Opal Isle
23-06-2004, 07:00
New Region
Pro-Civil Rights
Not required, but bashing civil rights in forums will not be tolerated by IU members.
Poor spelling/grammar will not be tolerated.
Other than that, the goal of the IU is to promote the advancement of civils rights.
Additionally, all IU members discuss UN resolutions in the regional message board and we, as a region decide how to vote on resolutions (and I, the UN Delegate will vote how the region wants me to), so that we can be an extremely powerful force (okay not yet, but eventually) to be reckoned with in the United Nations.
For information on joining, send a telegram to Opal Isle.
Pro-Civil Rights
Not required, but bashing civil rights in forums will not be tolerated by IU members.
Poor spelling/grammar will not be tolerated.
Other than that, the goal of the IU is to promote the advancement of civils rights.
Additionally, all IU members discuss UN resolutions in the regional message board and we, as a region decide how to vote on resolutions (and I, the UN Delegate will vote how the region wants me to), so that we can be an extremely powerful force (okay not yet, but eventually) to be reckoned with in the United Nations.
For information on joining, send a telegram to Opal Isle.