NationStates Jolt Archive

TBA aliance Under Atacked by Terrorist..(Open RP)

24-06-2004, 22:22
A Terrorist group stateing they are linked with the Red Dragons in Roach-Busters said today that they are responcible for the exploysion that rocked Ocean City 5 this morning at 5:00 am.

Said Exploytion killed 300 Citizens and ingured 400 more.

Damage done to the Cities Eviroment bubles have left 47% of the Ocean City un able to be used do to Sea water flooding the area. Estamated Cost of repairs Amount in the 90 billion range.

An emergency meating of the Aliance Ministries has been called to figure out what the Aliance will do in an efort to stop this act of terror from happening again.

This message Was sent From the Desk of Embasador Jonathan Antensen II
24-06-2004, 22:27
24-06-2004, 22:36
I have dispatched Pedaphiliacs fleet of C57 Galaxies to assist in evacuation efforts.
( He left em sittin in my capital city , he can claim em whenever)
24-06-2004, 22:38
Message from His Holiness Jonathan Antensen I

People of Dailey We have been attacked in one of the most inhumane manner a Civilian Complex was attacked by a terror group claiming ties with the Red Dragons.
The Country is on lockdown mode all Tunnels and bridges have been closed to civilian use a Curfew is in affect all citizins in Dailey are ordered to return to there homes ASAP.
The Regional Defence has been put on high alert and the borders have been put on Alert 9 lockdown no one comes into the Regions and No one leaves.
A masive search is under way for the Persons that Carried out this drasterdly attack on The Empire and on The TBA aliance it's self

End of transmision
24-06-2004, 22:55
I have dispatched Pedaphiliacs fleet of C57 Galaxies to assist in evacuation efforts.
( He left em sittin in my capital city , he can claim em whenever)

We acept your assistance in this time of need and will alow your fleet Past our Regional Borders and Wish for you to stay on a derect corse to Dailey
Ocean City #5. Do not Deviate from A derect corse please.
25-06-2004, 00:41
This just in another attack has acured on yet another one of the Ocean Cities this time it was Ocean City #1

900 000 people have been ingured and 100 000 people killed Damage has made 76% of the Ocean City Uninhabital.

In a message from his Holiness the people of Dailey are asked to Evacuate all remaining Ocean cities right away.

Borders of Danland have Raised Thret Code up to Alert 10 and His holiness has Declared a state of Emergency.
25-06-2004, 02:44
30 civilians killed in an attack on City Hall

Luckly the King was no were near the City when the attack acured
25-06-2004, 03:00
We are relieved that His Holiness is all right. Roach-Busters officially condemns the terrorists and 50,000 troops will be sent (only with your consent, of course) to help defeat them. As a member of the alliance, we will do everything possible to help Dailey.
25-06-2004, 03:09
We are relieved that His Holiness is all right. Roach-Busters officially condemns the terrorists and 50,000 troops will be sent (only with your consent, of course) to help defeat them. As a member of the alliance, we will do everything possible to help Dailey.
You have Complete permision to enter our Nation to help stop these acts of terror
25-06-2004, 03:37
25-06-2004, 03:38
The Republic of Roach-Busters
Received: 8 minutes ago

50,000 troops are being shipped to Dailey as we speak.

10,000 of them are armed with the Steyr-Manlicher SSG-P1 .308; 10,000 are armed with the Erma SR-100 .338; 5,000 of them are armed with the HK USA MX29 .223 & 20mm Grenade Launcher; 5,000 of them are armed with the HK GMG (Grenade Machine Gun); 10,000 are armed with the Frenchi Spas-15 12 Gauge Semi Auto; 10,000 are armed with the TM-93A tactical assault weapon. In addition, each of them is equipped with
the Stormrider APS (Armoured Personal Suit) and each man is armed with both an Arcus 94 9mm and a Desert Eagle .50 Magnum pistol. 20,000 medics will be sent; 10,000 of them will tend to the people of your country, both civilians and men and women of your military; the other 10,000 will tend to my troops. 10,000 Raven Multi-Role Fighter are being sent to launch air strikes against the terrorists. 250 HHT-1X Chamberlain Ultra Heavy Main Battle Tank/Howitzers and 500 Magistrate 2 Heavy Artillery/ Nuclear Artillery Cannons are being sent also. $10,000,000,000 has been wired to your government.
Chris gueulette
25-06-2004, 05:07
If you are one of my aliances we will tear who ever tries anything apart
25-06-2004, 08:13
If you are one of my aliances we will tear who ever tries anything apart

OOC With what army you only have 6million citezens in your nation and your army would only equal about 5% of 6 million way to small to do any good
Apple Zer0
25-06-2004, 08:21
If you are one of my aliances we will tear who ever tries anything apart

OOC With what army you only have 6million citezens in your nation and your army would only equal about 5% of 6 million way to small to do any good

Every man counts.
The O Faolains
25-06-2004, 09:00
OOC: I agree.


The Confederacy of the O Faolains condemns the actions of these terrorists and offers the assistance of our newly acquired Shark Attack Submarine, we will endevour to rescue as many of your citizens as we can.

Consul, Grand Marshall Michael O'Faolain
25-06-2004, 19:07
OOC: I agree.


The Confederacy of the O Faolains condemns the actions of these terrorists and offers the assistance of our newly acquired Shark Attack Submarine, we will endevour to rescue as many of your citizens as we can.

Consul, Grand Marshall Michael O'Faolain

We thank you for your assistance we ask thow that sence you are not part of the TBA defence aliance that you take a derect corse towards Dailey and not deviate from a derect corse

The Holy Empire and the King thanks you for your help
25-06-2004, 19:23
Thanks for posting that for me, Dailey. By the way, if my troops and vehicles haven't arrived yet, they should soon. Those terrorists won't stand a chance!
25-06-2004, 19:41
Message to Roach-Busters
There fighting for a Reason We must find out what
They are claiming ties with Red Dragons but we cant beleave a stinking Radio Broadcast from a Terrorist group.We need proof Could you interigate any Red Dragon prisoners you have and Find out some inteleginse on this issue. Is this Group of Terrorist Claims of having ties with Red Dragons True of are they not
25-06-2004, 19:47
We laugh at your small conflict.
25-06-2004, 19:51
The guard, whistling and twirling his keys, walked into the prison cell where one of the most prominent Red Dragons was being held.

"All right, scumbag," he said. "We hear there've been terrorist attacks in Dailey. President J.L. wants- no, DEMANDS- details."

The Red Dragon, a very elderly, bearded man, grinned a sadistic, malicious, treacherous grin which revealed his contempt for the sanctity of human life. He sneered and replied in an irritable, raspy voice: "We have scores of members here and abroad, in every city of every nation. Our holy war to vanquish every religion, nation, and government and bring a new world order of revolutionary idealism will prevail! All who hinder our divine purpose shall be purged!"

"Answer the *^%$#@ question!" the guard bellowed.

The Red Dragon sat there, entirely still, his eyes vacant, as if he were under hypnosis. "Our brethren in Dailey shall prevail, also. By the way you are able to warn your President, Dailey will plunge into bloodshed and sheer chaos!"
25-06-2004, 20:24
The king was seting reading up on damage report when his Commander Came flying into the room shooting "There claims are real they do have links to Red Dragons what do we do Sir"

"We Stay at alert 10 and We start Hunting for these Slime Balls that have no rights under our laws" The KIng Responded "Kill on sight " he also added "inform the Public that Red Dragons have cuased a great Deal of Damage but We will not Surender to Terrorists No mater how much Damage is Done We Will not fight alone We have powerfull allies willing to help our Empire".

About an hour later an Explosion acured at the Eastern Border of Dailey wich is also the Border of Danland. Resalting in 15 border imploys killed and 30 others woonded.

The Dailey Broadcasting station Were spuring out on all chanels the events and Telling the people of Dailey To Remember the Empire for it's ones peaceful Lands and fight to get that peace back For We are The Followers of the thruth and We will not be thretened By terrorist

The Cammanding General gave this message to the public
It is You patriotic Duty as a Dailey Citizen To fight the forces of Terror that have attacked our nation
25-06-2004, 20:58
In what part of the nation are the terrorists located? That's where I'll launch air strikes (only with your permission, of course) and then send my troops in to clean up.
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:01
President Lou Siffer of the Oppressed Peoples of Demonic Terrorists has announced that financial aid packages of $15,000,000 will be sent to the Red Dragons and the terrorists in Dailey, respectively. We do not want war, but we find the heroic plight of these oppressed nationalists deeply moving.
Evil Geeks
25-06-2004, 21:12
We find Dailey's violation of human rights appalling. No wonder so many people are rebelling against the tyranny of Jonathan Antensen I! In order to preserve peace and restore democracy, we will send 75,000 troops to assist these 'terrorists' in their benign, idealistic, moral struggle for democracy and freedom for all mankind.
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:18
No nation on earth is as repressive, hostile to international opinion, or contemptuous of democracy as Dailey. We staunchly approve of Evil Geeks' troop deployment. We will send 110,000 troops and impose economic sanctions unless Jonathan Antensen I resigns within twenty-four hours. Should we fail to comply, we will join Evil Geeks in a dual invasion, officially declare war, and work to oust the tyrant Antensen and restore democracy and freedom.
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:18
No nation on earth is as repressive, hostile to international opinion, or contemptuous of democracy as Dailey. We staunchly approve of Evil Geeks' troop deployment. We will send 110,000 troops and impose economic sanctions unless Jonathan Antensen I resigns within twenty-four hours. Should he fail to comply, we will join Evil Geeks in a dual invasion, officially declare war, and work to oust the tyrant Antensen and restore democracy and freedom.
25-06-2004, 21:25
We the people of Dailey will not be thretened by people who have no say in our national Defence We have been attacked and you who have sent troops will be declared Enemies of the Aliance We are peace keepers and we will not Tolerate Terrorists killing Inocent civilians.
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:28
We demand the resignation of Jonathan Antensen I this instant. If he fails to comply, we will declare war. We will not back out on the people of Dailey. We will help them in their fight for freedom against tyranny.
25-06-2004, 21:29
Seeing as at least two of my allies are sending troops to support you Daily, so will I. I send 10,000 Infantry, do with them as you like and please return the survivors.

War Minister
25-06-2004, 21:30
In what part of the nation are the terrorists located? That's where I'll launch air strikes (only with your permission, of course) and then send my troops in to clean up.
They have a base In the northern Border Region Somewere in the Forests
Exact Location unknown
25-06-2004, 21:32
We demand the resignation of Jonathan Antensen I this instant. If he fails to comply, we will declare war. We will not back out on the people of Dailey. We will help them in their fight for freedom against tyranny.

You are a small pitiful nation our aliance is based on peace if you do declare war on us the Intire TBA defence aliance will have no choice but to Declare war on you
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:32
What will it be, Dailey? Will dictator Jonathan Antensen I resign? Or will we and Evil Geeks be forced to declare war?
25-06-2004, 21:34
What will it be, Dailey? Will dictator Jonathan Antensen I resign? Or will we and Evil Geeks be forced to declare war?
Dictator hahaha we have a king not a dictator We are an Holy Empire our people love the king and are Extreamly Patriotic Declare war and see where that gets you
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:36
Very well, Dailey. War is declared.
25-06-2004, 21:36
Chellis is enacting the Horatio doctrine, which allows chellis to intervene in any nation who's sovereignty is unjustly threatened. Chellis is willing to send 12 divisions and about 1600 Aircraft of all types to Dailey to help defend it from these unjust aggresors.
25-06-2004, 21:38
Chellis is enacting the Horatio doctrine, which allows chellis to intervene in any nation who's sovereignty is unjustly threatened. Chellis is willing to send 12 divisions and about 1600 Aircraft of all types to Dailey to help defend it from these unjust aggresors.
Thank you for your Suport of our Empire
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:40
If you want to 'defend' Dailey against 'unjust aggressors,' then help us oust their totalitarian ruler, Jonathan Antensen I!
25-06-2004, 21:49
Grenval has changed its mind, despite in a different thread that said I wouldl not declare official war. Grenval does declare official war against all those opposing Dailey and sends in 14 million infantry, the population of Demonic Terrorists, not to defend Dailey, but to attack DT directly. Grenval also asks Dailey for an alliance.

Rufashian, Grenval Port City:

"The War Minister has ordered the immediate deployment of 14 million men. Has he gone insane?"

THe C-103s take off, hundreds of them filling the skies above Rufashian. Hundreds more prepare for takeoff. They rumble to life and roar into the air. The men are laughing and joking now. But how will they feel ten minutes from jump time? Another C-103 takes to the sky. 300 B-2s are being sent ahead of the C-103s loaded with cluster bombs and bunker busters. By the time the paratroopers jump, the nation of DT will be a pool, boiling in radioactive waste.

Presidential Address
Rufashian, Grenval

Grenval demands all attacks against Dailey end immediately, or we will not stop until DT and Evil Geeks are completely disarmed. Pray now, for in 36 hours time, death will be upon you.
25-06-2004, 21:49
Grenval has changed its mind, despite in a different thread that said I wouldl not declare official war. Grenval does declare official war against all those opposing Dailey and sends in 14 million infantry, the population of Demonic Terrorists, not to defend Dailey, but to attack DT directly. Grenval also asks Dailey for an alliance.

Rufashian, Grenval Port City:

"The War Minister has ordered the immediate deployment of 14 million men. Has he gone insane?"

THe C-103s take off, hundreds of them filling the skies above Rufashian. Hundreds more prepare for takeoff. They rumble to life and roar into the air. The men are laughing and joking now. But how will they feel ten minutes from jump time? Another C-103 takes to the sky. 300 B-2s are being sent ahead of the C-103s loaded with cluster bombs and bunker busters. By the time the paratroopers jump, the nation of DT will be a pool, boiling in radioactive waste.

Presidential Address
Rufashian, Grenval

Grenval demands all attacks against Dailey end immediately, or we will not stop until DT and Evil Geeks are completely disarmed. Pray now, for in 36 hours time, death will be upon you.
25-06-2004, 21:50
If you want to 'defend' Dailey against 'unjust aggressors,' then help us oust their totalitarian ruler, Jonathan Antensen I!
You have But your nose into the Wrong nation We have many allies who will dfence our Nation
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 21:56
Grenval, your militarism, imperialism, and terrorism are duly noted. Soon, very soon, the world will unanimously realize that you, RB, Dailey, and all those other TBA terrorists are members of an elite conspiracy to enslave mankind!
25-06-2004, 22:37
OOC:This is the Statment of the TBA defence aliance That was signed by the members
read and read carfuly there is no mention of world Domination in the aliance

The aliance states:
1- The TBA defence aliance is a peace keeping Aliance We dont start wars we help finish them
2- We provide Humanitorian aid to all nations asking for help
3- We fight Terrorist With all our defensive might
4- We seak out Allied Regions and Nations to incress our defensive power
5- We will not Nogotiate with crimenals
6- We condem Goverments that kill inocent humans for nothing but there political opinnions
7- We Defend all of our allies only if they did not start the war or they have a verry good reason for starting the war.
8- Lastly We Establish Embacies in all allied nations


When the king heard of these Actions he Declared a State of Tacticle alert and ordered all Cammand Groups to engadge the enemy only if the Enemy fires first. Saying that We will only fight Back if Our nation is Attacked by any Enemy nation as said in the Aliance agreament in Article 3 and 7
Demonic Terrorists
25-06-2004, 23:55
I see you haven't replied to our charges of human rights abuses! People, check out DT and Dailey, and you'll see that ours is far more democratic and free!
Evil Geeks
26-06-2004, 00:02
Jonathan Antensen I, resign now, or be destroyed!!!!!
Soapy Nipples
26-06-2004, 00:07
Dailey, although we are highly critical of DT and EG's aggression, we will not help until human rights conditions (which are virtually non-existent in your nation) improve drastically.
Generic empire
26-06-2004, 00:13
Dailey, we see this declaration of war and subsequent search for allies among the coalition as warmongering and rabble rousing. I have seen no evidence of human rights abuse whatsoever and can only describe the enemy's flimsy argument as an excuse to declare war and add to an empire. We, The Empire of Generia, offer you our full moral support and will contribute any military support that you request in the future, assuming it can be provided. The matter is at debate now by the Emperor and his cabinet, but we hope that they will agree to support you entirely in any coming conflicts

We, The Genric Empire, Also condemn Demonic Terrorists and Evil Geeks for their interferance in challenging a nation's sovereignty. As victims of this many times, we will not allow it to happen to another nation and will strongly oppose your warmongering ways. We strongly suggest you drop your charges, although from past experience we doubt you will. This is a warning for now. Please come to your senses before it is too late.
-Nikolai Kreschnev- Imperial Foreign Minister, Special Advisor to the Emperor
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 00:20
We are willing to formally apologize to Dailey, sign a peace treaty, and resolve this matter, on the condition that despot Jonathan Antensen I resigns and democracy is restored.
Generic empire
26-06-2004, 00:26
We are willing to formally apologize to Dailey, sign a peace treaty, and resolve this matter, on the condition that despot Jonathan Antensen I resigns and democracy is restored.

Dailey, as one sovereign nation to another, we strongly urge you not to accept. Your ruler has done nothing worthy of the humiliation of being forced to resign. This demand is horribly unreasonable. Instead we urge you to let the Demonic Terrorists fight you. They are already afraid and will call of the invasion anyway. They realise the huge gap between your population and theirs. Simply invite them to come and do battle, and under the combined threat of your coalition, they will refuse and your sovereignty will be preserved.
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 00:27
Generic empire, you, Roach-Busters, Grenval, and all those other imperialistic, warmongering terrorist-militarists are nothing but Dailey puppets! If you join us, we will free you from Dailey's iron grip!
26-06-2004, 00:39
Demonic Terrorists, forgive me for not quivering with fear.
26-06-2004, 00:47
Hey, Generic empire, check these out:

Some freedom-lover, eh? :roll:
Generic empire
26-06-2004, 00:49
He's a regular beacon of hope for the human race, isn't he?
26-06-2004, 00:54
Yeah, that's for sure. :lol:
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 01:14
Roach-Busters, you hypocrite! What about when you attacked Kanabia for no reason on April 29 (or was it 28?)?
Generic empire
26-06-2004, 01:16
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 01:20
:roll: I don't see you criticizing RB's attack on Kanabia! Why? Is he your puppet? Or are you his puppet? :?
26-06-2004, 01:24
Grenval, your militarism, imperialism, and terrorism are duly noted. Soon, very soon, the world will unanimously realize that you, RB, Dailey, and all those other TBA terrorists are members of an elite conspiracy to enslave mankind!

Presidential Address:

Yah for now, we're kicking your ass!

DT Airspace:

The paratroopers dropped from the C-103s. Unlike before, when they were joking and kidding, now they were deadly men, prepared to die for their cause. The B-2s had gone now (OOC=so did you shoot them down or are you ignoring me) and the men began to jump. One by one they soared into the air.
26-06-2004, 01:28
As of yet, that unanimous realization has not materialized, DT. Now, back down before things get ugly...for you.
Generic empire
26-06-2004, 01:29
Amen, I say Amen, my brother. DT I am beginning to become serious about warring with you until you offer an apology and suspend your pointless spam and slander.
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 01:31
I'm sorry. We have no desire to fight with you or Grenval. But we WILL fight Dailey until its barbarous king resigns.
Generic empire
26-06-2004, 01:34
That is exactly our point, my slightly rotund friend. You CANNOT fight with Dailey or their king or else you will have a large howling horde to do battle with. Your army would face immediate destruction from a coalition of large nations and after they had killed your soldiers they would invade your nation, to add tot heir respective empire. Simply appologise to Dailey and to me for slandering my nation, and cease all hostilities, and we will leave you alone.
26-06-2004, 01:38
26-06-2004, 01:39
I'm sorry. We have no desire to fight with you or Grenval. But we WILL fight Dailey until its barbarous king resigns.

Well you see DT, as of several hours ago, I am allied with Dailey, and my troops just jumped out of the C-103s. So meet my demands or I will bomb your country into space. Grenval demands:

1. Remove any and all military presence from within 500 miles of Dailey, and if your country is within 500 miles of Dailey, then you had better find a new country.
2. Stop slandering my good name and the good name of all whom I am allied with.

You have 120 minutes, because in 120 minutes, my men will surround you capital city.

President George
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 01:44
Dearest Generic empire and Grenval:

We truly, deeply are sorry. We have NO desire to fight with you. However, we will NOT apologize to Dailey. On the contrary, an additional 75,000 troops are being sent to Dailey to oust Her Unholiness, Jonathan Antensen I, and replace that despot's reign of terror with a democracy of the people.
26-06-2004, 01:46
Doomduckistan gives its full support to Dailey and is considering mobilizing the Imperial Aerospace Force, though by the time the first C-130s are taking off the skirmish may be over...

[OOC- Demonic Terrorists, would not that be most, if not all of your military? You only have 14m people...]
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 01:47
Ahhh...isn't that cute? Doomduckistan is helping out his puppet master. How cutesy-wutesy! :lol:
26-06-2004, 01:50
OOC=What about my multiple millions of men and my 10,000 M1A2 Abrams, I deployed them in the thread Nazi vs. World, read the tread and you will understand. However, your uber-n00bishness and complete disregard for my non godmod military presence has led me to return all troops home. On the other hand, I redeploy 1 million paratroopers to defend Dailey, where you must fight since you cannot ignore me there. So for the IC:

Grenval removes all military presence on foreign soil be it in the nation of Demonic Terrorists or anywhere else (I do not think I have other troops deployed) but then redeploys the following:

1,000,000 Paratroopers
500 M1A2 Abrams
25 Cruisers
20 B-2s

War Minister
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 01:51
Why? I said I'm sorry!
26-06-2004, 01:54
[OOC- Grenval, would not that be most, if not all of your military? You only have 14m people...]

OOC= not to be offensive but learn to read. I have over 420 million people. Not 14 million , but over 420 million.
26-06-2004, 01:55
Just checked. I have 422 million people to be exact. Which means that if my military is 5% I can easily deploy over 20 million people.
26-06-2004, 01:57
[OOC- Sorry, that was meant to Demonic Terrorists but trying to read your post at the same time.]

In response to the influx of troops into Dailey, Doomduckistan is deploying 200 C-130 aircraft loaded with paratroopers in waves to supplement Grenvialian forces. Please note that we are not fully engaged, Demonic Terrorists, and you can cease your warmongering against innocent countries before yet another country attacks you.
26-06-2004, 01:58
[OOC- Sorry, that was meant to Demonic Terrorists but trying to read your post at the same time.]

Thats fine. Grenval would also like to ally and exchange embassies with Doomduckistan if possible, but please respond with a TG as the forums crash on my computer a lot.
Generic empire
26-06-2004, 03:54
[OOC- Sorry, that was meant to Demonic Terrorists but trying to read your post at the same time.]

In response to the influx of troops into Dailey, Doomduckistan is deploying 200 C-130 aircraft loaded with paratroopers in waves to supplement Grenvialian forces. Please note that we are not fully engaged, Demonic Terrorists, and you can cease your warmongering against innocent countries before yet another country attacks you.

I fear that it is too late to avoid another member of this coalition attacking you. A group of 30,000 Generian soldiers are currently en route to Dailey to ensure its protection. These men are highly trained killing machines, as i am sure you realize. Included in this force are elements of the second Imperial Praetorian guard, a deadly special forces unit. For now I will assume that 30,000 is enough. If more soldiers are needed than do not hesitate to ask, Dailey (and my other allies). If I were in your position, Demonic Terrorists, I would run and hide, my friend, run and hide.
26-06-2004, 03:54
120 Chellian V-121's are on their way to bomb Demonic Terrorists, carrying around 25 tons of ordinance, from cluster bombs to time-delayed bombs(bomblets around size of C-4, blow up a short time after bombings occur), as well as ATA Gemini missiles for self-defense. These are being accompanied by 120 RAA-M aircraft carrying ATA missiles and Fuel only, to match the range of the V-121's(240 are actually flying with them, but 120 of those are refueling the other 120 midway, as they are only carrying fuel tanks). These are headed for the capital of demonic terrorists, and they will bomb urban centers if Demonic Terrorists does not agree to surrendur to pro-Dailey forces, and be occupied by chellis and/or Dailey.
26-06-2004, 06:34
The Holy Empire Of Dailey wishs to thanks all those that are Helping our nation

We also wish to say that if this War on our Nation and the Slander Being Said about Our King is not takken back We will and Full heartly Declare War and End this ones and for all.

The Aliance is Strong and the Colition forces that are helping Dailey are Bigger then a Small nation could ever defeat there is no need for war but if our nation is attacked We will go to War. As stated in the Aliance If any allies are attacked then the intire aliance declares War on the attacker(s)

ones again His majesty Thanks The Pro-Dailey forces for there help and suport in this pitiful war
26-06-2004, 07:01
Message from Terrorist Groups in northern Dailey

To the king Him self We are Calling off all hotilities towards your people and will help in defending Our Homes from a fools War.

We are willing to sign a Serender agreement at the End of this Defensive war. Our leaders are ready to surender if it takes down this slime that are thretening our Homeland.

Message to Terrorist group From his Madjesty Jonathan Antensen I

Your Serender is acepted and your acistance is now alowed to hel in defending our national borders if for anyreason Regional Defence fails to stop the invation and Dailey borders are atacked then We will Declare a State of Gorila Warfare on our enemies asking that you keep our northern border Secure.

Message From the Terrorist group

We acept this agreement and are now deploying our forces along the northern Border and within the Dailey Rainforests

King Declares End of hotilities towards Red Fox Troops to strengthen National Defence Standing beside the king is General Minings Commander in cheaf of the Red Fox Troops

OOC: REd Fox Group = Former Terrorist Troops
26-06-2004, 17:04
Grenval now considers DT a terrorist organization and does not recognize your sovreignty as a country. Grenval declares DT a colony of Grenval and enforces this word through the deployment of the following to DT borders (not to Dailey's borders although Grenval troops stationed there will remain):

200 B-2s payload: 2 Clusterbombs Each
25 Cruisers
10 Carriers containing:
200 F-22s
200 JSFs
350 UCAV

The terrorist organization known as DT will remain a colony of Grenval until the TBA alliance decides as to the fate of DT.


Rufushian, Grenval:

"Holy Sh--! We already have a million men deployed in Dailey and every last tank. Now were bombing DT from the sky. He sent in half of our Navy! What the hell is going on!?!"


Presidential Address to the Nation:

Today, in our effort to help the nation state of Dailey, we have deployed more troops to DT, whose sovreignty Grenval now refuses to recognize as they have declared themselves a terrorist organization. Brave men and women will soon be flying over the skies of DT, targeting military operations. We do not expect resistance.


Presidential Address to DT:

The ships are leaving port. Your sovreignty is unrecognized. Meet our demands:

1. Stop the slander of Grenval, Dailey, and all nations allied against you.
2. Remove all military presence from Dailey.
3. Halt all connections to terrorist organizations.
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 21:04
Grenval now considers DT a terrorist organization and does not recognize your sovreignty as a country. Grenval declares DT a colony of Grenval and enforces this word through the deployment of the following to DT borders (not to Dailey's borders although Grenval troops stationed there will remain):

200 B-2s payload: 2 Clusterbombs Each
25 Cruisers
10 Carriers containing:
200 F-22s
200 JSFs
350 UCAV

The terrorist organization known as DT will remain a colony of Grenval until the TBA alliance decides as to the fate of DT.


Rufushian, Grenval:

"Holy Sh--! We already have a million men deployed in Dailey and every last tank. Now were bombing DT from the sky. He sent in half of our Navy! What the hell is going on!?!"


Presidential Address to the Nation:

Today, in our effort to help the nation state of Dailey, we have deployed more troops to DT, whose sovreignty Grenval now refuses to recognize as they have declared themselves a terrorist organization. Brave men and women will soon be flying over the skies of DT, targeting military operations. We do not expect resistance.


Presidential Address to DT:

The ships are leaving port. Your sovreignty is unrecognized. Meet our demands:

1. Stop the slander of Grenval, Dailey, and all nations allied against you.
2. Remove all military presence from Dailey.
3. Halt all connections to terrorist organizations.

We want peace with Roach-Busters, Doomduckistan, Grenval, GE, etc. But we find Grenval's demands very cruel and highly unusual, thus we do not accept. As for evidence of Jonathan Antensen I's cruelty, we have here a list of the ten most oppressive, repressive nations:

1.Neo-Soviet Russia
2.HK-Forty seven
4.The Dark Nexus
10.The Federal Union
26-06-2004, 21:07
"Reaching the Demonic Terrorist coast... No enemy fighters spotted... We will reach the Capital in one hour... Radio silence for now. Only speak if its an emergency, or the enemy is defidentally spotted." Proclaimed the lead bomber of the V-121 group. The V-121's were flying at 74,000 feet, the RAA-M's at 41,000. All munitions were armed, and the mission was now un-abortable.
26-06-2004, 21:09
IC=NSR is my ally. I'll inform him of this.

OOC=What the hell. Your not ignoring me. But your not responing to my attacks. You just keep apologizing.

IC=Grenval accepts your apology. We now have two demands for you to meet. You claim you want peace, therefore:
1. Withdraw your forces from Dailey.
2. Stop all cooraspondence with terrorists.

The following troops remain in Dailey for defence until these demands are met:

10,000 Infantry
500 M1A2 Abrams
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 21:11
Very well. We will stop our support of the 'terrorists,' but we will not withdraw. On the contrary, 50,000 more troops are being sent. We will save Dailey from the tyranny of Jonathan Antensen I. We have scores of refugees in our country claiming to be from Dailey, and they speak of "terror, terror beyond your wildest dreams," "the horror of living under Antensen's iron fist," "slave labor camps," "secret police," "links to gangsterism and terorism around the world," "a body count of over 765,041," etc.
26-06-2004, 21:17
Where's the proof, DT?
26-06-2004, 21:22
"Ok, we are over the capital men. You have your targets. Make sure to hit the Malls and stadiums, the large office buildings and apartment buildings. We want maximum casualties." Said the pilot. At this point, the 120 V-121's dropped their combined ordinance of 6,000,000 lbs of ordinance on the capital city of Demonic Terrorists(We assumed it was the capital, since it was the largest. Either way, its the largest). The 120 RAA-M's also fired their ordinance, which was 240,000lbs total, on various apartment buildings. Many of the munitions made their ways to roads and wrecked them so traffic was stopped in many places, but the main casualties were to be the humans, as the bombing was done in the middle of the day, when everyone was working or whatnot. Many square blocks of commercial districts simply were flattened by the bombings.
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 21:24
"Ok, we are over the capital men. You have your targets. Make sure to hit the Malls and stadiums, the large office buildings and apartment buildings. We want maximum casualties." Said the pilot. At this point, the 120 V-121's dropped their combined ordinance of 6,000,000 lbs of ordinance on the capital city of Demonic Terrorists(We assumed it was the capital, since it was the largest. Either way, its the largest). The 120 RAA-M's also fired their ordinance, which was 240,000lbs total, on various apartment buildings. Many of the munitions made their ways to roads and wrecked them so traffic was stopped in many places, but the main casualties were to be the humans, as the bombing was done in the middle of the day, when everyone was working or whatnot. Many square blocks of commercial districts simply were flattened by the bombings.

More them 200,000 people were killed by Chellis's cruel and unprovoked attack on our peaceful nation. War will be declared immediately.
Demonic Terrorists
26-06-2004, 22:15
All troops have been withdrawn from Dailey. Never again will we attack your nation...although we still DEMAND the resignation of Jonathan Antensen I!

Wondering why we withdrew?
26-06-2004, 22:19
"Ok, we are over the capital men. You have your targets. Make sure to hit the Malls and stadiums, the large office buildings and apartment buildings. We want maximum casualties." Said the pilot. At this point, the 120 V-121's dropped their combined ordinance of 6,000,000 lbs of ordinance on the capital city of Demonic Terrorists(We assumed it was the capital, since it was the largest. Either way, its the largest). The 120 RAA-M's also fired their ordinance, which was 240,000lbs total, on various apartment buildings. Many of the munitions made their ways to roads and wrecked them so traffic was stopped in many places, but the main casualties were to be the humans, as the bombing was done in the middle of the day, when everyone was working or whatnot. Many square blocks of commercial districts simply were flattened by the bombings.

Chellis, Grenval is outraged that you would deliberately target civilians. Grenval demands:
1. Apology
2. Medical Aid to DT
3. Money for Repairs for non-military targets

Do so or face war.
26-06-2004, 22:29
"Angels four and supercruise, boys."


Having recently taken off, a full 30 F/A-22 fighters rose up high in the cloudless sky over Doomduckistan and accelerated towards the first major engagement in their country's history. Following them were an equal number of Typhoon Eurofighters, screaming along the sky. They were bound for air superiority and the bombing of military targets in Demonic Terrorists. Once they were done, the 3rd fleet and its single carrier would be there halfway back for pick up and resupply.
26-06-2004, 22:33
"Angels four and supercruise, boys."
Having recently taken off, a full 30 F/A-22 fighters rose up high in the cloudless sky over Doomduckistan and accelerated towards the first major engagement in their country's history. Following them were an equal number of Typhoon Eurofighters, screaming along the sky. They were bound for air superiority and the bombing of Demonic Terrorists, and once they were done, the 3rd fleet and its single carrier would be there halfway back for pick up and resupply.

Try this link.
26-06-2004, 22:45
Chellis, sorry about the above post. We do not wish to threaten you with war. Our "demands" are only suggestions. Thank you.
26-06-2004, 22:48
OOC- EDIT- Considering the link of which I have now been informed of, Doomduckistan is withdrawing all troops until further notice. This war appears to be at a standstill, and though we wholeheartedly support Grenval, this war is over our heards and deserves consideration.
26-06-2004, 22:48
"Ok, we are over the capital men. You have your targets. Make sure to hit the Malls and stadiums, the large office buildings and apartment buildings. We want maximum casualties." Said the pilot. At this point, the 120 V-121's dropped their combined ordinance of 6,000,000 lbs of ordinance on the capital city of Demonic Terrorists(We assumed it was the capital, since it was the largest. Either way, its the largest). The 120 RAA-M's also fired their ordinance, which was 240,000lbs total, on various apartment buildings. Many of the munitions made their ways to roads and wrecked them so traffic was stopped in many places, but the main casualties were to be the humans, as the bombing was done in the middle of the day, when everyone was working or whatnot. Many square blocks of commercial districts simply were flattened by the bombings.

Chellis, Grenval is outraged that you would deliberately target civilians. Grenval demands:
1. Apology
2. Medical Aid to DT
3. Money for Repairs for non-military targets

Do so or face war.

Chellis warns Grenval to shut up or die. Dont mess with the strongest army in the world. We arent forgiving. Total warfare is our goal, and ends wars faster.
26-06-2004, 22:49
Chellis, sorry about the above post. We do not wish to threaten you with war. Our "demands" are only suggestions. Thank you.

Grenval apologizes again. We have common enemy, we should not fight each other. Grenval is very sorry.
26-06-2004, 22:52
Chellis, sorry about the above post. We do not wish to threaten you with war. Our "demands" are only suggestions. Thank you.

Grenval apologizes again. We have common enemy, we should not fight each other. Grenval is very sorry.

Then chellis apologizes for the strong words. We just seem to be oft challanged by nations much smaller than us, and it quite angers us. We do indeed have a common enemy, and chellis is sorry it had to come to war. But war means death.
26-06-2004, 22:53
Chellis, please apologize to Grenval. And if you do attack him- which I hope you don't- you'll have to go through me, too. Anyone who disses Grenval disses me!

We were threatened with war, we werent trying to provoke it. Don't make enemies in high places, or you may never break through the glass ceiling.
26-06-2004, 22:58
Everyone calm down, Chellis and I are not going to war.
Neo-Soviet Russia
26-06-2004, 23:53
Though seemingly uninvolved, it would appear that the USSNSR is wrong. With this we wish to inquire why our nation has been not only included but put at the top of DT's list of 'most oppressive and repressve nations'. We wonder if these words are merely meant to draw more nations into whatever conflicts you wish to establish or if you merely have a distaste for Neo-Soviet Russia, for whatever reasons or beliefs you may have/hold. We also wonder what evidence a simple list of ten nations is. Any single person can produce a list and slap on names, but that does not make it 'evidence'.
Knight Of The Round
27-06-2004, 00:06
While my country cannot interfere due to its small military at the present. We would be honored if you would accept a small gift of $1,000,000 in gold to help in your eventual rebuilding efforts. :wink:
27-06-2004, 00:07
While my country cannot interfere due to its small military at the present. We would be honored if you would accept a small gift of $1,000,000 in gold to help in your eventual rebuilding efforts. :wink:

Who are you giving the money to?
Knight Of The Round
27-06-2004, 00:14
To the government of Dailey. To help in the rebuilding efforts when the conflict is over.
27-06-2004, 00:20
To the government of Dailey. To help in the rebuilding efforts when the conflict is over.

Good, then we can be friends.
Knight Of The Round
27-06-2004, 00:26
We salute Grenval and raise a sword to the sky in friendship and depart to better our small domain.
27-06-2004, 02:20
Chellis, please apologize to Grenval. And if you do attack him- which I hope you don't- you'll have to go through me, too. Anyone who disses Grenval disses me!

We were threatened with war, we werent trying to provoke it. Don't make enemies in high places, or you may never break through the glass ceiling.

The Republic of Roach-Busters formally apologizes to Chellis. We hope we can bury the hatchet and be friends.
27-06-2004, 02:21
Though seemingly uninvolved, it would appear that the USSNSR is wrong. With this we wish to inquire why our nation has been not only included but put at the top of DT's list of 'most oppressive and repressve nations'. We wonder if these words are merely meant to draw more nations into whatever conflicts you wish to establish or if you merely have a distaste for Neo-Soviet Russia, for whatever reasons or beliefs you may have/hold. We also wonder what evidence a simple list of ten nations is. Any single person can produce a list and slap on names, but that does not make it 'evidence'.

Just ignore that idiot, USSNSR. He makes up crap about everybody.
Neo-Soviet Russia
27-06-2004, 02:23
(I know...just an attempt at a semi-formal post. Found it funny he had me on there.)
Illuminati Hassassins
27-06-2004, 02:41
Wow Alot has happen since I my leave I have all my forces on alert and have them on standby to be deployed if needed
27-06-2004, 02:44
I find it absurd that Neo-Soviet Russia would be on a 'human rights abuse' list at all. I just checked his nation out, and it says civil rights are 'very good,' political freedoms are 'good,' and torture is illegal. DT, on the other hand, is labeled a 'psychotic dictatorship.' Just shows how hypocritical he is. :roll:
Demonic Terrorists
27-06-2004, 02:53
Anyone want to purchase some Jews or Christians?
28-06-2004, 07:41
OOC:This war is over and done with i Condem the Selling of Christians a jews considering i am a Baptist wich is also a Christian so ya i'm ofended and ask for you never to post something like that in a topic i have started again.


The KIng DEclared An end to hostilities Today and ordered all borders to start trade back up and removed marshal law from affect all citizens may go back to there regular ruteans
28-06-2004, 07:42
OOC:This war is over and done with i Condem the Selling of Christians a jews considering i am a Baptist wich is also a Christian so ya i'm ofended and ask for you never to post something like that in a topic i have started again.


The KIng DEclared An end to hostilities Today and ordered all borders to start trade back up and removed marshal law from affect all citizens may go back to there regular ruteans