23-06-2004, 07:26
For the posting of bounties on wanted individuals. Anybody may bring in the individuals listed below.
Pleaes provide:
Known Phsyical Appereance (Height, weight, whatever):
Wanted for:
Dead or Alive (Can be both with price variations):
Wanted items on person: (Thigs of value carried by bounty)
Organization: (Who he/she works with/for)
Bounty amount: (Currency/Material your paying in +USD value)
Last known location:
Deliver to:
Easy copyName:
Known Phsyical Appereance:
Wanted for:
Dead or Alive:
Wanted items on person:
Bounty amount:
Last known location:
Deliver to:/paste form:
Bounties will be placed below. Once resolved they will be marked in RED and are no longer valid. Bounties may be modified or cancelled at any time.
Bounties may be refused for any reason.
Name: (FMR.) Captain Julian Tyler
Gender: Male
Known Phsyical Appereance:
Height: 5'8
Weight: 165
Age: 52
Scars: One over the left eyebrow, split lip, missing left front tooth
Eye color: Artificial eyes, usualy wears glassess
Hair color: White/Grey
Wanted for:
High Treason
Destruction of Public property
Destruction of Private property
6 Counts of murder in the first degree
203 Counts of murder in the second degree
650 Counts of assault/Sever Injury
Theft of Govornment property (1 Pax class cruiser, 2 Justice class destroyers in drydock)
Assault on a superior officer
Resisting arrest
Attempted destruction of DGNT Piledriver class cruiser Pestilence by destruction of anti-matter core
50,000 counts of attempted murder in the first degree
Reckless piloting
Reckless driving
Possession of a military-grade weapon
Possession of weapons of mass destruction
Dead or Alive: Dead or alive.
Wanted items on person: None.
Organization: Crew of the Headsman, minus the captain and his six executive officers.
Bounty amount: G25,000,000 +250,000 for each crew member (1,250 crew participated in mutiny)
Last known location: Pax IV, beleived to have ditched on Earth.
Deliver to: G'oaway, Dontgonearthe Castle.
Name: Dimitri Popov
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 6
Weight: 214 lb
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Wanted for:
Murder X 89
Theft of a spacecraft X 4
Pirating X 12
Destruction of Property: X 94
Bank Robbery: X 45
Grand Larceny: X 15
Attacking government officials: X 43
Dead or Alive
Organization: None
Bounty amount: $100,000,000
Last known location: Argus Prima Space Station (Armenia System)
Deliver to: Hattian Government
Note: Heavily armed and extremely dangerous, has killed many attempting to collect the bounty. Spacecraft, the Black Saber is heavily armed with concealed weapons and carries 5 other crew members, who are also wanted.
Name: Borishi Yardovich
Gender: Male
Known Phsyical Appereance: Tall, Green Eyes, Skiny, Red Hair
Wanted for: Suspcted of being the Armed Knights President, Murder
Dead or Alive (Can be both with price variations): Dead
Wanted items on person: Everything he is Carrieing
Organization: No one (his goverment was dissolved)
Bounty amount: $95,000,000
Last known location: Uhiji
Deliver to: President Athena Vathwood of the UKN
Name: (FMR.) High Council member Tetrou Vikchar
Gender: Male
Known Phsyical Appereance: Height: 5´10
Weight: 136 ib
Age: 103
Eye color: Black
Hair color: White
Wanted for: High Treason, Theft, 4 1:st degree Murders, Manslaughter, Possession of Illegal Items.
Dead or Alive: Alive.
Wanted items on person: Everything.
Organization: None known.
Bounty amount: 20,000,000 oil barrels.(each is valued about 1000 Dollars in cash.)
Last known location: Bakalua island, Dronios
Deliver to: Dronios OverMaester Wriikez.
Pleaes provide:
Known Phsyical Appereance (Height, weight, whatever):
Wanted for:
Dead or Alive (Can be both with price variations):
Wanted items on person: (Thigs of value carried by bounty)
Organization: (Who he/she works with/for)
Bounty amount: (Currency/Material your paying in +USD value)
Last known location:
Deliver to:
Easy copyName:
Known Phsyical Appereance:
Wanted for:
Dead or Alive:
Wanted items on person:
Bounty amount:
Last known location:
Deliver to:/paste form:
Bounties will be placed below. Once resolved they will be marked in RED and are no longer valid. Bounties may be modified or cancelled at any time.
Bounties may be refused for any reason.
Name: (FMR.) Captain Julian Tyler
Gender: Male
Known Phsyical Appereance:
Height: 5'8
Weight: 165
Age: 52
Scars: One over the left eyebrow, split lip, missing left front tooth
Eye color: Artificial eyes, usualy wears glassess
Hair color: White/Grey
Wanted for:
High Treason
Destruction of Public property
Destruction of Private property
6 Counts of murder in the first degree
203 Counts of murder in the second degree
650 Counts of assault/Sever Injury
Theft of Govornment property (1 Pax class cruiser, 2 Justice class destroyers in drydock)
Assault on a superior officer
Resisting arrest
Attempted destruction of DGNT Piledriver class cruiser Pestilence by destruction of anti-matter core
50,000 counts of attempted murder in the first degree
Reckless piloting
Reckless driving
Possession of a military-grade weapon
Possession of weapons of mass destruction
Dead or Alive: Dead or alive.
Wanted items on person: None.
Organization: Crew of the Headsman, minus the captain and his six executive officers.
Bounty amount: G25,000,000 +250,000 for each crew member (1,250 crew participated in mutiny)
Last known location: Pax IV, beleived to have ditched on Earth.
Deliver to: G'oaway, Dontgonearthe Castle.
Name: Dimitri Popov
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 6
Weight: 214 lb
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Wanted for:
Murder X 89
Theft of a spacecraft X 4
Pirating X 12
Destruction of Property: X 94
Bank Robbery: X 45
Grand Larceny: X 15
Attacking government officials: X 43
Dead or Alive
Organization: None
Bounty amount: $100,000,000
Last known location: Argus Prima Space Station (Armenia System)
Deliver to: Hattian Government
Note: Heavily armed and extremely dangerous, has killed many attempting to collect the bounty. Spacecraft, the Black Saber is heavily armed with concealed weapons and carries 5 other crew members, who are also wanted.
Name: Borishi Yardovich
Gender: Male
Known Phsyical Appereance: Tall, Green Eyes, Skiny, Red Hair
Wanted for: Suspcted of being the Armed Knights President, Murder
Dead or Alive (Can be both with price variations): Dead
Wanted items on person: Everything he is Carrieing
Organization: No one (his goverment was dissolved)
Bounty amount: $95,000,000
Last known location: Uhiji
Deliver to: President Athena Vathwood of the UKN
Name: (FMR.) High Council member Tetrou Vikchar
Gender: Male
Known Phsyical Appereance: Height: 5´10
Weight: 136 ib
Age: 103
Eye color: Black
Hair color: White
Wanted for: High Treason, Theft, 4 1:st degree Murders, Manslaughter, Possession of Illegal Items.
Dead or Alive: Alive.
Wanted items on person: Everything.
Organization: None known.
Bounty amount: 20,000,000 oil barrels.(each is valued about 1000 Dollars in cash.)
Last known location: Bakalua island, Dronios
Deliver to: Dronios OverMaester Wriikez.