can penetrate 1700m of RHA. It coaxially mounts a powerfull 14.5mm KPV machinegun.
This unequalled Weapon Systems can be yours at a price of 4 Million per unit! Order now!