NationStates Jolt Archive

Chemical Conundrums

24-06-2004, 22:32
I have noticed recently a peaked interest for chemical weapons among certain nations . This is rather unsavory buisness !

I have started the (Cooperative Universal Nuclear Treaty) or **** for short. I have composed a document for the U.N and if any other nations wish to sign it , please post below !

The bill requires all nations to enter into a promise and agreement that prohibits the production , transportation or processing of any Nuclear or Chemical weapons .

Thank you

President E. Castiglione
Chris gueulette
24-06-2004, 22:45
I would like to sign that list

CHRIS GUEULETTE/canabis town
Chris gueulette
24-06-2004, 22:45
I would like to sign that list

CHRIS GUEULETTE/canabis town
Chris gueulette
24-06-2004, 22:45
Chris gueulette
24-06-2004, 22:46
Chris gueulette
24-06-2004, 22:52
You know nuclear weapons there pretty good but you dont have the fun of stabbing someone or shootin them in the head. But other than that I think I will sign:

Chris gueulette
24-06-2004, 22:52
You know nuclear weapons there pretty good but you dont have the fun of stabbing someone or shootin them in the head. But other than that I think I will sign:

24-06-2004, 22:58
hey. nukes are bad. but they can stop an ultimate force. but tell where to sign
24-06-2004, 23:17
The Democratic Arcologies of Feline reiterates is dedication to ending the blight of NBC weapons by signing this treaty.
24-06-2004, 23:56
Hurrah ! I declare this the most whimsical jig of the season!