A.I.S.'s Drums of War Beat for Mint Crisp Region... WAR!!!!!
19-06-2004, 18:04
The sun is just rising in the East, and the golden-yellow dawn peers through the stained glass windows of RNI’s Great Ceremonial Hall. Beams of multi-colored rays illuminate the faces of the two figures standing in the outer vestibule. In the spartanly decorated room, His Excellency, Supreme Chancellor Von Ostrov, is preparing to leave for a surprise two-day good-will visit to the newly formed federation of Ogremania. It is widely believed by the international community that the Chancellor is sending only a delegation headed by RNI’s Secretary of State, Richard H. Skull. Ogremania’s leader has emerged through peace, and has brought together that which was said could not be united. The Supreme Chancellor brings with him the formal declaration of the A.I.S. welcoming this new nation to the Alliance. A cheerful look is evident upon the Chancellor’s face as this is a day of peace, and good will among the regional members. His senior advisor, Xeno R. LeFobe, is going over with him the final protocols for this event.
Your Excellency, all the preparations are made, and RNI-Alpha is ready to depart at your command. The people of The Federation of Ogremania will be most surprised by your presence at their celebration of unity and independence. Said RNI Chief Foreign Advisor, Xeno R. LeFobe.
The people of Ogremania have earned their rightful place in the international community. The peaceful transition to a unified federation speaks volumes as to the quality leadership they have, as well as the citizenry. You know Zee, I bring with me our a formal declaration of A.I.S. membership which I’ll personally present at their ceremonies. They will be a welcomed addition and a solid ally. Replied the Supreme Chancellor.
Suddenly the phone beeps and an urgent sounding voice of the Supreme Chancellor’s confidential secretary comes over the speaker. “Your Excellency, the Secretary of State is here and he says it’s absolutely urgent you speak with him.”
Damn. Nothing can ever happen without Dick ruining it. Exclaimed a slightly smirking, half-joking Supreme Chancellor. Go ahead, send the cranky son of a bitch in.
RNI Secretary of State, Richard H. Skull, rushes in. A tall man with a thin build and a balding head. His shirt collar too big for his neck, he is yet a formidable man, for he once ran the S.B.D., Inyurface’s notorious intelligence and secret police agency. Slightly out of breath he says, Sir, it’s serious. Our intelligence has intercepted a wire intended for Ogremania. Our S.B.D. agents have already confirmed the Region of Mint Crisp has sanctioned this outrage. Ogremani has confirmed this and brought it to our attention as well. They’re looking to the A.I.S. for assistance.
Slow down Dick. What are you talking about? What outrage? Of course we’ll help Ogremania, but one thing at a time. Demands the Chancellor
The entire region, Your Excellency…. through one nation, the Fighting Pikeys He replies
Oh Christ, pikeys? Ya even wonder exactly what a pikey is anyway? Asked the Chancellor
Well I always thought they were like a cult following of amateur bowlers. Interjects LeFobe
Bowlers?! No. Says Skull. But with all due respect Your Excellency, I don’t think it really matters… come to think of it, they might be more like goat-herders… but that’s not important right now, whatever they are, they appear be a threat. They, the Fighting Pikeys of the Mint Crisp Region, have issued a threat to Ogremania. Worse of all, this message was sanctioned by Mint Crisp itself.
The entire region? Asked the Chancellor
Yes, Your Excellency, we confirmed it intercepting transmissions on their regional message board. Well here it is, the message intercepted by us and received by Ogremania Said Skull
Hello new land, how are you. I am a travelling pikey but I mean you no harm. I am cordially inviting you to join my community, rest assured you will be happy here. We have a medium sized caravan enclosure with Sky TV and a pile of burning tyres, although no bogs (just use peoples gardens). If you join us you will get free dandelion and burdock. However if you choose not to join beware, because once you cross a pikey you are a marked man and I will get you eventually, I will pummel your face to a bloody mess and you will be picking up your teeth with broken fingers. It's your choice. By the way, how much for that cooker in your front garden?
We must take immediate action. LeFobe, inform everyone that I am postponing my trip to Ogremania. Dick, contact the Undersecretary and have him go in your stead. In the meantime, get me the Federation’s President and advise him and all Regional delegates, that, and I quote “RNI has issued a stern warning to the regional leader of Mint Crisp where the threat originated. Fighting Pikeys are not the only ones on notice but the entire region. The AIS will not tolerate such threats even if they be upon our newest of members!” The Supreme Chancellor buzzes his secretary Monica, get Torgie over here on the double! He turns his attention back to Skull Here is the message you are to send to The Rogue Nation of Mint Crisp immediately…
The message was dictated and immediately telegrammed to the Rogue Nation of Mint Crisp:
To: Leadership of Mint Crisp
From: RNI's Secretary of State
Re: Alliance of Independent States (A.I.S.) Commitment to Protecting its Members
Your member nation of "Fighting Pikeys" has threatened a newly admitted member of the Alliance. The threat is essentially a "join us or we'll knock your teeth out" type of message. Please be assured, that while the AIS at this time holds no direct ill-will towards your region, we are very concerned that your entire region would sanction such a message. Although you seem to oppose this approach by your member nation, you also state on your message board to FP to use that message. The AIS boasts 54 Nations, a regional population of over 17.5 Billion people, and a combined military force of incredible power. While we do not make war lightly, we also cannot stand by while a continuing threat from Fighting Pikeys exists, and where that threat implicates your entire region. Please have issued a formal apology by your region and by Fighting Pikeys, otherwise, action may be taken by the entire AIS to eliminate the source of the threat issued by Fighting Pikeys. Thank you for you time and attention. We pray that conflict can be avoided.
Within minutes, Mint Crisp responded through the telegram:
so says the person with a motto of "up yours". now why dont you just chill out man, he's a pikey, its his way of recuiting so i really dont care mr i boast i region with 54 Nations, a regional population of over 17.5 Billion people, and a combined military force of incredible power. just chill out and leave it!!!
An outrage! As the Chancellor slammed his fist on the desk. Torgie you better start making plans. Contact your counterparts at Regional HQ, and commence setting up a command structure for regional action. This could get messy.
Torgie, of course, is none other than RNI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Buck Turgidson, pictured below:
RNI Secretary of Defense, Jack D. Ripper is also present.
Jack, now all due respect, but we’ve got beat these sum-bitches at THEIR OWN GAME! WE’VE got to issue some threat of our own! Exclaimed Torgie
I agree with ya General, but I think the Chancellor would like to try one more attempt at diplomacy. Is that right sir? says Ripper.
Gentlemen, I doubt this will be worked out peacefully. These insults only reflect a larger image of ignorance and arrogance. Mint Crisp obviously wants no peace… but we must try. says the Chancellor as he turns to the Secretary of State. Dick, send our response, just as I dictated… then we wait. General, ready your people. The Chancellor bears the weight of the region and it shows. “Peace carries a heavy price” he thinks to himself. “We must not let these personal attacks color our judgment, yet they betray a disdain that Mint Crisp must have for us… but why? Is an apology so hard to give?”
Inyurface responded via telegram to Mint Crisp:
"Chill out and leave it?" does not sound very diplomatic. Again, a formal apology by your region and its author, Fighting Pikeys, are appropriate in a matter such as this. We do not take threats that literally give an ultimatum to “knock our member's teeth out unless they join a certain region” lightly. And yes, the A.I.S. boasts, and boasts very LOUDLY that we are a force to be reckoned with. Your tone is even more alarming than your nation's stance. The fact that you condone such unprovoked and aggressive behavior and threats, makes a diplomatic solution seem unlikely, yet, still not out of reach. Once again, Inyurface and the entire A.I.S. urges you and your region to reconsider and issue a simple international apology. Additionally, your reference to our motto is misplaced, as the motto is not a targeted act of aggression directed upon a sovereign nation,(as was Fighting Pixies' message to OUR member nation), rather RNI’s motto is an expression of a philosophy.
Dick, make sure the rest of the A.I.S. is aware Says the chancellor.
In response, the Secretary of State issues the following to the entire A.I.S.
RNI calls upon ALL A.I.S. forces to step up "diplomatic" efforts to resolve this emerging crisis by telegramming the nation of Mint Crisp and expressing the unity and concern we have here in our Alliance! As of now, RNI has elevated its military readiness status to alert level 4. Carrier groups are now steaming toward the Mint Crisp Region. Prepare for a standoff, and if luck does not befall us, stand ready for war my friends. We must defend our member nations from naked aggression.
Shortly after the Last RNI telegram, the shocking response of Mint Crisp was received:
u might wanna [k]now i dont apoligize to anyone so back off and leave it
I see little hope at a peaceful solution gentlemen. Said a grimChancellor. Why would Mint Crisp jeopardize its entire region just because it ‘doesn’t apologize?’ That my friends is an unwise way to govern, and it is unfortunate.
Sir, our forces have stepped up. I’ve alerted all branches of our defense command. Our Strategic Air Command is ready to launch both defensive and offensive sorties on 45 seconds notice. We stand ready and our anti-air and missile defenses are now being supplements by our latest patterns of defense. All other contingencies are in llace and moving… sir. said Torgie.
RNI responded to Mint Crisp through the telegram the only way the Supreme Chancellor could express:
unwise... and unfortunate.
Moments later, RNI had its final, insulting response from Mint Crisp:
screw you
The die has been cast my friends. said an exasperated Chancellor. He then sent yet another telegram to Mint Crisp, this time, he signed it himself:
Certainly not the peaceful and diplomatic response we had anticipated and hoped for. Remember, it is YOUR region and your region's member that sanctioned this threat upon one who has become an A.I.S. member. We simply requested a formal apology from your region and the specific threatening nation of Fighting Pikeys. You respond with more insults and appear to be prone to unwarranted aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, the A.I.S. cannot and will not tolerate such naked aggression backed up by a flat-out refusal to diffuse the situation through diplomatic and peaceful means. A simple apology would have sufficed, and perhaps even our regions could have traveled the path of mutual peace and respect. Now, after insulting behavior and words, the A.I.S. has very little choice but to consider alternative but appropriate action. There still is time, but it is running out. Please, reconsider your belligerent course and choose peace and dignity.
RNI Supreme Chancellor
Again, moments later, Secretary of State Skull approaches the Chancellor with Mint Crisp’s response. It reads:
screw you i have already told you i dont apolagize to any one and i have delt with thhe problem so back off!
The Chancellor sent one final telegram to Mint Crisp:
So exactly how has Mint Crisp dealt with the problem? Why does it appear that the leadership is taking a purely international issue and personalizing it? Why is the Nation and Region of Mint Crisp refusing to apologize? Is it because it is seen as a sign of weakness? It is widely believed by scholars and philosophers that recognizing one is wrong and atoning for one's transgressions are signs of strength and dignity. Refusal to do so or inability to do so are signs of weakness and fear. Clearly Mint Crisp does indeed recognize the fault in its region and member nation, otherwise it would have not indicated it has "dealt with" the problem. Therefore an apology for such recognized inappropriate behavior would naturally seem to follow.
Members of the A.I.S. have been discussing this incident, and it is becoming progressively believed that the Region of Mint Crisp may pose a clear and present danger to the A.I.S. A refusal to atone and promote peace is the hallmark of a dangerous state/region. It's refusal to apologize for threats upon a sovereign nation violate international protocol and diplomatic norms.
After that telegram was dispatched, the S.B.D. and all other A.I.S. intelligence agencies became inundated with messages posted on its internationally viewable message board from the Rogue Nation of Mint Crisp, to known puppet regimes such as The Disputed Territories of I hate Berch, to even a brand new nation formed solely for the purpose of harassing the A.I.S. The Rogue Nation of Sad Losers was created, and a disparaging motto was set up. The motto of this 5 million citizen nation read "Allied states of independance are all a bunch of loser " [Notwithstanding the spelling errors, the motto and recurring spam was deemed offensive, and the “final act of aggression by the A.I.S.]
The following are just a sample of some of the directed messages:
The Disputed Territories of I hate Berch wrote hey f**k you! you thought you got rid of me well you just fu*king bring it. no actually just wait for me to change my boxers cuz im sh**ting myself from all your imaginary military sh*t. whoa im so scared that C-5 Galaxy's, C-141 Starlifters, and C-130's are being loaded up. Ten Divisions are being mobilized and are to be on "ready" status. More Surface Vessels are being sent, primarily AEGIS Cruisers, and Missile Destroyers. All Chaparral, MIM 23 Hawks, and Patriot PAC2 SAMs are on high alert. Base Exodus(based in Lorkhan) is to have F/A-18 Hornets, and F-15E Strike Eagles on "ready".
oh my god plz no dont do it
fuc*in bunch of sad Bast*rds
Then again, as the same nation returned after narrowly escaping being officially banned from the A.I.S. region:
im afraid not mate you see its called brains. you know the things between ur ears. i left before i could let u throw me out so i could come back and keep pissing you off. but your are mmmaaaddd. u lot are like little kids with all your imaginary military stuuf. ur all a bunch of sad deprived losers
NOW!!!!!!!!!!Ordered the Supreme Chancellor as the message was received. With that, the Regional doomsday machine was triggered by ‘ol Torgie, and this time they didn’t miss. Banished to the Rejected Realms, the Rogue Nation of I Hate Berch was sent hurdling out of the A.I.S.
Soon after the afore-mentioned Rogue Nation of Sad Losers was dealt with in a similar manner after posting:
your all a bunch of sad losers
your all a bunch of sad losers
which nobody can deny
HA!!! We got ‘em Sir!!Exclaimed General Buck Turgidson
Yes we did Torgie. But we can no longer press for peace while we are assaulted and threatened anymore. Call upon the entire A.I.S. Let loose with great vengeance and fury our wrath! Bring hell to the Region of Mint Crisp.
19-06-2004, 18:06
TAG for follow up
From MMI Department of State
MMI demands an apology within 24 hours or all hell will break loose. We will not stand idly by while one of our alliance members are threatened and our alliance itself is harrassed.
Three carrier task force groups have been dispatched to the Mint Crisp region. Additional forces are on alert and awaiting activation.
19-06-2004, 18:30
Fighting Pikeys and Mint Crisphave been advised ot the thread!
19-06-2004, 18:38
Teh ninjas
19-06-2004, 18:51
Teh Ninjas also demands that an apology to be issued within 24 hours. At the moment three carrier carrier battle groups, and 1 Amphibious Battle Group are steaming towards Mint Crisp waters. They will remain just inside of International Waters until further notice. Two Marine Divisions are currently assigned to this battle group, and three Para divisions are one a 8 hour Brigade Readiness. Five other Divisions are currently being mobilized and stand at level 4 Alert(level 5 is the highest) All Anti-Aircraft Stations, and HomeGuard Corps are on high alert. Our quarrel is with Fighting Pikeys, and Mint Crisp the nation. It is not with the Mint Crisp region. We hope to avoid bloodshed but will take action against all hostilities.
Secretary of Defense Sven Turkov
Teh ninjas
19-06-2004, 18:51
OCC:double post
The Horned Rat
19-06-2004, 19:03
Jack D. Ripper, like Jack the Ripper? Just curious....
Conservative Patriots
19-06-2004, 20:05
From: Prime Minister Nikitov
Conservative Patriots demands an immediate apology from the region of mint crisp for their rude, and distasteful way of recruiting. It is sad when a region is forced into bully tactics to gain numbers. You are given 24 hours to write up an apology or be prepared to get slapped like a two-cent whore.
[code:1:34f86d45c0]All units are being readied. 6 months until full strength is achieved. All main defense forces already prepared to deploy this includes: 6 armored divisions, 10 light armored divisions, 16 fighter wings, 4 stealth strike wings, 2 refueling wings, 1 command and control wing, and the show of force armada, and a Ohio Ballistic Missile Group Detachment.[/code:1:34f86d45c0]
Conservative Patriots
19-06-2004, 20:17
[code:1:d7ed2bab63] From: PM Nikitov
To: All CP Military Personnel
Prepare for war.[/code:1:d7ed2bab63]
Show Of Force Battle Group -deployed to mint crisp
Carrier Battle Groupx2 - homeland defense
Medium Carrier Battle Groupx4 - schedueled to depart next week
Seawolf SSN Groupx4 - homeland defense
Ohio SSBN Groupx1 - deployed to mint crisp
Trafalgar SSN Groupx10 - mobilizing
Destroyer Squadronx4 - mobilizing
Frigate Squadronx8 - mobilizing
Armored Divisonx6 - deployed to mint crisp
Light Armored Divisionx10 - deployed to mint crisp
Mechanized Infantry Divisionx25 - homeland defense
Light Mechanized Infantry Divisionx22 - mobilizing
Urban Combat Divisionx5 - schedueled to deploy tomorrow
Mechanized Airborne Divisionx10 - ready
Air Calvary Regimentx1 - Head of state guard
Mechanized Airborne Regimentx1 - Head of state guard
Airmobile Regimentx1 - Head of state guard
Attack Wingx2 - prepared to deploy tomorrow
Fighter Wingx76 - 25 homeland defense, 51 ready
Fighter Wing II x16 - deployed to mint crisp
Stealth Strike Wingx12 - 4 deployed to mint crisp, others mobilizing
Heavy Bomber Wingx15 - ready
Heavy Bomber Wing II x15 - mobilizing
Heavy Bomber Wing III x27 - mobilizing
Air Command Wingx2 - mobilizing
Air Command and Control Wingx2 - 1 deployed to mint crisp, 1 mobilizing
Air Mobility Wingx4 - ready
Air Refueling Wingx6 - 2 deployed to mint crisp, 4 ready
Light Infantry Divisionx19 - homeland defense
Mobile SMARTx4 - ready
Small SMARTx4 - ready
CPI SMARTx10 - ready
Attack Wingx1 - homeland defense
ATAAC Battle Groupx1 - homeland defense
OfLower Urban Gorrilas
19-06-2004, 21:42
Cornelius Thade, in all seriousness,asks Mint Crisp for an apology at once!
*After listening to Intelligence reports from I.M.Chimp, His Excellency has determined that the Ruler of Mint Crisp, must apologize NOW! If not,then he must suffer the consequnces for his actions. His Excellency went into a tirade that lasted over 20 minutes..so angrey that this young whippersnapper has the audacity to challenge the Alliance. Immediately he called into the Royal chambers his military leaders, Gen. M.Joe Young, Admiral R.K. Squirrel, and AF Commander R.A. Baboon, to tell him what forces that we can send to the area at once... Gen. Young informed that the 23rd,34th Mech InfrantryDivisions are at the ready,with 69th,469th and the 68th RDMI are already at Def-Con 4 status... plus, the 100th and 999th, 874th Tank Divisions are at the ready,,with Gilgamesh,eagle,T-94MBT's and the 6777tha nd the 7112th Artillery Divisions armed with 2S19MSTAS 155MM SPG and Crusader 155MM SPG. He also has ready for immediate deployment of the 55th,90th,32nd,and 112th Air Defence Divisions,with Vulcans ADS,Patriot PA3's,Pedastal Mounted Stingers. His Excellency was also informed that the Nuclear Command was ready for instant action. Admiral Squirrel informed the CiC that the Navy was already steaming to the Mint Crisp coast as he spoke...with 6 complete Fleets, The Zirra,Mira,Wombat,Cuttlefish, Asp, and Diamondback steaming at 30 Knots,,Consisting of 10 carriers,20Thade Class BB,20 Mirra class pocket battleships,4 Iowa class BB,24 destroyers,4 Ohio,LA Class,Seawolf Class, and Virginia Class Subs...and 40 Vengence Class Missile Crusiers. Finally, Gen. R.A. Baboon informed his Excellency that the Air Force was flying Intellengence missions over Mint Crisp with 4 E-3 Sentry AWACS and has supplied to Alliance leaders the use of a E-4B NABCP,and with 5 SR-71 Habu's doing long oversea's recon missions..
The 100th,323rd,564 Bomber Squadren's are being deployed ,consisiting of FB-111's.b-1's,B-2's. 5 Complete A-10 Wings(480 A/C)... 500 Su-37's and 500 JAS-39 Silverbacks,,and the use of the newest fighter in the inventory, The F-16XL Baboon(300) were already being deployed to the region,with KC135 and KC-10 tankers(20 of each).
After hearing the reports from his Cheifs of Staff,Cornelius Thade was encouraged by the reports of what his countries Armed Forces were doing to assist the Alliance in theis matter. As he was leaving,,he spoke and said to his staff....*Long Live The Alliance!!!*
Teh ninjas
19-06-2004, 23:22
Emperor Takenski quickly scanned the papers he was given. He took a few glances, and gave a nod to the 4-Star General.
Takenski:"All forces that are to deployed are confirmed. Order CRIR Divisions to HomeGuard roles. Order the carriers to begin recon outside Mint Crisp waters. Follow Standard R.O.E. That is all."
The General nods and walks out quickly
Forces Mobilizing
(The divisions have too many equiptment so I'll just post which Divisions are deploying.)
1st Para-15,000 XM-8;LAW; Stinger(Ready;8Hour Brigade Routation)
2nd Para-14,000 G-36;LAW; Stinger(Ready; 8hour Brigade Routation)
1st Mechanized Para1 19,308 G-36;LAW;Stinger(Ready;8hour Brigade Routation)
1st Marine:15,000 OICW;Carl Gustav;Stinger(Deployed in Carrier Battle Group)
2nd Marine:17,000 G-36;LAW;Stinger(deployed in Carrier Battle Group)
2nd Mechanized Infantry-16,000 G-36;Carl Gustav;Stinger(mobilizing)
2nd Infantry Division-20,000 G-36;LAW;Stinger(ready)
4th Infantry Division-15,600 G-36;LAW;Stinger(Mobilizing)
1st Urban Combat Division-20,109 G-36;LAW;Stinger(mobilizng)
3rd Armored Division-18,000 G-36;LAW;Stinger(ready)
3x Nimitz Carrier Battle Groups
(each battle group contains
3 Spruance Class Destroyers
2 CG-47 Tinconderoga
3 Oliver Hazard Perry
2 Arleigh Burke AEIGS)
Assigned Surface Vessels to the Carrier Task Force are:
3 Kirov Class CGN BattleCruisers
2 Province Destroyers
5 Type-45 Destroyers
2 Virginia Guide Missile Cruisers
4 Astute Attack SSN
5 Kilo Class SSK
3 Upholder Class SSK
2 Seawolf Class SSN
The Amphibious Battle Group contains
2 Iwo Jima Class Amphibious Ships
1 Tarawa Amphibious Ships
4 Wasp LHD-1 Amphibious Ships
2 Kid Destroyers
2 Arleigh Burke Missile Destroyers
2 CG-47 Ticonderoga
Aircraft Mobolizing:
70 C-141 Starlifters
25 C-5 Galaxy's
50 KC-130 Tankers
1 F-15E Strike Wing
1 F-15C Fighter Wing
1 F-16C/D Fighter Wing
1 Stealth Attack Squadron
1 Electronics Squadron
1 Command Wing
1 B-52 Bomber Wing
2 F/A-18 Hornet Wings(Not including Carrier)
The Carrier Battle Fleet should arrive in 1 NS week. Total mobilization time is:2 NS weeks
The People's Republic of Lorkhan will offer no ultamatium nor will we stand for negotians. Mint Crisp has slandered us for far too long and now it is time to defeat them before they become too much of a threat. The People's Republic will deploy one of our naval fleets into the Mint Crisp region and shall begin deploying troops via the People's Air Guard.
Lorkhan will not stand by and watch as you foul mouth and threaten the sanctitiy of the AIS.
19-06-2004, 23:35
Jack D. Ripper, like Jack the Ripper? Just curious....
Kinda sorta... but really from Dr. Strangelove (he was one of the generals in that movie)
Grand Stafford
19-06-2004, 23:55
(OOC: That's a good movie)
The Federation of Grand Stafford approves this move by our glorius leader Inyurface. We will support this war by sending three tank divisions. We will also send two fleets into the waters surrounding Mint Crisp. Were going to fire missles into their capital and watch as the fires consume their sorry pathetic souls.
All prisoners will be sent to to Grand Stafford's mines for obligated volunteer work.
20-06-2004, 00:03
Inyurface mobilizes the following forces:
1 Nicholas Kerencsky Class CVN w/ F-14CSJ Super Tomcats
2 Nimitz Class Carriers
6 Oliver Hazard Perry Destroyer/Frigates
14 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser
16 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
Supported by at least 4 but no more than 16 of each of the following submarines (the exact number is classified and will only be communicated to AIS members on secured channels)
SSN-688I Los Angeles
SeaWolf Class Submarines SSN
Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarine
20 LHD-WASP Class Landing Ships
Marine Detachment embarked troops: 3500 each (70,000 Marines)
w/ Assorted Helos and 55 x AV-8 Harriers
15 LSD-49 Harpers Ferry Class Amphibious Assault ships
70 LCAC Air Cushioned Landing Craft
60 AAVP7A1 Assualt Amphibian Vehicle Personnel Carrier
15 Austin Class LPD
30 Newport Class Tank Landing Ships
Amphibious Strike Force Delta - RNI ELITE COMPLIMENT
1xLCC-19 Blue Ridge Joint Command Ship
4xRaptor Class LHD
2xSamurai Class LHA
5xLPD-4 Austin
2xLSD-49 Harper’s Ferry
5xLSD-41 Whidbey Island
36xF-35B JSF
24xAH-1W Super Cobra
92xCH-46 Sea Knight
44xCH-53E Super Stallion
22xUH-60L Black Hawk
Landing Capacity: 20,000 ELITE MARINES
10 Large, Medium-speed, Roll-on/Roll-off Ship (LMSR)
10 Gopher State Class Auxiliary Crane Ship
15 Cape Class Roll-on/Roll-off Ship
85 x B-52H Strato-fortresses
100 x F-22 Raptors
50 x B-2 Spirits
114 x F-117 Nighthawks
6 x KC-10
15 B-1 Bomber
146 F-16 Fighting Falcon
18 x E-3C Sentry AWACS
100 x AV-8 Harrier
4 x E-3 Sentry
150 x RNI A-10's
2 Complete Composite Air Wings
48xF-15C Eagle
48xF-16C Fighting Falcon
48xF-15E Strike Eagle
22xB-1B Lancer
24xKC-135RT Strato-tanker
6xE-3C Sentry
8xEF-111A Raven
4xEC-130H Compass Call
AIR TRANSPORT - Round the Clock
115 C-5B Galaxy
35 C-141 Starlifter
120 x C-130 Cargo planes
30 x C-17 Globemaster III
300 x M1A2 Main Battle Tanks
700 x MRK4 Main Battle Tanks
1,500 Hummers
300 x Medevac
1070 x TOW equipped
1070 x 7.62mm gun equipped 1070
660 x stinger equipped 660 left
450 x RNI-A30 Stormer Light Tank
450 x RNI-AM8 (Buford AGS) Light Battle Tank
350 x RNI-O155 (CRUSADER) 155MM Self Propelled Howitzer w/supplier/loader
160 x AH-64D Longbow Apache
360 x MH-60L Black Hawk
300 x CH-47D Chinook
350 x Desert Patrol Vehicles
300 x Desert Raider
1,300 assorted Piranha's
210 M3 Bradley
180 BMP-3 Fighting Vehicles
270 Self Propelled Crusader Artillery
120 Type 99 155mm HSP
300 HMMWV-M707 Striker/Knight
R.N.I. 27th Armor Division: Main Heavy Ground Assault Strike Force and
R.N.I. 144th Armor Division: Main Heavy Ground Assault Strike Force
Each contain:
300 x M1A2 Main Battle Tanks
75 x RNI-0155 (Crusader) Self Propelled Artillery & Re-supply vehicle
250 x RNI-A27 AFV (Piranha)
160 x 30 MM gun
90 x 105 MM gun
500 x RNI-A27 APC
750 x Hummers
35 x Medevac
165 x TOW
165 x 7.65mm gun
70 x Stinger
45 x Ah-64D Longbow Apaches
70 x MH-60L Black Hawks
1,750 x Various Trucks
Troops: 21,605 each
6 x Rapid Deployment Mech Infantry]
100 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (APC)
10 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (ACV)
20 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (ARV)
100 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (AFV)
30 x 105 MM gun
40 x 30 MM gun
30 x 25 MM gun
40 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (RRV)
50 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (MDV)
15 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (MTC)
5 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (MFC)
10 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (AOC)
100 x RNI-A30 Stormers
50 x RNI-AM8 Bufford
4 x Mech Infantry Ground Assault Division
100 x MRK4 MBT
250 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV
100 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (APC)
10 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (ACV)
20 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (ARV)
50 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (MDV)
40 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (RRV)
10 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (AOC)
15 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (MTC)
5 x RNI-A27 Piranha IV (MFC)
100 x RNI-O155 Crusader Packages
150 x RNI-A30 Stormers
200 x RNI-AM8 Buffords
2 x mobile SMART packages
20-06-2004, 00:22
His Excellency, Supreme Chancellor watches from the highest point in the Capitol City of Mikesright, as the fighters shake the ground with thunder while passing by to meet up with the departed aircraft carriers. He nods as Elite Marines are observed boarding in perfect marching columns the ships that form the backbone of Amphibious Strike Force Delta.
"Excellent" he thinks aloud. He sips his wine, but only after tilting the glass towards the window in a salute to the brave souls who are putting their lives on the line for the preservation of the Alliance. After he salutes and sips he turns, black cape flowing in its own breeze. He depresses the button on his intercome.
Monica, please have the Secretary of State get our friends at MMI on the horn. I wish to speak with him. With that he turned back to observe his glorious military machine prepare for battle.
While still facing the window he speaks aloud to his Defense Secretary. Jack, it's good we are on this side... for I would shudder at the thought of facing the likes of our friends that are coming forward in the Alliance. Indeed my friend, the Salt Mines of Grand Stafford do not sound very appealing either. Death may be a more humane treatment for those poor bastards who are about to face the wrath of the A.I.S.
He turns and looks at the Secretary of Defense Jack, hand me my scroll, I wish to read it as these brave souls depart The Secretary hands him his scroll, it is a scroll containing the words synonomous with the RNI military might. They are the words that the Chancellor has Ordered be read aloud throughout the land whenever RNI's bravest are put in harms way. It crystalizes the Supreme Chancellor's belief that this course of action is just and in the interest of protecting RNI and the Alliance. He reads it out loud:
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. [He takes a pause, and as if inspired to greatness by the following words, the Supreme Chancellor stand even straighter and says in a loud, bold voice]
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord of Inyurface when I lay my vengeance upon you!
Uber 1337
20-06-2004, 02:39
(Very nice Pulp Fiction refference)
The crowned Emperor of Uber 1337 Glenn Badmotherf***er Danzig sits in his throne overseeing the events of this war transpire over his view screen. One of his loyal aids dressed in a black robe walk up to him with a sheet of paper.
Danzig: Ahh...at last a war.
Acolyte: Yes master. These foul beings wish to threaten us.
Danzig: How pathetic. Ready the dogs of war and prepare to unleash our air force on the nation of Fighting Pikeys.
Acolyte: What shall we do with the prisoners?
Danzig: Are you aware of the Baton death march darkling?
Acolyte: Yes my lord I am.
Danzig: The world is in need of a sequal. Let it be known that any enemey of AIS shall fall victem to the dreadful wrath of Uber 1337.
The acolyte walks out of the throne room to inform the war offificals of Uber 1337's decision.
<b><u>24 Hours Later</b></u>
Fighters and bombers of the 3rd Hollywood Babylon aerial brigade begin to cross into the boarders of Fighting Pikey. Bombs are dropped over air defense systems and barracks confirmed to be holding Pikey's fighters. Not far off the naval fleet comes closer and closer to the regions shores carrying 300,000 warriors dressed in full battle armor eager to begin the bloodshed.
Conservative Patriots
20-06-2004, 02:57
[code:1:f16ada5c00]Bomb in play[/code:1:f16ada5c00]
Max looked at his watch, and then at his map. He hesitated knowing what would happen if he didnt follow through. He must die so that others may live. He also knew his family would be taken care of for the rest of their lives. This was something he couldnt do, he pulled up to the border of fighting pikeys. He quickly gave the border guard the same story he had been practicing for the past two weeks. He was a legal immigrant, coming to live in their capital with the hopes of making it rich. After showing his naturalization papers, the guard waved him on. As he drove, he noticed the pikey's war machine picking up. He knew that they would be crushed by AIS's War hungry nations. Max's own nation of CP was no exception, rather they were the leading example. They were ready to "flex muscle at any oppourtunity. Only 212 Km until he reaches the city limits. He knew that if he were caught, there were 247 other shirt ninjas following the exact same plan. With different points of entry not all of them could be picked up. They were prepared to do what needed to be done. Some had Mayo bombs, others had breifcase, or truck bombs, or even dirty bombs. Yet another group of 76 individuals planned to hijack 27 aircraft and crash them into governmental buildings, but this never happened. The plan was aborted after 9/11 for respect to the United States and what they suffered. But hell was going to rain down like the hand of god. 247 people, 247 points of entry one target.
[code:1:f16ada5c00] ETA - 4 RL hours [/code:1:f16ada5c00]
20-06-2004, 03:21
NSNN (Nation State Network News)
A balding man in a navy pin-striped suit sits at a desk arguing to the image of a woman on the screen:
"But madam, you must at least admit that since the tax rate has ben cut, the influx of investors' money has pumped new life into the economy!"
Then, the screen goes red with a scrolling alert:
"We interrupt tonight's segment of 'Your Money, Your Decision' for breaking news... We interrupt tonight's segment of 'Your Money, Your Decision' for breaking news..."
The evening anchor-woman, Lyberal S. Pinn, appears:
"NSNN correspondent Dan Blackburn has just reported heavy anti-air artillery bursts into the night sky in one of the southern cities of the Rogue Nation of Mint Crisp following several large explosions. He describes the explosions as both distant and near. Unfortunately, we were cut off after he indicate he was entering a bomb shelter. We now play the portion of the tape we have of his call."
[Voice of Blackburn] "Libbi, the sky is alight with massive fires, explosions and anti-aircraft barrages. About ten minutes ago, this whole city was rocked with no warning at all. About 10 blocks away three masive explosions which triggered fires shock my hotel so badly that the glass on our tenth floor room shattered, severely cutting our cameraman Earl. The explosions came without warning and lasted for about 7 minutes. The whole city seem to be on fire. In the distance, about 22 miles just east of here is the MC International airport, which os the closest airport to AIS airspace that has runways long enough for the larger military transports, and has long been believed to be a target. Over the sirens and fire from below, it would appear we can hear and spots of continued bright flashes coming from the direction of the airport, but we can't confirm that. The attack here seems to be over but... [loud siren in the background then a thunderous noise] My God in heaven!!!!!!!! Libbi I think we're gonna get hit!!!!! They've started again!!!! We're heading for the shelter!!!!!! [then nothing but static]
Lyberal S. Pinn appears on the television again. There is a moment of silence, then she speaks.
"NSNN sources have unconfirmed reports that joint AIS forces are now on the ground in Mint Crisp, battling for control over MC East International Airport. As Dan reported, it is widely believed that the airport would be an early target as it couls serve as a major staging area directly in the region. A source close to the RNI war machine, speaking on the condition of anonimity, has apparently confirmed that 'boots are on the ground' and it's 'one of the most strategically massive insurgencies ever.' We will keep you up to date as we gain more information...."
Lorkhan's fighting Stormtrooper divisions dropped into Mint-Crisp via air insertion pull up to the fighting beside MC's international airport. All around the area there is nothing but gun fire and the sounds of bombs ripping through the area. Mint Crisp defenses fire back at Inyurface and Lorkhan fighters downing a few in the heat of battle.
"This is Corp. Hithlor of the Stormtrooper 1st division. We are live in Mint Crisp during the siege of the Mint Crisp airport. Mint Crisp forces have been holed up inside the building for hours preparing for this very assault. The amazing ability of our well trained Stormtroopers has thankfully gotten us by this battle with no casualties as of yet. In the far corner you can see gun fire exchanged by MC artillery and Lorkhan's famous Wraithguard battle tanks."
Meanwhile on the opposite side of the airport three special agents along with a task force of Lorkhan's elite position themselves for a commando attack.
"Are you ready for inserition?" Grand General Kefka asks over the radio unit.
"We are waiting a few more moments for arterlery to do their work with the majority of the soldiers holed up in the base. Give us five more minutes. Colonel Wraith out..."
The units of the secret commando Black Sword unit along with the Crimson Sword of the elite Red Hand were about to perform their attack on the MC base. The soldiers within the airport would never know what hit them.
[code:1:d63f6a15b2]Wire to AIS regional command
Start. MMI intelligence indicates Mint Crisp government has received message of imminent war. They are trying to rally regional support but their allied response is slow. Mint Crisp is trying to formulate strategies in response to rapidly approaching doom. Our interpretation is that they will muster an insufficient response. Our conclusion, based on what we know to be the sheer magnitude of what they will face, is that if their governments do not rally a diplomatic peace response, the end will be swift and decisive. Stop.[/code:1:d63f6a15b2]
As the deadline approaches, the MMI DoD has activated additional forces.
3 carrier task force battle groups are already approaching Mint Crisp territorial waters
3 additional carrier task force battle groups are dispatched for support
420+ F-18E fighter supported
6 amphibious assault groups are dispatched for support
100 B2 Spirit Bombers dispatched
50 B52 Stratofortress bombers dispatched
400 F-16 fighting falcon supported
CenCom and SkyNet on highest alert. Antiballistic missle system armed and ready.
Agent Venom had been trained in the art of stealth since she was but a child. The daughter of General Kefka, Venom had war in her blood. As if that wasn't enough, she had been one of only three successful operatives that had undergone the Black Sword program. She was a highly efficent killing machine that could literally become one with the shadows.
"Target occuired" Venom said to herself as she completed her scan of the area. With a slight pull of the trigger the gas powered sniper rifle fired it's high velocity bullet through the suppressor and rocketing towards a Mint Crisp officer operating in one of the several flight control towers. Troops rushed to his aid, a foolish act that would only make them easier to pick off.
"Well that wasn't too bright now was it."
Venom fired off two more bullets taking out two more soldiers. By the time MC soldiers got a lock on the position the fire had come from Venom had moved into the trees overlooking an anti-aircraft cannon. It had been the biggest threat to Inyurface and Lorkhan's bombers yet, but it would soon be neutralized.
"Target confirmed. I've already taken out two officers and a grunt in the air traffic control tower, so if we're gonna make a hit we better do it now." Venom spoke into her com unit. "I'm at the best position I can get to take out those bastards surrounding the air cannon. Give me a minute to do my work and you guys can wrap it up."
Venom loved her job. The smile on her face as she shot down three more guards protecting the gate that led to the anti-aircraft cannon only proved it. The units were already in dissarray as they fired back into the hills hoping to get someone or something, but Venom was an extension of the shadows. Nothing would hit her, no one would spot her.
"It's time boys."
Just as she said this a storm of rocket propelled grenades came rushing towards the troops surrounding the anti-air craft cannon. In one swift stroke the entire squad that had been ordered to protect the cannon and the cannon itself had been destroyed. Otep's work had been done.
Thirty yards away six men dressed in red combat fatigues opened fire on units surrounding another AA gun. The guards fired back at the Crimson Sword squad, but they had no idea of the real threat that had rushed up from behind, slicing apart his opponents with a blade that could only be rivaled by the fabled Masamune. By the time the soldiers had realized that Colonel Wraith was there it had been too late. Once there backs were turned each member of the Crimson Sword unit opened fire. The second of four AA guns had been destroyed, and Lorkhan's most efficient killing machine was in.
"Objective one accomplished. Relay to the commanders of Inyurface that they can begin mopping up this sector. We're moving in to complete objective two."
Teh ninjas
20-06-2004, 05:05
OCC:Argh. I just wrote a long RP and then my computer froze. I'll just give you all a summary. Missile Cruisers are order to engage SAM sites, Military bases, and Government Buildings. Ravens, and B-52s are taking off from Exodus base in Lorkhan to bomb SAM sites, and large military formations. Carrier Based F/A-18 Hornets on ready to go status.
Conservative Patriots
20-06-2004, 08:49
[code:1:c4bb740ff6]update on military mobilization[/code:1:c4bb740ff6]
Show Of Force Battle Group -deployed to mint crisp
Carrier Battle Groupx2 - mobilizing
Medium Carrier Battle Groupx4 - en route to mint crisp
Seawolf SSN Groupx4 - homeland defense
Ohio SSBN Groupx1 - deployed to mint crisp
Trafalgar SSN Groupx10 - en route to mint crisp
Destroyer Squadronx4 - en route to mint crisp
Frigate Squadronx8 - en route to mint crisp
Armored Divisonx6 - deployed to mint crisp
Light Armored Divisionx10 - deployed to mint crisp
Mechanized Infantry Divisionx25 - mobilizing
Light Mechanized Infantry Divisionx22 - ready
Urban Combat Divisionx5 - en route to mint crisp
Mechanized Airborne Divisionx10 - set to deploy in 2 days
Air Calvary Regimentx1 - Head of state guard
Mechanized Airborne Regimentx1 - Head of state guard
Airmobile Regimentx1 - Head of state guard
Attack Wingx2 - deployed to mint crisp
Fighter Wingx76 - 25 homeland defense, 51 ready
Fighter Wing II x16 - deployed to mint crisp
Stealth Strike Wingx12 - 4 deployed to mint crisp, 8 ready
Heavy Bomber Wingx15 - set to be deployed in 2 days
Heavy Bomber Wing II x15 - ready
Heavy Bomber Wing III x27 - ready
Air Command Wingx2 - ready
Air Command and Control Wingx2 - 1 deployed to mint crisp, 1 ready
Air Mobility Wingx4 - deployed to mint crip
Air Refueling Wingx6 - 6 deployed to mint crisp
Light Infantry Divisionx19 - homeland defense
Mobile SMARTx4 - homeland defense
Small SMARTx4 - homeland defense
CPI SMARTx10 - rhomeland defense
Attack Wingx1 - homeland defense
ATAAC Battle Groupx1 - homeland defense
Conservative Patriots
20-06-2004, 09:02
The engines roar as they are started up. The columns of armor stream towards the mint crisp border only 1 mile away. Quickly the armored divisions go into battle formation. As they near the battlefields aircraft fly overhead. 3 fighter wings engaged heavy targets such as bunkers, machinegun posts, artillery ranges, tanks, and heavy armor vehicles. As the units near 1 yard of the border the spread out. only 1 row. The vehicles span miles and miles the entire span of mint crisp border is covered. the apc's and ifv's unload waves of necromongers and patriots. The soldiers dig in to fill the gaps between armor. Meanwhile Artillery and Mortars have opened up on mint crispian soldiers. Metallica's ride the lightening can be heard for miles thanks to the speakers psych. ops. set up. The generals dig in here, they await the arrival of more divisions to secure the border. Meanwhile 13 fighter wings and 4 stealth strike wings lay a vengance upon the mint crisp defenses. Military and governmental buildings, facilities, and bases are blown to all hell. Bunkerbusters take out the hard to reach spots and 20,000lbs mother bombs take out whole city blocks.
Conservative Patriots
20-06-2004, 19:17
[code:1:46fa87dfd3]the following naval units are in mint crisp waters and have begun a sanctioned naval blockade. Any non alliance ship found in mint crisp waters will be boarded. any ship holding military equipment will be confiscated and the crew imprisoned, any other ship will be warned to turn around or face the same fate.[/code:1:46fa87dfd3]
Show Of Force Battle Group Alpha
3xNimitz CVN
5xIntrepid Class BBG
15xBradensburg DDG
15xSentinel DDG
40xDuke FFG
12xSea Wolf SSN
28xShrike AP
28xScavenger MCDV
28xG/S H-25 AP
Carrier Battle Groupx2 - set to deploy in 12 hours
1xPernicious ICVBN
2xEndeavour CVL
6xIntrepid Class BBG
6xAlfred Thayer Mahan CG
15xDavid D. Porter DDG
15xType 45 DDG
20xCrusader Class FFG
20xBroad Sword FFG
3xJohnston Class AO
2xReplenisher OT
Medium Carrier Battle Groupx4
1xVulpine CVBN
3xEndeavour CVL
8xIntrepid Class BBG
8xAlfred Thayer Mahan CG
15xDavid D. Porter DDG
15xType 42 DDG
20xCrusader FFG
4xJohnston AO
2xReplenisher OT
Ohio SSBN Groupx1
Trafalgar SSN Groupx10
Destroyer Squadronx4
4xType 45 DDG
3xType 42 DD Export
1xT-AKE 1 Multiproduct Replenishment Ship
Frigate Squadronx8
6xType 32 Broadsword FFG Export
Conservative Patriots
20-06-2004, 19:18
Conservative Patriots
20-06-2004, 19:25
[code:1:3dd0f1efae]The following army units have landed at the border of mint crisp and have rallied with the units already stationed.[/code:1:3dd0f1efae]
Armored Divisonx6 - already at mint crisp
Light Armored Divisionx10 - Already at mint crisp
Mechanized Infantry Divisionx25 - set to deploy in 6 hours
Light Mechanized Infantry Divisionx22 - en route to mint crisp
Urban Combat Divisionx5 - landed at mint crisp will join armor divisions in 57 minutes.
Mechanized Airborne Divisionx10 - en route to mint crisp.
OOC: It appears that Mint Crisp has logged on 8 hours ago without leaving a response on this forum. They have therefore chosen to ignore at this point. Pikey's haven't even logged on in 2 days.
IC: The deadline has come and gone without apology. The Emperor has given the command. MMI begins bombing in 2 minutes.
The first wave of 100 B2 Spirit bombers enter Mint Crisp and Pikey airspace and begin to unleash hell targeting all antiaircraft installations, command and control centers, communications centers, military barracks, facilities and headquarters.
50 B52 Stratofortress bombers are approaching the enemy airspace. Utter decimation of ports, refineries, factories, and industrial centers is pending. These countries will soon be turned into one smokeing heap of ash.
200 F18E fighters begin sorties off of the three carriers now in territorial waters.
200 additional B2 Spirit bombers have been dispatched.
50 additional B52 Stratofortress bombers have been dispatched.
3 additional carrier battle task force groups approach enemy territorial waters.
A huge amphibious assault group approaches enemy territorial waters.
A fleet of 100 A10 warthog fighters have been dispatched.
2 additional nuclear attack submarine fleets have been dispatched.
MMI BlackOps units are now confirmed in enemy territory.
The sheer size of forces faced by these countries is daunting. MMI suggests that these countries surrender now.
20-06-2004, 22:40
[radio noise and static = Tshhhhhh]
Mother Hen this is Ugly Duckling do you read? Mother Hen this is Ugly Duckling do you read? Tshhhhhh
Ugly Duckling this is Mother Hen, reading loud and clear. Tshhhhhh
Mother Hen, the Nest is cleared. Repeat the Nest is cleared. Over. Tshhhhhh
Confirm Ugly Duckling, the Nest is cleared. Over. Tshhhhhh
All ducklings found and protecting the Nest Mother Hen. Repeat all ducklings found and proitecting the Nest. Over. Tshhhhhh
Confirmed Ugly Duckling, All ducklings found and Protecting the Nest. Over. Tshhhhhh
Ugly Duckling to Mother Hen, Nest not yet clean enough for Mother Goose's arrival. Repeat, Nest not yet clean enough for Mother Goose's arrival. Estimate total house cleaning in three hours. Need help from other birds Mother Hen. Neighbors of the Nest in Southern Hills lobbing eggs. Repeat Nighbors of the Nest in Southern Hills lobbings eggs, need birds to assist. Over. Tshhhhhh
Ugly Duckling, this is Mother Hen, the birds are flying the coop now. Will pay visit to neighbors in Southern Hills. ETA 45 seconds. Over. Tshhhhhh
Captain Kain of the RNI Special Airborne Rapid Strike Force, turns to the Sergant next to him... the smoke from the firefight and the initial bombing still obscures the scene.
Kain: Well Sarge, looks like we did it. Those poor bastards didn't know what hit em. Get me a casualty list. I suppose Lorkhan and the ConPats took the biggest losses since they had the dirtier work. Get on the horn to MMI and Archangel and find out what the hell is all that shooting still going on in the other terminals! Make sure we're in fact met up. Call out and inform them that terminals A through C are 100% in our hands. Confirm that Lorhan has neautralized the two towers, and find out ConPat's status in the fuel hangers. Looks like ninjas have secured the runways.
[Then the loud rumbling begins as the southern hills are pounded with high-yeild precision guided bombs. Within 4 minutes, the shelling from the hills stops. All that remaind=s to do is clean out the past pockets of resisitance and secure the surrounding areas from Triple-A threats so that Mother Goose a/k/a the Alliance's Air Transports can commence landing at the MC East International Airport.]
Captain Kain then wonders out loud, "Now if I only knew what was going on in the Western Port City of Crispy Mint Julip. I know our allies can take that too though."
Conservative Patriots
21-06-2004, 03:45
Conservative Patriots
21-06-2004, 04:16
Lt. Gen. Krunich gave the order. "I want those hangers taken by all means neccessary, and captain...I want the hangers intact!" Cpt. Nimirov nodded, "As it shall be done!" Capt Nimirov looked at his battle plans. "I want the replicants to cover the northern entrance. Necromongers to cover the southern. Send Lt. Smriov, and his patriots in to sweep and clear." the steward spoke, "but sir, they'll be slaughtered?!"
"Does it look like I give a damn?"
"No sir"
"Then DO IT!"
"yes sir"
The patriots went in, after a fierce firefight, Lt. Smriov wobbled out.
"It's done", with that he looked to Cpt Nimirov.
"where are your men?"
"dead, all of them"
"that is unsatisfactory. You know what to do."
Lt. Smriov pulled out his sidearm and took his life.
Ssgt. Nimrich reports the Fuel Hangers are in allied control. Fuel cells have been damaged slightly. 11th engineer brigade en route. Fuel cells operational within 36 hours. Casualties heavy.
2,187 Patriots dead.
Conservative Patriots
21-06-2004, 04:18
[code] following units will be outside crispy mint julip in 24 hours:
Mechanized Infantry Divisionx25 - en route
Light Mechanized Infantry Divisionx22 - en route
Urban Combat Divisionx5 - within city limits
Mechanized Airborne Divisionx10 - en route
Corporal Henderson, the marine stationed aboard the MCS Vengence Carrier off the coast of Pikey, was smoking a cigarette. His guard shift was over and he was tired. It was time for some rest before his next shift. He could barely make out the coast line on the starboard side. However, one thing was unmistakable and could not be missed. Smoke.
It was not the smoke trailing off from his cigarette but a massive smoke plume trailing off of the entire country. It was an unbelievable sight. As the sun begin to set, he could barely make out an orange glow separating the coast line from the smoke line. The entire country was burning and it was beginning to light up the sky in a hazy, smoky, apocalyptic and sickly blood-red hue. All he could think was "that must be hell .... sheer hell."
Earlier today Grand General Kefka, Surpreme Commander of Republican Armed Forces had this to say considering the first wave of attacks on Mint Crisp.
"Mint Crisp was a nation that was not only a threat to Lorkhan, but a threat to our allies as well. We gave these people a chance, we told them to take back the slander, but they came at us with more threats. So we acted accordingly."
General Kefka pressed a button on a near by remote revealing a view screen that shows images of the first wave of attacks on Mint Crisp, showing mostly the images from the airport.
"Mint Crisp International Airport was one of the first buildings on our list of targets. In a joint operation between fellow members of the AIS we leveled resistance in the area. On the ground Lorkhan's Stormtrooper force and members of special operations unit helped to take out AA Guns and radar stations while Inyurface and other AIS forces attacked the main resistance forces in the area. The result of the object was sucess, and with came with only 50 casulties. Considering the magnitude of the opposition in the area, the loss of troops was minimal. We will continue to lay siege to strategic targets of value through the coming weeks until Mint Crisp surrenders or are wiped out completly. More news on our progress tommorow."
Grand General Kefka walks off the stage with his escort of Red Hand guards with a grin on his face. The Black Sword operatives had performed well in their first war-time mission. He would make sure to get his hands on more of the augmented commandoes.
Meanwhile in Mint Crisp, Stormtroopers gather around an old ranch where a target is cornered. Bursts of automatic gunfire comes from the windows of the ranch while a sniper fires at the Stormtroopers from a nearby tree.
Corp. Monebutt: S**t! We're pinned down and taking losses. Somebody's got to get rid of that damn sniper.
Sgt. Nastibeth: I've already called in for air support and it's a no go. Whoever is in that building command wants em alive. We're gonna have to find another way.
Pvt. Himza: Sir! I might just be fast enough to run out and draw out the snipers fire while Kenny fires a L.A.W at the bastard.
Sgt. Nastibeth: You sure you wanna do that boy?
Pvt. Himza: Yes sir.
Sgt: Alright son! Go with the grace of Kain!
The private drops all his weapons and gear to give him a better chance of running and then hops out of the trench the soldiers are holed up in. The sniper catches Himza as soon as he hops out and fires at him, but Himza narrowly escapes the bullet. As soon as the sniper fires Pvt. Kenny launches a missle in the direction of the sniper and with a lucky shot he nails the tree the sniper is hiding in. If the blast didn't manage to kill him than the fall certinaly crippled him.
Sgt: Let's move!
The team of Stormtroopers makes a break for the house and manages to get to the door taking only one casulty. One of the troops chucks a flashbang inside an open window and the Stormtroopers make for cover. Once the grenade goes off, Stormtroopers enter through the open windows just incase the front door is booby trapped.
Sgt Himza: Everybody get the **** down now! Get down now and drop your weapons!
A few of Mint Crisp's troops don't co-operate and open fire on the Stormtroopers from a kitchen across the hall. The Stormtroopers easily neutralize the targets. The rest realize that they are outgunned and outnumbered drop their weapons and place their hands behnind their backs. Stormtroopers begin cuffing them and lining them up beside the wall while another team goes up the stairs.
The Stormtroopers run into five men in black outfits who start shooting at the troops with SMG's as soon as they spot them. Two Stormtroopers go down and the others go for cover. With the toss of a gas grenade that sends toxins into the agents. They quickly pass out and fall to the ground unharmed.
Target: I give up! I give up!
A man in a blue suit with the national emblem for Mint Crisp waltzes out of the room the agents were protecting. He is wearing a gas mask previously applied to protect in case of a chemical attack.
Target: I am in charge of foreign affairs for my country, the nation of Mint Crisp. Please do not harm me. I surrender.
Corp Madix: We got em Sarge. I think this is the guy we came for!
Sgt: Excellent. Himza, radio into command that we got our man and nearly a dozen POW's to boot. Get ready for EVAC pronto. Good work gentlemen.
OfLower Urban Gorrilas
21-06-2004, 14:48
Correspondent for CHIMP Tv,, W.T.Pussy reports from the front lines,,and issues this report...* This is W.T. Pussy reporting form the battle area, at this time,we are aboard the Flagship of the Navy,, The Cornelius Thade,,and what a awsome sight that is going on at this time..hundreds and hundreds of Alliance Naval ships are masses on the coast of Mint Crisp,, seeing the Alliance ships firing at the coastline..the mighty guns of the Thade is a awsome sight to see,,seeing the Allliance forces ,the might and awsome firepower is enough to make a person say they are proud to be a Alliance member. Hundreds of landing crafts are heading to the shoreline,,,aircraft flying overhead,,What a magnifenct sight to see,,the aircraft,with Alliance members at there control,the mighty power of these planes, seeing them pound the Infidels! We have a report from R.A. Baboon,the commander of USLUG A/F, that the airforces of the Alliance and USLUG have been on the offensive ,,attacking the Infidels around the clock, proving that the Alliance will not be stopped,and will not stand for anyone trying to destroy the Alliance. The Alliance will survive,and will not back down to anyone. We also have alloted to our forces and the Alliance forces,our supply of Napalm(11,000 barrels). We willnot use it unless there is proof that our forces are being attacked with the same.We may seem like we are uncivilized at times(USLUG),but we are a compassioante people.*
*Speaking to a soldier,waiting to go and head into battle,he had this to say.... Gee,, am i going to be on TV??? HI Mom!..Love ya!..I will be home soon,,right after we take care of these F****** Infidels. can I say what i said..anyway..I will say that I am scared,,who would not be,,having someone shooting at you,,knowing that you could be killed at any time..but you know what,,I don't care,,for the protection of the Alliance and USLUG,,it is worth the sacrifice,,damn,sounds corny,,but that is what I feel like.... (Pvt 1class M I Dum)*
*This W.T.Pussy,reporting from the Mint Crisp frontlines.... Are we off camera,,, have a lot of servicemen to service..*
Lex Terrae
21-06-2004, 17:37
Lex Terrae nuclear attack submarine LTS Audacity, 150 nautical miles off the east coast of Mint Crisp shadowing a Mint Crisp Alfa Class attack sub.
Depth - 125 ft.
On the Conn.
Radio - "Conn, Radio, we have an incoming Emergency Action Message."
Commander Finn Thanus, Capt. LTS Audacity - "Roger. Standing by for EAM."
Executive Officer, LT. Cmd. Vince Titus - "You think it's game time, skipper?"
Thanus - "We'll see."
EAM - Hostilities have commenced in the Mint Crisp Region. Lex Terrae has pledged her support in this matter. Engage and destroy all hostile contacts. Repeat...Engage and destroy all hostile contacts. Good hunting. CINC - Lex Terrae 3rd Naval Fleet.
Thanus - "We have our orders."
Titus - "I concur. Message is authentic."
Thanus - "Load and flood tubes 2 and 4."
Titus - "Aye, Sir. Torpedo, Conn, load and flood tubes 2 and 4."
Torpedo Officer Julius Largo - "Aye, Sir, loading flooding tubes 2 and 4."
Thanus - "Chief of the Boat, come about to 128. Make depth 300 ft. 10 degree down bubble."
COBB- "Aye sir, coming about 128. Depth 300. 10 degrees on the dive plains."
Thanus - "Increase speed to 2/3s."
COBB - "Ahead 2/3s, Aye."
Titus - "Sonar, Conn, range and heading of target."
Sonar - "Conn, Sonar, Range 2300 yards and closing. Heading 128."
Titus - "Right in her baffles, sir."
Thanus - "XO, plot the firing solution."
Titus - "Aye, Sir."
Largo - "Conn, Torpedo, tubes 2 and 4 loaded and flooded."
Titus - "Firing Solution entered into targeting computer."
Thanus - "Open torpedo doors."
Largo - "Torpedo doors open."
Thanus - "Shoot on generated bearings."
Largo - "Torpedo 2 away ... Torpedo 4 away ... both fish running straight and normal ... speed 25 knots and increasing."
Thanus - "Hard right rudder. All ahead full."
COBB - "Aye, hard right rudder, all ahead full."
Sonar - "Conn, Sonar, torpedos closing on target. Target increasing speed. Torpedoes within 1000 yards ... 900 yards and closing fast."
Largo - "Conn, torpedo, Sir, torpedos have a lock on target."
Thanus - "Torpedo, Conn disengage the safeties and arm the torpedos."
Largo - "Torpedos armed."
Sonar - "Conn, Sonar, impact in 5 ... 4... 3... 2... 1..."
The two Mk 87 torpedos detonated just aft of the Alfa's conning tower. Instantly, the subs structural integrity was lost. Massive amounts of sea water burst into the gaping gash in her hull, dragging her towards the bottom. At 750 ft., her bulkheads began to collapse. At 1000 ft., the sub imploded and sunk like a stone to the bottom with all hands. The sound of the sub breaking up could be heard miles and miles away.
Thanus - "OK. Lets get back to our patrol route. They'll be putting their boomers out. We need to find them."
OOC: Pretty lame when your enemy won't even post to fight back. [sigh!]
21-06-2004, 20:42
OOC: They were put on notice and all they did on their message board was post the thread then decide they needed to password protect the region. The Region of Mint Crisp as a whole is losing any credibility in the internation community by not responding. Guess we were more than successful in surprising them and disrupting their communications than we thought. :wink:
(I say we pull the same thing AMF did to Austo-Hungry. Just walk in and take over their capital. In fact, I think I'll do that right now.)
Lorkhan's military forces pressed on into the center of Mint Crisp's capital facing hardly any resistance at all. Every once in a while the massive convoy of tanks, arterrly, and Stormtroopers would run into a small pocket of soldiers who still thought they stood a chance. They were mowed down with ease.
Buildings surrounding the government center had been reduced to ash and rubble due to the constant bombings from Inyurface forces. Once the convoy reached one of their primary objectives they stopped and the tanks began to open fire just in case there was any resistence. After two minutes of shelling the ministry of defense Stormtroopers began moving into the compound. They swept up any remaining forces inside the building including their major target the Mint Crisp defense securitery.
"Big Brother, we've got Yellow Dog held down in the Chicken Shed. We've got at least thirty chickens in here that we are due on a one way trip to Grand Stafford. Yellow Dog is going straight to AIS Command."
Meanwhile Stormtroopers surrounded the presidential headquarters with arterlly and troops. Over five hundred of Lorkhan's well trained Stormtrooper task force stand guard around the palace.
"President of Mint Crisp, you are surrounded by AIS forces. There is no escape. No one will come for you. Half of your cabinet is already under our custody. Come out or we're going in to get you."
The commander of the ground forces places down his megaphone and looks towards his nearby Lt.
"Lieutenet, prepare two attack helicopters to launch hellfire missles into the palace. Level the place until this bastard runs out or until he's crushed to death."
Teh ninjas
22-06-2004, 04:09
Skies Over Mint Crisp
"Black Eagle, Black Eagle, this is Red Bird, do you read over.
BE:"Roger that Red Bird read you loud and clear. We're near desginated target. "
RB:"Roger that Black Eagle, We have radar confirmation. We're beginning jamming, in, 5,4,3,2,1, Mark."
BlackEagle:"Roger, engage SAM, "
RB:"Roger, engaging with HARM."
The HARM missile spirrals toward the SAM station. It speeds towards it targets and explodes, destroying the target.
BE:"Well done gentlemen, move into rendevous point with Blue Sparrow."
The Raven aircraft, and F-15E's go back into formation. They fly towards the next SAM site, and military bases.
BlueSparrow:"Black Eagle, Black Eagle, this is Blue Sparrow, do you read over."
BE:"Roger that Blue Sparrow. What's your current position."
BS:"Currently on your 9. "
The Majors head turns to three massive B-52s off to his left. He quickly looks back down to his radar.
BE:"All, this is Black Eagle, we have unidentified aircraft on radar. Range is 5,000 KM. No aircraft is scheduled to this sectur. Suggest you break off and continue course. Black Eagle #5,6,7 will continue escort. Black Eagles #2,3,4 continue on my lead."
Three F-15's break off along with the B-52s, and Ravens. They head West, the mission would take longer but it would be necesary.
BE:"Black Eagles Black Eagles, this is lead, we have 6 confirmed boogies. I repeat 6 confirmed boogies. Range 3,000KM and closing. Continue on speed, and prep Pheonix."
The Four aircraft continue on their V formation. Maj.Erickson clicks on his radio again.
Maj:"Black Eagles, Black Eagles, this is leader, distance of boogies 200km, and moving fast. Engage on command... 150, 125...100...85. Mark"
Eight Pheonix Missiles come screaming through the air. They lock on target, and destroy 4 Aircraft.
Maj:"Eagles break off."
The Four aircraft break off their formation and a furious dogfight occurs.
BE3:"Radar lock. Sidewinder out!"
A Sidewinder missile comes out of Black Eagle 3, quickly destroying the MiG-21. Black Eagle1 comes up on the 6 of the last aircraft, which is attempting to lock onto Black Eagle 2.
Maj:"Black Eagle 2, strafe left, I'm attempting radar lock on the boogie on your 6."
The F-15E pulls out left. Almost immediately the distinctive "beep" sound can be heard. A SideWinder comes from below the F-15, destroying the MiG.
Maj:"Black Eagles, Black Eagles, this is leader, report status."
All aircraft report no damage, only Black Eagle 2 seems to have minimum damage.
Maj:"Black Eagles, this is leader, hit afterburners, and rendevous with Red Bird, and Blue Sparrow at designated targets."
The F-15's quickly catches up to the rest of the escorts, Ravens, and B-52s. They had 4 more "painted" targets. This was going to be a long day.
Mint Crisp Coast;0300
Four pontoon boats silently skid on the surface of the ocean water. The Special Recon Group soldiers lie quietly, weapons drawn. They had been deployed from a Wasp ship, and should arrive on the coast soon enough.
Capt Flusk:"Ok squad. We should be arriving at the coast soon. ETA 10 minutes. Be ready for anything."
His radio clicks back off, and he shoulders his G-36K. The pontoon boats land in a woodland coastal area. The gear is quickly unloaded, and the 28 men jump off. They scan the area, and move silently into the woods. They had a job to do, and people depended on them to complete it.
Mint Crisp Plains;1800
The 2nd Para Division was officially the first Ninjanian division force on Mint Crisp. Thanks to Lorkhan tanks, and soldiers landed on the airfield recently captured. The 1st Para was already operating inside Mint Crisp, and the 3rd Mechanized Infantry was nearly complete with all equiptment, and soldiers. So far resistance was minimal. They haven't really faced any true opposition and were advancing rapidly inside Mint Crisp. Spearheading the 2nd Para's Advance was the RNI-AM8 Buford Light Battle Tank. A Group of 20 AM-8 moved quickly across a flat plain area in Mint Crisp.
Capt:"HQ, this is Armored Sword for an update. The recon mission has been successful. No resistance has been reported, and our column moves with the greatest of speed."
HQ:"Roger that Armored Sword, continue advance unless told otherwise."
Capt:"Roger HQ, advancing."
The Captain opened the hatch of the Commanders station. He sat up, and took a big breath. Inside a tank for 4 days was not an easy task. He could see in the distance two large hills. In between a valley. A perfect ambush site.
Capt:"Armored Spear, this is leader, most of you can see that hill up ahead. Orders are to go around not through the valley. I repeat split into two columns and go around the hill. Out"
The twenty tanks move out into two columns. Once they reach the hill they each go around one side. The Captain sat up in his command chair. If there was anyone in these hills they would attack soon.
Capt:"Armored Spear 2, this is leader, report in status."
AS2:"We have had no contact so far. All is going well."
The Captain eases up a little. He reminded himself of the Bufords High Survivability rate. How it's armor can stop a 30mm fire. He felt much calmer. Suddenly a large explosion can be heard. A voice is blaring through his radio.
AS2:"This is Armored Spear 2, we have engaged enemy. Current numbers are unknown. We're going to..."
Static can be heard on the radio. Suddenly screams inside the Tank can be heard. A rocket landed within 10 meters of the captains tank. He yells orders through his radio.
Captain:"Armored Spear 1, enemy on hillside, engage, destroy everything."
The 105mm Cannon goes into action. The cannons tore up the hillside. Trees were being de-rooted, and rocks blown apart. The column continued moving, and firing. The Captain yelled out commands to his crew. Rocket fire, and grenades were being tossed at his tank. The explosions around him shook the tank. But one distinctive explosion shook the tank heavily, throwing rocks, and dirt on top of the turret. The Captain reaches for his radio.
Capt:"Golden Arrow, Golden Arrow, this is Armored Spear, request air support at 1DeltaDelta4Echo698."
GA:"Roger that. Air asistance being sent to 1DeltaDelta4Echo698. ETA 10 minutes. "
The Captain switched the channel on his radio.
Capt:"Armored Spear 2 this is leader report in."
AS2:"This is.....Damaged...."
The line went static again. The Bufords continued on fighting. Explosions around the tanks deafened the Crews ears. The Captain assumed casualties. The fighting was too fierce to expect no casualties. Suddenly his radio came to life.
Pilot:"Armored Spear this is Iron Shield. Do you read over."
The Captain quickly reaches for his is radio.
Capt:"We read you loud and clear. I request you target the hill its self. My tanks are about 300 meters away from the hill. "
Pilot:"Roger targeting hills."
The 2 A-10's break off formation. They move down closer to the ground, and let loose 2 500lb bombs each. The bombs crash into the ground causing a devasting explosion along the hills. Parts of the hill seem to completely fall apart. The A-10's make on more run, firing their cannons, and letting loose 1 more 500lb bomb.
Pilot:"Armored Spear, this is Iron Shield. Resistance seems to be silenced. HQ has informed me to tell you to sweep the area, and await infantry to secure the area."
The Captain, now exhausted, replys back
Capt:"Roger, thanks guys."
The Captain opens his hatch, and mans the M2. He surveys his column. 2 Tanks were damaged. Not bad he thought figuring the resistance they faced. Several craters lay around his tanks. He realized how lucky he was.
Capt:"Armored Spear 1. Remain behind, and secure area, while I go and survey Armored Spear2."
The Captains tank moves along, and soon reaches the 2nd Armored Column. He takes a quick glance at the tanks lined up. Two were disabled, and one damaged. A land mine seemed to of struck the lead tank, and disabled it's communications. Four crew members were injured from the disabled tanks. The sweep the tanks performed estamated the enemy strength at a small Battalion strength. The Captain would put it at 200-300 soldiers. Within 30 mintues a convoy of A-30 Stormers, relieved the Bufords, and 192 soldiers took up defensive positions on the hills. The tanks limped off to HQ. A base would be built near the two hills. The base would be able to repair, and fuel tanks, and house many soldiers. The Captain and his column drove back down to base. Luckily a repair, and fuel station was only a couple of hours drive away. His tanks would soon be back in action.
(OOC: Screw this. He's not posted at all. We're wasting our time on this guy. I'm moving my troops in to sieze the president. Mint Crisp belongs to us.)
Colonel Biggol loved the news he had just recieved from command central. For hours the Stormtroopers and fellow AIS soldiers had been pounding the presidential palace with motar and helicopter fire with no signs of resistence. It was as if everyone in Mint Crisp had fleed the area, and the only soldiers were those with AIS badges on their sleeves. Now it would all come to an end. It was time to move into the building and sieze the president who was believed hiding in an underground bunker.
"Okay men, we've got orders from command to move in and get this bastard. I want three squads of ten men to move in, one squad for each wing. We don't need prisoners, so unless it's an official feel free to pull the trigger. Alright folks let's move in!"
With the command, three Red Hand squads rushed into the building. Using explosives they blew open the doors and breached the outer perimeter. They faced almost no resistence at all in the main hallways, and any soldier for the opposing force that had stayed behind was dead, the halls littered with their bodies and dismembered parts from the constant pounding from motar fire outside. Deeper into the building the squads reached small pockets of aggressors who were obviously on a suicidal mission. The Red Hand respected their loyalty to the death, and their bravery in this battle. They gave them all respectable quick deaths by going for headshots to instantly take the enemey down.
Once inside the preidential chambers the Red Hand found a narrow passage that led through a series of secret tunnels. With help from AIS co-ordinate teams the Red Hand were able to pinpoint where the tunnels led to. The bunker was hidden under an old subway station not too far from their current location. Troops from outside began heading in the direction of the subway system and under orders began sweeping the area up while the squad inside the presidential palace made their way through the long narrow tunnels.
The system led the squad to a large facility buried beneath the subway tracks. Agents in black suits walked around on high alert, but they were quickly over-powered by Lorkhan's Red Hand task force. The teams headed deeper into the tunnels and were joined by AIS coalition troops from above. Inyurface and MMI BlackOps joined Lorkhan's elite soldiers and braved the horrors of crazed agents working for Mint Crisp who would fight to the death. Finally after an hour on the assault the special operations soldiers came across the hidden chambers of Mint Crisps leader. He was knocked out and dragged away feet first back to the surface where photos were taken to prove of his capture, and to symbol the end of the war in this part of the region.
OOC: Well done Lorkhan and everyone else. If these guys are so lame to just ignore the entire posts, let's be done with them. We made out point and we can refer the entire affair to the international community of proof with this thread if we have to. From now on, the countries of Mint Crisp and Pikey no longer exist in world affairs without our say so.
Teh ninjas
23-06-2004, 03:10
Mint Crisp;Southern Province
Major Stukoff was surprised at the rate the 3rd Armored was moving. Just 5 days ago they had replaced the 2nd Mech as the primary spearheading unit, and they have advanced nearly 200 miles. He opened the Challenger 2's hatch. He looked out towards the tanks, and APCs. Quite an impressive force he thought. He took a couple of deep breathes before he lowered the hatch. Right then his radio came buzzing to life.
voice:"this is patrol 5, we have made contact with enemy, receiving hostile fire, we're moving back. Coordinates 8Bravo929Echo."
The Major was worried. It sounded like the Patrol was facing heavy fire. he took a quick look outside, and saw the 5 Stingrays limp off to the rear. His radio came back on.
Leader:"All, this is leader, seems like we're going to run into resistance. I have request air support, but it seems like due to our advance it's gonna take awhile. From the Patrol reports seems like were running into some rocket infantry. Keep your eyes open."
The Major took a look at his map. They were nearing the hostile area reported by the patrol. The tanks slowed down as they grew closer and closer.
The Major again took a look at the map. He figured they should be at the hot zone soon enough. Right then speratic gunfire erupted. RPG's flew across towards the tanks. Several hit tanks. He looked through the IR. He yelled to his gunner to target all visible targets. The Co-Axail machine gun bursted with fire. The Major's radio buzzed with noise. He listened closely to the Commanders orders.
Comm:"Incoming armor at the west horizon. Manuever and destroy."
The Leopard 2 Tanks manuevered to deal with the new threat. Suddenly while the Major was barking out orders his Challenger 2 was hit by a RPG. The sudden jolt made the Majors head slam into an exposed part of metal. He went to grab his forehead, and felt blood. He continue to give orders to his men knowing that they depended on him.
Maj:"Target that BMP!"
The commander went back into the IR eyepiece. He say the BMP's exhaust, and saw a fireball erupt.
Maj:"Good shot. Move on to next target."
Southern Province
The Corporal could hear the furious battle outside the M2 Bradley the Squad was traveling in. He jumped every now and then, when an RPG came nearby. He held his G-36 in a firm grip, ready for anything. He looked around at his fellow soldiers. Everyone sat with a nervous look on their face. Nervous but still battle-ready. Suddenly when he was about to look through the M2's Periscope the vehicale shook, and smoke bellowed into the troop compartment. The commander of the vehicale yelled back.
Comm:"They hit our tracks, bail out!"
The door dropped, and the soldiers hopped off. We stayed behind the M2 hoping it would provide us some cover. The three crew members ran towards us with their MP-5 rifle in their hands.
Comm:"We've got to move. We're sitting ducks here."
I gave a look toward the Sergeant. He knew the Commander was right. Our M2 was designated to be one leading vehicales. The Sergeant only nodded. The gunner called out.
Gunner:"Let's move!"
He ran from the protection of the M2. Within a few steps his body was peppered with rifle fire. His body fell heavily to the ground. It was obvious he was dead.
Sergeant:"Owens, give us some cover while we try to move out."
The private nods, and sets up his M240 Machine Gun. The Sergeant then turns to the corporal.
Sergeant:"Ivey, take out you LAW, and take out any vehicales that pose a threat."
He nodded. He took out his LAW, and set it aside. He then loaded a round in his G-36 and lied down behind the M2. The Corporal shoots at targets he sees. The soldiers from inside the trenches quickly fire back at the corporal. He looks back at the Sergeant.
Sergeant:"Ok we're moving...now!"
The Sergeant sprints out. The two crew members, and 2 members of the squad follow. The corporal lays down covering fire along with the other three squad members.
Suddenly the Corporal blacks out. He finds himself a few yards from were he was, and his ears rang heavily. He takes a quick glance at the soldiers around him. They seemed to be alright other than a little shooken up. He remembered the Sergeant, and turned. Lying 30 yards away lay the 2 crew, and 2 squad members. The Sergeant was trying to limp away. Speratic machine gun fire hit the Sergeant in his thigh. He fell down putting his weight on one knee. He tries to get back up, and is shot several times in his chest. He falls down heavily, and doesn't move. The corporal turns back and taps the private owens on the shoulder.
Ivey:"Sarge is dead. Why aren't you shooting??"
He turns Owens, and finds his face is littered with shrapnel. A RPG must of struck the M2 a second time the corporal thought. Corporal Ivey tried to forget about the the deaths, and tried to think of what to do.
Ivey:"Goldstein man the M240. Everyone else lay down fire on those trenches."
The three remaining soldiers began firing their weapons towards the enemy.
Ivey:"Pick out your targets. Don't waste your ammo."
Ivey looks out around the battlefield. Several M2's were destroyed. Maybe more. Loud explosions can be heard in the distance. Tanks Ivey guessed.
Goldstein:"Ivey, we got mortars locking up on us."
The Corporal looked back. Indeed mortar fire was inching up closer to the soldiers. By the time Ivey tried to speak a mortar landed within 10 meters of the soldiers. He fell down, shrapnel ridden in his body. He looked tried standing back up but fell down again. The Corporal took a glance at the two soldiers that were left. He saw both on the floor, and then blacked out. The Corporal would awaken in a military hospital.
Southern Province
The Major heard the radio transmission of the helicopters. Apaches he thought. Suddenly several explosions right after each other were heard. Within 30 minutes all resistance had been destroyed.
Southern Province; Villa
The SRG platoon inched closer to the villas gates. Corporal Terance easily picked the lock, and the 48 soldiers move quietly into the compound. Previous recon confirmed 12 guards patrolling outside. These were easily silenced with the TM-93A's, which contained a silencer.
Squad 1,2, and 3 were to move into the compound through different sectors, while squad 4 was to maintan the outer perimeter. The Squads knocked down the doors, and threw a flashbang in. The deafiening noise, and bright light would blind, and deafen any hostile inside.
Sergeant First Class Yelstin approached a large wooden door, inside the clattering of glasses, and drunken voices can be heard. The Sergeant nodded to the other squad members, and kicked down the door, while Corporal Ferginson threw in a flashbang. The 12 man squad moved it, and mowed down any movement at all. All that was left was the mangled body of 6 soldiers.
Finally first squad approached a large white door. This was obviously the high value targets room. The soldiers kicked down the door, and threw in a flashbang. They quickly entered and saw the window open. The window led to an outside balcony.
LT Glenn:"Target outside. 4th Squad move in, do not eliminate."
Four members of 4th Squad moved quietly outside the balcony. A tall man in a military uniform was trying to climb down a large pillar from the balcony to the ground. He held a pistol in his hand.
Corporal:"Private immobilize target."
The Private First Class nodded, and took careful aim with his TM-93A. He fired, and struck the target in the leg. He collapsed to the floor.
Corporal:"Target immobilized 1st Squad."
The LT motioned his soldiers to follow him. The soldiers jumped off the window into the balcony. They secured the target without resistance.
LT Glenn:"Black Raven, this is Silent Shadow. Target acquired request pickup."
BR:"Roger on the way."
Four UH-60 Blackhawks made their way to the villa. The highest ranked general currently not captured was in AIS hands.
Casualties of Southern Province Battle:
243 Soldiers KIA
467 Soldier WIA
23 M2 Bradley destroyoed/immoblized/damaged
2 Challenger 2 Immobilized
3 Leopard 2 Immobilized
2 M1A2 Immobilized
Estimated Enemy Casualties:
1,200 KIA
2,600 WIA
400 Captured
98 Infantry Vehicales(BMP,BMD, M2, Warrior etc)
112 APC
22 MBT
Current Casuaulties of War:
467 Soldiers KIA
816 Soldiers WIA
36 M2 Bradleys destroyed/immobilized/damaged
11 MBT immobilized/damaged
3 Helicopters Shot Down
26 AM-8 Bufords immobilized/destroyed/damaged
19 A-30 Stormers immobilized/destroyed/damaged
23-06-2004, 03:14
I propose we change the name of the nation of Mint Crisp, to something catchy, but since Mint Crisp liked the motto of Inyurface, it's new motto is "Up Ours!". Pikeys should become a protectorate of Ogremania... that will serve them right to threaten an AIS member.
All nations in the Region formally known as Mint Crisp now belong to the AIS! Everyone make your claim! RNI would prefer to occupy MC but certainly should be willing to share.
Teh ninjas
23-06-2004, 03:24
OCC:I don't want anything.
Emperial Orders
"As of 0800 all Para Divisions in Mint Crisp are ordered back to teh Ninjas. All divisions inside are to be ready to leave Mint Crisp in 2 weeks. These orders are as a result of the changing enviroment in Mint Crisp from war to peacekeeping. The 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division along side with 2 Infantry Divisions shall be the primary peacekeeping force. All but one carrier battle groups are to return to teh Ninjas. All assigned surface vessels, submarines, and the amphibious battle group are to return also to teh Ninjas. Intelligence reports that all major military capabilities of Mint Crisp, and Fighting Pikeys have been disabled, and the government overthrown. That is all."
Emperor Misha Takenski
Lorkhan believes the most valued areas of the region be handed to those who fought the most in the war such as Inyurface, Uber 1337, Teh Ninjas, CP, MMI, and ourselves. For it is we who sacrificed the most, so we should all have a say. Surpreme Chancellor Kain wishes to hold a council led by the nations previously mentioned that will dictate the end result of the region.
Surpreme Chancellor Kain is very interested in the northern provinces of Mint Crisp and their gold mines. We would preffer to colonize this area, but we also believe that everyone should have a say in this matter. As for what we shall rename Mint Crisp, personally I like the name The Region Formerly Known as Mint Crisp...reminds me of one of my most favorite artists. We would also like to discuss what we shall do with the leaders of Mint Crisp. Currently we have both Fighting Pikey's dethroned ruler as well as MC's ruler held in an undisclosed location. They didn't necisserrly commit a war crime, but we can't just let them get away with what they've done. Any ideas?
-Chancellor of Foreign Affairs
Christina Coil
The Republican Armed Forces ministry had this to say regarding the final status of the war. This list includes casulties, enemey prisoners, and Lorkhan controled cities.
-Cities Currently Controled By Lorkhan-
Wafflecrisp-Est pop 54,934
Kellog- Est pop 89,394
Yuraloza-Est pop 33,340
Maxipad-Est pop 22,049
--Enemey Casulties and Prisoners--
Enemey POW's- 6,350 (due to an agreement with the Federation of Grand Stafford, 3,175 of these prisoners will be sent to their nation for an undefinite amount of time)
Enemey KIA's-10,450
High Value Targets Captured-125
Targets Captured That Are Part of The Former MC Cabinet-24, including but not limeted to surpreme commander of armed forces, joint custody of Mint Crisp's president, and Foreign Affairs minister
---Lorkhan's KIA/MIA/POW---
KIA-450 (hard to lose even that many when there is no one shooting back...)
Rescue operations are underway for all soldiers lost or in prison.
Conservative Patriots
23-06-2004, 06:29
[code:1:7aa0f01425]From: Lt. Gen. Krunich
To Regional Command Center
all ConPat forces withdrawling to neutral waters until further instruction from AIS ComCen. Small force to control Mint crisp and police eastern border they are:
5 mech airborne divisions
3 light armor divisions
1 urban combat division
please send further directions.
Conservative Patriots
23-06-2004, 07:20
[code:1:3d0bc2f45e]from: Lt. Gen. Krunich
to: Naval Battle Command
bombardment of Whos whatis to commence at 0130 zulu in sector c bravo 917 coastal bombardment authorized to prepare for full coastal invasion.
to: Air Force Command
aerial strikes authorized. Fighter attack helicopter wings to provide cover fire. stealth wings will commence with bombardment of capital and key cities. standard bomber wings to attack key military posts, enemy concentrations. Napalm is authorized.
to: Ground Army Command
Invasion to proceed as planned at 0330 zulu after naval bombardment. expect air cover. all available divisions to attack.
23-06-2004, 15:21
Lorkhan believes the most valued areas of the region be handed to those who fought the most in the war such as Inyurface, Uber 1337, Teh Ninjas, CP, MMI, and ourselves. For it is we who sacrificed the most, so we should all have a say. Surpreme Chancellor Kain wishes to hold a council led by the nations previously mentioned that will dictate the end result of the region.
Surpreme Chancellor Kain is very interested in the northern provinces of Mint Crisp and their gold mines. We would preffer to colonize this area, but we also believe that everyone should have a say in this matter. As for what we shall rename Mint Crisp, personally I like the name The Region Formerly Known as Mint Crisp...reminds me of one of my most favorite artists. We would also like to discuss what we shall do with the leaders of Mint Crisp. Currently we have both Fighting Pikey's dethroned ruler as well as MC's ruler held in an undisclosed location. They didn't necisserrly commit a war crime, but we can't just let them get away with what they've done. Any ideas?
-Chancellor of Foreign Affairs
Christina Coil
The Republican Armed Forces ministry had this to say regarding the final status of the war. This list includes casulties, enemey prisoners, and Lorkhan controled cities.
-Cities Currently Controled By Lorkhan-
Wafflecrisp-Est pop 54,934
Kellog- Est pop 89,394
Yuraloza-Est pop 33,340
Maxipad-Est pop 22,049
--Enemey Casulties and Prisoners--
Enemey POW's- 6,350 (due to an agreement with the Federation of Grand Stafford, 3,175 of these prisoners will be sent to their nation for an undefinite amount of time)
Enemey KIA's-10,450
High Value Targets Captured-125
Targets Captured That Are Part of The Former MC Cabinet-24, including but not limeted to surpreme commander of armed forces, joint custody of Mint Crisp's president, and Foreign Affairs minister
---Lorkhan's KIA/MIA/POW---
KIA-450 (hard to lose even that many when there is no one shooting back...)
Rescue operations are underway for all soldiers lost or in prison.
RNI Supreme Chancellor Mikhail Von Ostrov cordially invites Chancellor of Foreign Affairs
Christina Coil
to the Chancellor's Palace for further discussions on the matter.
Conservative Patriots
23-06-2004, 22:51
[code:1:9622fdf772] classified [/code:1:9622fdf772]
"affirmative, open fire, open fire" With that at 0131 Zulu the main guns of Battleships and the cruise missiles of the cruisers opened fire. The beaches of plymouth were hounded and their defenses smashes by the continuous onslaught from the Patriot armada. Bomber wings began their reign of terror on the cities of Bournemouth, portsmouth, southhampton, and Brighton. The cities where the invasion was to take place. 12 stealth strike wings headed for the capital of New London. Each wing comprised of 92 aircraft the onslught was to be unbearable. The catastrophic measure of the wrath unleashed had not ever been deemed neccessary in any conflict until now. well over 1,000 F-117 Nighthawks made their final decent and unleashed their firepower. Government Ministries, The Royal palace, police stations, royal armouries were all targets. at 0330 The landing boats made their way for the shores of whos whatis. 5 airborne infantry divisions parachuted into the city of Birmingham and secured the airport in roughly one hour. It was reassured that the nation of whos whatis did not care for their people and did not even plan a defense. The people in the streets rejoiced as the first c-130s landed at manchester international. In 5 hours an additional 10 mechanized airborne divisions were in Manchester and had the city completely secure. At the city of portsmouth, 5 urban combat divisisons landed and secured the city and the port to be used by Patriots ships to unload heavy equipment. At Plymouth 4 light armour divisions faced sporadic resistance, but crushed them with ease. Bournemouth faced the same onslaught with the invasion force consisting of 4 additional light armour divisions. Within 24 hours the cities of portsmouth, bournemouth, plymouth, brighton, dover, canterbury, salisbury, Birmingham, and Manchester were all in the control of conservative patriots. Eventually the country housed 6 armor divisions, 10 light armor divisions, 5 urban combat divisons, 10 mech airbone divisions and 5 airborne infantry divisions. Each city in whos whatis was systematically thrown into the control of conservative patriots, until all that was left was the capital of new london. When faced with the onslaught of well over 36 full divisions of men the citizens of new london lynched the ruling government. The queen was handed over to CP authorities to face war crime tribunal with the other MC regional leaders. A puppet government was put in place, and the country was policed by 20 mechanized infantry divisions and 22 light mech infantry divisions. The port cities, and canals were patrolled by frigate squadrons, and manatee gunboats, along with sting corvettes.
List of dead and wounded:
192 patriots dead
1,004 wounded
14 replicants destroyed
29 damaged but repairable
276 necromongers wounded
2 c-130s destroyed due to engine malfunctions
34 m1a2 tanks destroyed
Queen captured
royal family lynched
ministers lynched
house of lords lynched
house of commoners lynched
police and military have been manipulated into the cp Military.
I have spoken with my surperiors about this matter and they agree. I glady will accept the propsal to meet with RNI's leaders in persons. Surpreme Chancellor Kain has many topics that he wishes we speak about during the visit, including the current situation in Mint Crisp.
-Chancellor of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy
Christina Coil
Teh ninjas
25-06-2004, 02:38
OCC:Noones posted for awhile. I'll just post estimated casualties and such
Channel 4 News
"Hello I'm Gary Carford, with your 6 o'clock news. The current situation in Mint Crisp is reported to be very stable. The current 3 Ninjanian Divisions inside the region have maintained the peace, and daily patrol are common. Some major news is the official Casualties list of the war. We here at Channel 4 News are able to release this list to the public.
347 Soldiers KIA
1,008 WIA
42 Armored Vehicales(M2, Warrior BMP,BMD) Immoblized/Destroyed
11 Main Battle Tanks Immobilized/Damaged
9 Pieces of Towed Artillery Destroyed
2 A-10 Worthogs shot down(Crew rescued)
6 Transport Helicopters Shot down
3 F/A-18 shot down
Estimated Mint Crisp Losses
9,800 KIA
14,200 WIA
2,540 Captured
20 Aircraft shot down
40 Helicopters shot down
300 Armored Vehicales Immobilized/Destroyed/Damaged
100 Main Battle Tanks Destroyed
50 Towed Artillery Destroyed
*Note:Due to unorganized attacks much equiptment has been captured by AIS Forces.
Whos whatis
25-06-2004, 11:18
OOC: They were put on notice and all they did on their message board was post the thread then decide they needed to password protect the region. The Region of Mint Crisp as a whole is losing any credibility in the internation community by not responding. Guess we were more than successful in surprising them and disrupting their communications than we thought. :wink:
OOC some of us haven't posted because we're not really into roleplay also Mint Crisp has be deleted, do you know of any reason why. I have read some of what you've written down its pretty good reading, well done.
Conservative Patriots
25-06-2004, 20:28
OOC: mint crisp has been deleted for the fact that he antagonized the attack. Insetad of saying "Im sorry, buyt I will not fight b/c I do not rp, he proceeded to use words I will not repeat. This caused us to go to war, he ignored the attacks, then again used foul language, pissed off a mod and got deleted. As such I take it you do not roleplay?
26-06-2004, 18:47
OOC: They were put on notice and all they did on their message board was post the thread then decide they needed to password protect the region. The Region of Mint Crisp as a whole is losing any credibility in the internation community by not responding. Guess we were more than successful in surprising them and disrupting their communications than we thought. :wink:
OOC some of us haven't posted because we're not really into roleplay also Mint Crisp has be deleted, do you know of any reason why. I have read some of what you've written down its pretty good reading, well done.
In addition, Mint Crisp was deleted mainly because it flamed several members of the AIS. There were antagonistic messages and bad language used not in role play but in personal attacks. All could have been avoided had we been advised that MC or the region did not wish to role play. But we thank you for your compliments of our role playing. Should you or any of your allies wish to either join us at AIS, or role play with us in the future (either friend or foe) just let us know. We all enjoy ythe game and the RP'ing makes it much more enjoyable. :-)
Whos whatis
27-06-2004, 13:23
. As such I take it you do not roleplay?
No sadly not, the only roleplay i do is within NS with the nations i use. i was not aware of his bad language,that should not be tolerated anywhere and i will not associate myself with it.
Most of the issues came from the telegrams he sent us, that's where the flamebaiting came out of, and if you can go through the game without roleplaying than more power to you :)