Remelian Military Weapons Contracts Available
Octavius Pollonius
Ministry of Defense and Procurement
Subject: Open Military Contracts
Re: Remelian Legion Upgrade and Re-Arming
To: All Weapons Contractors and Arms Suppliers
As per orders of the Praetor, and due in large part to the suggestions of the Legion Legates, the Remelian Military has placed its military contracts up for bid for the supply and upgrade of the Remelian Legions and the revision of Weaponry Technologies.
The contracts are to be awarded to any contractor who can provide nescessary equipment with speed, efficiency and technical training at the lowest price to the Remelian military so that the integration of such armaments can proceed as swiftly as is possible.
Available Contracts:
450,000 Rifles for the Active Component Infantry Legionaires.
750,000 Rifles for the Reserve Component Infantry Legionaires
300,000 Small Arms Weapons for Mechanized Crew Members
100,000 Multi purpose reconaisance and General Purpose Vehicals
200,000 Armored Personell Carriers
5000 Anti Aircraft and Air Defense Weapon Systems
6000 Main Battle Tanks
2000 Light Scout and Special Purpose Armor Systems
6000 Self Propelled Artillery Systems
2000 Towed Artillery Systems
5000 Self Propelled/ Towed or Vehical Dismount Mortar Systems
1800 Attack Helicopter Systems
3000 Utility Helicopter Systems
1500 Cargo Transport Helicopter Systems
500 Fixed Wing Attack Aircraft Preferably Air Superiority or Multi Purpose
300 Fixed Wing Bomber Systems
30 Air Control, Surveillance/Intelligence Aircraft Systems
40 Air Refueling Systems
150 Air Cargo/Transport Systems
4 Battle Ship Configurations
20 Destroyer/Frigate Configurations
3 CVA Aircraft CArrier Configurations Aircraft Included
150 Cargo Transport Configurations
300 General Transport Configurations
120 Submarine Configurations Hunter and Ballistic Configurations
300,000 General Purpose Utility Transport Trucks
30,000 Refueling Trucks
All Bids on any or all contracts in whole or in part must be wired to the Remelian Ministry of Defense and Procurement with complete specifications on system, delivery and logistics , contract pricing and technical training information.
OOC Note:
This is an RP and its open to everyone to participate in, and the number of weaponry of the contracts is far more than the actual size of the Remelian Military. Its stockpiling.
27-06-2004, 07:45
The HDC ( would be honored to fill as many contracts with the Remelian military as possible. With orders greater than 5,000 units there is a 10% discount*. Speed is not an issue due to the hundreds of factories at the disposal of the HDC.
For training, Officers of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire Royal Armed Forces are ready, at very minimal cost, to go to Remelia and instruct your officers and instructors on proper use of the ordered weaponry.
ErininArms (
The Manufacturing branch of the Erinin Government would be most pleased to fill any contract or portion of a contract.
We are complete willing to Negotiate prices.
Octavius Pollonius
Ministry of Defense and Procurement
Subject: Open Military Contracts
Re: HDC Contract offer.
The Ministry of Defense and Procurement has recieved your missive regarding interest in the Remelian Military contracts.
What is needed to speed up the bid and acceptance process is as follows.
Contract of interest
Weapon System general specifications and price per unit.
The number of personell required to engage in training
Schedule of deliveries per weapon system type.
If the current bid is accepted the Remelian defense ministry will issue a limited number of visitor visa for the training personell that are selected and allow them limited access within the Remelian economy under strict Military escort. All Trainer applicants must fulfill a complete background check and submit to a pre arrival authorization screening process and they must sign written documentation of non disclosure and agreement that the visa can be revoked at any time for any reason and that they agree to abide by Remelian law and custom during their stay. Trainers will be exempt from civil prosecution and will fall into Military Tribunal if the need arises.
Any attempt by trainers or HDC personell working within Remelia at Espionage activities will be seized on the spot, tried and condemned according to Remelian law.
Octavius Pollonius
Ministry of Defense and Procurement
Subject: Open Military Contracts
Re: Erinin Contract offer.
The Ministry of Defense and Procurement has recieved your missive regarding interest in the Remelian Military contracts.
What is needed to speed up the bid and acceptance process is as follows.
Contract of interest
Weapon System general specifications and price per unit.
The number of personell required to engage in training
Schedule of deliveries per weapon system type.
If the current bid is accepted the Remelian defense ministry will issue a limited number of visitor visa for the training personell that are selected and allow them limited access within the Remelian economy under strict Military escort. All Trainer applicants must fulfill a complete background check and submit to a pre arrival authorization screening process and they must sign written documentation of non disclosure and agreement that the visa can be revoked at any time for any reason and that they agree to abide by Remelian law and custom during their stay. Trainers will be exempt from civil prosecution and will fall into Military Tribunal if the need arises.
Any attempt by trainers or Erinin personell working within Remelia at Espionage activities will be seized on the spot, tried and condemned according to Remelian law.
Erinin personell working in Remelia are advised to keep religious opinions quietly to themselves while under the aegis of the Remelian government. It is hoped by the Ministry of Defense and Procurement that this is not seen as an insult or seen as the stifling of beliefs. It is merely an action needed to be taken to ensure the fullest safety for Erinin citizens in Remelia.
The Joker Cards
27-06-2004, 09:37
Ok, i posted this before, but the damn forum erased it...
if you arent a puppet nation, then you dont have enough money to buy this stuff (at least not all of it) because 1) you dont have enough money to maintain it, and 2) you dont have enough people in your military to operate it... your military is at MOST %5 of your population.
27-06-2004, 09:38
To: Octavius Pollonius, Ministry of Defense and Procurement, Remelia
From Sir Clyde Thurborne, CEO/Chairman, HDC
Subject: Military Contracts
Contract 1A-66324
-HR-42 ( Selectable Battle Assault Rifle (SABR). Price standard, $10,000 per unit.
-Choir Master .50 cal hand gun ( Price, $1,500 per unit
Contract 1A-66324-20
-Portland ( Armored Reconnaisance Vehicle/Light Tank. Price per unit, $1.25 million
-Portland ( Armored Air Defense Vehicle. Price per unit, $1.5 million
Contract 1A-66450-18
-Roosevelt ( Heavy Main Battle Tanks. Price per unit, $25 million.
-Portland ( Armored Reconnaisance Vehicle/Light Tank. Price per unit, $1.25 million.
-Dragoon ( Infantry Support Tank/Medium Tank. Price per unit, $10 million.
-Brautwurst ( Heavy Infantry Gun. Price per unit, $250,000.
-Chamberlain ( Ultra Heavy Main Battle Tank/Howitzer. Price per unit, $12 million.
Contract 1B-66760
AC-10 "Rockhopper Penguin" Attack Helicopter ( $20 million
AC-20 "Penguin" Attack Helicopter ( $20 million
AC-50 "Emperor Penguin" Attack Helicopter ( $40 million
AC-70 "Mountain Penguin" Scout-Attack Helicopter ( $50 million
TC-1000 "Madison" Heavy Transport Helicopter ( $35 million
TC-2000 "Dark Nova" Heavy Assault Transport Helicopter ( $75 million
Contract 5C-93481
Majesty Class Land Attack Destroyer (DD) ( $750 million
Appomattox Class Heavy Destroyer (DDH) ( $500 million
David D. Porter Class Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG) ( $750 million
Stalwart Class Modular Frigate (FFG) (FF) ( $500 million (both versions)
Crusader Class Escort Frigate (FFG) ( $500 million
Pernicious Class Improved Heavy Nuclear Carrier (ICVBN) ( $7 billion without aircraft; $15 billion with aircraft.
Vulpine Class Heavy Nuclear Carrier (CVBN) ( $3 billion without aircraft; $7 billion with aircraft.
Endeavour Class Light Carrier (CVL) ( $1.5 billion without aircraft; $2.5 with aircraft.
Quantum Class Amphibious Multi-Role Command Ship (CVAC) ( $1.25 billion without aircraft.
Proxima Class Escort Carrier (CVEN) ( $1 billion without planes.
Brutus Class Fast Attack Submarine (SSN) ( $1 billion
Caesar Class Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN) ( $1.75 billion
Caesar Class Guided Missile Submarine (SSGN) ( $2 billion
Johnston Class Ammunition Ship (AO) ( $300 million
Replenisher Class Oiler (OT) ( $300 million
Texarkana Class Landing Ship (LSV) ( $100 million
Texarkana Class Troop Transport (LSV-TT) ( $150 million
Texarkana Class Semi-Submersible Transport (LSV-SSV) ( $100 million
Texarkana Class Helicopter Carrier (LSV-CH) ( $250 million without helicopters
Depending on what is ordered and in what quanities, up to 500 Royal Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines, and Royal Air Force personnel will be sent to Remelian for training personnel.
Depending on order size, if the HDC is award the full contract for each contract the HDC applied for, construction and delivery would take no less than 5 years.
Before any construction can begin, proof of ability to pay is required.
The Wickit Klownz
27-06-2004, 09:51
Ok, i posted this before, but the damn forum erased it...
if you arent a puppet nation, then you dont have enough money to buy this stuff (at least not all of it) because 1) you dont have enough money to maintain it, and 2) you dont have enough people in your military to operate it... your military is at MOST %5 of your population.
damn it, thats my puppet, i just didnt sign into this nation to say that... noone knows me as that nation yet...
Ok, i posted this before, but the damn forum erased it...
if you arent a puppet nation, then you dont have enough money to buy this stuff (at least not all of it) because 1) you dont have enough money to maintain it, and 2) you dont have enough people in your military to operate it... your military is at MOST %5 of your population.
If you'd read the second post it states that the number on the contract far exceeds what is currently needed by the Remelian Military. The contracting for a larger number ensures that when the expansion of the military size occurs there will be enough weapons to go around to each soldier as well as extras that are needed due to malfunctions, equipment breakage and loss and general wear and tear rotating of weapons and vehicals for maintainance and services.
And this is also why a shipment schedule is stated in the return telegrams. Realistically as far as real world procedures go it can take up to 10 years for a government to recieve around 30 planes from US Weapons Manufacturers. So nothing is implied as being a right away deal where everything gets shipped at once.
Not to mention the fact that schematics of vehicals have to been sent to Remelian officials to go over and send in required specifications and changes to any and all vehical models so that the vehicals that arrive are to the standards for what the Remelian Military would need them for which adds on at the very least after committee and authorization another year before a single vehical is shipped or even begun construction.
Its highly unlikely that regardless of how many manufacturing plants are available that any country has 100,000 wheeled vehicals or over a million spare small arms just laying around to send all at once in any case, most especially if said country has contracts with other nations as well as their own military they need to keep up with.
And no government in their right mind is going to pay up front for a weapons contract. Its pay for what is delivered when it is delivered after its been inspected and found acceptable.
The Wickit Klownz
27-06-2004, 09:57
Ok, i posted this before, but the damn forum erased it...
if you arent a puppet nation, then you dont have enough money to buy this stuff (at least not all of it) because 1) you dont have enough money to maintain it, and 2) you dont have enough people in your military to operate it... your military is at MOST %5 of your population.
If you'd read the second post it states that the number on the contract far exceeds what is currently needed by the Remelian Military. The contracting for a larger number ensures that when the expansion of the military size occurs there will be enough weapons to go around to each soldier as well as extras that are needed due to malfunctions, equipment breakage and loss and general wear and tear rotating of weapons and vehicals for maintainance and services.
And this is also why a shipment schedule is stated in the return telegrams. Realistically as far as real world procedures go it can take up to 10 years for a government to recieve around 30 planes from US Weapons Manufacturers. So nothing is implied as being a right away deal where everything gets shipped at once.
Not to mention the fact that schematics of vehicals have to been sent to Remelian officials to go over and send in required specifications and changes to any and all vehical models so that the vehicals that arrive are to the standards for what the Remelian Military would need them for which adds on at the very least after committee and authorization another year before a single vehical is shipped or even begun construction.
Its highly unlikely that regardless of how many manufacturing plants are available that any country has 100,000 wheeled vehicals or over a million spare small arms just laying around to send all at once in any case, most especially if said country has contracts with other nations as well as their own military they need to keep up with.
And no government in their right mind is going to pay up front for a weapons contract. Its pay for what is delivered when it is delivered after its been inspected and found acceptable.
no, idiot, what im saying, is that you can have little more than a few land vehicles at this stage... maybe 40 tanks, and a good many guns.. excluding humvees... prolly not any airforce at all.... and hell no, not any kind of navy at all.... you must grow before you can buy/maintain(which you DO need to do even though you arent using the items)/operate.... heres a wonderful calculator for NS... thats your nation's defense budget at %10 which is the acceptable limit...
Name calling huh. If you feel you need to resort to that you obviously either didnt read or didnt understand what I posted. And that calculator link, while helpful is not entirely factual.
According to the game Remelia has a population of 8 million and you are trying to say that theres no way I could have a good sized military, realistically speaking not the 15 million soldiers I see flying around these boards, but a realistic sized military, no air force and no navy.
Well how about this...........
Israel's total population in 2002 is 6.5 million people. But only 37% of the total world Jewish population live in Israel. Since 1948, 2.902 million olim immigrated to Israel. The sub-division is 81% Jews, 19% Arabs or Muslims (they tend to define themselves as Palestinians with Israeli identity cards).
And then check the link here to see a break down of the israeli Military, stating in 2000 it had 1,226,903 of military age. Israel like Remelia is a military compulsory state with annually 50,000 come of age each year.
So, proof that pretty much had I wished I could have a much larger military, with a sizeable airforce and moderately sized navy had I desired due to REAL world precedents of a much smaller nation having an equivocable number.
That being said the contracts that were posted are considered on going and in effect until fuilfilled whether that be 5 years down the road or 50 years down the road. The contracts are offered for when needed the Remelian Defense and Procurement ministry will use those contracts until they are completely fulfilled.
If you cant understand that and have to resort to name calling feel free to do it someplace else.
The Wickit Klownz
27-06-2004, 11:38
27-06-2004, 11:54
The Republic wishes to inquire if Remelia is willing to accept Gundamtech weapons?
Takizawa Ryuichi
Minister of Defence
Republic of Anime-Otakus
And by that statement you proved my point and disproved your own. Thank you. Now please, I have not succumbed to the level you obviously have with name calling and immature behavior so I ask you again to please refrain from posting on this thread because obviously you cant post with maturity.
If its role playing and not real life then you have no ground to stand on and I can pretty much RP my country how I please regardless of whether you like it or not. By your own statement.
Octavius Pollonius
Ministry of Defense and Procurement
Subject: Open Military Contracts
To: Takizawa Ryuichi
Minister of Defence
Republic of Anime-Otakus
The Ministry of Defense and Procurement feels that at this time and with the current status of the Remelian armed forces it would not be viable to procure such advanced weapon systems for mass use by the Remelian soldiery. The technological advancement militarily required for the practical application of such weaponry is at a level far to advanced at this stage of Remelian Military doctrine.
However, a missive from the Ministry of Scientific Development and Research wishes to inquire as to if a possible exchange of a small number of said items could be arranged for reverse engineering so that the Remelian Empire could at some point make viable steps towards using such technologies in the future.
27-06-2004, 12:36
With regards to availability, it is listed in the format of what we currently have sitting on the shelf/how long it would take fulfill the rest of the order. Should you have any questions on the hardware listed or desire individual unit pricing, desire a different payment strucutre, or would like to alter any of the bids submitted, kindly contact us and we shall do our best to facilitate your needs. We also use the 1 RL day = 1 NS year time scale, for a point of reference.
We submit the following:
900 JATT-8
1600 JATT-8A4
2000 JAV-15
Total: $1,250,000,000, payable in installments over ten years, minimum payment of $75,000,000 per annum
Availability: JATT-8/JATT-8A4: All/immediate, JAV-15: 100/36 months
Technical Stuff:
M113/JATT-8 Cougar
Designer/Producer: Rynar Motor Company
Crew: 2 + 11(Driver, Gunner/Commander, and Eleven Passengers)
Weight: 14,000kg(15.75 tons)
Max Speed: 65 kph(42 mph)
Range: 480 km(300 mi.)
Engine: One 275hp TamBaan diesel rotary engine
Armament: 1x7.62mm co-axial machine gun
Ammunition: 2000x7.62mm
Armor: 45mm
Currently in the Service Of: Kay Son[10]
Units Exported to Date: 10
JATT-8A4 Cougar
Designer/Producer: Rynar Motor Company
Crew: 2 + 12(Driver, Gunner/Commander, and Twelve Passengers)
Weight: 18,000kg(20.25 tons)
Max Speed: 85 kph/65 kph(51 mph/39 mph)
Range: 600 km(360 mi.)
Engine: Twin 225hp TamBaan diesel/electric hybrid rotary engines
Armament: 1xTwin-7.62mm co-axial machine gun mount
Ammunition: 6000x7.62mm
Armor: 60mm, w/additional 20mm of applique armor
JAV-15 Kodiak
Designer/Producer: Ranthaea Defense Systems
Crew: 3 + 6(Driver, Gunner, Commander, and Six Passengers)
Weight: 12,000 kg(13.5 tons)
Max Speed: 110 kph/60 kph(66 mph/36 mph)
Range: 700 km(420 mi.)
Engine: One 290hp Khevron Drives diesel/electric hybrid rotary engine
Armament: 1x7.62mm co-axial machine gun
Ammo: 2000x7.62mm
Armor: 20mm, w/additional 20mm of applique armor
Currently in the Service Of: Kay Son[500]
Units Exported to Date: 500
We submit the following:
800 JBT-22 Orion
1400 JBT-14 Sentinel
1200 JBT-8A3 Guisarme
600 JCFV-1 Centaur
1500 JSPG-4 Sparticus
600 JAV-105 SPH
500 JATT-8M102
800 JATT-8M122
Price: $12,950,000,000, payable over twenty years, minimum payment of $250,000,000 per annum
Availability: JBT-22/JBT-14/JCFV-1/JBT-8A3: Immediate/all, JSPG-4: 300/24 months, JAV-105: 50/12 months, JATT-8M102: 250/12 months, JATT-8M122: 400/16 months
Technical Stuff:
JBT-22 Orion MBT
Designer/Producer: Khevron Drives and TamBaan Enterprises
Crew: 4 (Driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander)
Combat Weight: 63,000kg(70 tons)
Speed: 80kph/70kph(48 mph/41 mph)
Range: 550 km(360 mi.)
Engine: Twin 1250hp Khevron Drives diesel/electric hybrid rotary engines
Armament: 1x135mm ETC cannon, 2x7.62 co-axial machine guns, 2xTwin-tube TOW-2 launchers, 4x82mm grenade launchers
Ammunition: 40x135mm, 7800x7.62mm, 16xTOW-2, 24x82mm smoke grenades
Armor: 850mm/1700mm, w/200mm additional RA skirts/shingles
Currently in the Service Of: Mislokivia[40], Viking Peoples[500]
Units Exported to Date: 540
JBT-14 Sentinel MBT
Designer/Producer: Khevron Drives and TamBaan Enterprises
Crew: 4 + 6(Driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander, and Six Passangers)
Combat Weight: 58,500kg(65.8 tons)
Speed: 85kph/70kph(51 mph/42 mph)
Range: 600 km(360 mi.)
Engine: Twin 850hp Khevron Drives diesel/electric hybrid rotary engines
Armament: 1x120mm ETC cannon, 1x7.62 co-axial machine guns, 2xTwin-tube TOW-2 launchers, 1x40mm automatic grenade laucnher
Ammunition: 48x120mm, 3400x7.62mm, 16xTOW-2, 100x40mm grenades
Armor: 450mm/900mm, w/200mm additional RA skirts/shingles
Currently in the Service Of: The Burnian Desert[50], Germanische[1] Zustande, Mislokivia[40]
Units Exported to Date: 91
JBT-8A3 Guisarme
Designer/Producer: Khevron Drives
Crew: 3(Driver, Gunner, Commander)
Weight: 49,500 kg(55.3 tons)
Max Speed: 80 kph/70 kph(48 mph/41 mph)
Range: 500 km(300 mi.)
Engine: One 1300hp Khevron Drives diesel rotary engine
Armament: 1x120mm ETC cannon, 1x12.7mm co-axial AA machine gun, 1x7.62mm co-axial machine gun, 2xTwin-tube turret mounted TOW-2 launchers
Ammunition: 45x125mm, 1200x12.7mm, 3400x7.62mm, 16xTOW-2
Armor: 350mm/700mm, w/200mm additional RA skirts/shingles
Currently in the Service Of: Mislokivia[25]
Units Exported to Date: 25
JCFV-1 Centaur
Designer/Producer: Rynar Motor Company and TamBaan Enterprises
Crew: 3 + 8(Driver, Gunner, Commander, and Eight Passengers)
Weight: 25,000 kg(28 tons)
Max Speed: 85 kph/70 kph(51 mph/41 mph)
Range: 500 km(300 mi.)
Engine: Twin 675hp TamBaan diesel/electric hybrid rotary engines
Armament: 1x30mm chaingun, 2x7.62mm co-axial machine gun, 2xTwin-tube TOW-2 launchers
Ammo: 800x30mm, 6800x7.62mm, 16xTOW-2
Armor: 150mm/250mm, w/additional 75mm of applique armor
Currently in the Service Of: Chatamaran[2], Ferratus[125]
Units Exported to Date: 127
JSPG-2 Sparticus
Designer/Producer: Ranthaea Defense Systems and Khevron Drives
Crew: 6
Weight: 34,000 kg(38.25 tons)
Max Speed: 70 kph/65 kph(42 mph/41 mph)
Range: 700 km(420 mi.)
Engine: One 700hp Khevron Drives diesel/electric hybrid rotary engine
Armament: 1x155mm howitzer
Ammo: 35x155mm
Armor: 40mm, w/additional 20mm of applique armor
Designer/Producer: Ranthaea Defense Systems
Crew: 5
Weight: 17,000 kg(19 tons)
Max Speed: 100 kph/60 kph(60 mph/36 mph)
Range: 700 km(420 mi.)
Engine: One 400hp Khevron Drives diesel/electric hybrid rotary engine
Armament: 1x105mm howitzer
Ammo: 30x105mm
Armor: 20mm, w/additional 20mm of applique armor
JATT-8M102 Self-Propelled Mortar
Designer/Producer: Rynar Motor Company
Crew: 4(Driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander)
Weight: 16,000kg(18 tons)
Max Speed: 85 kph/65 kph(51 mph/39 mph)
Range: 480 km(300 mi.)
Engine: One 305hp TamBaan diesel/electric hybrid rotary engine
Armament: 1x102mm mortar, 1x7.62 co-axial machine gun
Ammunition: 100x102mm, 2000x7.62mm
Armor: 45mm, w/additional 20mm of applique armor
JATT-8M122 Self-Propelled Mortar
Designer/Producer: Rynar Motor Company
Crew: 4(Driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander)
Weight: 16,000kg(18 tons)
Max Speed: 85 kph/65 kph(51 mph/39 mph)
Range: 480 km(300 mi.)
Engine: One 305hp TamBaan diesel/electric hybrid rotary engine
Armament: 1x122mm mortar, 1x7.62 co-axial machine gun
Ammunition: 80x122mm, 2000x7.62mm
Armor: 45mm, w/additional 20mm of applique armor
The Wickit Klownz
27-06-2004, 13:22
And by that statement you proved my point and disproved your own. Thank you. Now please, I have not succumbed to the level you obviously have with name calling and immature behavior so I ask you again to please refrain from posting on this thread because obviously you cant post with maturity.
If its role playing and not real life then you have no ground to stand on and I can pretty much RP my country how I please regardless of whether you like it or not. By your own statement.
damn, i really want to meet you in real life... I would beat you down so bad
27-06-2004, 13:52
27-06-2004, 13:55
Double post
27-06-2004, 14:05
ErininArms submits these offers for inspection.
Should the platforms prove acceptable price may be negotiable.
Price is currently per piece until we enter into actual contract negotiations.
HighKing MBT (
Dimensions: L370"(gun forward) x W148"x (turret hgt) 93" clearance: 19 inches
Wgt 40 metric tons
Crew: 3
Engine: 1,800 hp 16-cyl. Hibernian turbo-diesel engine
Max Road Speed: 90 km/h
Max X-country Speed: 70 km/h
Ground Pressure: 13.1 PSI
Range: 600 km
Main Weapon: 155mm IUE-1 smoothbore
Rate of fire: 12 rounds/min
Ammunition: 40 rounds
Ammunition Types: APFSDS, HEAT, HEF
ATGM through main gun.
Auxiliary armament: 20mm MSLMG-1 commander position for AA.
Rangefinder: laser
Night Vision: thermal imager/starlight
Fire Control: HK-2000
Jammers: Milliwave scrambler.
Active protection: Drozd-2
Onboard Computer:
on-board information system: subsystems status, GPS,
HQ & units link
Other: NBC, auto-fire-fighting equipment,
self-digging blade, air conditioning
Front armor extremely sloped; new generation "Kaktus" ERA.
Barrel mounted for 'Hunter-Killer' operation.
The HighKing is designed for "Blitzkreig" warfare.
With fire on the move capability, night fight capable, at onlt 40 tons it is light enough for air drop rapid deployment can cross most bridge a standard semi can cross. The HighKing's high rate of speed with the improved Kactus ERA. Makes it a more then formidle battlefield presence.
120GPM-Erinin LineBacker (
The LineBacker 120mm Gun Platform.
LineBacker is a stay at home SuperHeavyTank. The design idea was to forfeit mobility for immense armour protection and heavy cannon support.
As the name implies the LineBacker's primary function is to support defensive lines and secure borders. It can also be deployed in areas where routing potential is high for friendly forces as a mobile defensive wall. Few modern tanks can 'slug it out' with the LineBacker. With a minimum of air support it hold a postion and maintain borders or defenses against heavy fire. The LineBacker main gun is the Erinin 120mm anti-air cannon, the higher velocity gives brutal armour penetration and enhanced range over most modern MBT.
As well the 120mm gun can fire an assortment of munitions.
Formal Designation: 120GPM-Erinin
Other Designations: LineBacker
Type: Super Heavy Tank /Mobile Artillery
Length /hull (m): 10.09/9.04
Width (m): 3.67
Hgt (m): 3.66
Combat Wgt: 88,000 kg
Total Crew: 6
Turret Crew: 3
Radio: Sattelite Compatible
Primary Armament: 120 mm L/60
Rate of fire: 12 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity: 1045 meters per second
Range: 8,745m
Wgt of the projectile: 22.6 kg(HEAT)
Secondary Armaments: 75 mm L/40
Rate of fire: 45 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity: 801 meters per second
Range:9,144 m
Wgt of the projectile: 14.6 kg(AP-DPU)(HE)
12.7mm coaxil MG
Power Plant and Suspension
Engine Make & Model: Erin-Falls, V1 Gas-Diesel turbine
Transmission: Electric, 2 forward, 2 reverse gears
Horsepower (max.): V1 3,080
Fuel: Diesel
Fuel Capacity: 2,700 + 1,500 in reserve
Range on/off road (km): V1 392/287,
Speed on/off road: 40Kmh/20kmh
Fording (m): 1.63, submersible to 8m
Trench Crossing (m): 3
NBC protected. EMP hardened.
Ea-50 BlackViper (
Type: Attack helicopter
Engine: 2 x TV3-117VMA turboshaft, 2x4200 hrs.pwr.
Wingspan: 7.34 m
Length: 15.6 m (rotors turning)
Height: 4.9 m
Rotor Diameter: 4.9 m
Weight: 9800 kg/10800 kg
Max. speed: 350 km/h
Operational Range: 450 km
Ferry Range: 1100 km
Crew: 1
Survivability/Countermeasures: Main rotors and engines electrically deiced.
Infrared signature suppressors can be mounted on engine exhausts.
Radar warning receivers, IFF, chaff and flares.
Armored cockpit and self-sealing fuel tanks.
Pilot ejection system.
AVIONICS:The Ea-50 uses a low-light level TV or thermal sighting, a laser range-finder (10 km), FLIR, air data sensor, and digital data-link which interface with a fire control com-puter, an autopilot, a helmet sighting system and HUD for target location, acquisition, designation, and firing. Night/Weather Capabilities:
This aircraft’s avionics package ensuring a full day/night, all weather capability. If it is to be employed at night in an attack role, it is fitted with a night targeting pod. This pod includes a FLIR, a millimeter wave radar, and an electro-optical sight.
The Ea-50 is capable of performing attack missions in day/night, and all-weather conditions.
Armament: 1x 2A42 30-mm cannon [250 HE-Frag + 250 AP]
2 - AT-16 VIKhR ATGM (6 each)
2 - 80-mm rockets (20 each)
2 - Twin 23-mm gun pods [940 rounds]
4 - 500-kg bombs
External fuel tanks (500 liters)
30-mm Automatic Cannon, 2A42:
Range: effective 3,000 m
Elevation: -45° to +10°
Traverse: ±15°
Ammo type and rate of fire is selectable by pilot (HE or AP, 350 or 600)
TA-1 SuperCondor (
TA-1 SuperCondor landing (
All weather Cargo Aircraft.
Length: 42.00 m
Wing Span: 41.40 m
Cabin Length : 22.65 m
Cabin Height : 3.85 m
Cabin Width : 4.00 m
Maximum Take-off Weight : 110.850 kg
Maximum Payload: 25,000 kg
Maximum Fuel: N/A
Number of Fully Equipped Troops: 135
Number of 88"x108" Pallets: 9
Maximum Speed: 422 ktas
Maximum Cruising Speed Mach: 0.68
Take-off Distance (S/L, ISA, MTOW at 50ft): 1,067 m
Landing Distance (S/L, ISA, MTOW at 50 ft): 1,067 m
Maximum Range: 7,593 km
Firestorm Class Aircraft Carrier (
FireStorm Class Aircraft Carrier
Designer: Erinin Arms
Length: 1065 feet overall
995 feet waterline
Flight Deck Width 248.5 feet
Beam 130.6 feet
Draft 35.4 feet
Displacement 79,758 tons Full Load
60,000 tons Standard
Propulsion PWR nuclear reactors
4 turbines 240,000 shp
Max Speed 35+ knots
Crew 2,300 Navy
1,500 Naval Air
Armament 6 x 30mm/65 AK 630
24 VLS ADAM launchers w/192 RZ-130 Kinzhal/Klinok/SA-N-9 Gauntlet missiles
8 CADS-N-1/Kortik each with 1 twin 30mm Gatlingcombined w/ 256 3M-88/SA-N-11 Grison
12 cell VLS installed under the upper deckw/12 P-500 Granit/SS-N-19 Shipwreck missiles
2 RPK-5/Udav-1 Liven integrated
Countermeasures Sozbezie-BR suite
Wine Glass intercept
Bell Push intercept
Flat Track
Bell Nip
Cross Loop D/F
Radar Air/Surface Search
MR-710 Fregat-MA/Top Plate 3D
2 MR-320M Topaz/Strut Pair 2D
3 Palm Frond Fire Control
4 MR-360 Podkat/Cross Sword SA-N-9 control
8 3P37/Hot Flash SA-N-11 control
Aircraft Control
Fly Trap B
Sonar Zvezda-2 suite
MGK-345 Bronza/Ox Yoke hull mounted
Aircraft 70 aircraft total
Cost: $2,300,000,000
Hurricane Class Nuclear Attack Submarine (
Crew: 160
Length: 192 m
Beam:33.3 m
Draught: 18 m
Displacement Surfaced: 27,200 tons
Full load submerged: 53,000 tons
Nuclear water reactors: 2 x 190 MW
Steam turbines: 2 x 50,000 hp
Turbogenerators: 4 x 3,200 kW
Diesel generators: 2 x 800 kW
Propellers: 2 x 7-blade, fixed-pitch, shrouded
Full Run Speed Surfaced: 18 knots
Full Run Speed Submerged: 31 knots
Maximum diving depth: 400 m
Sea endurance: 180 days (food storage)
Missiles: D-19 missile system (20 launchers and 20 RSM-52 ballistic missiles)
Torpedoes: 4 x 630 mm torpedo tubes, 2 x 533mm torpedo tubes, 20 anti-submarine/ship missiles and torpedoes. 20 EUUM-44 SubRoc.
Electronic equipment: automated radio communication system, satellite communication and navigation system, combat control information system, navigation system , 'Archer' ELF reciever.
Radar: Snoop Pair (I/J band surface target detection radar.)
Sonar: Shark Gill (Hull Mounted),Mouse Roar (Hull Mounted) The sonar is an active/passive search and attack type with the sonar mounted on the hull under the torpedo room.
Countermeaures: ESM (electronic support measures), radar warning system and direction-finding system.
Periscopes: 2 (one for commander, one general)
27-06-2004, 22:39
The PR of Necrovistania wishes to aquire 5 UCAV Mk.I ( Fire Support Aircraft! We shall send 50 Million as soon as the contract is confirmed.
Octavius Pollonius
Ministry of Defense and Procurement
Subject: Open Military Contracts
Re: Erinin Contract offer.
The ministry of Defense and Procurement and the Legion Legate commanders have shown interest in the HighKing MBT as well as the Ea-50 BlackViper as well as the TA-1 SuperCondor /TA-1 SuperCondor landing .
To facilitate this interest and upon the increase of interest and demands to the Ministry of Defense and Procurement to aquire these weapon systems, a feild test and demonstration of the capabilities, manueverablility and fire control and targeting systems of these weapons is needed.
To this end, Remelian Military personell and officials from the Ministry of Defense and Procurement with an advisor from the Praetor would like to schedule a demonstration and hands on application of these weapon systems at the earliest convenience.
The Ministry of State has issued a missive stating that if needed Remelia will issue the required visitor visas and provide military escort and protection for any personell travelling to Remelia for this purpose, and if need be arrangements will be made for Remelian Advisors and Military personell to travel abroad to witness feild tests in the location of your choice.