SIH offers our newly developed nuclear handgrenade for sale!
26-06-2004, 23:41
Our nuclear hand grenades are compact and weigh only 8 pounds, but produce a 1 megaton explosion!
Our research scientitsts recommend that your soldiers throw them "really far"!
26-06-2004, 23:51
26-06-2004, 23:52
hmm... I'd be interested if they could be used with a grenade launcher, or if I was the type to order kamikaze tactics. In any case, I'll take a few if you would list the price.
The Freethinkers
26-06-2004, 23:58
OOC: Uh----huh :lol:
Nice. If this is serious I feel I should point you could never actaully be able to achieve nuclear fission, or fusion, within the confines of a hand grenade.
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 23:59
actually have you ever heard of the Davy Croket?
Smallest Nuclear Weapon.
Only slightly larger then a gernade.
Really? Can I get some information on this? What is the size? What is its power? Can it be launched?
A Nuclear grenade is physically impossible, no way could it reach critical mass in such a small space.
Liberal John Jacob
27-06-2004, 00:05
if it produces a one megaton explosion you have to realize that you couldn't throw it and escape the nuclear blast
The hiroshima blast was like 400 kilotons or something
but nuclear artillery shells would be okaym and these are not suicide weapons
27-06-2004, 00:09
A Nuclear grenade is physically impossible, no way could it reach critical mass in such a small space.
OOC: That sounds like a wager to me! :wink:
27-06-2004, 00:17
well... it is 8 pounds, so it has to be somewhat larger than a conventional grenade. i think, though, that the only way to accomplish this would to build the nuclear trigger: a perfect sphere of tritium that, upon detonation, forces two subcritical chunks of uranium together. if you could make this small enough and start the primary with plastic explosives, it should work.
any info on the pricing?