625Million typeA voting shares of HDI for sale, cheap!
24-06-2004, 06:00
625,000,000 type A voting shares of Hamptonshire Defense Industries are for sale at 540 Dollars a share, 11 dollars under the current price! Buy them and automatically have a profit. Win win situation!
Umm... I believe HDI already seized your assets, so technically, you don't own them anymore. Hamptonshire is placing them on auction soon.
24-06-2004, 06:06
Special Announcement Update!
All Pedaphiliacan assests have been siezed by the Government. Due to severed relations and Permanent Economic/Humanitarian/ and Diplomatic Sanctions, the 625 million Type A shares previoudsly owned by the aforementioned party will be sold in a block of 625 million shares to the highest bidder.
Bidding starts here (http://s4.invisionfree.com/The_Unforgiven_Board/index.php?showtopic=647) Thursday, 12:00 midnight GMT
24-06-2004, 06:13
This is an outrage. I demand re-imburcment for the billions of dollars spent on them.
24-06-2004, 06:16
This is an outrage. I demand re-imburcment for the billions of dollars spent on them.
Your fault for ignoring me.
24-06-2004, 06:19
your fault for being a warmongering sheep.