NationStates Jolt Archive

ANL to ban all Depeleted Uranium (DU) in military...

Aztec National League
27-06-2004, 06:55
A radio address by the Premier:

"The ANL has long been against the use of weapons of mass destruction. We believe these are cowardly weapons and we see them as a great evil threat to the world of the most maligment nature. We also believe these weapons are too harmful to innocent life, human or otherwise. We have generally gotten much support from the international community for this stance, but we have also gotten critizism from others. Despite what anyone thinks, the ANL will stand firm on this stance.

However, if we ban the use of weapons of mass destruction, then we must ban the use of conventional weapons that contain the deadly, toxic and radioactive subatance, Delepted Uranium (DU). It would be hypocritical not to take such measures. DU is a dangerous material. A single 5 micron particle of Delpleted Uranium give off almost 273 times more radation then what is considered to be a dangerous level in a period of one year. We see no reason to expose any innocent civilian, or military combatant, ours, friend our foe to such a dangerous subtance. In addition, it is considered to be extremely toxic by most international health advocate organization.

With that being said, I see no reason to use such dangerous materials. I believe it is immoral, unethical and just down right wrong. Yes, there are certain economic and tatical advantages. Indeed it is a cheap way to reduce nuclear waste from our power plants...indeed it is a great penetration weapon...indeed it is a almost impenatrable armor...indeed, it may cost money to create new bullets, shells missiles, tanks and other weapons of war to be just as effective and to be safe...but it is the responsibility of the government to protect it'se people against all hazards...this includes health. The risk is too great to use such weapons. Radiation can kill vital cells, corrupt genetic sequences and cause birth defects. It is wrong to expose our sevicemen and women to such materials, cosidering the sacrifce they have done for our country and the good of communism. It is imperative we get rid of DU now!

I give the miltiary a deadline of Sept. 24, 2004 to get rid of all DU in our weapons and a birthday present to the Union. I give the military untill December 31, 2004 to get rid of DU in our military all together. It is for the welfare of the people that I do this.

I hope many nations also take this revolutionary step, both communist and capitalists...for I believe in the end, capitalism cares just as much for it's people as true, anti-dictorial communism and socialism."

Premier Quetzalcoatl
Premier of the Proletariat Union of Aztec National League
The Freethinkers
27-06-2004, 06:57
OOC: Bravo!


"We are pleased to see the level of consideration given to the basic ethics of the usage and construction of weapons in regards to civilian and other concerns in both the short and long term. We praise the farsightedness of your military in regards to this issue.

Good luck"

Freethinker Foreign Office.
27-06-2004, 06:58
DGNT would like to purchase this, take it off your hands as it were.
We have a certain project in the works and would like to test DUs effects on its performance.
What is your price?
Attican Empire
27-06-2004, 07:00
We have methods of deradiating DU munitions.

OOC: Factually, there are methods, but they are experimental. We only have refined them and put them into regular use.
Aztec National League
27-06-2004, 10:28
To the Freethinkers:

We are glad you support us in our decision. We firmly believe DU munitions and tanks are dangerous, and we are glad to have your good words as support.

To Dontgonearthere:

We are intrigued by your proposal and are considering it...however, may we inquire into the nature of the research you are doing?

To the Attican Empire:

Although we will be continuing our policy of destroying or at least getting rid of DU weapons, we are intrigued by your proposal...although de-radiation processes are expensive, they may be worth the investment.

Continuning on...

The Chief of the Military and the leaders of the various branches, the Red Gaurd, the Jaguar Warrior Infantrymen, the Red Aircore and the Red Navy all have agreed to the Premier's plan and are beginning to plan on how to get rid of DU weapons.
27-06-2004, 10:51
This is good news, we took such a step long ago, utilising tungsten as a replacement.

We can sell you replacement shells and ammunition at a reduced price, if you wish...We would be glad to assist an ally.
Aztec National League
27-06-2004, 10:55
Tungsten, interesting...very interesting. Not just for lightbulbs, I guess anymore. We would like to test some off your equipment, to see if it is effective enough to use as a replacement. If it is satisfactory, we will purchase some munitions from you.
27-06-2004, 11:11
Tungsten, interesting...very interesting. Not just for lightbulbs, I guess anymore. We would like to test some off your equipment, to see if it is effective enough to use as a replacement. If it is satisfactory, we will purchase some munitions from you.

Certainly. You can send soldiers over to Kanabia to participate in military exercises and evaluation if you wish, it would be more cost effective than shipping a large amount of shells immediately. It's your choice, though.

OOC: Tungsten was used before DU became standard. Not sure of the exact date, though.
Aztec National League
27-06-2004, 11:15
We are assymbling a team together and will depart it to Kanabia soon. We are waiting for one of our other major military officers to return from being on assignment. (OOC:Let's plan this after the JOLT revolution...PM me if you want my AIM or Yahoo Messenger screenname)
27-06-2004, 11:20
We are assymbling a team together and will depart it to Kanabia soon. We are waiting for one of our other major military officers to return from being on assignment. (OOC:Let's plan this after the JOLT revolution...PM me if you want my AIM or Yahoo Messenger screenname)

OOC: Agreed. I dont have AIM or Yahoo messenger, so we can talk via the International forums if you like.
27-06-2004, 11:23
"As always Rotovia completely supports the Aztec National League in their efforts to make the world a safer place for all who dwell within it, yours is truly a nation of peace and enlightenment"

Senator Charles Wheeler
Minister for Foreign Affairs
27-06-2004, 11:31
Momanguise celebrates this action, as Momanguise has long been a country free of WMD of any sort.
27-06-2004, 11:35
The Republic of Anime-Otakus commends Aztec National League on its firm stance against depleted uranium munitions, and against weapons of mass destruction.

Good luck, and god speed.

Lacus Clyne
Minister of Foreign Affiars
Republic of Anime-Otakus
Aztec National League
27-06-2004, 11:50
We are glad to have your commendations and support. We appriciate it very much and although we can not expect all nations to follow suit, we are glad to see how many nations that have already banned DU weapons.
Attican Empire
27-06-2004, 17:29
OOC: I was under the impression that Tungsten was not as dense as DU?
27-06-2004, 17:48
Unfourtunatly the research is secret in nature, we can however inform you that it does not involve weapons of mass destruction or testing on humans/animals.

Thats it, did I mention I was futuretech? ;)
Aztec National League
28-06-2004, 08:14
The ANL is considering selling up to 250 M1A2 tanks to Dragonearthere for $1.5 million a peice. That would eliminate up to 1/2 of the ANL's current fleet of M1A2 tanks. We are also willing to sell personal body armor for $100 a peice.