20-06-2004, 03:11
The Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek
Motto: "Sleep Now In The Fire, To The Rhythm Of The War Drums"
Civil Rights: Superb
Economy: Frightening
Political Freedoms: Some
Anthem (
Curreny: Mark
National Animal: Piranha
The Landscape
Automagfreek is like most countries in this respect, it has mountains, plaines, rivers, forests, etc. The forests are being bulldozed by uranium compaines, although steps are being undertaken to preserve some of AMF's beautiful forests.
Towards ULE City, a chain of mountains surrounds a valley filled with a flowing river. The ancient warlords chose this place to be the capitol, for it was safe and secure.
^ clicky
The People
Human: 75%
-White: 52%
-Black: 14%
-Hispanic: 7%
-Other: 2%
Sentinel: 15%
Elf: 1%
Automagfreek has a deep tribal history, and it's culture is composed of 5 tribes: The Rising Sun Tribe, The Tanping, The Neverending Dawn, The Poe-tan, and The Black Woods Tribe. 4 out of the 5 are peaceful tribes, but The Tanping have a long and bloody history. Thousands of years ago The Tanping started a massive campaign to sieze Automagfreek, but the other tribes united and fought them off. Lord Rising Sun fought beside Dictator Automagfreek, and on the slopes of the ULE Mountains they defeated The Tanping, and thus AMF was born. Lord Rising Sun lost his life along with 350,000 others.
Tribal life is much the same as it always has been. There are sub cultures within each tribe, refered to as clans. Clans generally poilice themselves and live as they choose, save for the rule of the Supreme Warlord.
[more info to come]
The Military
Composed primarily of Sentinels, AMF's genetically pure brand of soldiers. Their entire life is spent in training, from age 0 to 18, they undergo intensive military training, molding them into the perfect soldier. The Sentinel Stalker is a gentically modified soldier, but they are only used for spec ops purposes.
ARMY: 9,000,000
Out of that: 8,000,000 ground forces
1,000,000 support:
150,000 intelligence/officers
400,000 medical staff
100,000 repair techs.
550,000 reservists
NAVY: 500,000
Out of that: 300,000 Battleship/Destroyer sailors
25,000 sub sailors
175,000 carrier sailors
(Stats include officers)
AIRBORNE: 600,000
Out of that: 300,000 Airborne soldiers
100,000 officers/intelligence
AIR FORCE: 220,000
Out of that: 80,000 pilots
40,000 officers/intelligence/mantinence
ARMAMENT: (All armament personnel are included in the above figures)
Tanks: 15,100
(M1A1's: 2,100)
(M1A2's: 6,500)
(T-90's: 5,500)
(T-100's (custom made tank): 1,000
Battleships: 17
Destroyers: 61
Subs: 51
Carriers: 13
Fighter jets: 1750
Bombers: 625
Light armored fighting vehicles (every kind): 9146
Troop transports: 1181
Helicopters: 1,212
Transport planes: 133
Here is a graphical classification of Automagfreek's infantry forces. Mind you, because Automagfreek has a long history of tight knit clans and tribes, the numbers below may seem contradictory to the numbers above. Keep this in mind though, the above numbers are the official military numbers, everything else is either militia or clans/tribes.
The Sentinel
Relevant links:
The Sentinel has been the mainstay of Automagfreek's military muscle for many years. They are a genetically pure species of man, and are bereft of genetic impurities such as asthma, certain cancers, etc. From the second they are removed from the harvesting machines, they are fed blood, death, and war. Their entire life is spent in training for war, and through 24/7 training they are molded into the perfect soldier. Emotions such as fear and remorse are foreign to them, and they are taught to do exactly as they are told. They are taught that killing is the only thing they live for, and their bloodlust grows every day that they do not spill blood. They are not paid soldiers, for they have been taught that money and treasure is worthless.
The Sentinels are famous for the invasion of New Spartha. In this war which lasted mere days, the Sentinels literally burned New Spartha to the ground, all the while raping the women and putting the men and children to the sword. Prisoners were taken back to Automagfreek and sent to the Halls of the Dead, where they met their fate. After pillaging and burning New Spartha to the ground, the Sentinels returned gloriously with all the spoils.
The Sentinels are clones of the original copy, Lord Damien Dreadfire. While not as tall and burly, the Sentinels are a fighting force rivaled only by the Reavers of Pantera.
Numbers: 75,000,000
Active in infantry units: 11,000,000
Active in support roles: 20,000,000
Reserves: 30,000,000
Retired: 14,000,000
The Sentinel Stalker
History: This is AMF's modified version of a standard Sentinel. Due to the coplexities in their engineering, the number of Stalkers is reletively low. They have only been used once when Damien was raised from the grave.
Numbers: 20,000
Active in infantry units: 5,000
Active in support roles: 6,000
Reserves: 5,000
Retired: 4,000
The Death Dealer
Relevant links:
History: Little is known about the Death Dealers except for that they manifest from the Tomb of the Mutilated ( a pit inside the Halls. Nobody comes back from the Tomb, let alone the Halls.). The Death Dealers are led by a being known as The One Who Shall Remain Unnamed. Legend says that these creatures are the manifestation of dozens of souls lost in Limbo, spun together than cast back into the realm of the living. Their numbers are unknown, but there are very few of them. The Death Dealers have yet to see actual combat, but legend says that these warriors of the Outer Realms possess the strength of the souls inside them. What this means has yet to be explained.
Numbers: Unknown
Active in infantry units: 525
Active in support roles: n/a
Reserves: n/a
Retired: n/a
The Freeks
Hostory: "The Freeks" are the normal everyday people of Automagfreek, the paid soldiers. While the Sentinels are now the main fighting force, Freeks are still placed in combat units to supplement their numbers. The Freeks have fought many wars over the years, including World War 4 and World War 5. The Freeks have yet to taste defeat in battle, and they would proudly die for their Warlord and country.
Numbers: 50,000,000
Active in infantry units: 10,000,000
Active in support roles: 25,000,000
Reserves: 10,000,000
Retired: 5,000,000
The History
Military history:
Perrier {VICTORY}
Iraqstan {VICTORY}
MagicChina {VICTORY}
MagicChina (again) {VICTORY}
The Most Moral Order {VICTORY}
MagicChina (yet again) {VICTORY}
Magicians of Knights {VICTORY}
Defense of Xolistan {VICTORY}
Defense of Russian Forces {VICTORY}
Assistance against Melkor Unchained {TIE}
New Spartha {VICTORY}
Dark Vengeance {VICTORY}
Austo Hungary{VICTORY}
Fascist White States{VICTORY}
NATIONS WIPED FROM EXISTANCE:Perrier, MagicChina, The Most Moral Order, Magicians of Knights, Gangstas Paradise, Mohahi, Tech-Annihater, New Spartha, Austo Hunagry
First Age of Unrest
AMF was born into the world, after many years of fighting amonst the feudal clans that carved their paths of destruction across the country. Dictator Automagfreek was placed in power, but a revolt quickly got underway. The revolt was squashed by AMF's long time ally, Aequatio.
The Age of Unification
During this time, Ambassador Kaye took over as President, and formed the famous WMNK Coalition. Under the WMNK banner, many long term friendships were made, and AMF began making a name for itself. The WMNK specialized in helping new nations get off the ground and get organized, and also squashed those new nations that were just out to cause trouble. The WMNK is still talked about today, in both good and bad ways.
The Age of Conquest
It was during this time that AMF began flexing it's military muscles, fighting in many, many wars, including WW5 and WW6. AMF also began systematically eliminating certain nations from existance (N00bZ), while also pledging assistance in many other affairs. It was uring this time that the nickname "AMF" was adopted, but who started it is still a mystery.
The Second Age of Unrest
Civil war began ripping AMF apart, thanks to a large terrorist faction known as Dark Vengeance. AMF was nearly destroyed, but thanks to media warfare and the help of The SLAGLands, the situation was under control, and rebuilding started. Dark Vengeace shows up every few months, and every time they do, bad things happen.
The Age of Invention
This was the time that such inventions as the HOUND and Skynet were born. Many other inventions such as the Porcupine bomb also came about, but it was the HOUND that brought the most controversy. Being extremely potent, most nations frowned upon it's use, so gradually, AMF stoipped producing them, only after releasing the HOUND V2. While Skynet is still operational, the HOUNDs are not.
The Age of Might
It was in this current timeframe that Damien Dreadfire born. Created in a lab, Damien was the first Sentinel, and immediatly, he became known. After the age of 20, Damien siezed power from President Kaye, sending him into a state of exile. The Sentinels began replacing regular humans, and AMF's military might grew. Blood Pact was initiated with Pantera, and the two nations became as one. The Halls of the Dead (, a large torture facility was also opened.
---Damien the Destroyer---
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-
The Age of Evolution
Rayne Xolantra has taken up Damien's mantle in his death. Under her, Automagfreek has changed from a stable dictatorship to a psychotic, iron fist dictatorship. Under Rayne, AMF civilians are looked at as "underlings" and have had many civil and political rights taken away since the time of Damien. Under Rayne, Automagfreek's military was dismantled and replaced with her own super soldier, the Striker. Hated by many, Rayne cares more about herself and her position of power than anything else.
The Age of Peace
The 8th Age of Automagfreek, the Age of Peace, has been one of the longer Ages in AMF history. During the 8th Age, AMF saw economic and civil prosperity that it never knew. War had been a thing of the past, and that further proved true when Lord Dreadfire decided to withdraw and move into seclusion. The 8th Age has been a quiet one, and has seen the rise of prosperity, the demise of Damien, and now the rise of the Destroyer.
The 8th Age is slowly evolving into a new era, an era of unrest. We will see with time what course Automagfreek will take.
And now we've reached the present. Here's a little OOC scoop into the man behind the mayhem!
^^^ Chris, the player behind Automagfreek
Age: 20
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Height: 6'
Weight: 165-170
Interests: NationStates (like you saw that coming), SOCOM II, and paintball. I've been playing paintball for nearly 7 years, and it's my only other passion besides NationStates.
Automagfreek's Ignore list (ICly)
1. Russian Forces
2. Dr_Twist
4. Armed Knights and whatever manifestation he is this week
Automagfreek shuns but does not ignore these nations:
1. Huzen Hagen
2. Cam III
3. Angelus
I'll edit in more stuff when I think of it.
Motto: "Sleep Now In The Fire, To The Rhythm Of The War Drums"
Civil Rights: Superb
Economy: Frightening
Political Freedoms: Some
Anthem (
Curreny: Mark
National Animal: Piranha
The Landscape
Automagfreek is like most countries in this respect, it has mountains, plaines, rivers, forests, etc. The forests are being bulldozed by uranium compaines, although steps are being undertaken to preserve some of AMF's beautiful forests.
Towards ULE City, a chain of mountains surrounds a valley filled with a flowing river. The ancient warlords chose this place to be the capitol, for it was safe and secure.
^ clicky
The People
Human: 75%
-White: 52%
-Black: 14%
-Hispanic: 7%
-Other: 2%
Sentinel: 15%
Elf: 1%
Automagfreek has a deep tribal history, and it's culture is composed of 5 tribes: The Rising Sun Tribe, The Tanping, The Neverending Dawn, The Poe-tan, and The Black Woods Tribe. 4 out of the 5 are peaceful tribes, but The Tanping have a long and bloody history. Thousands of years ago The Tanping started a massive campaign to sieze Automagfreek, but the other tribes united and fought them off. Lord Rising Sun fought beside Dictator Automagfreek, and on the slopes of the ULE Mountains they defeated The Tanping, and thus AMF was born. Lord Rising Sun lost his life along with 350,000 others.
Tribal life is much the same as it always has been. There are sub cultures within each tribe, refered to as clans. Clans generally poilice themselves and live as they choose, save for the rule of the Supreme Warlord.
[more info to come]
The Military
Composed primarily of Sentinels, AMF's genetically pure brand of soldiers. Their entire life is spent in training, from age 0 to 18, they undergo intensive military training, molding them into the perfect soldier. The Sentinel Stalker is a gentically modified soldier, but they are only used for spec ops purposes.
ARMY: 9,000,000
Out of that: 8,000,000 ground forces
1,000,000 support:
150,000 intelligence/officers
400,000 medical staff
100,000 repair techs.
550,000 reservists
NAVY: 500,000
Out of that: 300,000 Battleship/Destroyer sailors
25,000 sub sailors
175,000 carrier sailors
(Stats include officers)
AIRBORNE: 600,000
Out of that: 300,000 Airborne soldiers
100,000 officers/intelligence
AIR FORCE: 220,000
Out of that: 80,000 pilots
40,000 officers/intelligence/mantinence
ARMAMENT: (All armament personnel are included in the above figures)
Tanks: 15,100
(M1A1's: 2,100)
(M1A2's: 6,500)
(T-90's: 5,500)
(T-100's (custom made tank): 1,000
Battleships: 17
Destroyers: 61
Subs: 51
Carriers: 13
Fighter jets: 1750
Bombers: 625
Light armored fighting vehicles (every kind): 9146
Troop transports: 1181
Helicopters: 1,212
Transport planes: 133
Here is a graphical classification of Automagfreek's infantry forces. Mind you, because Automagfreek has a long history of tight knit clans and tribes, the numbers below may seem contradictory to the numbers above. Keep this in mind though, the above numbers are the official military numbers, everything else is either militia or clans/tribes.
The Sentinel
Relevant links:
The Sentinel has been the mainstay of Automagfreek's military muscle for many years. They are a genetically pure species of man, and are bereft of genetic impurities such as asthma, certain cancers, etc. From the second they are removed from the harvesting machines, they are fed blood, death, and war. Their entire life is spent in training for war, and through 24/7 training they are molded into the perfect soldier. Emotions such as fear and remorse are foreign to them, and they are taught to do exactly as they are told. They are taught that killing is the only thing they live for, and their bloodlust grows every day that they do not spill blood. They are not paid soldiers, for they have been taught that money and treasure is worthless.
The Sentinels are famous for the invasion of New Spartha. In this war which lasted mere days, the Sentinels literally burned New Spartha to the ground, all the while raping the women and putting the men and children to the sword. Prisoners were taken back to Automagfreek and sent to the Halls of the Dead, where they met their fate. After pillaging and burning New Spartha to the ground, the Sentinels returned gloriously with all the spoils.
The Sentinels are clones of the original copy, Lord Damien Dreadfire. While not as tall and burly, the Sentinels are a fighting force rivaled only by the Reavers of Pantera.
Numbers: 75,000,000
Active in infantry units: 11,000,000
Active in support roles: 20,000,000
Reserves: 30,000,000
Retired: 14,000,000
The Sentinel Stalker
History: This is AMF's modified version of a standard Sentinel. Due to the coplexities in their engineering, the number of Stalkers is reletively low. They have only been used once when Damien was raised from the grave.
Numbers: 20,000
Active in infantry units: 5,000
Active in support roles: 6,000
Reserves: 5,000
Retired: 4,000
The Death Dealer
Relevant links:
History: Little is known about the Death Dealers except for that they manifest from the Tomb of the Mutilated ( a pit inside the Halls. Nobody comes back from the Tomb, let alone the Halls.). The Death Dealers are led by a being known as The One Who Shall Remain Unnamed. Legend says that these creatures are the manifestation of dozens of souls lost in Limbo, spun together than cast back into the realm of the living. Their numbers are unknown, but there are very few of them. The Death Dealers have yet to see actual combat, but legend says that these warriors of the Outer Realms possess the strength of the souls inside them. What this means has yet to be explained.
Numbers: Unknown
Active in infantry units: 525
Active in support roles: n/a
Reserves: n/a
Retired: n/a
The Freeks
Hostory: "The Freeks" are the normal everyday people of Automagfreek, the paid soldiers. While the Sentinels are now the main fighting force, Freeks are still placed in combat units to supplement their numbers. The Freeks have fought many wars over the years, including World War 4 and World War 5. The Freeks have yet to taste defeat in battle, and they would proudly die for their Warlord and country.
Numbers: 50,000,000
Active in infantry units: 10,000,000
Active in support roles: 25,000,000
Reserves: 10,000,000
Retired: 5,000,000
The History
Military history:
Perrier {VICTORY}
Iraqstan {VICTORY}
MagicChina {VICTORY}
MagicChina (again) {VICTORY}
The Most Moral Order {VICTORY}
MagicChina (yet again) {VICTORY}
Magicians of Knights {VICTORY}
Defense of Xolistan {VICTORY}
Defense of Russian Forces {VICTORY}
Assistance against Melkor Unchained {TIE}
New Spartha {VICTORY}
Dark Vengeance {VICTORY}
Austo Hungary{VICTORY}
Fascist White States{VICTORY}
NATIONS WIPED FROM EXISTANCE:Perrier, MagicChina, The Most Moral Order, Magicians of Knights, Gangstas Paradise, Mohahi, Tech-Annihater, New Spartha, Austo Hunagry
First Age of Unrest
AMF was born into the world, after many years of fighting amonst the feudal clans that carved their paths of destruction across the country. Dictator Automagfreek was placed in power, but a revolt quickly got underway. The revolt was squashed by AMF's long time ally, Aequatio.
The Age of Unification
During this time, Ambassador Kaye took over as President, and formed the famous WMNK Coalition. Under the WMNK banner, many long term friendships were made, and AMF began making a name for itself. The WMNK specialized in helping new nations get off the ground and get organized, and also squashed those new nations that were just out to cause trouble. The WMNK is still talked about today, in both good and bad ways.
The Age of Conquest
It was during this time that AMF began flexing it's military muscles, fighting in many, many wars, including WW5 and WW6. AMF also began systematically eliminating certain nations from existance (N00bZ), while also pledging assistance in many other affairs. It was uring this time that the nickname "AMF" was adopted, but who started it is still a mystery.
The Second Age of Unrest
Civil war began ripping AMF apart, thanks to a large terrorist faction known as Dark Vengeance. AMF was nearly destroyed, but thanks to media warfare and the help of The SLAGLands, the situation was under control, and rebuilding started. Dark Vengeace shows up every few months, and every time they do, bad things happen.
The Age of Invention
This was the time that such inventions as the HOUND and Skynet were born. Many other inventions such as the Porcupine bomb also came about, but it was the HOUND that brought the most controversy. Being extremely potent, most nations frowned upon it's use, so gradually, AMF stoipped producing them, only after releasing the HOUND V2. While Skynet is still operational, the HOUNDs are not.
The Age of Might
It was in this current timeframe that Damien Dreadfire born. Created in a lab, Damien was the first Sentinel, and immediatly, he became known. After the age of 20, Damien siezed power from President Kaye, sending him into a state of exile. The Sentinels began replacing regular humans, and AMF's military might grew. Blood Pact was initiated with Pantera, and the two nations became as one. The Halls of the Dead (, a large torture facility was also opened.
---Damien the Destroyer---
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-
The Age of Evolution
Rayne Xolantra has taken up Damien's mantle in his death. Under her, Automagfreek has changed from a stable dictatorship to a psychotic, iron fist dictatorship. Under Rayne, AMF civilians are looked at as "underlings" and have had many civil and political rights taken away since the time of Damien. Under Rayne, Automagfreek's military was dismantled and replaced with her own super soldier, the Striker. Hated by many, Rayne cares more about herself and her position of power than anything else.
The Age of Peace
The 8th Age of Automagfreek, the Age of Peace, has been one of the longer Ages in AMF history. During the 8th Age, AMF saw economic and civil prosperity that it never knew. War had been a thing of the past, and that further proved true when Lord Dreadfire decided to withdraw and move into seclusion. The 8th Age has been a quiet one, and has seen the rise of prosperity, the demise of Damien, and now the rise of the Destroyer.
The 8th Age is slowly evolving into a new era, an era of unrest. We will see with time what course Automagfreek will take.
And now we've reached the present. Here's a little OOC scoop into the man behind the mayhem!
^^^ Chris, the player behind Automagfreek
Age: 20
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Height: 6'
Weight: 165-170
Interests: NationStates (like you saw that coming), SOCOM II, and paintball. I've been playing paintball for nearly 7 years, and it's my only other passion besides NationStates.
Automagfreek's Ignore list (ICly)
1. Russian Forces
2. Dr_Twist
4. Armed Knights and whatever manifestation he is this week
Automagfreek shuns but does not ignore these nations:
1. Huzen Hagen
2. Cam III
3. Angelus
I'll edit in more stuff when I think of it.