NationStates Jolt Archive

AIS debates PACT for non-regional alliances (closed RP)

22-06-2004, 06:17
The Alliance of Independent States (AIS) region (59 countries of approximately 18 billion people) is considering a proposal put forth by the nation of Inyurface for rules governing a PACT alliance agreement between the AIS and other non-AIS regional nations.

Current AIS PACT proposal is the following:

All nations in the AIS region (hereby termed AIS members) enjoy full benefits of the AIS. Non-regional alliance members (hereby termed AIS PACT allies) are defined as allied countries not of the AIS region and enjoy the following benefits and assume the following responsibilities:

-AIS PACT allies get 5% off at storefronts, including access to nukes and SMART anti-air/missile defense.

-AIS PACT allies must sign off on forum posting the AIS PACT Agreement (we'll use this thread).

-For AIS military intervention, AIS PACT allies must request military and economic assistance from the AIS security counsel (through a post on this forum with/or without a telegram to an AIS security council member).

-The 9-member AIS security council of 5 permanent members and 4 rotational members will then vote on the request. Majority vote wins.

-The 5 permanent AIS security council members maintain veto rights to any request.

-In exchange for AIS alliance protection, AIS PACT allies would be duty bound to provide assistance to the AIS upon formal request by any AIS security council member otherwise membership would be "re-evaluated".

22-06-2004, 06:21
Reserved for updated list of AIS security council members:

Permanent Security Council (5):

The Reagan-esque Neo-Nation of Inyurface (
The Holy Imperialistic Empire of Lex Terrae (
The MegaCorp Cartel of MMI (
The Federation of Kiss my a (
The United States of Josh Dollins (

Rotational Security Council Members (4):

To be decided.
22-06-2004, 06:59
I hereby give my full support to the AIS PACT proposal.
22-06-2004, 08:23
The People's Republic of Lorkhan fully supports this pact set forth by the allied states.

Chancellor of Foreign Affairs-Christina Coil
22-06-2004, 12:43
We veto that stupid idea!!!! Who's idea was it anyway? Oh... uhhh... well..... [The Supreme Chancellor steps in as he whacks his crazed nephew in the ear with a boot for sneaking onto the international hotline and interjects himself]

Inyurface supports the proposal and casts its vote in favor of the AIS PACT resolution as described by MMI's posting.
Lex Terrae
22-06-2004, 14:09
Lex Terrae does not like the proposal as is. This is why. The Alliance of Independent States is a political and military alliance, much like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) but much stronger. An attack on one nation in the Alliance is viewed as an attack on all the nations of the Alliance. We are a large region. But we can become over-extended. Assisting one region could bring attack on the AIS by another region. Then we have confrontations on several fronts. I can't see what the up side is for us. I do believe we should compile a "Most Favored Nation List."
This list would include nations (and possibly whole regions) that we have favorable trade with and would lend military support (in the way of Material). But it would be less formal and binding. Our first concern is for the well being of the Alliance. We are growing rapidly and have a number of young nations to look after. That should be our number one priority.
OfLower Urban Gorrilas
22-06-2004, 16:07
*Walking to the Communications Room, His Excellency sees that the people manning the room ina state of awe.. they hand him the communique from MMI*

*His Excellency goes into a rage,,,Why was I not informed eariler about this? It is important that I recieve all news about the Alliance.. Only time I do not want to be distrubed is when i am in bed with her Highness,,othe then that,,I WANT TO KNOW IMMEDIATELY!!!*

We accept the proposal set forth by MMI, and we ask that all members aceept it also,as it is vital for our continued growth and strength for our Alliance.

His Excellency
Cornelius Thade
Teh ninjas
22-06-2004, 16:26
"We support this prosposal, we shall cast our vote in favor."
Emperor Takenski
22-06-2004, 16:51
Lex Terrae does not like the proposal as is. This is why. The Alliance of Independent States is a political and military alliance, much like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) but much stronger. An attack on one nation in the Alliance is viewed as an attack on all the nations of the Alliance. We are a large region. But we can become over-extended. Assisting one region could bring attack on the AIS by another region. Then we have confrontations on several fronts. I can't see what the up side is for us. I do believe we should compile a "Most Favored Nation List."
This list would include nations (and possibly whole regions) that we have favorable trade with and would lend military support (in the way of Material). But it would be less formal and binding. Our first concern is for the well being of the Alliance. We are growing rapidly and have a number of young nations to look after. That should be our number one priority.

It is food for thought. These insights do offer a perceived down side. RNI understands Lex Terrae's concerns. Perhaps, we should look to these possibilities. I think what it boils down to though, is "what commitment do the AIS PACT members give to the AIS?" Why would any nation desire to join our region than? for an additional 5% off at a storefront? The question then arises, however, which loyalty is first for AIS PACT members... the alliance to the region they reside in or their alliance to the AIS PACT?

Overall though, opn balance, we do believe that an AIS PACT is good and would bind nations to our Alliance in a new way. We would grow in influence and power. We would gain very powerful allies! And they would gain powerful allies as well. The Alliance would then reach into other regions. RNI, while mindful of Lex's concerns still supports the AIS PACT initiative, but understands that healthy discussion of concerns and issues should not be thwarted.

Long live the AIS!
22-06-2004, 19:53
23-06-2004, 08:07
Lex Terrae does not like the proposal as is. This is why. The Alliance of Independent States is a political and military alliance, much like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) but much stronger. An attack on one nation in the Alliance is viewed as an attack on all the nations of the Alliance. We are a large region. But we can become over-extended. Assisting one region could bring attack on the AIS by another region. Then we have confrontations on several fronts. I can't see what the up side is for us. I do believe we should compile a "Most Favored Nation List."
This list would include nations (and possibly whole regions) that we have favorable trade with and would lend military support (in the way of Material). But it would be less formal and binding. Our first concern is for the well being of the Alliance. We are growing rapidly and have a number of young nations to look after. That should be our number one priority.

These are excellent points. However, that is why we have two mechanisms by which to control who we assist. First, we vote through the security council, needing a majority vote. In addition, the five member security council (which you are a member) can veto any request. I do agree with many of your points and I also think we have alot of small nations in our own region to think of first. However, I see this proposal as a compromised version. Just my 2 cents.
Josh Dollins
25-06-2004, 03:37
We support this but must say intervention in other governments and such should be examined and voted on we must think of the best for our region and nations we must use this to make friendly peace agreements of protection from violence and for free trade. This will be best for us and those who ally with us as free trade is good for all as is peace. However many nations (communist,fascist and so on) we should support action not necessarily always physical against. Thanks.
Conservative Patriots
25-06-2004, 05:35
I do not think that pact members should recieve a discount to the storefronts or the chance to buy from the nuke storefront. We are offering them way more than we could ever benefit from in return. one country's assistance vs. a whole region? c'mon. we need ratification before cp can adhere to this proposal.
25-06-2004, 06:13
All interesting points. Sounds like this PACT idea is split among those who care most. I propose that we shelve the idea or at least debate it further for additional amendments if it is to be passed. I was riding the line but now am tending to sway toward CP and Lex Terrae's criticisms of the current PACT proposal.
Conservative Patriots
25-06-2004, 07:47
i do not suggest we shelve the idea. we need something like this to continue the glorious path AIS is taking. But amendments and debate must continue before we adopt the idea.
25-06-2004, 20:32
25-06-2004, 20:37
i do not suggest we shelve the idea. we need something like this to continue the glorious path AIS is taking. But amendments and debate must continue before we adopt the idea.

Agreed. We might have to propose an amended PACT and vote on it. I like the idea of a favored nation status kinda thing but we must agree on what is binding and what are the rules governing binding agreements. I think the security council vote/veto works well.
25-06-2004, 21:30
damn double-post again! :evil:
Teh ninjas
25-06-2004, 21:53
We should also setup a committee to research into the nation that wishes to become an AIS Pact Member. If the nation tries using diplomatic measures, before involving military then the nation should be admitted. However if the nation has a record of causing wars, and stirring trouble the country should not be let in. That way the amount of incidents we may encounter will be lower.

That is a very good point CP. However I believe that every nation that committs itself to defend AIS should have the necesarry weapons to defend itself from more powerful invaders. However, I fully understand what you're saying. Also what happens if the nation we supplied nukes to attacks another nation with the nukes? Or it sells it to a terrorist organization. Maybe we should base the decision of allowing nukes to Pact Members based on their previous history? I agree that ammendments, and further debate must continue so that we can view every possible idea, and situation.
Teh ninjas
25-06-2004, 21:54
We should also setup a committee to research into the nation that wishes to become an AIS Pact Member. If the nation tries using diplomatic measures, before involving military then the nation should be admitted. However if the nation has a record of causing wars, and stirring trouble the country should not be let in. That way the amount of incidents we may encounter will be lower.

That is a very good point CP. However I believe that every nation that committs itself to defend AIS should have the necesarry weapons to defend itself from more powerful invaders. However, I fully understand what you're saying. Also what happens if the nation we supplied nukes to attacks another nation with the nukes? Or it sells it to a terrorist organization. Maybe we should base the decision of allowing nukes to Pact Members based on their previous history? I agree that ammendments, and further debate must continue so that we can view every possible idea, and situation.