Grenval to Magdha
We wish for the consideration of the removal of the treaty. We demand attention. We do not wish it but are prepared for war. If it so comes to that, I shall have Mattikstan take the weapons inspectors to his nation for you to pick up. Upon the suspension of the treaty, the defense budget for Grenval will be 60%, Sacqu: 30%, UA: 0%.
President George
23-06-2004, 05:27
We wish for the consideration of the removal of the treaty. We demand attention. We do not wish it but are prepared for war. If it so comes to that, I shall have Mattikstan take the weapons inspectors to his nation for you to pick up. Upon the suspension of the treaty, the defense budget for Grenval will be 60%, Sacqu: 30%, UA: 0%.
President George
What treaty are you referring to?
Is there something Magdha has not told me?
The treaty was one of disarment after a war with Magdha. I was reduced to half of my original army. However, Magdha and I have sinced allied with AMF, against yourself, but that is over, and against Northwester Liaganese.
President George
23-06-2004, 05:39
The treaty was one of disarment after a war with Magdha. I was reduced to half of my original army. However, Magdha and I have sinced allied with AMF, against yourself, but that is over, and against Northwester Liaganese.
President George
why were you reduced to half your army. Is there a link for this?
OOC=that is the main link
however the war really started with
The Cleansing of Universal Acceptance
on of my 0% defense budget countries
sacqu is also my nation
Northwestern Liang
23-06-2004, 05:56
A shame. Another nation reduced to subordinate status without due cause. Hardly a rare event in Magdha's history.
As an ally you may spend as much as you ant on your budget grenval.
Thank you, I consider the treaty wiped away. If you feel differently...
Pick up the weapons inspectors in UA.
President George
23-06-2004, 05:58
As an ally you may spend as much as you ant on your budget grenval.
This will be enforced or the Maharaja dude gets ousted by Whittier. And you can't do a thing about it.
Thank you Whittier.
President George