A Tagio crises
OOC: Hello all I am ready to come back on the world stage, the thread were me and Shalriorchia had our war has died off and the war with it, I TGed Shalriorchia about letting the war drop so we could get on with our NS lives, he hasn't replied. But I am eager to RP something, so that is why I am doing this
Tangromae Jan Werkava walked up to a window, smiling. "It is done then? They are all in the boats?" Talima (Tagio's version of the Gestapo) Cheif Carlos Ananza (a Spanish Aryan) nodded his head "Si, it is done Tangromae" "Excellent soon we shall rid ourselves of more of these filith , soon we shall be pure" Ananza bit his lip before speaking "but Tangromae want international codemn us?" "Let them codemn us Ananza, they have no teeth, they are like a dog whose bark then his bite" Ananza nodded then left the room
The immigrant vessel Homeward Bound was filled with people of shapes sizes, all undisred peoples under Jan Werkava's government. But most of all was the Jewish population of the boat. However the Homeward Bound was the not only immigrant boat, there was five of them, thier distanation was first, Isreal, followed by other countries as the small fleet made it's way around the world. Meanwhile aboard the TNS Pride of Tagio Admiral Jorgen von Rost watched the screen waiting for the boats it seemed "how long before into range, Ensign?" he asked. The ensign gulped nervously "They are coming into range now Herr Admiral" Jorgen nodded then walked to the front of the bridge "Fire all guns! NOW!!" he yelled into the intercom. BBBBBBBBOOOOOOOMMMMM BBBBBBOOOOOMMMM BBBBBBOOOOOMMMM BBBBBBOOOOOOMMMM went the massive guns of the The Pride of Tagio KKKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM was heard as the Homeward Bound was hit was by the guns of the ship as it exploed. "Direct Hit Herr Admiral" was reported by the ensign "Good, tell the rest to close in and destroy the others. Also mobilise the marines" "why?" asked the confused "so that if anyone survived they they will be shot, remember that our orders are to kill every illegal immigrant" "I understand, sir" said the ensign nodding his head.
"And in other news five illegal immigrant ships were spotted today trying to escape to International waters, luckily Admiral Jorgen von Rost was able to destroy them before they were able to escape" said the pretty young reporter on the Tagio Evening News "the Admiral will be releasing statements sometime tommarow morning, In other news Tangromae Jan Werkava has decreed......
Harador would be happy to take these scum from your lands and put them to work.Not all of them though.How aboat 10,000 of them for now if you have that many that is?
Grenval will take any remaining immigrants. Grenval also advises that you do not harm another human being or action will be taken
"Monitor the situation. You have to know exactly what is on every single boat leaving their harbor."
"Satellites or spy-planes?"
"Just satellites for now."
To the nation of Harador: No, the Tangromae pefers to use other means to get rid of the undisreables
To the nation Grenval: The ships contained illegal immigrants, they had not registered with the Immigration Office in Tagistead, thusly under our laws they were fair targets for our ships, if they had registered then this would not have happened
Harador is worried by these events and spy planes are monitering the situation.At the moment harador has sent two destroyers into international waters near the borders of Tagio to capture any large illegal ships of immigrants and to escort them to harador.
Harador though will not interfare with tagio ships.
26-06-2004, 19:18
Emperor Mordum gives full support to you, Tagio, if any hostilities would appear during the "purification". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs gives also help to get rid with your immigrants....if you need it.
To the nation of Harador: Thank you for the support
To the nation of Helveticuz: We also appericate your support, if we need help we will tell you
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 19:41
So why are you attacking them. As far as i can tell they were LEAVING!
I do have a small fleet in the area who will escort any imigrents to the ECF and yes we will use force.
To the nation of East Coast Federation: They were illegal immigrants, no one is allowed to leave unless they register with the Immigration Office. They had not, and according to our laws illegal immigrant ships our to be shot on sight
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 20:09
SO you;d rather kill them. Than have them leave peacefully?
"In today news Admiral von Rost has destroyed yet another five illegal immigrant ships, when asked to comment the Admiral said " These undesireables just don't seem to have a large capacity to think to understand that unless they register we will shoot them" Tangromae Werkava has said that supports the Admirals actions despite some calls to bring up broad of inquiry into the Admiral's conduct. For the Tagio Daily News I am Amanda Stien, good day."
To the nation of East Coast Federation: Not the ones that register, they can leave peacefully, its the ones that do not register that need to be killed for breaking the law
Grenval wishes to apologize for interfering in Tagio Law. However, these actions are unnecessary. Grenval sends four battleships to take the immigrants back to Grenval or to Harador if Harador is intent upon taking them. Grenval will also not interfere with Tagio ships.
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 20:29
Your so lucky I'm a nice person,ECF class Battleships could smash your navy.
The fleet will not interfere.
Tell your imergrants if they want out of your nation there more than welcomed to come us.
No Offense but what kind of physo law is that.
It's trurely SICK.
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 20:29
Your so lucky I'm a nice person,ECF class Battleships could smash your navy.
The fleet will not interfere.
Tell your imergrants if they want out of your nation there more than welcomed to come us.
No Offense but what kind of physo law is that.
It's trurely SICK.
To the nation of Grenval: Thank you for understanding our laws, however we must state that blowing up the ships was necessery. Feel free to escort the registered vessels, but we will fire on you if you attempt to help the illegals
To the nation of East Coast Federation: We understand that you may find our laws strange, but as long as you don't interfere with the destruction of illegal immigrant vessels we don't care
Grenval regrets to inform Tagio, that once the ships leave Tagio ports, Grenval will help the ships, regardless of whether or not the immigrants are register, to the Grenval border. Grenval will not be swayed in this by the ownership of waters. Once the ships leave the port, Grenval cruisers and battleships will render aid, however they are forbidden to open fire upon Tagio ships unless first fired upon. Your laws are your own, but Grenval will not tolerate senseless death, especially if the immigrants have already fled the country.
26-06-2004, 22:53
We will not tolerate this. If you launch an attack or escort any immigrants we will interfere at once. We give full support to Tagio and their laws. Leave them alone.....i'm only saying this once.
Over n' out.
Overlord Immerlicht
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 23:24
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 23:30
The ECF Thinks there is a way to get these people out safely without opening fire. Though we are more than capable of destoying that pitiful excuse for a task force he's using to kill Inocent people..
We ask that you stop this now.
This is our final warning
The ECF Thinks there is a way to get these people out safely without opening fire. Though we are more than capable of destoying that pitiful excuse for a task force he's using to kill Inocent people..
We ask that you stop this now.
This is our final warning
Grenval agrees completly with ECF.
Pirority message to the ECF
From Tangromae Jan Werkava of Tagio
ECF I see that you are threating me, but I see nothing to back it up, I was right, the International community is a dog with no teeth but barks big. Just for this I am calling for a Massenexcution der Juden effective immeadiatly all jews and other undesireables all fair targets for the NSG and Army, immigration is hereby close throughout Tagio.
I see your threat, I see no force, I will do what I please in my own country. The International community will not tell me what to do.
East Coast Federation
26-06-2004, 23:52
Trust me I DO have the force to back my threats up.
26-06-2004, 23:59
But i will crush them ECF. Alone or with Tagio forces...I will crush them. Do not interfere with his internal politics.
*All nearby forces on standby*
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 00:00
I do have several Allies on my side.
Not quite yet,
lets see if we can rally more people to the right side.
27-06-2004, 00:04
Same here. But i shall not be the one who fired the first shot. I leave that to you...ECF. Or should we end this quickly and just mass invade Tagio and split it half?
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 00:05
I don't get it.
Do you WANT to invade them? Kuz if you want to were on your side.
27-06-2004, 00:14
Sure. But the only thing i am interested in here, is land profit. I want to conquer...So i say we invade and split the country in half. What do you say? It solves both our problems...
Well, seeing the Helveticuz is also against Tagio, Grenval declares war against Tagio. Helveticuz and ECF can fight over the land, as Grenval does not want it, we only want what is right. So Grenval deploys the following to invade Tagio:
500,000 Marines
2,000 M1A2 Abrams
20 Cruisers
300 B-2s Payload: 2 Clusterbombs Each
10 Carriers Containing:
400 F-22s
350 UCAV
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 00:24
Heres the Deal. We only want 1/4 of the land you can have the rest.
I will fire the 1st shot.
" The Fleet of 34 ECF Battleships SLowly Crept up on a small Naval Outpost of Tagio.
at 21 Miles away the 16inch Guns Thundered to life. Hitting The Airstrip and moored enemy ships. After 10 minutes of constant Firing the base was anilated. They never knew what hit them.
Captain: Get us ready Charge the Anti Aircraft lasers and bring the Missle Control System online"
We have troops on the way..
We can co-counidate.
3 ECf Carrir Battlegroups are on the way 10 more ECF Battleships are on the way.
We will provide naval support. I suggest we all attack on land at the same time.
Heres the Deal. We only want 1/4 of the land you can have the rest.
I will fire the 1st shot.
" The Fleet of 34 ECF Battleships SLowly Crept up on a small Naval Outpost of Tagio.
at 21 Miles away the 16inch Guns Thundered to life. Hitting The Airstrip and moored enemy ships. After 10 minutes of constant Firing the base was anilated. They never knew what hit them.
Captain: Get us ready Charge the Anti Aircraft lasers and bring the Missle Control System online"
We have troops on the way..
We can co-counidate.
3 ECf Carrir Battlegroups are on the way 10 more ECF Battleships are on the way.
We will provide naval support. I suggest we all attack on land at the same time.
No offense, I know your very powerful and can easily destroy Tagio, but the above was total godmod even if it was realistic.
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 00:32
How does that seam like a Godmod?
It was just a small Naval OUTPOST very few weapons and crew.
One battleship could Probably knock that out.
"BLAST IT ALL!!!" screamed Tangromae Werkava "Are you telling me that those dogs have teeth after all!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" Werkava screamed a second time then punched a wall, frightning the assembled commanders stiff. "I don't care what on earth you do just make sure you stop them. Also call back the navy to port, and tell them to detnonate themselves once the enemy comes into harhour, infact wire all vessels in port to expode. GO!!!" the commanders nodded and went out of the room leaving Werkava alone to plan.
How does that seam like a Godmod?
It was just a small Naval OUTPOST very few weapons and crew.
One battleship could Probably knock that out.
I know, but you should let him RP his losses. Either way it doesn't matter, he detonated himself.
OOC=I'll RP my deployment later tonight.
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 00:44
*Notice To all Allies. There is possible Nuclear Bombs on These warships try to enage them from atleast 50 Miles away. SLAM MIssles can hit them from our current position*
That Naval Ourpost was just the start 8)
OOC: Grenval I haven't detnonated the ships yet. Oh and ECF please no nukes, I want this to be clean
27-06-2004, 00:51
- Deleted -
27-06-2004, 00:53
OOC: ECF, and Grenval. when do we start the land invasion?
"The pacific fleet prepares and loads their naval artillery. The targets are some military enplacements on the shore."'
The Overlords of the Airforce and Navy, Redzhe and Immerlicht, presents the new Operation: Arc Darkness. A massive invasion with helicopters and a landing zone for marines.
The rumour of a nuclear device on one of the ships, is a risk we may not take. We either order our specially trained Suicide terrorist to go in there and try to "detonate" them or we will just leave 'em for ECF.
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 00:59
Meet my Fleet at that Beach thats south of the capital city. We will land our troops there.
We have 1,000 M-1 Tanks and 3,000 Warthogs(yes from halo) and 400,000 Troops.
* On The Decks of The Flag Ship
Captain:Load The Non Nuclear SLAM MIssles and have everyship fire a full volly of 10 Lets hope those missles destoy those ships before they can detonate,
The SLAM Missles Reached there final destination of 60,000 Feet the Jet seperated and the rocket pack kicked in. As They now dive to the habor at Mach 5
Tactical: It's in Fates Hands Now*
OOC: ECF there is no beach south of Tagistead (my capital), it is far inland
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 01:12
If it is far inland then there has to be water someware. Besides were just landing were not atuaclly going to burn down citys yet.,
27-06-2004, 01:12
The transport ships arrives at the south end of the land. There, they unload a huge number of landing ships.
Total amount of troops (navy): 300.000 brought in landing.
300 Leopard-6 tanks
200 Hummvees
The helicopter armada swoops over the cost of Tagia and fly towards the capital. The sound of "The ride of the valkyries" can be heared a mile away...
Total amount of troops (airforce): 100.000 brought in chopper landing.
50 mobile artillery
200 UH60 "Blackhawk"
50 AH1 Cobra
100 UH1A Huey (assault version)
Operation arc darkness is confirmed!
OOC: gtg now....here in sweden the time is 02:21PM and i have to get up early tomorrow. So, we'll end this then.
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 01:25
We have 9,000 SCORPION(yes from Halo)Tanks and 3,000 Warthogs(yes from halo) and 400,000 Troops who are qeuiiped with Gasmasks. And 5,000 Hum-V's and 500 Mobile Missles Lunchers. And 45 Anti Missle Batterys. My Troops are trained for ALl Kinds of combat and speclize in Urban Combat they are all armed with M-16 Rifles. And the Carriar ECF Strike will have 100 MIG-29MU's for air cover and 3 more carriers our hours away. The Mig-29MUs will enage the Enemy Fighters to cover your helicopters
Our Troops our heading for the capital and will be at the primiter by tomarrow. It seems they are ammassing there troops at there captital.
The fact that we are not in any other conflictcs allows us to send this massive number of troops.
At Helveticuz:I am on Board The Federation Pride and I am assuming that you our on your Battleship. I would Like for me and you to discuss our Stragey face to face.
Hans During, Chief of the NSG had seen lots of things in his life, but nothing of this magnitude. So far two enemy armies had landed on the shores of Tagio, and During was prepared to fight to the death for his island. For thisr reason he had ordered every last major armored divison in preperation to pull a Code: Briskeller, if anything this would save Tagio but at what cost to us he thought indeed at what what cost to us
OOC: Sorry if these have been short, I have up for a long time and I am tired. BTW if ya wanna know want Briskeller is check out this thread: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=150399&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=140&sid=40f2de47a46595ce9619de2df0ce0ccd 4th post down. 2nd BTW Troop crawlers are Tagi veichles that are mixture of a halftrack and a tank
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 02:15
We regret having to do this.
But you murdered incocent people.
OOC: ECF what sparked saying that, oh you wouldn't think I was a coward if I RPed a munity of some kind happend in Tagistead, killing Werkava and forming a new government, a new government that would cancel the decsions of the Werkava goverenment would you?
United Korean Nations
27-06-2004, 02:32
one Sky Skimmer Transport flying Boat jumped into the air, and landed in Tagio, disgorging 350 Armoured Infantrymen and 50 Hussar Cavalry Tanks. the Carrier Domination launches several F/A-10N Sea Warthog Attack Planes to attack Tagioese Military Bases.
Sangordian Airbase, Grenval
The Marines stood in a line, their short hair and camoflauge suits blending into their surroundings. The officers ordered them into the planes. Thousands of boots marched solemnly into the designated C-103s. They sat on the hard plastic seats inside. No one talked, they were after all, Marines. They would joke around once in the air, but for now, with television crews buzzing around, they had to look calm for their nation. In the background, the tanks were also being secured for transport. 2,000 tanks in 72 hours is a massive number. The pilots might not sleep tonight. Of course it is a risk to fly a pilot around the world multiple times, but there were orders to consider, and failure to meet those orders could mean another boatload of immigrants dead.
Tagio Airspace
The planes roared over an empty field. According to intelligence, there was nothing for miles. This is where the men would jump, from their they would march towards the capital. Except for 50,000, they would head for the port city, to attempt to stop the detonation of the entire harbor. They were the elite guard, prepared for anything. The men saw a green light, they prepared to jump. One by one, they flew into the air. Upon landing they secured gas masks, although they would not turn them on and waste their precious oxygen yet.
OOC: I have to leave the computer now everybody, I'll reply to currunt happenings tomarrow
I must withdraw my troops as I have more pressing problems, but I know you two can handle Tagio on you own very easily. However, here is one billion dollars to help your cause. Split it evenly.
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 03:22
This is going to be my last post for tonight I've been modding games all day and am getting pretty tried.
The Troops are Moving towards the city. SpearHeaded By Scorpion Tanks.
The Anti Missle Systems are also in place.
27-06-2004, 04:04
OOC: My own Rangers already assassinated Werkava in the old thread.
OOC: Well Hello everyone I am back, Tyrandis, assassinated? I thought your Rangers had just harmed him. Well it is moot any way seeing what will happen to Werkava in a few posts.
Pavia-Drogien (the port city)
The NSG commander in charge of the defense of Tagio's main port was nervous, after all the enemy might come after Tagistead first, then come here. "Sir" came sudden voice that startled the commander "We have the chem and bio warheads in the missles and artillery sir, the jockies are awaiting your orders to use them" the commander pondered for a momnet then spoke "don't fire them just yet captain, wait until the enemy is exposes his backside to the missles then fire" but sir" the captain protested "I think they are exposed now" "but nothing captain you will do as I say. Now go" the captain saluted and left the room, traveling to the missle launching area "well?" asked the missle commander "Fire them commander, widespread patern, mid air release" "yes sir" replied the the commander as he began the preparations to launch the missles lets see those fancy buggers laugh now thought the commander as the missles launched towards the the enemy infantry columns
six shadowly figures were positioned around the the table, the little light in room illumating only the table top. "So then we are agreed that Werkava will only lead this country to ruin?" asked one shadowly figure "yes we are agreed, but what can we do? He will most assuredly be protected by the NSG" said a second "Hans During is even now beginning to have his doubts about Werkava, it will not take much to convince him" said a third figure. "Good" said the first then he continued "then one of us should go and try to convince During to join us, for with the NSG out of the way nothing will stand in our plan"
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 15:41
Command Center On The Ground:
Sir I have detected enemy missles!
Arm All Anti Missle Systems! Breakl out the Gasmasks just incase!
The SLAM Variet 1 Missle left there containers in the anti Missle and were heading for the enemy Misslies. http://www.voodoo.cz/ah64/u/penguin.jpg
Score! uh oh.................... Commander 1 has gotten through It hit the Barracks! we have confirmed 3,456 Death and theres a strange chemical spreading we think it's nerve gas!
OH MY GOD! Have the entire Army Move away from there and get there gasmasks on NOW!
Commander: Tell The federation Pride to move her Fleet into postion and Arm The SLAM Missles. There Target Will be Pavia-Drogien. Destoy all Naval Vessles in there harbor. Once that is done I want you to move in and enage the citys defenses at Point Blank Range!
Have The Fleet fire a few missles at That Capital city. But hit the outskirts lets let them know we mean business!
"You idiot!!" screamed the NSG commander "I can't believe you did that, now they will be comming at us full force here" the captain was unfazed by the commander's triade "but sir it worked, many of thier men are dead or dying, they fear chem and bio attack now" "Exzactly! That means that if we launch more of those missles they will ready!! We just lost the use of one our greatest weapons, aside from Briskeller " the commander shook his head then pressed a button on his comm console "Lieutenant, evaculate all civilains not fit for military service to the bunker system, then the caves. Consricpt all others" after the commander took a deep breath "Captain we should all hope your stupidity as not made all of our lives forfiet"
27-06-2004, 18:29
The helvetian troops was equipped with gasmasks and marched towards the capital. On the way the 114th Engineering division started to build "Military Zone: Infernia" with materials flewn in by helicopters. This was to be the first foreign army outpost in Tagia.
The elite wing division, called "Top Gun" (yes from the movie), Was now in Tagio airspace.
"-Mother, This is Yankee One. Target in sight, over."
"-Yankee One, Fire at will."
"-Will do. Over n' out."
The five F22 fighters began to lock on targets, wich was some military buildings in the tagia capital.
"-Light 'em up!"
"-Roger leader, target locked."
The buildings blew up in a huge inferno, and the threat was gone.
"-Hostile armor spotted on road 24, heading towards our zone."
"-Mother, permission to eliminate threat?"
"-Permission accepted."
The fighters now flew towards the Tagia tanks....closing in every second.
Several missiles was launched..
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 18:49
*On Board The 5 ECF Carriers 5 by 5 Planes Slipped into the air once there cargo was unloaded the Carriers Turned towards the fleet and for the port city where they would wait.
As The MIG-29MU's closed in
Gold Leader: Were aproaching The Capital City, All Wings Report In !
Red Leader Standing By
Purple Leader Standing By
GreenLeader Standing By
Grey Leader Standing By
Blue Leader Standing By
As The 300 Aircraft Aporched The City ECF Bombers were comming in.
Red Leader: SIR! We have 300 Fighters of An unknown Type! Possibly MIG-20!'s
Gold Leader: Arcelrate to attack speed Lock weapons make sure to draw there fire away from the bombers!
Purple Leader: There not using missles there dogfighting!
Gold Leader: All groups save you misslies Unless You Really Need them.
We Can win this.!
OOC: Helveticuz the name of my country is Tagio not Tagia, plural is Tagi
not Tagia also. EDIT: ECF I asked you a question last night, but I never got a answer, I would like one ya know
SAM installations around Tagistead began firing the minute the enemy planes entered the area. Air-raid sirens filled the air as civilians began to go underground, as this was happening Tagi troops with AA and AT veichles marched out of the capital and into a trench works lines that spread throughout the area. Jan Werkava himself was underground hiding in a bunker, preparing to press the buttion to start Briskeller at any moment, Tagio was ready to recieve an enem attack. Meanwhile in another part of the city a group of shady men had confronted Hans During "Herr During you must tell your NSG to step down so we can hit Werkava" said the first figure. "You surely reonizge he is a fool, he must killed for the good of the country" said a second. During thought for moment before speaking "You are right, Werkava must be killed. Here is the access code for his bunker door, I will tell the NSG guards to stand down let your men through on a agreed password" "Danke shon Herr During" said the first man "what is the word?" asked the second "The wicked witch dies tonight" replied During. The two men looked at each and nodded their assent to the password then they walked away thinking how easy it was to convince During
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 19:29
Sir We have lost 123 Planes!
Gold Leader: EverYone get out NOW!
*the planes leave*
*Onboard the ECF Federation Pride
Ops: Captain we have lost 123 MIG-29MU's there returning to the carrier!
Captain: From The Data from the fighters I want you to lock SLAM Missles On The SAM batterys
Tactical: Armed And Locked
Tactical: We have Locked on target I am insurcting all other ships to do the same.
*the ship rocked at the missles took off*
Captain: Tell once the Planes have been refuled to lunch another wave
what about the bombers?
Ops: All but 23 Destoyed.
Meanwhile on the Push to the capital:
COmmander: Bring In the scorpions to take care of them
*On The Federation Pride*
Captain As Soon as the capital is taken we will move into the port city. And enage there reaming naval forcs
While harador is busy elsewhere it will not stand by the actions East Coast Federation and its allies and calls fo them to immediatly leave the country.
In preperation for a unwelcome response harador has pulled back its destroyers and is preaparing to send troops and supplies to Tagio.We will supply them with munitions for half price and harador requests to deploy a small force into tagio.
Also harador has inserted an elite force into tagio by air and asks that they dont be attacked if found that is by tagi forces.They will commence speacial operations if this does not end.
27-06-2004, 20:39
The marching soldiers halted and formed a line of defense.
"-When the enemy crosses this line.....fire." Col. Goran Trib
All soldiers began to dig a trench, and bulldozers helped them. Several choppers flew towards the city loaded with the Helvetian Task Force Ops.
5 soldiers in each team, they are one of the most deadly weapons in the helvetian army. Their orders was to find, and kill Jan Werkava and several other high ranked Tagi officers.
The 3 UH60 helicopters landed in the outskirts of the Tagi capital, and the TFO teams ran out securing the landing zone. Now, the most deadly infantry division was released in Tagio.
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 21:22
While harador is busy elsewhere it will not stand by the actions East Coast Federation and its allies and calls fo them to immediatly leave the country.
In preperation for a unwelcome response harador has pulled back its destroyers and is preaparing to send troops and supplies to Tagio.We will supply them with munitions for half price and harador requests to deploy a small force into tagio.
Also harador has inserted an elite force into tagio by air and asks that they dont be attacked if found that is by tagi forces.They will commence speacial operations if this does not end.
Thanks for the warning.
I'm sending half of the ECF navy to blow up anything that tries to get in or out. That would be 230 ECF Class Battleships,20 Carrier Battlegroups,30 Destoyers,21 Subs,13 Firgates.
indulcing the 30 ship fleet that is already there.
So Have a Nice Day!
ooc:Thats only half your navy? :shock:
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 22:00
stupid server..........................deletet this post
East Coast Federation
27-06-2004, 22:00
Well If You Count,
25 Carrier Battlegroups
500 ECF Class Batlleships
100 Destoyers
40 Figates 1
100 Subs
you get about half
We have also ordered more ships.
But they won't be here in time for the war.
This is SMALL compared to Dojiuns Navy.
Werkava's bunker
Jan Werkava watched what was happening the TV screens We shall go out in a blaze glory before the foe, everyone shall do it wheather they like it or not he throught has he hugged himself with glee. Then suddenly the door brust open and young man in a trench coat walked in holding a MP5. Werkava gaped at the man, who pulled the trigger before before Werkava had time react. "Sic Semper Tyrannis" said the young man as he walked out of the bunker
Over the next hour a flurry of tranmission were sent to every major military figure in Tagio, It went like this: Men of Tagio, Jan Werkava is dead. He has betrayed our country for the last time. We the new leadership of Tagio do hereby issue our first order: All hostile actions against the colalition alinged against is to cease immeadiatly and a request for fair talks has been sent to military leader ship of the colalition
The following has sent to the colalition leadership
To: the Colalition Leadership
From: the temporay Junta in charge of Tagio
Jan Werkava is dead, killed by assassian we have hired. We of the military leadership of Tagio have gotten tired of the evil ways of Werkava, we have never had oppternunity to overthrow him until now. We of the military leadership of Tagio do hereby request fair talks to discuss peace [/code:1:4a42b3b39f]
East Coast Federation
28-06-2004, 00:26
OCC:I'm confused you want Peave Talks?
OOC: Well you see ECF Werkava was heavily disliked by the military, they didn't want this war. So yeah the new military controlled government wants peace talks, fair ones mind you
East Coast Federation
28-06-2004, 00:39
All Of Troops have hulted.
We are willing to talk.
You start
very well I assume that the meeting takes places in a confrence room
Three men walk into the room, the men are dressed as generals of the Army, NSG, and Navy. All three wear a chain around their necks with simple wooden Christian cross on it. The Army general steps foward and begins to speak "We are happy that you have agreed to these talks gentleman, there is no need for futher bloodshed. We will immeadiatly as of the conclusion of these talks repeal all of the laws of the Werkava reigime, this includes the laws about immigration and the "undisireables" as well as those that deal with God's chosen people, the Jewish people. We will also form a democracy and hold free and fair elections immeadiatly. We will also hand over to you for disposal all WMDs that Werkava built during his reigme. We also disband the NSG and create branch of service simeliar to the Marines of various other countries in its place. Will this be acceptable to you good sirs?"
East Coast Federation
28-06-2004, 01:39
I am sorry but we will only Peacetalk on our Own Flagship.
We can work out a treaty there.
You will be let into the middle of the fleet on a SMALL ship.
Head For The Center Of the Fleet.
Yes there be guns and missles aimed at you.
Any funny stuff and your dead.
Head for the Middle and we will allow you on board.
It's the only Gold Colored ship.
We will discuss there.
very well the generals are leaving Tagistead and will go to Pavia-Drogien from there they will go to your flag ship, the same things I said above will be said to your people on the flag ship.
The Generals have arrived on your battle ship ECF
Three men walk onto the deck, the men are dressed as generals of the Army, NSG, and Navy. All three wear a chain around their necks with simple wooden Christian cross on it. After saluting the colaltion commanders the Army general steps foward and begins to speak "We are happy that you have agreed to these talks gentleman, there is no need for futher bloodshed. We will immeadiatly as of the conclusion of these talks repeal all of the laws of the Werkava reigime, this includes the laws about immigration and the "undisireables" as well as those that deal with God's chosen people, the Jewish people. We will also form a democracy and hold free and fair elections immeadiatly. We will also hand over to you for disposal all WMDs that Werkava built during his reigme. We also disband the NSG and create branch of service simeliar to the Marines of various other countries in its place. Will this be acceptable to you good sirs?"
East Coast Federation
28-06-2004, 02:48
President(Me): I don't Know if out other Nation will agree to this but In Light of recent events I'm sure they will consider. We do outnumber and outgun them. However we will stop attacking. And I hope our COmmunist allys will do the same.
I want all WMD's aboad this ship by Next Week.
I want a oath from Your Forces that they will not attack us.
We willappect your treaty if and only if we can act as peacekeepers for the next several years as you rebuild your nation.
OOC: I'll post something more substanianl tomarrow. night all
East Coast Federation
19-07-2004, 13:39
Alright once your nation is stable and it can meet human right needs without out help we will pull out.
We are pulling the Navy Out now becasuse war with several other nations seems inminant and we are expecting alot of Naval Warefare.