Sci-fi/Fantasy Story Sign-up
Will be organising a roleplay inspired by the X-Com universe and is set in the year 2021.
for some info go to
will post background later on,will be set in Sol System.will be a reasonable physics science fantasy.
feel free to throw ideas around and once I come up with a background,you can compose your character profile.
Central Facehuggeria
26-06-2004, 14:10
#Really big tag for my love of Xcom#
Decided on factions;story will be set in 2062 onwards instead.
-Kargil Alien Defence Organisation(KADO)[covert agency independent of the UN responsible for combating the alien menace]
-United Nations->funding body of KADO
Members of United Nations Security Council:(Classified by blocs)
European Group(allies with African League,Asian Consortium,South Asian Axis;opposed to United America)
-European Union->representing all Western and Eastern European countries except Turkey.
-Russian Commonwealth(Russia and Central Asian nations)
Asian Consortium(opposed to United America,close ties with all other parties)
-East Asian Sphere(United Republic of Korea,Japan,Greater Republic of China)
-South East Alliance(Thailand,Malaysia,Indonesia,Australia,New Zealand,Philippines,Vietnam,Laos,Cambodia,Myanmar)
-Pacific Islands Union
South Asian Axis(close ties to Asian Consortium,European Group;direct enemy of United America)
-Indian Confederation
-Federated Commonwealth of Pakistan
-Islamic Republic of Iran
-Afghan Conglomerate
-Federal Republic of Iraq
-Federation of Turkey
Jeru-Sing-Du Combine(maintains close alliances with all sides,moderator for United America)
-United Arab Emirates
African League
-Consists of all African nations(primary members are Morocco,Chad,Nigeria,Ethiopia,Egypt,Congo,Algeria and South Africa
South American Collective(close ties to Jeru-Sing-Du Combine and European Group;enemy of United America)
-El Salvador
United America(hostile to all groupings;close ties to Jeru-Sing-Du Combine which moderates them diplomatically and internationally)
-California Syndicate(megacorporation with ownership of Los Angeles)
-Hollywood Incorporated(megacorporation)
-Vegas Cartel(megacorporation)
-United States of America
-Texas Hegemony
-Dominion of Canada(close ties to Russian Federation,allies to Jeru-Sing-Du Combine)
-United Kingdom of Britain(close ties to European Union,allied with European Union)
Non-Aligned Movement(neutral observer,close social and economic links with Jeru-Sing-Du Combine)
-all neutral countries not part of any of the organisations
The year is 2062 and there are rumours spreading throughout the globe of the presence of extraterrestrial in the Sol System,a global conspiracy of silence to prevent panic from spreading.The first colonies have been founded on Mars and in obit around Earth,remote mining colonies being established at Jupiter,the first inklings of interstellar travel research,currently primitive,taking place on Pluto and the moons of Jupiter as well as the rings of Uranius.
The paradigms of science has changed,spiritualism,nanotechnology and the presence of AI's changing the fabric of human society,as the human diaspora spreads outward in a web through the Sol System,and soon beyond,Earth at the centre of the many webs,the many forces allied for the common good,preparing for humanity to leave its cradle and head for the stars.
Yet,rumours abound,of conspiracies by United America to undermine the United Nations,of collusion with aliens,apocalyptic cults sprouting throughout the cities of the world,covert operations carried out by the Combine to balance the scales and prevent all out war from erupting,as rhetoric,religious and political,undermining in its essence,continues to spread in tendrils,its many tentacles spread,originating from one place.
The time for action is now.Humanity's fate lies in the balance as an alien intelligence looms overhead,its human agents keen for the reward they will receive as they help to subjugate their own species.
this is the rough idea.any suggestions?
or less ambitious and simpler perhaps would be to set it in 2023,same name with KADO,a bit less complex,more within reasonable thought.
ok,simplified it.
Major Factions:
United Nations
United America(USA+Canada+Mexico+Panama)
European Union(Western Europe+Eastern Europe+Turkey+Israel)
Russian Commonwealth
Asiazil Combine(China+India+Japan+Indonesia+Pakistan+Iran+Brazil)
ASEAN[Association of South East Asian Nations+Australia+New Zealand+Taiwan]
International Defence Group Zaphir (IDG Zaphir)
Set in 2020,the global powers have amalgamated into economic and military blocs friendly to one another.The most powerful of these blocs is the Asian Combine due to their sheer manpower,possessing economic and military clout above all others.The Asiazil Combine maintains tenous linkages with United America.The 3 blocs that are most closely aligned to each other are ASEAN,the Asian Combine and the European Union,with a combined population of 4 billion,out of a world population of 7 billion.
United America is formed of the former USA,Canada,Mexico and Panama.The Russian Commonwealth is a close ally.
UN basically serves as the mediating agency between all groups and prevents open conflict.Rest of the countries are non-aligned and relatively neutral.
Paradigms have changed in society,science and technology,bringing many new beneficial changes to the common human.Poverty has been minimised worldwide,though it still exists.Africa is in a sorry state but is slowly being lifted out of its mire.Overall,the world is improving with practical solutions and policies and a little imagination,as well as a determination to ensure the harmonious and peaceful long-term welfare of common humanity,at least in the Asian Combine and its groupings,seeing that something which benefits the whole of humanity will in turn benefit them in the long run,unlike short sighted American views.Nanotechnology,bionanotechnology,information technology and biotechnology are slowly emerging and developing at rapid speeds.Societies throughout the world are undergoing a major change.A possible new 'golden age' is approaching.
However,through every country,consistent reports of a new,extraplanetary threat are emerging,of a new species out there,of radio signals received by SETI that have been suppressed by corporations and governments.Paranormal investigation groups throughout the world are receiving underground reports of ET activity and of news that the UN has formed a covert group to handle these unprecendented threats.
Whispers abound in the intelligence networks worldwide,of new alliances,of a new threats to a world that is slowly recovering from the excesses of the period in history termed as the 'American Blight',new groups possessing radically new technologies pushing the envelope of what is legal,of classified research by governments and corporations in biotechnology taking place in the gray shades that border between the law and crime.
Into this scenario does the IDG Zaphir step in.
OOC:ok,threshed out the details.apply.You serve as characters in the IDG Zaphir.
so i love X-Com, but i'm not following a lot of the stuff you're throwing in there.
United America(USA+Canada+Mexico+Panama)
European Union(Western Europe+Eastern Europe+Turkey+Israel)
Russian Commonwealth
Asiazil Combine(China+India+Japan+Indonesia+Pakistan+Iran+Brazil)
ASEAN[Association of South East Asian Nations+Australia+New Zealand+Taiwan]
where did you get these groupings? some of them seem outright insane.
why would Canada or Mexico join into the same government as the USA? why would Europe ally with Israel? Israel would more likely join with the US. And the Asiazil group ... no way! and then ASEAN, which is real, would never admit Australia and New Zealand. etc etc. here's my suggestion, without the fancy names because i suck at that stuff:
Latin America+Central America
mainland Europe+Turkey+Russia
the pacific rim+india
that's probably more accurate to geo-political relations. and i don't know about this stuff of poverty being elminated; poverty is going to get worse and worse, especially in the next 15 years. the alliances of, say, the pacific rim and India will be directly motivated by economic necessity.
and what's this about nanotechnology and new paradigms? not in 2020. if anything, the scenario will be more interesting if world is in deep shit already when the aliens show up; if everyone got along, why would a faction break ranks and make deals with the aliens? if everyone is competing, though, the constant paranoia of whether anyone is making deals with other nations, much less the aliens, will be insane. i mean, when you sell that plasma cannon to fund your new base construction, who do you sell it to? what happens when one faction hoards alien artifacts? etc etc. now THAT'S drama.
OOC:You have a valid point.story still needs work,but it is still in the planning stages.have to juggle all this roleplaying stuff with college.
Will need to work on making it more realistic.Nanotech in the story is in the beginning stages but will begin to progress rapidly once the story is in line.
Basically,I'm just setting up the Americans in the story as evil,stubborn bastards.Asian Combine and EU are essentially the 'hero' groupings of the game.
Will need to work that in,but game will be set around countering alien influence in some governments,that and the alien hoarding thing is a good idea.
Latin America+Central America
mainland Europe+Turkey+Russia
the pacific rim+india
What about the rest of Asia? Mongolia and Japan at least would not unite with China. Unless they are being put with the pacific rim.
And where is the Middle East in this?
Just trying to help craft a more believable RP world.
Ok.simplified the story a bit with regard to organisations.
IDJP-International Defence Jakarta Pact(signatory nations dedicated to defence of Earth from extrasolar threats.)
Will list countries and work on to leave for lecture now.
I might be interested in taking part
consider yourself invited then.
ok,Story is set.
The Year is 2021 and world still goes on much as it has.Scientific progress still continues,religion still has its place,though is a lesser force in society throughout the world and the UN has gained more bite due to a long period of bureaucratic reformations.Inroads are slowly being made into nanotechnology while silicon-based computing technology has reached a plateau due to the limits of Moore's Law being breached.Society has slowly become more open,with pockets of tradition still being maintained globally.With recent advances in energy-related technologies,new fossil fuel deposits have been found and tapped more efficiently and effectively,while low-pollution technologies and the environmental industries are the current global fad for investors worldwide.Nuclear fusion research and hydrogen-based energies has slowly been building up momentum as it slowly becomes a workable reality,spearheaded by large energy conglomerates such as Shell and Exxon-Mobil who are eager to tap into the future hydrogen-based and alternative energy economy of the future.Laser fusion using deuterium-He3 has reached a point where experimental reactors are being used for spaceflight and military purposes,while space and the oceans of Earth are a new investment option,high risk but with incredible payoffs for the discerning investor.
Life sciences and biological technologies are slowly being developed in centres throughout the world and major efforts undertaken since 2010 have resulted in a great decrease in poverty worldwide.While not eliminated,poverty and its effects have been reduced worldwide through a mix of free market globalisation and limited controls by governments to ease the pressure on domestic industries.
The UNSC(United Nations Security Council) consists of the permanent members of India,Japan,China,Brazil,Russia,USA,France and UK with permanent regional seats for each region of the world,rotated among different regional groups,the groups being the EU,ASEAN,African League,South Pacific Cartel,South American Alliance and Asian Cooperative,all of which are loose coalitions of nations tied by economic and social links.
Economically and militarily,the superpowers of the current world order are USA,China,India,Russia and Japan,able to project their forces from one end of the Earth to another,with the USA maintaining its edge through its dominance of orbital space,air superiority and sophisticated nuclear weaponry,the other 4 forces maintaining parity with it in other areas.Japan remains closely aligned with the USA,while Russia and India remains neutral,not wishing to contribute to the traditionally antagonistic relationship between China and the USA,a major part being the refusal of China to recognise the internationally recognised Republic of Taiwan.
Major powers in their own right with the ability to cooperate and coordinate militarily with these disparate forces are Singapore,Israel,Australia,Kazakhstan,Malaysia,Indonesia,Pakistan,Iran,Turkey,
Taiwan,Korea,Thailand,Vietnam,Germany and France.These countries formed the Taipei Pact,a military body dedicated to the defence of each nation and to protect their interests that might otherwise be trampled in the antagonistic trade war between China and the USA.
Attitudes of Superpowers:
India-benign,maintains status and only reacts if core interests or interests of allies are threatened,prefers diplomacy.Major ally of African League. Close Economic links to ASEAN,Asian Collective,EU,African League and South American Alliance,South Pacific Cartel.Neutral.Associate member of Taipei Pact.
Russia-Close ally of India(militarily and economically),generally benign,dislikes interference in domestic matters.prefers diplomacy.Major economic partner of EU and Asian Collective.Neutral.Associate member of Taipei Pact.
China-peaceful and benign,keeps to own country,prefers diplomacy to open warfare with any nation.Major economic partner of South American Alliance,African League,ASEAN,Japan.Antagonistic towards USA.Open hatred of Taipei pact and has minimal diplomatic links to most of those countries,claims Republic of Taiwan as renegade province,UN openly rejects claim.
Note:China maintains close economic ties to India,Australia and Russia and has non-aggression treaties as well as FTAs with them.Prefers to ignore their status as member of Taipei Pact.Singapore serves as traditional mediator between Taiwan and China,neutral party.
Japan-aligned with USA,friendly towards China.Close economic partnerships within Asian Collective,South American Alliance,ASEAN and South Pacific Cartel.Associate member of Taipei Pact.Moderates US position in Asia-Pacific,serves as base for US military.
ok,thats the setting for the environment.Not too futuristic,not too current day,somewhere in the middle,as reasonable as I can imagine it.Got all the major powers down.
Throughout the world,there have been increased reports of UFOs sighted,of strange radar sightings on both civilian and military radars.Reports of strange life forms have been cited in major newspapers,with scientists struggling for an explanation of the unusual events.
Meanwhile,the US is engaged in waging a continued 'war on terror',with the continued occupation of US troops in the country of Afghanistan and US troops carrying out covert operations in sovereign nations in an attempt to assassinate terrorists and elements deemed supportive of the terrorists.
Meanwhile,in several major cities in America,death cults prophesying a doomsday have sprung up,talking of alien messiahs that will come to eradicate the human race and purify it of its genetic taint.
In scientific circles,rumours of suppressed information regarding verifiable alien signals sourced from SETI and military monitoring stations have arisen interest.
Most horrifingly,in the jungles of South America,suppressed intelligence reports have talked of children born in remote jungle tribes 'deformed',of bipedal reptilian beasts stalking the jungles,captured specimens boasting biochemistry that bears no resemblance to any known life form on Earth.Reports of how the 'deformed' children could talk only after a few hourse,how they had totally black eyes and sharp fangs.
In the air and under the oceans,the roving military force of the world encounter craft that outperform military vehicles by incredible extents,exceeding Mach 1 while traveling underwater,of moving through the atmosphere at speeds that would break up an F-18 Superhornet.Wreckage that has been salvaged from the few craft shot down has been analysed to reveal materials of incredible strength,of hardness exceeding 20 times that of diamond and tensile strength exceeding that of any known human material and able to resist any known force in nature,where human artifice can only craft materials less than a tenth of the strength.
To answer this rising threat,IDJG has been formed,based on the Nimitz-Class carrier Saphyr,refitted with state-of-the-art and experimental technologies,with scientific,administrative,support and combat personnel employed from across the world to staff it and access to the most sophisticated weaponry that money can buy.Getting its funding from the UNSC,its purpose is simple:To research and find answers to the threats indicated by the occurences worldwide,and to devise a response to that threat,up to and including total termination of the source.
Meanwhile,it has to contend with the political games of China and America,of political tricks and restricted funding,of short-term goals and selfish corporate and military interests interfering in the battles to come.
OOC:this is a story/roleplay,so it is safe to state somebody's losses WITHIN REASON,as this is a combination.However,please bear in mind that as the storymaster,what I say goes and is final,though I am open to suggestions and changes as well as appeals.I will do what is necessary to make this thread enjoyable for all concerned.Please come and contribute to this thread.
17-10-2004, 07:28
If you are still accepting people I would be happy to join this.
The Japanese People
17-10-2004, 07:33
Yeah me too.
Me = Japan
Is this an RP with you picking nations or no...?
Can I join as well?
If so I don't mind who I am.
You sign up as characters serving in the IDJG in whatever capacity you would like to that contributes to the story.
I am going to serve generally as narrator and various background characters/organisations to flesh out the story,but if you want to help me,then just telegram me.
Requirements for this:
To take part in this,you must be at least 16,as it might contain sexual and other mature content,and will most definitely contain graphic violence and might contain other graphical mature content.
You must also be able to stick within your character and not suddenly have your character undergo a dramatic change within the story(unless it serves to add some drama to the plot,if you want to,them telegram me as well).
Please post a character name+background+skills and attributes if you wish to sign on.
@Japanese People
Telegram me regarding your role.I might have you take on the role of 2 countries or more.Are you from Japan?I'm also Asian,from Singapore but based in Sydney.
Can you help me as the co-storymaster?It might get a bit complex,so will need help to keep everything clear.
18-10-2004, 08:36
*tags* I'll make a character later, if that is ok, i have to hurry up some things for school in a few hours.