Lindimese Elections, Q&A with the Candidates
OOC: After a week, the candidates will make their closing statements and then you guys can be the Lindimese voters and decide. I am RPing both of the candidates. For a news summary and background go here ( and click on "News." And heck, click on everything else too!
TNC Reporter: Welcome to today's town hall meeting with this year's Prime Minister candidates. We have the incumbent, Prime Minister Intry Fuego of the Libertarian Party, and Thy Garcs, nominated by his Conservative Socialist Party and the Liberal Democratic Nationalists. Good evening!
Both: Good evening.
TNC Reporter: Tonight the format will work like this. Anyone can phone in or email a question to both or a specific candidate, and they will respond. A candidate can interject whenever he, sorry, or she, wants.
Well, while we wait for the questions to come in, here is a word from our sponsors!
Advertisement: For years, the aWen Company has been providing you with quality internet services and televsion programming. Now we are...
OOC: Okay, go ahead!
OOC: Err... be interested even if I am smaller than you by an exponential. Other threads like this have been rather popular, and I figured I liked to do in-depth roleplays so I have the website and this and...
OOC: Bump. Don't worry, the advertisments aren't over yet.
OOC: Ehh, everybody loves polls so... asks:
What are your positions on abortion and underage sex?
Intry Fuego: [Laughs] Well, you certainly don't skip around things then, do you? Well, I believe that everyone woman has the right do with her body as she may, and if she feels an abortion is necessary then she should do it. Religious ideals in this debate should be kept to each person's decisions, not the government's. However, I must stress that abortion is not a form of birth control, it is a serious matter. As is sex. Kids do it anyways. [Laughs again] Though I believe we should not get involved in their personal lives, I always try to educate them about the consequences of pregnancy at such a young age.
Thy Garcs: I must disagree with the Prime Minister on this matter. Abortion is not a decision that can be so easily thought of, we are talking about a human life here! Abortion can only be justified when the mother's health is threatened by the birth of the baby, and the medical evidence supporting that is conclusive. As for sex, well, I don't get any. [Laughs] Anyways, I believe is is the duty of every parent to stress the seriousness that sex has in a relationship, and why they should not have it until the are ready for parenthood.
TNC Reporter: Good question! Do we have any others?
Karnst Kantina asks:
"Hello. I was wondering what sort of changes toward military and law enforcement may take place should you get into office."
Thy Garcs: I assume you're talking about me, then? Well, personally, I believe too much police power has been placed in the hands of the corporations, they pretty much police themselves and certain cities. I would reconsolidate power back to the government, and then establish a police force based on peaceful resolvement of issues, not violence first. Though of course, our police should be armed and prepared to protect themselves. The military, well, it is not so much as what I would do with the miltary as how I would use it. We have great potential, but our military has apparently been built up to just sit there, passively. In a chaotic would such as this one, we have a duty to protect all humans rights, and stop tyranny before it starts. And our current policy of non-nuclear weapons is a-
Intry Fuego: We do not need them, we have a relatively safe ABM system! Also, we cannot police the world, though I have proven in the Rotovian conflict I would be willing to use our military to stop imperialistic threats to sovereign countries.
"What was that about nuclear weapons?"
Thy Garcs: I believe that only a nuclear deterrant can protect us against these WMD happy states. We cannot rely on other countries, even our allies, or a fallible ABM system!
Fuego: But if we had nuclear weapons we would simply be encouraging the spread of them. We can rely on our allies, which is why they are our allies.
19-06-2004, 18:40
"Emmet Reid, Thracian Times. Would the candidates elaborate on their foreign policy aims?"
Fuego: Gladly. [Smiles] I believe that what I have done in foreign relationships and foreign policy in general is the wisest choice of action for Lindim. We should become deeply involved in international alliances and affairs, and continue to support TAPRES and the IADF, but try to withhold military support unless absolutely necessary. In this world, alliances can only strenghten a country, especially economically, but the overuse of a military can also kill a country.
Garcs: If we rely too much on foreign countries, we are putting our country's stability and well-being, even our existance, in someone else's countrol. We should only become allies when we truely have to and can trust a country, not just 'because.' In a world such as this, the best choice for Lindim is to be self-sufficient.
Fuego: But without allies, where would are protection come from?
Garcs: Nuclear weapons of course! As I said before, the best way to protect ourselves is to develop nuclear weapons, not trust the IADF or whoever else.
19-06-2004, 22:53
Are you a capitilists, socialists, fascist or communist.
OOC: If you checked the website I provided, you will see that Fuego is a libertarian capitalizt, whereas Garcs is a conservative socialist. Both abhor fascism, due to previous Lindimese history.
OOC: Bump.
TNC Reporter: And now a message from our sponsors!
West Scotland
19-06-2004, 23:43 asks:
What are your positions on abortion and underage sex? Not
West Scotland believes whoever the people vote for should be prime minister.
The Island of Rose
20-06-2004, 00:08
Yes, I am Lostalivad Talisholibad some questions from the Rosian Times.
Will you export to other nations?
What is your stance on religion?
Will you increase taxes? If so for what?
Will you work towards civil rights or the economy?
What is your stance on the enviroment?
Who is the sexier candidate?
OOC: Sorry, just wanted to ask those.
OOC: Sexier? Intry Fuego if you are a straight guy. She is a very young, okay-looking female, while Thy Garcs is a fifty-something year old ex-soldier with graying hair. Sorry about the short answers, but that is a lot of questions there, Rose.
Garcs: [Laughs] Of course we both support exporting to other nations! I mean, we have a storefront and such, but the question is what you do with the money itself.
Fuego: I believe in rewarding those who worked for it-
Garcs: Without a safety net. I believe in spreading the wealth so all of Linidm can prosper. The socialistic policies can only help Lindim-
Fuego: But it takes from those who have worked hard to earn it. Capitalizm rewards those who succeed. As for religion, every one has the right to worship as they choose, and the government cannot, and will not interfere with that. It is a basic right.
Garcs: But you allow fake preachers to drive around in expensive cars they bought with money from theri followers, and you give them tax breaks!
Fuego: The government has always exempted religious causes from taxes, it would be too Orwellian if we did not.
TNC: Let's move on to taxes.
Fuego: Taxes are a policy that only hurt Lindimese citizens and make the government too powerful. Once we had no taxes, and I intend to keep our tax rate low. Otherwise it would be stealing money from those who earned it.
Garcs: But it creates a wall between the have's and have nots. The government needs more taxes, and needs to direct it towards social welfare to help those in need, the same we have been abandoning for years!
Fuego: We are giving them the chance in a capitaliztic society to advance and take charge of their lives!
Garcs: No, you let them die while the wealthy live opulent lifestyles!
TNC Reporter: Whoa, hey now... Now we have civil rights versus economy versus environment.
Fuego: If you look at how the UN rates us now, you will see that we have both superb civil rights and an all-consuming economy. They are not mutually exclusive, I had advanced both of them in my four years in office.
Garcs: And yet the corporations rule everything!
Fuego: The people want it so! They want a quality life, and they want strong companies, so we gave the corporations more rights, as they deserve.
Garcs: And the environment? You have put the tiger as an endangered species.
Fuego: And yet it is still alive, along with some rainforests, because I found a way to balance the economy and the environment. We are preserving them on specially quarantined islands, along with the rainforests.
Garcs: [Laughs] All four of them!
Fuego: We have also cleaned up air emission with the use of hydroelectric dams, and ethanol facilities.
TNC Reporter: And who is sexier?
Garcs and Fuego: ...
TNC Reporter: And that's the cue for our break, be right back!
20-06-2004, 01:42 asked:
What are your positions on the free market and trade between nations? Do you support tariffs? Regulations? Income redistribution?
Fuego: Well, everyone here knows I am a staunchly pro-free trade and pro-Capitalizm [Garcs laughs] but I want to point out that a reduction, nay, even an abolishment of tariffs eventually benefits all sides, as competition increases quality, decreases price, and gives citizens more of a choice. Regulations against monopolies are necessary and proper to keep competition, and we do need safe workplaces, but too much stifle companies and the economy. I'm not even going to adress the last point, that's for my opponent to address. [Laughs]
Garcs: Well, yes, I am a Socialist. Income redistribution is the only way to assure the well-being and rights of Lindimese citizens, so everyone can benefit from our country's prosperity, not just the rich fat cats. I am not necessarily against globalism or free trade, but I do believe tariffs are necessary to protect native businesses and the jobs of the workers. Regulations are a must, as corporations would get out of hand, as they are now, without them.
Nova Hope
20-06-2004, 04:35
Hello I'm Jiang han Xu with NWN.
With co-operation with your nation and mine on the rise and the organization of TAPRES beginning to take its first steps one has to wonder what your goal for Lindim inside TAPRES is. What are your plans for this organization while it is still in its malleable infancy? Do you support the mission statement of TAPRES?
Fuego: I assume you are talking to me. Well, Lindim's goal at the moment is to help get TAPRES off the ground, so to speak, and make sure the communications are working. We also want to make sure TAPRES will become a democratic, not an autocratic alliance. In the long term, our goal within TAPRES is to spread the ideals of the mission statement and to try advance the state of human knowledge by working with other nations. We want to develop technologies that will help man, not kill him. And that is what TAPRES ia all about, right? So yes, I do support the mission statement of TAPRES.
OOC: Unless something drastic happens, Garcs is opposed to becoming to involved in TAPRES, though he agrees with the principles of it.
Nova Hope
20-06-2004, 04:46
And Mister Garc, what would your postion, if elected, be on TAPRES?
Garcs: Well, personally I understand and support the prinicples of TAPRES, the world does need an alliance such as that. However, I feel we have become too involved in it and have begun to neglect our own citizens, and we need to concentrate on that first. So, if elected, I would limit our responsibility within it and concentrate more on domestic affairs, though we would still be a member.
The Island of Rose
20-06-2004, 04:57
This is Lostalivad Talisholibad again (girl), this is for Garcs. If you were to be elected, would you join the International? One of the premier socialist organizations? Also, this is for both candidates, how would you organize the military?
OOC: Rosians are eccentric O_o
OOC: I have noticed. I mean, your capitalizt terrorist thread? Really now... Oh, and you can see our military at the Lindimese webpage listed in my original post.
Garcs: That is an alliance I would join as the obligations are none, we would lose no sovereignity, yet we could acquire some military protection from other Socialist countries.
Fuego: I thought you said we shouldn't rely on foreign countries.
Garcs: We wouldn't, we would still have our military but also some protection from threats. About the second part of your question... Um, I wouldn't organize it any differently, it's the use of it. We would be more involved and pro-active, not just let our ships and planes rust away.
Fuego: We don't let them rust! We have special steel! [Laughter from audience and Garcs] No, we do use our military, but we do not stretch ourselves thin, which I am attempting to explain to Garcs here.
Schultaria Prime
20-06-2004, 05:17
Hello, I am Aeoife Caspar from the Schultarian Hifex State News Agency.
As the world requires increasingly specialized skilled personnel, our nation would like to know about the candidates' views on the policies of education and any deficiencies therein. Is your education system prepared to teach your future generations the skills necessary to compete in the global stage, and, if no, what steps would you take to insure the intellectual prosperity of the Lindimese citizenry?
And a specific question for Mister Garcs: As your nation is one of the most active trading partners with the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime, we would like to know your views on the current trading policies of both processed goods and international services between our two nations. Do you feel that the current policies of TAPRES and the Designwerks Connexion help to better serve your nation, or would a greater deal of regulation be in order to insure Lindimese economic security?
OOC: Going to answer the second question first.
Garcs: I don't necessarily feel they are mutually exclusiv, protectionistic policies and TAPRES and such. While I may want to protect Lindimese industries, if only you can supply us with the nuclear plants or supercomputers we need, then I will trade with you. The tariffs and refulations are merely meant to give Lindimese a fighting chance of keeping their job and business.
Fuego: You bring up an interesting point in reference to the education. A problem in most countries is that the educational system is amazingly underfunded, stopping their youth from receiving the education they need. We let corporations fund the schools, in return for making the scool uniforms carry their logo. It allows our schools to hire quality teachers and have the proper eqipment and buildings to teach properly. [Smiles] My own daughter goes to a S&y sponsored school, which has always received high marks in international tests.
Garcs: But there is no system in place to help those who are older and need an education, or young kkids who lived in poverty. We need to create a strong, federal-run program of schools from K to the university level to ensure that our kids, and adults, can get an education no matter their socioeconomic level.
Fuego: But if the government ran schools, it would be almost like brainwashing! There would be nothing to stop them!
Garcs: The companies brainwash brand loyalty in our kids now! It's-
TNC Reporter: Time for another break!
20-06-2004, 18:28
"Another question to both candidates: Do you support Lindim's continued membership of the United Nations? If so, why; if not, why not?"
Fuego: Well, as you know Lindim has had an ambivalent relationship with the UN in the past, and we pulled out for a while, because we felt the UN was imposing on Lindimese civil rights. However, we rejoined because we feel that no matter how misguided some of its resolutions may be, the proper course of action is to hold intelligent debates on the subject matter, not immaturely pull out. Even when FWs was a member. [Laughter]
Garcs: We need to embrace the UN's decisions, because the international community is the place to decide the fate of the world, and-
Fuego: Wait, didn't you just say we had to mantain our independance from organizations like the UN?
Garcs: If, in an extreme case, the UN does pose a threat, we may withdraw. But until then, we approve and plant to stay in it. If I was Prime Minister, that is.
OOC: The UN was becoming socialist for a while, which is why Lindim pulled out; needless to say, Fuego is a nice person and rejoined. However, Garcs still supports its resolutions more than she does, in general.