27-06-2004, 19:17
While Malpizia and its vassal states: Inner Malpizia, Outer Malpizia, and New Malpizia have always been conservative Christian states, it has never been official. It seems that Greater Malpizia (those four nations) is just a friendly enviroment for conservative Christians, but recent political and religious actions by communists, socialists, etc. and Sunnis, Shi'ites, etc. has lead to a suggestion of a ban on all religions considered anti-Christian and all politics considered anti-conservative.
Although only an estimated 26,000 Greater Malpizian citizens are Muslim and only an estimated 128,000 Greater Malpizian citizens are communist or socialist, the Greater Malpizian Parliament passed a bill requiring the immediate execution or deportation of these "unwelcome" inhabitants.
Aichanen, Ctepar, Monalbec, and Ordmarb (all nations from my region the CCA and all ruled by my friends, so I can speak for them ;)) support this action while Hgaria, Rodgog and Alehwo (I can speak for them too, they just made evil nations for fun) oppose this. Hgaria and Rodgog are partially totalitarian but they began under communist and socialist principles.
Soon after this Muslims, communist, socialists, and several other very small minority groups were in the early phases of removal, wheter by death or deportation. Aichanen, Ctepar, Monalbec, and Ordmarb were urged to do so but chose to put this issue off until seeing the international response. In Hgaria and Rodgog there were rumors of harboring fleeing communists and socialists, while in Alehwo, where there is a 23% Muslim population, fleeing Muslims were harbored. Now these three main groups confederated and began an uprising in Malpizia and Outer Malpizia, where the bill began.
Now what is the international response?
Although only an estimated 26,000 Greater Malpizian citizens are Muslim and only an estimated 128,000 Greater Malpizian citizens are communist or socialist, the Greater Malpizian Parliament passed a bill requiring the immediate execution or deportation of these "unwelcome" inhabitants.
Aichanen, Ctepar, Monalbec, and Ordmarb (all nations from my region the CCA and all ruled by my friends, so I can speak for them ;)) support this action while Hgaria, Rodgog and Alehwo (I can speak for them too, they just made evil nations for fun) oppose this. Hgaria and Rodgog are partially totalitarian but they began under communist and socialist principles.
Soon after this Muslims, communist, socialists, and several other very small minority groups were in the early phases of removal, wheter by death or deportation. Aichanen, Ctepar, Monalbec, and Ordmarb were urged to do so but chose to put this issue off until seeing the international response. In Hgaria and Rodgog there were rumors of harboring fleeing communists and socialists, while in Alehwo, where there is a 23% Muslim population, fleeing Muslims were harbored. Now these three main groups confederated and began an uprising in Malpizia and Outer Malpizia, where the bill began.
Now what is the international response?