NationStates Jolt Archive

condoms for sale

Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 01:40
hello everyone i am caucasian bob the head of bli blah. Bli Blah is the un delgate of cg and the founder of cg. Cg is has many factories and exports however, our biggest profit Comes from our condoms. We sell Guam codoms the best on earth, less then 2% of the Guam condom users become fathers. So these are good condoms.

1 pack=20condoms

Guam crate=500packs of *new*warm sensation condoms, 500packs of *new caucasian condoms(condoms with the buyers national flag on it), and 250packs of Guam originals. (over 20,000 condoms)

Guam crate=$5,000
:D so dont worry about H.I.V. or other S.T.D. worry about having sexual intercourse with girls that are H.I.T. :D have fun!!!!! :lol:
LaserHead sharks
27-06-2004, 01:42
I would buy some but my population is low enough as it is. ;)
Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 01:57
I would buy some but my population is low enough as it is. ;)i garentee no S.T.D. so you dont have to worry about your pop.
LaserHead sharks
27-06-2004, 02:14
I would buy some but my population is low enough as it is. ;)i garentee no S.T.D. so you dont have to worry about your pop.

What do STD's have to do with my pop...?
Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 02:20
I would buy some but my population is low enough as it is. ;)i garentee no S.T.D. so you dont have to worry about your pop.

What do STD's have to do with my pop...?s.t.d. kills people so i thought uyou were in referance to peoplr dying of S.T.D. and H.I.V.
27-06-2004, 02:21
Condoms prevent conception. He wants people to be born. :wink:
We, alas, manufacture our own condoms in Ximea. Some of them even have euphoric substances mixed in with the spermicidal lubricant, as drugs are very legal in our country.
Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 02:30
Condoms prevent conception. He wants people to be born. :wink:
We, alas, manufacture our own condoms in Ximea. Some of them even have euphoric substances mixed in with the spermicidal lubricant, as drugs are very legal in our country.i know i just realized that
Unified West Africa
27-06-2004, 02:47
OOC: WTF is up with all these storefronts selling stuff that any idiot country with a factory or two could produce? Not a flame, it's just kinda.. odd.
27-06-2004, 02:49
why don'tcha come up with sum magic birth control instead
Demonic Terrorists
27-06-2004, 02:51
I'll buy 1,000,000 packs. Money has been wired. Thanks alot.
27-06-2004, 03:14
:roll: Can we get a mod in here? Please?
27-06-2004, 03:22
I'll buy 100,000 Guam crates!
Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 14:18
I'll buy 100,000 Guam crates!that will be 500million dollars...wire the money ill wire the crates. :D
27-06-2004, 14:31
This is a pointless waste of bandwidth.
The Wickit Klownz
27-06-2004, 14:42
Uhm, how much for extra large?
27-06-2004, 14:46
why do we need a mod in here. If you don't like our product then JUST LEAVE. stop fenon
27-06-2004, 14:46
Uhm, how much for extra large? same price

OOC: i am the president of CG so im not some random nation
Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 14:47
Uhm, how much for extra large?lol one size fits all *it even fits mine*
Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 14:47
Uhm, how much for extra large?lol one size fits all *it even fits mine*
27-06-2004, 14:48
The Wickit Klownz
27-06-2004, 14:50
*looks down, then back up* well, heres the best test youll ever get... ill have one pack... btw, you might wanna go here and check out the CyberUtopian women : theyre my reason for buying these damn things... just hope i get ta use em...
Bli Blah
27-06-2004, 15:39
one pack is $5 for the warm sensations $6 for the caucasian condoms and $4 for the guam originals
The Wickit Klownz
27-06-2004, 15:41
ill have the normal..
Bli Blah
28-06-2004, 02:05